Tablet rumors: TV subscription talks stall, Verizon preps for 'big day'



  • Reply 81 of 208
    Originally Posted by airmanchairman View Post

    It would make more sense for Verizon's data-or-voice-only type network for the launching to be about the impending Apple tablet device rather than the iPhone.

    As many have posted here and elsewhere, it's just not (yet) technically feasible for their launch to be about the iPhone: the Qualcomm chip that would enable a hybrid iPhone to use their network is not available yet, and Verizon's aggressive advertising against AT&T and the iPhone last Summer appear to doubly rule out the possibility.

    All will be revealed soon...

    That isn't really true. Yes, the chip isn't available yet but Verizon has "World Phones" that have both CDMA and GSM chips in them. It is entirely possible that Apple will do something like this, especially if they want the phone on Verizon sooner rather than later.

    And do you really think Apple cares about the ads? Its business. Apple does it all the time with Microsoft and yet we now hear than they are discussing moving Bing to the default search engine on the iPhone. I like to sit secure in my knoledge that these people are adults who don't take these things personally.

    And I still say that the Verizon iPhone will be tagged with something like "An app for what you need and a map for where you need it." I am serious, they will do that. Verizon positioned themselves carefully here, probably during the course of negotiations. If they went south and Verizon didn't get an iPhone, they could go back to ribbing on it.
  • Reply 82 of 208
    Originally Posted by airmanchairman View Post

    This is probably where the excitement and big-sell will come from - many of the vast number of iPhone apps, while being revolutionary utilities as stand-alone programs, will likely have their usefulness, capability and fun factor multiplied by running in a more powerful multi-tasking environment which the Tablet is likely to provide, leading to a new class: App Suites.

    Visualise an environment in which 2 or more apps can not only operate simultaneously, but accept input and output to other apps in real time. Surely this would not require a reinvention of the wheel, as these apps already exist, perform familiar functions and would only require a common communication protocol to interoperate.

    Think Productivity, Finance & Business (Spreadsheets, WP, Presentation, Dictation, VNC, iDisk, WebEx etc), Books (the obvious - Stanza, iVerse, Classics, various newspapers and magazines etc), Lifestyle and Social Networking (too many to mention), Music (another very interesting group given the BeatMakers, Star Guitars, Synths, Ocarinas, Sequencers and Multi-trackers) and finally Games (I rest my case).

    I see some very interesting eco-systems, and possibly a new mobile computing platform developing over the coming years. Gadzooks!

    I'm always late to the party here because of the time-zone differences.....

    ...but I would like to +1 to this opinion.

    Is it so hard to visualize having a multi-tasking device where you have windows at different sizes, according to the developers wishes... or possibly your own preference? Or what about the possibility of even "Drag and Drop"?!

    Any of you making stupid comments to the contrary, resize all the windows on your Mac to be full-screen? Ya sure you're not on a WinBox... because I do know that that is the preferred way of using a PC for most people?

    to DaHarder: I think you're spot on as well (without quoting/repeating the post).

    History in the making tomorrow!
  • Reply 83 of 208
    Verizon plays website for morons.

    I love the source: "Boy Genius Report cited an anonymous source" - well hell - that's worth dumping AT&T for isn't it.

    Actually - no - no it's not. Go away Verizon - go play with your Droids. The nerd market is HOT didn't you hear?
  • Reply 84 of 208
    Originally Posted by cylack View Post

    ..., I'll continue on with my own "subscription" option which I've created via torrents and rapidshare.

    Stupid execs pass up the opportunity to earn a few bucks...instead they'll get zero from most people like me.

    yeah, they've gotta learn to court the thief market.
  • Reply 85 of 208
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    [CENTER]Given your (obviously) bitter/hostile attitude, I'd much rather you skipped my posts anyway.

    So... About that Apple iPAD...


    [CENTER]I think the iPad will be great![/CENTER]
  • Reply 86 of 208
    Originally Posted by m2002brian View Post

    Does that make you hard headed and ignorant? Just a question. It has been stated by MULTIPLE posters that your alignment is upsetting or annoying, as in, if it were a product they wouldn't but it.

    Now.... about that "new creation"....

    [CENTER]I was wondering what the fuss was all about?[/CENTER]
  • Reply 87 of 208
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    agreed. and more painful if it is a singular carrier. not matter which one is the chosen one

    that depends on how it is presented. if it is presented as a smaller sized full powered computer sure. if it is presented from one word as a member of the iphone family, those traditional users will know that that lock down exists and will just go get a Macbook.

    what will be curious to me is the Macbook Air. that baby has never really had the power to be more than a netbook with a little word processing and your itunes. so will it stick around after this or will it phase out.


    Since when has a laptop featuring a 2.13GHz

    Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 1066MHz frontside bus, 2GB Memory, 13.3 inch LED backlit display, a 128GB solid-state, and NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics underpowered, especially when compared to the average Intel Atom-based netbook.

    You might not appreciate it, but the MacBook Air is still a very capable laptop.[/CENTER]
  • Reply 88 of 208
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Another rumor this week alleged that Verizon Wireless has told its store managers that Wednesday will be a "big day." Boy Genius Report cited an anonymous source as stating the nation's largest wireless provider will hold a "kick off" event this Wednesday, centered around a live Web cast at 1 p.m. Eastern time -- the same time as Apple's event.

    I call bogus. Nobody working with Apple goes head-to-head with a Steve Jobs product intro.
  • Reply 89 of 208
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    ...Seriously, what?s the benefit of kicking Schrödinger's cat?...

    way to go, solipsism. Now you're gonna have ArticulatedArm rushing to call his vet.
  • Reply 90 of 208
    Originally Posted by JasonBee View Post

    [CENTER]I was wondering what the fuss was all about?[/CENTER]

    [right]nothing really just some stupid center align crap, nothing worth reading anyway[/right] That felt creative! I get it now. HA
  • Reply 91 of 208
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by JasonBee View Post

    [CENTER]I was wondering what the fuss was all about?[/CENTER]

    [CENTER]Just the nonsensical rant of someone making a big deal about absolutely nothing, but that Apple IPAD... Now That Looks To Be Quite Something![/CENTER]
  • Reply 92 of 208
    re:"Actually, there will be a near 6-month period between the iPAD's introduction and actual 'on sale' date, so there will be plenty of time to get many essential apps up and running."

    Oh thank god an official source from Apple to show us the way. Please DaHarder - what else do you know about Apple that we're missing out on? Pretty please with sugar on top?

    "DaHarder - your official source for all things Apple - because DaHarder is a name you can trust"


    I swear the internet makes you stupid. I can feel the stupid from here.
  • Reply 93 of 208
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by JasonBee View Post

    [CENTER]I think the iPad will be great![/CENTER]

    [CENTER]I Agree!

  • Reply 94 of 208
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by DoctorBenway View Post

    re:"Actually, there will be a near 6-month period between the iPAD's introduction and actual 'on sale' date, so there will be plenty of time to get many essential apps up and running."

    Oh thank god an official source from Apple to show us the way. Please DaHarder - what else do you know about Apple that we're missing out on? Pretty please with sugar on top?

    "DaHarder - your official source for all things Apple - because DaHarder is a name you can trust"


    I swear the internet makes you stupid. I can feel the stupid from here.

    [CENTER]Yes... But that's because it's (the stupid that is) right there in the room with you.

    As far as the iPAD - we'll find out the details tomorrow, until then, it's all mere speculation, and none said otherwise.

  • Reply 95 of 208
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I would say you are understating the first item and overstating the second.

    If the tablet *requires* a cell contract, it will be criticised roundly and might not take off at all. The necessity for an expensive contract will most definitely drive down sales.

    This is most certainly the case in general. For me personally though I could see myself dropping 3G on the iPhone before going without on a tablet. For many users though mandatory 3G will result in no sales.


    On the other hand, the idea that there are millions that hate Apples's "closed" App store, and that this would put them off buying a device that uses it is primarily a fantasy. People gripe a lot about it, but it hasn't affected sales yet.

    Here I have to agree again. App store is one if the best features of the iPhone/Touch economy. It makes management of the device so simply it is silly.

  • Reply 96 of 208
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by iReality85 View Post

    I'm betting that the Tablet will feature the new dual-band CDMA/GSM chips. Seeing as how the Tablet will be a world product (the world is heavily GSM), and the rumors of Verizon gearing up for a big day Wednesday, I don't see how it could be any other way. You'll have your choice of signing up with either AT&T or Verizon for coverage. I also bet that Jobs will announce that the iPhone will sport the same dual band chip as well, for the revision coming this summer. Verizon (and all its customers) I'm sure must be excited. I, for one, would gladly switch back.

    It will be....eventually. But I read somewhere that Qualcomm screwed up and will not have their dual band chips ready in time for the tablet or the 4th gen iphone launch. So Jobs is forced to order his troops to design seperate devices for the carriers.

    It sucks I know.
  • Reply 97 of 208
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Basically, the answer is ... games.

    I'm not sure why you think that games wouldn't look ridiculous on a 10" screen. 2d games will not scale gracefully and 3d games aren't coded with enough detail to look decent on a larger screen even if they were coded to scale. At best, they'll look a little like playing quake 1 at 640x480 on a 22" monitor. In reality, they won't even do that, since even the 3d games use 2d tricks and assets to goose up performance.

    And no-one is going to care about using any app in a 320x480 window on the tablet. Tons of every type of app will be ported to or designed for the thing and ready on Day 1 and more with pour in by the bucketful.
  • Reply 98 of 208
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post


    As far as your request, NO... I take it that 'for all the wrong reasons' is because you don't like it, and your being bothered by something so trivial/insignificant speaks more of your intolerance than anything I'm doing. [/CENTER]

    You're right, I don't like it. The wrong reasons are that centered text is hard to read. From a web usability pov it is a big no-no. Anyone with even mild dyslexia will really struggle. By formatting your posts to 'stand out' like that you are clearly craving attention - a little like using all upper case, or ridiculously large font, or fancy colors, which really only serves to undermine your point and distract the reader.
  • Reply 99 of 208
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I can?t say I?m surprised, per say, but on the surface they do appear to be making a mistake. I don?t think they get that much per user through a cable company.

    It's not just the TV companies. There is also a huge advertising industry -- running into tens of billions of dollars annually in revenues -- that will be in tatters if pricing/subscription alongthese lines takes off.

    I think that the two are in cahoots.
  • Reply 100 of 208
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    [CENTER]Apple's 'New Creation': What We'll Most Likely See...

    Name: Apple iPad

    Hopefully in both Mini and Maxi versions. The Maxi for your more demanding computing days.


    Capacity: 32gb/US 599.99, 64gb US 699.99, 128gb US 899.99

    Actually I think your flash allotments are way to low at each price point and you are to stiff at each price point. Flash storage will be very important on this device, hopefully this will be something Apple understands at release. Any reliance upon cloud storage would be fairly stupid.


    Operating System: Apple Mobile OS 4.0 (yes, they renamed it)

    Rename it? I thought it was Mobile IS for some time now. It is common for people to call it iPhone OS but I'm not sure that is the official name.


    Compatibility: All Existing iPhone/Touch apps (scaled as required) with a slew of new apps (innovative e-reading being the focus) designed specifically for the iPAD and its new capabilities/resolution.

    Not to mention higher resolution iPhones in the future. I suspect though that E-Reading will just be another app. Oh the scaling of existing iPhone apps will not be universal. That will depend upon how the app uses the UI.


    Connectivity: 3g featured on the Verizon Network, but optional tethering for existing AT&T iPhone users.

    It sounds nice but I wouldn't get all that excited over tethering. Also I'd rather the tablet comes in a universal model when 3G is added. The reality is that a CDMA model would be worthless for people that travel. Which brings us to the most important issue the device can not be carrier locked.


    Additionally: Absolutely NO OSX application compatibility, but will come with Apple Mobile OS versions of iLife and iWorks.

    Yep! If people don't grasp that by now they never will. However I see the next version of Mobile OS gaining many features seen in Snow Leopard. These will be low level things like OpenCL and GCD to more fully leverage the hardware for the UI.


    We'll See Soon Enough... [/CENTER]

    Yeah I can't wait. I was really hoping it was today that the debut would take place. As it is I have to work tomorrow. Bummmmmmmmmmer.

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