Microsoft retail store gets odd viral marketing buzz



  • Reply 61 of 126
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Proven again that white people in general can't dance.

    Proven again that you have lived isolated from the rest of the world. You probably have never left your country. Your opinion is probably shapen by movies and tv shows. And everything what your friends tell you is true. Good luck in life.
  • Reply 62 of 126
    Originally Posted by MacShack View Post

    Proven again that you have lived isolated from the rest of the world. You probably have never left your country. Your opinion is probably shapen by movies and tv shows. And everything what your friends tell you is true. Good luck in life.

    Well I'm a white guy. And I can't dance worth nothing.
  • Reply 63 of 126
    Originally Posted by MacShack View Post

    Proven again that you have lived isolated from the rest of the world. You probably have never left your country. Your opinion is probably shapen by movies and tv shows. And everything what your friends tell you is true. Good luck in life.

    dude relax, its not that serious, and actually a pretty common thing to say in the states (mostly by white people poking fun at themselves). get over yourself, he was making a joke.
  • Reply 64 of 126
    Ahh yes... another FAILED marketing attempt by Microsoft. I'd love to give them some credit at some point, but they just make it so hard to.

    Their campaigns and this attempt at whatever it is seems pathetic. Ladies and gentlemen... welcome to TGI Fridays. How does this help you sell anything?
  • Reply 65 of 126
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    Be sure to check out the woman in the white shirt shop-lifting an item at the 2:15 mark.

    Holy shit!
  • Reply 66 of 126
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Proven again that white people in general can't dance.

    Originally Posted by ortal View Post

    dude relax, its not that serious, and actually a pretty common thing to say in the states (mostly by white people poking fun at themselves). get over yourself, he was making a joke.

    And jokes are suppose to be funny.

    I know it's a common thing to say on the other side of the Atlantic ocean. And a "white" guy , as you seem to call yourselves, saying this only makes it worse. In America where the black and white view still plays a big role in society. It isn't funny. It's terms and sayings have deep roots in racism and segragation (apartheid). Any well educated person should know better. The more you fuel it, yes even in (seemingly innocent) jokes, the longer the flames remain. It's just an point on my agenda to confront such remarks. People have sometimes no idea where these things come from. Just think about it.
  • Reply 67 of 126
    Whats worse is how long it is, over 4 min!!!!!

    I hate it when they dance or sing for 15 sec in a store.

    Good God the poor employees, "Was this raise I got for leaving Apple worth the loss of my dignity?"
  • Reply 68 of 126
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    Be sure to check out the woman in the white shirt shop-lifting an item at the 2:15 mark.

    I don't know what she was holding, but at the end her and the employee high five!!!!

    It was a INSIDE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this whole thing. hahahaha
  • Reply 69 of 126
    Originally Posted by ChrisRankin View Post

    Painful to watch. Seems so forced.

    The skinny guy in blue must be the dance instructor they brought in for this 'spontaneous' dancing.
  • Reply 70 of 126
    Really, as others have said, how embarrassing. I totally cringed when I started watching this. It's so forced... and STUPID! Do these people have no self respect?

    As for the blogger thing, Microsoft again shows it just doesn't get it. The buzz and excitement Apple creates is real and authentic. As much as this fake blogging thing is a somewhat innovative idea, the implementation will backfire as the sentiments are NOT authentic. It's like Microsoft is again trying to duplicate Apple's look and feel... by paying people to fake it.

    Soooo dumbass!

    Thanks Microsoft. I'm not going to be able to listen to that song without seeing this video in my head. Uuuggggghhhhh.
  • Reply 71 of 126
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    A thought about these "viral" marketing campaigns:

    They are FRAUD.

    They feature actors that are not identified as actors. They portray themselves as "real people," when in fact they are characters created by a company for the purpose of selling product. The difference between this and traditional advertising is that everyone knows what an advertisement is. This is deceptive, and intentionally so.

    That is, unless Slavin is a "real" person? I don't think so.


    I was absolutely floored by this experience, Microsoft has made a bold move to capture new market share. I ordered a copy of Windows 7 Ultimate edition ? I have been a hard core Mac person for the past five years, I completely bypassed the Windows Vista experience but something is telling me that I am at a precipice looking directly into the future. Oh, and I just canceled my order for the 27inch iMac quad, I need a little time to think it over.

    Its easy to see that Microsoft primarily is a software company committed to changing the world through technical innovation and that Apple is a hardware company that is changing the world through design innovations. They need each other to push the limits of their own visions.

    Righto, jackasses. You just happened to mention your iMac order cancelation, the fact that you didn't know MS had a store, and that you are a "hardcore" Mac person. This has the dancing, sweating, screaming monkey-like CEO written all over it.
  • Reply 72 of 126
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    Be sure to check out the woman in the white shirt shop-lifting an item at the 2:15 mark.

    Holy crap that's hilarious!! She was right on it!

    Part of me has to wonder if that was staged too, "Windows 7 is so great I just had to steal it, like totally!" Or maybe it's a statement regarding how most people will actually obtain a copy of Windows 7!

    I get Windows 7 free through my work and have used it quite a bit...for work. It will never replace OS X as my primary OS, it still lacks just about everything I love about OS X (Clean, Simple, Secure, yet oh so extendable!).
  • Reply 73 of 126
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    a new viral ad campaign is gushing about fun retail employees who start spontaneously line dancing to the Black Eyed Peas.

    Now THAT makes me just want to get up & run straight to a MS Store.


    Not sure whether to or here.

    Personally, I think I'd rather be body-cavity checked by goons in MSN butterfly suits, than watch anyone break into spontaneous dance over anything MS. (Er that is anything besides a collapse & liquidation. )
  • Reply 74 of 126
    This is what they do at Texas Roadhouse Restaurants. I'm all for fun and enjoy dancing but can Microsoft come up with their own ideas for once. They copy Apple's stores, iPods, OS and now they copy Texas Roadhouse dancing.
  • Reply 75 of 126
    I think its awesome that they are trying to energetic and youthful.. The big difference is apple store reps are energetic about the actual product.. not about causing a scene.. oh well
  • Reply 76 of 126
    -ag--ag- Posts: 123member
    Originally Posted by MadIvan;

    The skinny guy in blue must be the dance instructor they brought in for this 'spontaneous' dancing.

    If people wanted to question the videos authenticity all you have to do is notice the skinny chick is leading the whole store. Notice they are all looking to her when they get lost.

    It's like one of them Japanese workplace fitness videos. Just full of fatties.

    As for the blog. Well that says it all. He is a blogger. As far as we can tell he could be some 350 pound 13 year old sitting in his mums basement Internet trolling for shitz and giggles ( as they all seem to have the need to do).

    The problem with using blogs as journalistic reference material. Is they usually have no formal training and grasp of convention(and no i'm not talking the comicon kind).

    But this is when credible news sources need to step up to the plate. At least with printed media there was some knowledge that the person writing the article was at least partially trained.

    And don't even get me started on sites like 9to5google.... I mean mac. Seths own compterworld bio states he is a google fan etc etc but yet runs a mac blog filled with google news. What a coinsidence.
  • Reply 77 of 126
    Originally Posted by canucklehead View Post

    Really, as others have said, how embarrassing. I totally cringed when I started watching this. It's so forced... and STUPID! Do these people have no self respect?

    As for the blogger thing, Microsoft again shows it just doesn't get it. The buzz and excitement Apple creates is real and authentic. As much as this fake blogging thing is a somewhat innovative idea, the implementation will backfire as the sentiments are NOT authentic. It's like Microsoft is again trying to duplicate Apple's look and feel... by paying people to fake it.

    Soooo dumbass!

    Thanks Microsoft. I'm not going to be able to listen to that song without seeing this video in my head. Uuuggggghhhhh.

    Yep, the operative words being, 'cringed' and 'forced.' I found it very hard to watch. Had to turn it off after about 45 seconds!

    Notice how many of the customers are just sort of looking and seem 'a little embarrassed' for the employees!

    It's tech companies like MS (and Chucky Cheese) that make Apple look so good!

    Is it just me or is MS Retail a train wreck?
  • Reply 78 of 126
    How absolutely pathetic.

    But ya gotta love the chick in the white-colored t-shirt, who rips off a copy of what appears to be software, while the staff are too busy dancing, then gets a "high five", apparently the new form of latent acknowledgement of her five finger discount, and quietly disappears.

    Simply beautiful.
  • Reply 79 of 126
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    A thought about these "viral" marketing campaigns:

    They are FRAUD.

    They feature actors that are not identified as actors. They portray themselves as "real people," when in fact they are characters created by a company for the purpose of selling product. The difference between this and traditional advertising is that everyone knows what an advertisement is. This is deceptive, and intentionally so.

    That is, unless Slavin is a "real" person? I don't think so.

    Righto, jackasses. You just happened to mention your iMac order cancelation, the fact that you didn't know MS had a store, and that you are a "hardcore" Mac person. This has the dancing, sweating, screaming monkey-like CEO written all over it.

    I know - I'm just wondering if he has been such a hardcore Mac person that was swayed to Windows greatness by a "spontaneous" line dance, he could at least run Windows 7 on that Quad core iMac, and not have to cancel the order!
  • Reply 80 of 126
    Originally Posted by sippincider View Post

    Now THAT makes me just want to get up & run straight to a MS Store.


    Not sure whether to or here.

    Personally, I think I'd rather be body-cavity checked by goons in MSN butterfly suits, than watch anyone break into spontaneous dance over anything MS. (Er that is anything besides a collapse & liquidation. )

    I think the only thing more repulsive would be being forced to watch these clown fatties doing body shots! [shudders]
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