Apple stands by AT&T as an iPhone partner



  • Reply 61 of 108
    Originally Posted by Meefle View Post

    How do you explain the Droid, Droid Eris, upcoming Nexus One, Blackberry Storm, Palm Pre Plus, Pixi Plus, etc. Those all have app stores just like apples (except no where near the selection). I don't see any restrictions that Verizon has induced on them. What would make you think they'd do the same IF the iPhone were to come to Verizon. I'd love to see the iPhone come to Verizon, but every time Apple hosts a surprise event, more and more rumors appear about a Verizon iPhone. Honestly I don't see it happening till maybe when Verizon rolls out their LTE service.

    I agree that the idea that Verizon blocks third party apps is an old/stale argument, & grossly misinformed. Though I personally think it would be a better idea for a VZW/iphone to wait for 4g, the answer to this question will be revealed this wensday as well in addition this may.

    Apple would make lot of money with them as a carrier. Business is Business.
  • Reply 62 of 108
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Tim Cook didn't have a answer, but I'm sure millions of people sick and tired of AT&T's bullsh*t sure would like to have the choice of another major carrier.

    Oh Jesus! I hope this new iPad thingy and the other roll-outs this years isn't going to require more AT&T contracts.

    *begin screaming*

    Is AT&T's reception perfect at all times? No. Is it perfect with the other carriers? No.
  • Reply 63 of 108
    > "We think iPhone customers are having a great experience from the

    > research we've done,"


    If you live/work/drive in 80% of the country... you have *NO* 3G coverage with AT&T at all.
  • Reply 64 of 108
    Originally Posted by awmawm View Post

    Is AT&T's reception perfect at all times? No. Is it perfect with the other carriers? No.

    Who said anything about "perfect"?

    AT&T coverage is no where near "perfect"... it's far worse than even "bad".
  • Reply 65 of 108
    Originally Posted by DanMacMan View Post

    I must be some sort of statistical anomaly, because I have not had any problems with at&t service.

    No. You just live/work/drive only in the VERY small parts of the USA that have AT&T 3G coverage.

    The majority of the country has *NONE*.
  • Reply 66 of 108
    Originally Posted by TammyT View Post

    Who said anything about "perfect"?

    AT&T coverage is no where near "perfect"... it's far worse than even "bad".

    I don't know where you live, but you most certainly don't speak for me. Houston? Not even close to bad in my experience. Compared to other troubled areas, I think they are doing pretty good here.
  • Reply 67 of 108
    Originally Posted by TammyT View Post

    No. You just live/work/drive only in the VERY small parts of the USA that have AT&T 3G coverage.

    The majority of the country has *NONE*.

    So are you on Verizon's payroll or something? You sure do seem to have some wood for their site. I live in Houston, which has the population of some states combined. I hardly consider Houston small.
  • Reply 68 of 108
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Tim Cook didn't have a answer, but I'm sure millions of people sick and tired of AT&T's bullsh*t sure would like to have the choice of another major carrier.

    Oh Jesus! I hope this new iPad thingy and the other roll-outs this years isn't going to require more AT&T contracts.

    *begin screaming*

    Having been on Verizon, Sprint, and Cingular/ATT Mobility, I have not at any point been uniformly impressed by any of them. Most of the anecdotal info from Europe makes their system seem better, but as I don't have first-hand info, I have no basis to address that assertion. The facts remain, that for all the back-and-forth between carriers, we as consumers have been roundly played by them for a decade or two at least, and with the FCC usually buckling to carrier desires unless cornered by a Congressional investigation, this isn't going to change. There are millions of people sick of each carrier - the iPhone simply makes the noise more evident. Most users have become inured to the mistreatment and lowered their expectations accordingly.
  • Reply 69 of 108
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    One would think that the radios on existing iPhones could be firmware updateable to enable the extra frequency, but that would be too much forward thinking, huh?! :-(

    THIS is what I hate about Apple planned obsolescence...

    Really, take a dive over at Wikipedia and do your homework. You are 'way off base on this and need to bone up on your carrier technology before making more statements like this. Your responses demonstrate wishful thinking not actual technology, as has been noted previously. Please, do your homework and then come back and discuss the carrier technology.
  • Reply 70 of 108
    Originally Posted by ApplePi View Post

    I never cared for push-to-talk. I was only commenting on the service and price. If I could have gotten an iPhone on Sprint I would have never switched.

    I'm so glad that went out of style thank god for the iPhone being the coolest phone and now I don't have to hear all those GHETTO FAB ASSHOLES converse with their HOMEBOYS about what the are doing or where they are going ... I'm from the hood so don't come for me with the racist bias commentary I am just sayin'
  • Reply 71 of 108
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    Sprint royally screwed up their merger with Nextel by not integrating Direct Connect into ALL Sprint phones -- thereby killing the sole reason to acquire Nextel. Nextel never had a good smartphone, which is why I left their service for an iPhone.

    Unfortunately there is STILL no Direct Connect equivalent for AT&T iPhones (Push To Talk)

    I've watched most of this humourously, but I must say all accounts of this are false.

    Sprint purchased Nextel from Macall (I believe that's how it's spelled) only to find they COULDN'T intergrate direct connect to all their phones.

    The technology wasn't compatible with CDMA.

    The jumped the shark on that one. Didn't do the reseach before they purchased.

    Ironically, cingular came out with a push to talk function for a short time, on UMTS, saw it wasn't an extremely marketable feature and dropped it.

    I had a sit down with Sprint reps when I was working for another company, over 6 years ago, and they actually admitted this to us. To me directly in fact.
  • Reply 72 of 108
    Apple isn't going to announce new carriers for the iPhone in an earnings call. They also aren't going to announce it very far in advance of it actually happening because it would slow iPhone sals from those who would prefer a different carrier.
  • Reply 73 of 108
    Originally Posted by TammyT View Post

    No. You just live/work/drive only in the VERY small parts of the USA that have AT&T 3G coverage.

    The majority of the country has *NONE*.

    but the vast majority of the people do have 3G coverage where they work/live and most of the few that don't have wireless internet where they work/live. Is it really a big deal if maybe 10% of the people in country can't get 3G coverage from AT&T while they are driving their car and instead get the same EDGE coverage that the initial iPhone had?
  • Reply 74 of 108
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member

    Do either of these make my iPhone better?
  • Reply 75 of 108
    Originally Posted by trboyden View Post

    Verizon has some decent multi-band phones, my HTC Ozone is one of them with CDMA and GSM. And it was a free phone. Would I rather an iPhone, of course. But I mostly use a phone to, you know, talk - so all the fancy apps that you use for two minutes and then delete don't really appeal to me anyways.

    Really in the end what does it matter? We all know that all of the cell phone service

    providers are evil. They're all right there with the credit card, mortgage, and insurance companies and the federal government. This really is a silly debate.

    Yeah, I agree. Except for the Aps. I love those and use them often.
  • Reply 76 of 108
    motleemotlee Posts: 122member
    Buying an iPhone in an area that is not covered by AT&T's 3G and then complaining about it. Thats rich. *smacks forehead*

    Maybe choosing a carrier shouldnt be an impulse buy.
  • Reply 77 of 108
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    You really don't know what you are talking about.

    Liberty for all! The only manual you need is the Bible. We have the best of everything in the world.

    Learn to debate by watching Fox news.
  • Reply 78 of 108
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by DanMacMan View Post

    I must be some sort of statistical anomaly, because I have not had any problems with at&t service.

    I've used the original iPhone since 2007 and it's always just worked, and last April I switched to U-verse TV and Internet service and couldn't be happier with it.

    I don't think you're an anomaly at all. I just think that the Verizontards and those AT&T customers with really bad coverage issues complain incessantly.
  • Reply 79 of 108
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by TammyT View Post

    No. You just live/work/drive only in the VERY small parts of the USA that have AT&T 3G coverage.

    The majority of the country has *NONE*.

    No offense, but you really need to turn off the television and get out of the house more often.
  • Reply 80 of 108
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    "AT&T is a great (DINOSAUR) partner."

    They invest in what infrastructure, dial-up 14.4k lines?

    At least Verizon deploys FIBER TO THE HOME!

    AT&T refuses to -- kind of like iPhone TETHERING! Yea, EVENTUALLY roll-out Microcells -- WHEN?

    AT&T just cannot deliver, due to poor investments in infrastructure, despite their claims to the contrary. They are instead focused on stockholder dividends, apparently.

    Verizon abandons areas they roll FiOS that aren't the highest tier in population densities. Hell they just sold the Portland OR area of their FiOS to a third party. They've done similar to areas in the North East corridor. Don't tell me they are holier than thou.
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