Google issues custom unlocked phones ahead of rumored Jan. launch



  • Reply 61 of 344
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    How did it set a standard for web browsing? All it showed is that as usual Apple fanatics are just that even when it comes to browsing the web all day long. The success of the iPhone is also going to be its downfall. ATT is already considering putting a cap on data plans if if Apple can only go to TMobile in the US after that the iPhone is going to make a great door stop.

    Carriers aren't going to put millions into their network just because iPhone users don't have a life and do nothing but surf the web all day long. When they start putting limits on usage its going to kill the iPhone. TMobile can barely handle what that have now and Verizon wants nothing to do with this mess.

    The iPhone has peaked. It didn't put anyone one out of business, its not the #1 smartphone even though people here pretend it is, and carriers are going to start putting

    limits on iPhone users because its not worth the headache.

    Everyone is talking about the iPhone now because Apple has done nothing major with any of its other products in years.

    Macbook has had nothing major

    Macbook Pro has had nothing major

    Mac Pro, nothing

    Apple TV, has been a failure.

    Macbook Air another failure.

    iPods nothing major.

    IMac, nothing. Except for quadcore which everyone else has had for years now.

    They are such an innovative company? What have they done in years thats been so innovative?

    Your post is filled with pretty much 100% speculation, aka BS. You have no empirical evidence to back up anything you said about the networks or the iphone "peaking".

    While others have already replied to most of what you said, that multi-touch pad is also being copied by Acer and others in their laptops, even though none of them actually work right. So much for no innovations on their laptop computers.

    Oh, what about unibody laptops? Nobody else has them.
  • Reply 62 of 344
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    In terms of the totality of Life, yes LOL. but in terms of tech and the way we use tech to enhacne our lives, hardly.

    The iPhone is much more than "just a phone." The Nokia 1200 is also "just a phone" but is as far from the iPhone as a hawk from the moon. This "just a phone" singlehandedly destroyed all of Microsoft's mobile developemnt for the last deacde. Windows Mobile is but a faint memory now, totally buried, with a typical MS promise of something released sometime in late 2010. LOL. And the iPhone is the SOLE REASON the smartphone landscape looks the way it does today. All those winderful HTC products, Android, the rumoured "Google Phone", the Droid, the Pre . . . all of that, exists today thanks to the iPhone and Apple's vision.

    Put very simply, the iPhone is to the mobile industry what Jesus was to the Apostles. No joke.

    Well done sir! Classic
  • Reply 63 of 344
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Lets make this simple. What can the iPHone do that other smartphones like the Blackberry and Droid can't? Lets get past this feel good shit you talk about, what real function can it do that other smartphones can't? The fact is the answer is nothing. In fact most smartphones are more productive for business then the iPhone. Not to mention while the iPhone makes a great browser it pretty much sucks as a phone.

    Lets not try to bring this back to MS, this is about the other leaders in the smartphone world.

    I have never said the iPhone isn't a good products however it has nothing over other smartphones in terms of real life daily functions. Clearly based on data numbers most are just using it as a web browser. Which is why ATT is going to start putting a cap on that. If ATT starts to cap iPhone data and Apple has to go to lousy TMobile you are going to see iPhone sale drop like a rock because the web surfing addicts are going to have their unlimited crack taken away.

    You really are thick, aren't you?
  • Reply 64 of 344
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    You really are thick, aren't you?

    Envy and frustration is a hard road, Sprock.

    Very simply, for this generation, Apple defines everything that tech should be, that tech should aspire to. This has been acknowledged by the industry at large. Apple is the guiding vision behind consumer tech. It isn't my fault, it isn't your fault. Sometimes it's really hard to fathom. Sometimes you don't want to believe it for whatever reason. You want to think that it's a fluke, that it won't last, that there are other forces that can account for it. It's a unique phenomenon and not always understood. But it's just the way things are. For now. Those who deny it or ignore it do so at their own peril.
  • Reply 65 of 344
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Just as there is a species of Apple fandom that leads certain people to say foolish, objectively insupportable things (or to brandish opinion and preference as fact), there is a species of bitter Apple resentment that leads certain people to say foolish, objectively insupportable things (or to brandish opinion and preference as fact).

    The amusing part is that the latter attempt to belittle the former by turning up their foolish and insupportable to 11.
  • Reply 66 of 344
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
    And that "iPhone has peaked" bit of delusion is just too precious not to iCal.

    Thank you for that.
  • Reply 67 of 344
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    17% of the worldwide smartphone biz in 2 years, fully half of the mobile browser market, with unstoppable growth and about to overtake RIM. You tell me. I call it gestalt. That magical sweet-spot that is the combination of OS + hardware + ecosystem that the also rans just can't get right. If you don't "get" it, don't worry, you're not alone. There's this really big company a short drive from Seattle that doesn't get it, either.

    Thats great 17% of the worldwide smartphone in 2 years. Did that put anyone out of business? Are they the #1 smartphone? The answer to both of the questions is no. Yet again this has nothing to do with Microsoft. I know you always want to bring it back to that but you simply don't get it. We however can talk about them again when the Windows 7 numbers come out.
  • Reply 68 of 344
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    You really are thick, aren't you?

    No just logical. Which I understand is hard to find on this forum
  • Reply 69 of 344
    If it comes with the same minutes and data plans as every other phone sold in this country, then it's just another phone. We don't need another phone, we do need some new cell services that are cheaper and no contracts. I make phone calls on my iPod Touch via Skype and WiFi for $2.95/mo. I do not own a cell phone. Now if Google would offer free WiFi nationwide, then were talking about something interesting. I live to stick it "to the man".
  • Reply 70 of 344
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Your post is filled with pretty much 100% speculation, aka BS. You have no empirical evidence to back up anything you said about the networks or the iphone "peaking".

    While others have already replied to most of what you said, that multi-touch pad is also being copied by Acer and others in their laptops, even though none of them actually work right. So much for no innovations on their laptop computers.

    Oh, what about unibody laptops? Nobody else has them.

    The iPhone peaking is simply my opinion. However I will be happy to come back later in 2010 and address the issue again to prove I was correct.

    Sony, Asus, HP all off multitouch screen on their computers which work rather well. Something that Apple doesn't offer on their computers. Hell we are just now moving to quad cores on Apple systems. Can't expect too much all at once. How about the wonderful display port on the nice iMac that can only function with other displayport devices, yeah that was innovative.
  • Reply 71 of 344
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Are they the #1 smartphone?

    In the areas that matters most to Apple and its investors, yes they are.
  • Reply 72 of 344
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    No just logical. Which I understand is hard to find on this forum

    Apple is a lot of things. Innovative being towards the top of that list. Saying otherwise is about as illogical as one can muster.
  • Reply 73 of 344
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Envy and frustration is a hard road, Sprock.

    Very simply, for this generation, Apple defines everything that tech should be, that tech should aspire to. This has been acknowledged by the industry at large. Apple is the guiding vision behind consumer tech. It isn't my fault, it isn't your fault. Sometimes it's really hard to fathom. Sometimes you don't want to believe it for whatever reason. You want to think that it's a fluke, that it won't last, that there are other forces that can account for it. It's a unique phenomenon and not always understood. But it's just the way things are. For now. Those who deny it or ignore it do so at their own peril.

    Envy give me a break. You act like everyone can't afford Apple products when the fact is everyone can if they wanted too. What do users have to Envy? Is anyone being denied buying an Apple product? This theory of yours is not only getting really old but sounds even more stupid everytime you bring it up.

    Last time I was at my local Apple store I didn't notice any force field around it only allowing certain people inside.
  • Reply 74 of 344
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The iPhone peaking is simply my opinion. However I will be happy to come back later in 2010 and address the issue again to prove I was correct.

    Sony, Asus, HP all off multitouch screen on their computers which work rather well. Something that Apple doesn't offer on their computers. Hell we are just now moving to quad cores on Apple systems. Can't expect too much all at once. How about the wonderful display port on the nice iMac that can only function with other displayport devices, yeah that was innovative.

    Multi-touch screen and the Multi-touch pad are not exactly the same thing.
  • Reply 75 of 344
    Originally Posted by Motlee View Post

    Apple is a lot of things. Innovative being towards the top of that list. Saying otherwise is about as illogical as one can muster.

    No one ever said Apple as not innovative, however there are too many on this forum that make it sound like they are the only innovative company in the world. Which is why so many people thing Apple users re elitist assholes.
  • Reply 76 of 344
    Originally Posted by Motlee View Post

    Multi-touch screen and the Multi-touch pad are not exactly the same thing.

    Thats true. By the way Asus also makes a multitouch pad on their 300.00 netbooks. Works just as well as the one on the 1800.00 Macbook Air.
  • Reply 77 of 344
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    iPods, nothing major. Macbook Air, only the notebook everyone and their dog is copying. iMac, nothing, etc., etc.

    And that "iPhone has peaked" bit of delusion is just too precious not to iCal.

    Apple is really the ONLY ONE that is doing anything desirable and impressive in tech, bar none, and it's been this way for years now. Apple does, the others follow.

    Nope, nothing major . . .

    Yeah don't they all look really excited in that picture.
  • Reply 78 of 344
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member

    They are such an innovative company? What have they done in years thats been so innovative?[/QUOTE]
  • Reply 79 of 344
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    I imagine we will be seeing actual pics soon if it has been given to people all around the world...

    And what in the hell are "beautifying steroids?"

    I think that's what female bodybuilding contestants take.
  • Reply 80 of 344
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Thats true. By the way Asus also makes a multitouch pad on their 300.00 netbooks. Works just as well as the one on the 1800.00 Macbook Air.

    Would you like the link to the Asus forum?
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