Google issues custom unlocked phones ahead of rumored Jan. launch



  • Reply 81 of 344
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The iPhone peaking is simply my opinion. However I will be happy to come back later in 2010 and address the issue again to prove I was correct.

    I have a feeling that you deemed the iPhone a failure before it launched and have since claimed that it had finally reached its feasible EOL up to and including this day. Are you simply going to say it’s going to be a failure until your prophecy comes true? I assure you that both Apple and iPhone will fall at some point. It doesn’t take one as “logical” as you to figure that out.


    Sony, Asus, HP all off multitouch screen on their computers which work rather well. Something that Apple doesn't offer on their computers.

    That makes sense when you have a mouse/trackpad and keyboard in front of you. It’s a gimmick! Holding your arms up to use your computer as a touchscreen because it’s technical possible is not “logical”.


    Hell we are just now moving to quad cores on Apple systems. Can't expect too much all at once. How about the wonderful display port on the nice iMac that can only function with other displayport devices, yeah that was innovative.

    And I bet the next MBPs will still be dual-core because the dual-core 35W Core-i7 32nm Arrandales make more sense than the quad-core 45W Core-i7 45nm Clarksdales, but it’s my opinion that you’ll complaint that is cheating their customers out of two cores.
  • Reply 82 of 344
    Originally Posted by Bill P. View Post

    Well, it doesn't have a keyboard. Who wants to verbalize all of their texting and email?!

    I think they call that a phone call.
  • Reply 83 of 344
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Put very simply, the iPhone is to the mobile industry what Jesus was to the Apostles. No joke.

    You are disturbingly delusional.
  • Reply 84 of 344
    Originally Posted by Motlee View Post

    Would you like the link to the Asus forum?

    I don't need one do you?
  • Reply 84 of 344
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I have a feeling that you deemed the iPhone a failure before it launched and have sense claimed that it had finally reached it feasible EOL up to and including this day. Are you simply going to say it’s going to failure until your prophecy comes true? I assure you that both Apple and iPhone will fall at some point. It doesn’t take one as “logical” as you to figure that out.

    That makes sense when you have a mouse/trackpad and keyboard in front of you. It’s a gimmick! Holding your arms up to use your computer as a touchscreen because it’s technical possible is not “logical”.

    And I bet the next MBPs will still be dual-core because the dual-core 35W Core-i7 32nm Arrandales make more sense than the quad-core 45W Core-i7 45nm Clarksdales, but it’s my opinion that you’ll complaint that is cheating their customers out of two cores.

    I think we've reached the point in the inveterate, irrational Apple hater's screed where they shift from some clearly indefensible position (the iPhone ain't shit!) to tired old Apple sux droning.

    If you have to start in on the processors Apple uses in its desktops to bolster your bluster about the iPhone, you probably don't have a leg to stand on.
  • Reply 86 of 344
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    I think we've reached the point in the inveterate, irrational Apple hater's screed where they shift from some clearly indefensible position (the iPhone ain't shit!) to tire old Apple sux droning.

    If you have to start in on the processors Apple uses in its desktops to bolster your bluster about the iPhone, you probably don't have a leg to stand on.

    Actually what I find interesting on this forum is how easy it is to make the fanbois come out from under their rocks when you say one thing that they don't deem as positive.

    No one said Apple sucks. Yet your eyes somehow read that.
  • Reply 87 of 344
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Thats great 17% of the worldwide smartphone in 2 years. Did that put anyone out of business?

    It effectively killed Windows Mobile. MS has chosen to try again in late 2010. So poor, long-suffering MS fans will have to wait another year to get something, anything, that might very well end up sucking only marginally less than the previous failure. It has all but buried the Pre. Carriers are practically giving them away now. Motorola was forced to rethink its strategy completely. No one's really out of business. Most of the tech outfits that can afford to market a smartphone in the first place will have enough in the tank absorb failures, although some have their doubts about Palm.

    Will the iPhone ever be #1? Again, you tell me. 17% in two years, about to overtake RIM, with Nokia in a downward slide. Will you settle for a strong #2 in a year's time?

    Deliberately acting unimpressed just for the sake of doing so or because you have a fetish for playing the contrarian, simply raises more questions about why you're camping an Apple fansite in the first place.
  • Reply 88 of 344
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by justbobf View Post

    In any event, from what I understand, Apple's iPhone doesn't even allow you to find the contact you want to call with voice. Is that because AT&T wants customers to pay their $4.95 charge for that service?

    That's the problem with talking about something you've never used. You end up just being wrong half the time.
  • Reply 89 of 344
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I have a feeling that you deemed the iPhone a failure before it launched and have sense claimed that it had finally reached it feasible EOL up to and including this day. Are you simply going to say it?s going to failure until your prophecy comes true? I assure you that both Apple and iPhone will fall at some point. It doesn?t take one as ?logical? as you to figure that out.

    That makes sense when you have a mouse/trackpad and keyboard in front of you. It?s a gimmick! Holding your arms up to use your computer as a touchscreen because it?s technical possible is not ?logical?.

    And I bet the next MBPs will still be dual-core because the dual-core 35W Core-i7 32nm Arrandales make more sense than the quad-core 45W Core-i7 45nm Clarksdales, but it?s my opinion that you?ll complaint that is cheating their customers out of two cores.

    I never deem anything a failure. However even you can't deny that if ATT caps iPhone data and Apple needs to go to TMobile which is the only place they can go besides ATT that doesn't exactly spell a great future. At least in the US.

    Actually touch screen are nice if you didn't think so you wouldn't like the iPhone. Just because its on a laptop or desktop does't make it a gimmick. However you are certainly allowed your opinion.

    When it comes to the MBP Apple will do what is always does and that is disappoint users when it comes to their hardware offerings. Remember this is the company that milked the G4 in its notebooks forever. They needed to finally build an AIO large enough when they could start to use desktop chips in something that was a desktop. Also I think its wishful thinking that Apple will go with the Arrandales. When was the last time Apple ever updated thier new products with the very lastest chip offering?
  • Reply 90 of 344
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I never deem anything a failure.
  • Reply 91 of 344
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    It effectively killed Windows Mobile. MS has chosen to try again in late 2010. So poor, long-suffering MS fans will have to wait another year to get something, anything, that might very well end up sucking only marginally less than the previous failure. It has all but buried the Pre. Carriers are practically giving them away now. Motorola was forced to rethink its strategy completely. No one's really out of business. Most of the tech outfits that can afford to market a smartphone in the first place will have enough in the tank absorb failures, although some have their doubts about Palm.

    Will the iPhone ever be #1? Again, you tell me. 17% in two years, about to overtake RIM, with Nokia in a downward slide. Will you settle for a strong #2 in a year's time?

    Deliberately acting unimpressed just for the sake of doing so or because you have a fetish for playing the contrarian, simply raises more questions about why you're camping an Apple fansite in the first place.

    There aren't alot of MS Windows Mobile fans so I don't think many are suffering from anything. I know what must disappoint you. The Pre was never a valid contender anyways.

    Palm won't even be around in 5 years and that had nothing to do with Apple.

    HTC with Android is going to be right in Apples ass, RIM is still ahead of Apple and so is Nokia. You are talking about products that were already weak and avoiding the ones that were strong and are still strong. Apple has done nothing to change that fact.

    I am not camping anywhere. Acutally I kind of wonder that about you seeing everything you say is always the same. You know same links, everything is a game changer and everythign everyone else makes is doomed to fail. ....
  • Reply 92 of 344

    Try and learn to read everything. Deemed the iPhone was a failure before it was released. Its okay to called something that actually failed a failure.
  • Reply 93 of 344
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    However even you can't deny that if ATT caps iPhone data and Apple needs to go to TMobile which is the only place they can go besides ATT that doesn't exactly spell a great future. At least in the US.

    We have data caps as well. Rogers' is set at 6gb. Seems just fine for us. Where does AT&T plan to set the cap?
  • Reply 94 of 344
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Try and learn to read everything. Deemed the iPhone was a failure before it was released. Its okay to called something that actually failed a failure.

    Next time be more clear.
  • Reply 95 of 344
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Next time be more clear.

    A hammer to the head wouldn't be clear enough for you.
  • Reply 96 of 344
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member

    If it hasn’t been stated before you do a great job posting links to back your arguments. I figured he’d put his foot in his mouth with that one.

    Originally Posted by Extremeskater

    I never deem anything a failure.

    Originally Posted by extremeskater

    How did it set a standard for web browsing? All it showed is that as usual Apple fanatics are just that even when it comes to browsing the web all day long. The success of the iPhone is also going to be its downfall. ATT is already considering putting a cap on data plans if if Apple can only go to TMobile in the US after that the iPhone is going to make a great door stop.

    Carriers aren't going to put millions into their network just because iPhone users don't have a life and do nothing but surf the web all day long. When they start putting limits on usage its going to kill the iPhone. TMobile can barely handle what that have now and Verizon wants nothing to do with this mess.

    The iPhone has peaked. It didn't put anyone one out of business, its not the #1 smartphone even though people here pretend it is, and carriers are going to start putting

    limits on iPhone users because its not worth the headache.

    Everyone is talking about the iPhone now because Apple has done nothing major with any of its other products in years.

    Macbook has had nothing major

    Macbook Pro has had nothing major

    Mac Pro, nothing

    Apple TV, has been a failure.

    Macbook Air another failure.

    iPods nothing major.

    IMac, nothing. Except for quadcore which everyone else has had for years now.

    They are such an innovative company? What have they done in years thats been so innovative?

    Looks like Extremeskater just became Extremefailure.
  • Reply 97 of 344
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    We have data caps as well. Rogers' is set at 6gb. Seems just fine for us. Where does AT&T plan to set the cap?

    Yeah but you are in the deep dark woods in Canada. You guys are use to settling for things like socialized medicine. A data cap and an overpriced contract is nothing for you guys.
  • Reply 98 of 344
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    If it hasn?t been stated before you do a great job posting. I figured he?d put his foot in his mouth with that one.

    Looks like Extremeskater just became Extremefailure.

    I know as a mentor you have to come an defend your buddy. Yet again its okay to call something that already has failed a failure.
  • Reply 99 of 344

    Please Read This on Cnet and keep in mind the author is an award-winning creative director who advises major corporations on content creation and marketing. He brings an irreverent, sarcastic, and sometimes ironic voice to the tech world. He is a member of the CNET Blog Network and is not an employee of CNET.
  • Reply 100 of 344
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    When it comes to the MBP Apple will do what is always does and that is disappoint users when it comes to their hardware offerings. Remember this is the company that milked the G4 in its notebooks forever.

    We're really disappointed. In fact, we're so disappointed that we just keep buying Macs.

    That's what, #1 in customer satisfaction 6 years in a row now? Record Mac sales quarter after quarter going back to at least 2008 with notebooks in the lead?

    You're either posting misinformation because you're ignorant, or you are lying outright. So which is it?
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