Analytics firm spots 50 suspected Apple tablets running iPhone OS 3.2



  • Reply 101 of 132
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    That was a joke.

    Actually it is not that far fetched as the simulator does that exact thing but sets the location to Apple's front door. I can't remember the actual street name that is referred to but it is at the very beginning of Infinite Loop. I'd have to pull up my dev app to check it but someone else probably can verify it.
  • Reply 102 of 132
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    On the other hand, it might also mean that the tablet will see sales sooner rather than later and the app approval process for the tablet is already in full swing.

    I think it won?t be ready right away. That there is a demo along with a release of Tablet OS SDK so that 3rd-party apps designed for the device will be ready upon release.

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Notebooks, maybe since they are out and about, but unlikely for desktops since they are often indoors and may not receive the GPS signal very well. Although I am surprised how well the iPhone GPS works indoors.

    Yes, I meant for notebooks, not Macs. I?d hope that when they go that route they?ll add Find My Mac in MobileMe, just in case it?s stolen. That has seemed to work out with for iPhone OS-based devices. I wonder if other iPods could get the GPS chip with setup through the iTunes app.

    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Snow Leopard have CoreLocation but no GPS. It works just like the iPod Touch using your WiFi. However, it won't work on places were Skyhook has no data. I hope we see GPS in MB/MBP too.

    They use it for the time zone setting in SL. I just wish they would have extended it even farther, even to the point of taking the IP address location, making that into a general location via a zip code and applying it to HTML5 Geo Location, weather widget, theater info, etc. I can?t be bothered with spending 10 seconds making the corrections manually. \
  • Reply 103 of 132
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    I didn't read anything about new unpublished app in the article. What Flurry is saying here is that their tracking logs are showing the tablet running iPhone OS 3.2 and using already existing App Store apps. They also provided a category breakdown of the apps used by the tablet as shown in their logs.

    no, but they do try to draw conclusions based on the apps they did track


    Studying category trends provides insight into the kind of user Apple is targeting and how it expects the device to be used.

    and then later in the report


    The tablet device clearly targets consumers. The mix of applications observed comprises mainly of media and entertainment consumption as opposed to enterprise, productivity and computing.

    of course the tablet will offer games and entertainment, but to conclude that productivity and computing aren't also targets is drawing conclusions from data they don't have as they wouldn't have any data from testing with unreleased apps. For example, the rumored iWork touch wouldn't show up in their data.

    And it's with new and revised applications that the tablet becomes a bit more than just a larger iPod touch. Is it strictly a new home entertainment device or is it more than that? Certainly it can be used to read books, but can it also be used to do homework? Is it something students can take to class to take notes? Doing homework, taking notes in class, working on a presentation during a flight, etc. Things people use netbooks for today. These potential applications of a tablet aren't going to show up in the data Flurry collects, but they are drawing conclusions that the tablet won't target these kinds of things.
  • Reply 104 of 132
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Damn some of you are dense.

    Oh, I don't know. From reading your rants thus far in this thread, it is obvious to me that when it comes to finance and investing and what actually matters for companies, the attribute applies just as well to you.
  • Reply 105 of 132
    Btw, not sure if it has been brought up thus far: (i) Couldn't this just be folks at Apple testing out some game/media apps for SJ's presentation? After all, it's not like he's going to be showing us spreadsheet or invoicing or tax apps; (ii) The fact that they are testing on 3.2 says nothing at all -- after all, the final product is not due for another 3-6 months; (iii) Some of it would just be Apple throwing out decoys to throw people off-track or reveal themselves (like these guys did).
  • Reply 106 of 132
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    Sure. But I can hardly imagine the software like that might have been admitted to such a device.

    How else would you test whether existing apps work on the new device?

    It's vitally important that the day the tablet becomes available that a large number of apps run on it. Apple will not release a tablet and tell everyone to wait 2 months for App Store developers to modify their offerings to be compatible.
  • Reply 107 of 132
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Apple's invite says "new creation" so I wouldn't think it's just a big iPod. There's gonna be a twist, but heck if I know what.

    The time has come to roll out the iVat of Flavor-aid. Gather around children, it will be beautiful.
  • Reply 108 of 132
    axualaxual Posts: 244member
    There will be a _____________ announced Wednesday and it will include a _____________ and ______________ which none of you expect (well, maybe one guessed right) ... and it will also offer ______________ and ______________ but the ____________ will surprise everyone. I'm just saying ...
  • Reply 109 of 132
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Oh, I don't know. From reading your rants thus far in this thread, it is obvious to me that when it comes to finance and investing and what actually matters for companies, the attribute applies just as well to you.

    im not the one refusing to acknowledge that apple lowering their prices in 2009 had a significant impact on sales.
  • Reply 110 of 132
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    im not the one refusing to acknowledge that apple lowering their prices in 2009 had a significant impact on sales.

    Obvious Guy says: it?s common knowledge that lowering prices increases sales potential. You implied that the sales weren?t increasing prior to the price drop despite almost constant, continued record YoY quarters in unit, revenue and profit.
  • Reply 111 of 132
    daveyjjdaveyjj Posts: 120member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Their terms of service & condition prevent them from releasing the name of the apps that uses their services. It is up to the developer to disclose if their app uses tracking and analytical tools.

    Exactly. All of my seven games has the FlurryAPI.h code added when they were for sale. It's a simply 25 line piece of code that allows developers to gather any number of stats from an app in use, and even stores the info until a connection back can be established. This includes hardware type, OS, etc. For example, in Cloud Girls, I collected the following stats ...


    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"PLAYED_JENNA_EASY"]; // played with 10 lives -

    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"PLAYED_ANYA_NORMAL"]; // played with 8 lives -

    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"PLAYED_MARIBEL_ADVANCED"]; // played with 6 lives -

    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"PLAYED_KEIKO_DIFFICULT"]; // played with 4 lives -

    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"PLAYED_BJORK_INSANE"]; // played with 2 lives -

    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"PAUSED_GAMEPLAY"]; // paused the game during gameplay -

    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"SUBMITTED_SCORE"]; // submitted a score -

    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"REVIEWED_GLOBAL_HIGH_SCORES"]; // looked at global high score screen - HiScoresNode.m

    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"REVIEWED_INSTRUCTIONS"]; // read the instructions -

    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"CRACKED_VERSION"]; // ran a cracked IPA -- bad person -

    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"CLICKED_CTG_APP_LINK_BB"]; // clicked link to Bug Bounce - InstructionNode.m

    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"CLICKED_CTG_APP_LINK_GM"]; // clicked link to Garden Marbles - InstructionNode.m

    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"CLICKED_CTG_APP_LINK_DD"]; // clicked link to Dessert Dilemma - InstructionNode.m

    [FlurryAPI logEvent:@"CLICKED_CTG_APP_LINK_DW"]; // clicked link to Dead Words - InstructionNode.m

    I knew what difficulty level people played, whether you paused the game during gameplay, whether or not you submitted a high score, read the instruction, tried to run a pirated version, and if you clicked through to buy my other games. But I could have easily also added things like device type, OS, how long you'd played, etc.

    I'd have to review my contract notes with Flurry but I always had in my app description on the store that I used Flurry. I don't know if everyone does.

    Flurry's reporting about device OS, apps used etc is certainly possible and easy to do. And if there's a new device being used and the apps being used have Flurry in them, then this is info, at a very minimum, is what I'd expect to see. I have no reason to doubt the stats, just why they would bother releasing the info.
  • Reply 112 of 132
    gcsgcs Posts: 29member
    later post claimed it was 800x900
  • Reply 113 of 132
    Originally Posted by GCS View Post

    later post claimed it was 800x900

    that was from a different source, not from flurry, and said


    No resolution info? aww - our weblogs show a bunch of 800x600 reporting no OS info, 1280 stuff showing wireless ip and no is a next gen digitalmedia magazine so we know they are looking but we cannot tell what device.

    I would hope 1280 is correct, so it can show 720p HD content at full resolution - something like 1280x720 or 1280x800.
  • Reply 114 of 132
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    No, guys, Apple isn't gonna test all 100K apps sitting now in the App Store. No way.

    They might have been testing their own applications plus a fistful of those, which they planned to show on 27th.

    It's guaranteed, selected apps aren't disclosing anything sensitive to third parties.

    I can see your excitement while looking forward to new product, but spotted iPhone OS means testing iPhone at best.

    Just if you forgot or never knew it, original iPhone has been perfectly launched without App Store and Cheetah has had minimum of available native applications on its day one. Nothing much.
  • Reply 115 of 132
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by axual View Post

    There will be a _____________ announced Wednesday and it will include a _____________ and ______________ which none of you expect (well, maybe one guessed right) ... and it will also offer ______________ and ______________ but the ____________ will surprise everyone. I'm just saying ...

    And the fact that it doesn't have ______________, ______________, and _______________ will cause the usual suspects to complain loudly.
  • Reply 116 of 132
    Originally Posted by axual View Post

    There will be a _____________ announced Wednesday and it will include a _____________ and ______________ which none of you expect (well, maybe one guessed right) ... and it will also offer ______________ and ______________ but the ____________ will surprise everyone. I'm just saying ...


    Getting so tired of the same old speculation. Wednesday can't get here soon enough.
  • Reply 117 of 132
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    And the fact that it doesn't have ______________, ______________, and _______________ will cause the usual suspects to complain loudly.

    And despite the fact that it doesn't have ______________, ______________, and _______________ will cause the usual suspects to defend it loudly.
  • Reply 118 of 132
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
  • Reply 119 of 132
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    I actually think this is one of the best hints thus far of what the tablet will be. An analytics company is not going to talk out of its ass to generate some page hits. No one is likely to trust their analytics collection to a company that just makes stuff up.

    The interpretation of the data might be wrong but I assess the probability that they have that raw data to be quite high. But for all they know, the 3.2 testing might be unrelated.

    On the other hand, it might also mean that the tablet will see sales sooner rather than later and the app approval process for the tablet is already in full swing.

    Agreed, I would also assume that if OS 4.0 is a big show stopper in some way, but not important enough to be a sent to "outside" developer's to adapt their aps for the tablet then it wouldn't have been put out there for "anyone" to see.

    If we were talking about radically new features, then there would be no way devs could have aps ready for the tablet by now. They had relatively small changes to make to their software but will be able to integrate new features of 4 later without the need to worry about a new feature for the demo. Apple just wants to say, "look we have games". Apple can take care of the new touch features with their own software.
  • Reply 120 of 132
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Motlee View Post

    Anyone else see this??

    Absolutely fake. Ireland will likely cream himself* but that device a MagSafe, Mini-DVI, Ethernet and Mac OS X, to name a few of the problems it has going for it.

    * I’m just kidding, Ireland.
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