Microsoft retail store gets odd viral marketing buzz



  • Reply 121 of 126
    Originally Posted by mcloki View Post

    Completey Agree. Peopl are talking about MS ads. Now the talk is not favourable in the least. But MS isn't looking to be universally loved. It's looked to not be ignored.

    Look at their Win 7 TV campaign. The only bright spot in it is when the "customer" has a flashback and they see themselves as leaner, more beautiful people. I find that funny in a "Family Guy" sort of way.

    I was wondering if that's what they were trying to do in those commercials. The thing that confused me is that the girl Angela that is sitting in the Starbucks-like cafe is much cuter than the person in her flashback.
  • Reply 122 of 126
    Painful to watch. (like a video of a guy getting hit in the crotch) Have you ever been to Mission Viejo? It's one of the few places this contrived act might acutally work. Good luck on that hip new image Micro&Soft, you're still impotent to me.

    Im gonna go host a totally real multi cultured windohs 7 party now.
  • Reply 123 of 126
    1) As a customer, it would be really annoying if I had a question, and the M$ person helping me said, "Um hang on, I gotta do this thing." and then left me hanging for 5 minutes while he/she did the line dancing thing.

    2) As a M$ employee, I'd be annoyed if I was working with a customer, and suddenly had to abandon him/her (and possibly lose a potential sale) for five minutes to do the line dancing thing.

    3) I wonder how many times they had to stay after hours to rehearse the "spontaneous" line dancing thing?

    Bonus point: Oh, the humanity!!!

  • Reply 124 of 126
    Originally Posted by DanielSW

    Well, they have plenty of room to dance around, unencumbered by customers.

    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    You mean, "unencumbered by LACK of customers".

    No, Rot'n. Unencumbered = being free of an encumbrance.

    The usage is "unencumbered" + "by" + attribute. "Attribute" is usually a burden, and so the phrase "unencumbered by" usually connotes freedom from something burdensome: eg, Unencumbered by History. Having said that, "attribute" can be a positive quality such as beauty, when the phrase is used humourously (eg, the famously hideous Dr Evil is "unencumbered by beauty").

    Here, the customers are the encumbrance.

    To say "unencumbered by lack of customers" simply does not make sense, in the context of DanielSW's post.

    So DanielSW is right. It is the state of being unencumbered by customers, ie being customers-free, that gives a fat or big-bapped drone the liberty (and the space) to get DOWN.

    Bottom line: if you are going to be snide about someone's English usage, at least be right.
  • Reply 125 of 126
    dluxdlux Posts: 666member
    Originally Posted by Dr_Evil View Post

    Bottom line: if you are going to be snide about someone's English usage, at least be right.

    <late to the party>

    "If you are going to be snide about someone's English usage, at least becorrect."

  • Reply 126 of 126
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    <late to the party>

    "If you are going to be snide about someone's English usage, at least becorrect."


    Be correct, be right - whatever floats your boat.
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