Microsoft retail store gets odd viral marketing buzz



  • Reply 81 of 126
    Originally Posted by Tofino View Post

    i don't think that's fair to baboons on crack!

    Well, to be fair...

    Their fearless leader, Ballmer, IS a baboon on crack!

    How else can you explain his spasmodic dancing appearances at Microsoft events?
  • Reply 82 of 126
    ylonylon Posts: 50member
    WOW, that was horrible. Everything was forced all the way around, including his writing. Indeed, c'est pitiable.
  • Reply 83 of 126
    these fat employees in the video really need some aerobic lessons, I agree, but during their shift?

    or perhaps they were forced to eat that win7 sandwich sold by the Japanese BK on the first week?

    So, if someone enters in that MS store and needs some help, would have to wait until the end of the song?

    you know, for attracting attention they need to show anything but not the MS products. Well done!

    btw, to attract attention, this aerobic lesson wouldn't be such a bad idea, if there were pretty girls dancing as we can see at gyms through the window, yeah, that attracts attention.
  • Reply 84 of 126
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    Be sure to check out the woman in the white shirt shop-lifting an item at the 2:15 mark.

    I looked at it over and over trying to give her the benefit of doubt that maybe she was just putting something she already had in hand into her purse. But it does seem like shoplifting, the item looks very similar to what is on that display area... HILARIOUS!!!!!!!

    Uhhh... if you are dancing for 5 minutes, how do you help customers and answer their questions? If I was there I'd leave... don't care about dancing, I came to get info or buy a product. Poor MS, always trying to be fun and cool... Apple envy is a mutha.
  • Reply 85 of 126
    OMG thats painful, whats wrong with these people!
  • Reply 86 of 126
    Originally Posted by Daniel001 View Post

    Suddenly all the staff who jumped ship from Apple to Microsoft realise their mistake.

    No I think they realized their mistake when the showed up for work the first day.
  • Reply 87 of 126
    Originally Posted by macmondo View Post

    if there were pretty girls dancing as we can see at gyms through the window, yeah, that attracts attention.

    MS: buy Hooters.

    Then be sure to use preschool-sized furnishings and fixtures. Stuff that's low to the ground.

    Or maybe require the hostesses to have miniskirts, and have ultra-polished floors.

    MS, if you're gonna try to distract us from what these stores really represent, at least do it right.
  • Reply 88 of 126
    Yes if you call the fact that I sent a link to the video to all my friends urging them to watch the painful farce in the hopes of making them chuckle, then yes, it is has been a successful viral campaign.
  • Reply 89 of 126
    666666 Posts: 134member
  • Reply 90 of 126
    Originally Posted by MacShack View Post

    And jokes are suppose to be funny.

    I know it's a common thing to say on the other side of the Atlantic ocean. And a "white" guy , as you seem to call yourselves, saying this only makes it worse. In America where the black and white view still plays a big role in society. It isn't funny. It's terms and sayings have deep roots in racism and segragation (apartheid). Any well educated person should know better. The more you fuel it, yes even in (seemingly innocent) jokes, the longer the flames remain. It's just an point on my agenda to confront such remarks. People have sometimes no idea where these things come from. Just think about it.

    But it's still true.
  • Reply 91 of 126
    macnycmacnyc Posts: 342member
    I guess we now know that Teckstud and Brad Slavin are one in the same...
  • Reply 92 of 126
    I'm a PC, and I just threw up in my mouth.
  • Reply 93 of 126
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by MacShack View Post

    And jokes are suppose to be funny.

    I know it's a common thing to say on the other side of the Atlantic ocean. And a "white" guy , as you seem to call yourselves, saying this only makes it worse. In America where the black and white view still plays a big role in society. It isn't funny. It's terms and sayings have deep roots in racism and segragation (apartheid). Any well educated person should know better. The more you fuel it, yes even in (seemingly innocent) jokes, the longer the flames remain. It's just an point on my agenda to confront such remarks. People have sometimes no idea where these things come from. Just think about it.

    Man, you need either a "chill pill" or an enema, I'm not sure which. Let's not be so quick to play "the race card". I'm a "white guy" and I thought it was funny.
  • Reply 94 of 126
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    my thoughts, this is ok at a western style restaurant with peanuts on the floor

    but this is a distraction from any products they are trying to sell....happy in this context isn't if they sold a good burger...well then
  • Reply 95 of 126
    Originally Posted by 666 View Post


    Not embarrassing, because no one's ever going to find out they're down here. 'Cause you're gonna spot 'em and you're gonna air 'em out!
  • Reply 96 of 126
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    Be sure to check out the woman in the white shirt shop-lifting an item at the 2:15 mark.

    Awesome! Great catch. Got to hand it to her though, she stuck it out through the entire dance.
  • Reply 97 of 126
    Viral buzz? It's kind of like when somebody doesn't realize everyone is laughing at them and not with them.
  • Reply 98 of 126
    I'm a marketing professional and the thing about successful viral marketing is that people have to believe that something special was caught on film by accident. The fact that it was a lucky accident is what makes it special.

    The fact that a dozen people are dancing in sync should be considered proof that something is not spontaneous.

    I worked at an Apple store and we danced all the time. The difference was it was always only one or two people and it was when the store was empty.

    Whoever pointed out that this "viral" ad is like an old uncle trying to seem hip has hit the nail right on the head. There's a right and a wrong way to conduct guerilla marketing. Everytime M$ does something like this, they show just how out of touch they are.
  • Reply 99 of 126
    "chief conversion officer"

    "search engine optimization company"

    Ugh, makes me want to puke.
  • Reply 100 of 126
    oh the humanity!

    that is effin hilarious.

    R-E-C-Y-C-L-E recycle! if it was spontaneous, then how does everyone know all the steps?

    compare to what apple has to do to get a crowd lined up down the block for days ... release a product!

    someone should tell that tool slavin that if he's been away from [the platform] for a while then there is NO WAY that windows 7 will run on his p.o.s.. dude, you better get a new computer! you oughta get the 27" iMac, it'll probably run windows 7 faster than any dell could!

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