AT&T ranks last in Consumer Reports mobile service survey



  • Reply 81 of 117
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    Get with the program. Most everyone else in the world is running iPhone OS 3.1.2, with a newer baseband, too.

    He quoted you the info about the YouTube video since you suggested it may be jailbroken. That video was uploaded back with v3.0 was the newest.
  • Reply 82 of 117
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    He quoted you the info about the YouTube video since you suggested it may be jailbroken. That video was uploaded back with v3.0 was the newest.

    To quote trek: "here is a perfect example of how bad the iphone service is..." (emphasis added)

    We have only the poster's word for it that the OS is 3.0 and the device is not jailbroken. He doesn't try rebooting to fix the problem. We really know nothing about what this iPhone has been through in its present boot cycle. Yes, the video was created July 14, 2009, when OS 3.0 was the latest, but 3.0.1 was available July 31, and version 3.1.2 is current. By definition then, the video does not provide a "perfect example" of how good/bad iPhone service is.
  • Reply 83 of 117
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I see your point, but I think it would just confuse people, hence the reason just shows the WiFI symbol when you using that for data.

    Speaking of confusing, I recounted a very intelligent iPhone owner who thought he was rarely getting 3G service, just because the wi-fi symbol was displayed instead of "3G". I leave it up to Apple to come up with the solution, but the present situation is certainly confusing and not ideal.


    The reason that showing the GPRS or EDGE symbols to know you are on GSM and showing the 3G symbol to know you are on UMTS or HSDPA is a moot point because signal strength is more important to making a call and accepting a call than the type of network you are on.

    Let's not get so technical, or someone might get confused. Simply put, 3G calls sound better (they also can consume more power). Isn't it important then to know if you've got 3G coverage independently of the wi-fi status?
  • Reply 84 of 117
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    I should have already watched YouTube clips presenting improvised carrier satisfaction survey having happened during some show... With all those big wheels, you know... AT&T came second, I remember...
  • Reply 85 of 117
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    I should have already watched YouTube clips presenting improvised carrier satisfaction survey having happened during some show... With all those big wheels, you know... AT&T came second, I remember...

    to the world i say with hand on heart and feet planted in american soil

    some area's in some places have very good coverage . verizon for example is fantastic in the canyons of new york's tall buildings . we are not complete assholes ya know . 8 million ny'ers try there phones all over town and afar and have found for NEW YORK VERIZON IS GOD / f-- spriny f- k att we said

    because for 10 or more yrs they have given shitty spotty bad coverage in nyc .before the data phones .



    also we took that same fantastic verizon phone to vegas or san fran miami st lou on and on and we saw ATT calls dropped and our calls held strong. look we all leave the hotel at the same time and board the bus to the trade show and we all call home >> the 4 verizon callers all got thru , no one else did . we was sitting in a flat large mega airport lot

    IN other parts of the country maybe verizon is weak and ATT strong


    the iphone users greedy use of data made ATTcoverage even worse

    ATT can't seem to get signals thru all the hundreds of skyscrapers of new york


    SO when verizon gets the iphone


    sales will soar



    ps i am no verizon fanboi i hate there billing

    all those added fake charges

    i have spoken

    heed my call
  • Reply 86 of 117
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    twe are not complete assholes ya know.

    Excellent rant, my boy! Capital, capital.

    Not that I know much what exactly you are, but I feel how sincere your zeal in delivering the truth 'bout the Big Apple is.

    P.S. We mean Apples no harm.
  • Reply 87 of 117
    Originally Posted by trev View Post

    you obviously feel the need to defend something that is faulty. resetting shouldn't be necessary, it should just work as advertised.

    Just like your parents wished you had been

    Obviously you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

    Resetting your iPhone is a Basic Troubleshooting guide.* Better you do some due diligence before you crap. There is a lot of evidence to support resetting:

  • Reply 88 of 117
    Wait, CR actually has 50k readers?!?! Umm, I just can't take a "survey" seriously when they poll their own readers especially when it's a magazine like CR. In other news 99% of MacWorld subscribers own Macs so obviously Windows is grossly over stating their market share /sarcasm/

    Aside from exit polls surveys have become deeply flawed and erroneous. It's either randomly calling people which cut out a huge chunk of people just because they don't answers calls from people they don't know or it's online which also cuts out tons of people or, as in this case, they only poll people who subscribe to their magazine. I've never known anyone, ever, who actually got CR. Seriously, ever.
  • Reply 89 of 117
    AT&T is the sole reason I don't have an iPhone. Miserable service, poor customer relations, spotty network coverage, and an absurd pricing structure for the iPhone (paying extra for SMS? Ridiculous! Weekends and evenings starting at 9pm? Absurd!). I can't wait for Apple to cut a deal with any other carrier.
  • Reply 90 of 117
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Its rants like this that loose context of the situation. To some degree all of the mobile carriers have spotty coverage somewhere. No one has 100% coverage everywhere. In the past two and a half years I've had an iPhone I can only recall calling customer service once and I cannot really recall going into an AT&T store for anything in particular. I activated my two iPhones right in the Apple Store. I cannot really rate AT&T's customer service because I haven't really used it.

    As far as the pricing structure, AT&T's is much the same as Verizon's. Most mobile phone users choose AT&T and Verizon. The only reason Sprint is so aggressive with its pricing is because its fighting for survival. You cannot compare AT&T's pricing to Sprint and say what AT&T is doing something ridiculous and absurd when its winning.

    Originally Posted by Bwana_Dik View Post

    AT&T is the sole reason I don't have an iPhone. Miserable service, poor customer relations, spotty network coverage, and an absurd pricing structure for the iPhone (paying extra for SMS? Ridiculous! Weekends and evenings starting at 9pm? Absurd!). I can't wait for Apple to cut a deal with any other carrier.

  • Reply 91 of 117
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    Update your iPhone's OS to 3.1.2.

    it is 3.1.2
  • Reply 92 of 117
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    it is 3.1.2

    A few explanations seem possible. Your location for the pic is in a building-dense area. Buildings more easily block the higher frequencies where 3G is provided but pass the lower frequency (850 MHz) where EDGE is provided. (AT&T is moving its 3G service more broadly to 850 MHz). Since you're also in a population dense area in the center of downtown Charlotte using your iPhone during a peak period (lunch hour), the demand for cellular services may have caused AT&T to drop your service level from 3G to EDGE. (Verizon doesn't service nearly the demand that AT&T does, because of the iPhone). And lastly of course, you might have 3G disabled.

    BTW: being on EDGE does not constitute a service outage.
  • Reply 93 of 117
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    Excellent rant, my boy! Capital, capital.

    Not that I know much what exactly you are, but I feel how sincere your zeal in delivering the truth 'bout the Big Apple is.

    P.S. We mean Apples no harm.

    A lament to all ATT clients .>>>>>>>>

    "There must be some way out of here," said the joker to the thief,

    "There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.

    Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth,

    None of them along the line know what any of it is worth."

    "No reason to get excited," the thief, he kindly spoke,

    "There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.

    But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate,

    So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."

    All along the watchtower, princes kept the view

    While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.

    Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,

    Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl.


    cheers dude

    i have no idea either who i am

    someone one day will hand me a card letting me know

    ATT  iphoners in nyc are a hopeless bunch

    every one in a while they get full 3G service ..yay !!

    right before that call get's dropped

    peace dude

  • Reply 94 of 117
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Its rants like this that loose context of the situation. To some degree all of the mobile carriers have spotty coverage somewhere. No one has 100% coverage everywhere. In the past two and a half years I've had an iPhone I can only recall calling customer service once and I cannot really recall going into an AT&T store for anything in particular. I activated my two iPhones right in the Apple Store. I cannot really rate AT&T's customer service because I haven't really used it.

    As far as the pricing structure, AT&T's is much the same as Verizon's. Most mobile phone users choose AT&T and Verizon. The only reason Sprint is so aggressive with its pricing is because its fighting for survival. You cannot compare AT&T's pricing to Sprint and say what AT&T is doing something ridiculous and absurd when its winning.

    loose ??





    ATT is cingular with a new name

    VERIZON inNYC is the 10,000 pound gorilla . signals that goes thru walls .even in moving subway cars

    cingular is a baby chimp still building towers in nyc

    changing there name did nothing about SKYSCRAPERS blocking signals . NYC is impossible to begin with
  • Reply 95 of 117
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    Wait, CR actually has 50k readers?!?! Umm, I just can't take a "survey" seriously when they poll their own readers especially when it's a magazine like CR. In other news 99% of MacWorld subscribers own Macs so obviously Windows is grossly over stating their market share /sarcasm/

    Aside from exit polls surveys have become deeply flawed and erroneous. It's either randomly calling people which cut out a huge chunk of people just because they don't answers calls from people they don't know or it's online which also cuts out tons of people or, as in this case, they only poll people who subscribe to their magazine. I've never known anyone, ever, who actually got CR. Seriously, ever.

    Yes, you have to understand the limitations of the surveys. And there are plenty of surveys like JD Power which have random samples and still rank Verizon the top and AT&T ranking near the bottom.

    ChangeWave surveys saying that iphone has a 99% satisfaction rating --- but their survey is only on ChangeWave member --- uber-geeks.

    Consumer Reports readers are a completely different animal --- they value best bang for the buck. These are the average Joes trying to find the best dishwashers. You have to remember that --- as a AppleInsider forum member --- you ain't the average Joe. You are part of the uber-geeks. You disagreeing with the average Joe (who is the basic Consumer Report subscriber) --- doesn't mean that their survey is flawed. The average Joe is going to look for value, quad-bundling, coverage issues...
  • Reply 96 of 117
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    A few explanations seem possible. Your location for the pic is in a building-dense area. Buildings more easily block the higher frequencies where 3G is provided but pass the lower frequency (850 MHz) where EDGE is provided. (AT&T is moving its 3G service more broadly to 850 MHz). Since you're also in a population dense area in the center of downtown Charlotte...

    There isn't much building density in downtown Charlotte. The density exists along a strip that's only two blocks wide and those maps and buildings are outside the strip.

    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    using your iPhone during a peak period (lunch hour), the demand for cellular services may have caused AT&T to drop your service level from 3G to EDGE.

    I get the same exact results at 5am when I go to the gym in the same spot. Occasional 3G, occasional No Service, lots of EDGE.

    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post might have 3G disabled.

    I do not ever disable 3G. I don't have the patience for EDGE.

    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    BTW: being on EDGE does not constitute a service outage.

    I realize that.

    Charlotte is one of six cities that's supposed to be upgraded by the end of the year. But I think it's speed that has been promised and not necessarily coverage.
  • Reply 97 of 117
    AT&T service here in Nashville is at best dodgy. It's very good at my house, but is substandard in many other local places, with dropped calls, almost no 3G, or it goes from 3G to Edge and back every minute or two.

    I will wait and see how AT&T performs in Birmingham AL; I am relocating for a new job at the start of the year. If it is better there, I may stay with them. If not, I will return to t-Mobile. Despite their small size I always had good coverage. It seems they have coverage agreements with everyone, right down to the companies so far in middle of nowhere that the towers are steam-powered or something. Customer service was always first-rate. The only beef I ever had was with the very bad phone I had; I was a Motorola RAZR victim, er, owner.

    Originally Posted by filburt View Post

    In my experience in northern California, AT&T is probably 3rd worst carrier ...

    But in terms of service, I think it is the worst. ...

    --- snip ---

    I find the in store service at T Mobile much better. The people there are much more pleasant to deal with and their products and services seem to be priced more reasonably. I'm going to check their bay are coverage map in the near future when I go to get a new cell phone.

  • Reply 98 of 117
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    Being that it is giving Verizon number 1 in customer service, I can discount the survey. T-Mobile yes, Verizon never. Verizon is the worst company in terms of how much it rapes it's customers.

    In another entry I refer to "going back to" t-Mobile. I TRIED to get a Verizon phone. When AT&T became Cingular, Cingular saw fit to make my pay-as-you-go AT&T phone virtually unusable. I was driving a pickup and trailer full of my belongings across AZ, NM, and TX in high summer, and did not want to be without a phone just in case. I pulled in to the Verizon store in Las Cruces NM, and asked for a phone, with a Nashville number, as this is where I was headed. "We can't do that." Why not? I can show proof of address. "That is out of our marketing area".

    I walked over to the t-Mobile store. "I want a cell phone with a Nashville TN phone number". "Yes sir? And...?" "You can do it?" The answer was they'd fire up a phone for me, get a Las Cruces number, then call in and get it changed manually to a Nashville number. The entire visit - in the door to out with a Nashville-based phone - took less than 15 minutes.
  • Reply 99 of 117
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by The Friendly Grizzly View Post

    In another entry I refer to "going back to" t-Mobile. I TRIED to get a Verizon phone. When AT&T became Cingular, Cingular saw fit to make my pay-as-you-go AT&T phone virtually unusable. I was driving a pickup and trailer full of my belongings across AZ, NM, and TX in high summer, and did not want to be without a phone just in case. I pulled in to the Verizon store in Las Cruces NM, and asked for a phone, with a Nashville number, as this is where I was headed. "We can't do that." Why not? I can show proof of address. "That is out of our marketing area".

    I walked over to the t-Mobile store. "I want a cell phone with a Nashville TN phone number". "Yes sir? And...?" "You can do it?" The answer was they'd fire up a phone for me, get a Las Cruces number, then call in and get it changed manually to a Nashville number. The entire visit - in the door to out with a Nashville-based phone - took less than 15 minutes.

    These people are paid by sales commissions --- they ain't going to spend the time and energy on a out-of-town pay-as-you-go customer, especially when there are tons of people waiting to sign 2 year contracts (that paid a lot of commissions).
  • Reply 100 of 117
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    These people are paid by sales commissions --- they ain't going to spend the time and energy on a out-of-town pay-as-you-go customer, especially when there are tons of people waiting to sign 2 year contracts (that paid a lot of commissions).

    Is Verizon so busy that they want their employees to turn away customers that have an atypical request because there are "tons of people waiting to sign 2 year contracts?? I can understand if you simply stated that Verizon?s policy is to only setup phones within the area code you are in as I can see some legitimate reasons for that policy, but to defend Verizon for having their employees to first serve customers who are willing to pay more is pretty outrageous.
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