"I know, but just mentioning AT&T irritates me. I don't live in States anymore, so I hope the International plans as stated by Jobs will be much better!"
Obviously the fact that there is the Kindle app will help this, since you are not going to lose your content if you switch over to this. The screen looks much nicer than the Kindle (obviously), and I'm hoping they will come up with a much better way to do newspapers than Kindle does. I think the demo they showed was looking at New York Times in a browser - I'm hoping you will be able to subscribe like on the Kindle and download the whole paper in one go, and have it look like the print version - that's where Kindle falls down for me.
Key is going to be the battery though. I love how long the Kindle battery goes. If they are right and it can do 8 hours video viewing, I wonder how long it will survive just reading books?
All told, I think this looks like an interesting device. I can't say I'm 100% blown away, but it has potential to be something really special, especially as developers come up with neat ideas.
Dammit Apple, why didn't you just name the freggin' thing iBook instead of iPad? IPAD, I mean, come on, it sounds like something made by Tampax for crying out loud!
So, is the name going to stop you from buying one? If yes, then that's your loss. Who cares about the name, the hardware and software and tech specs are all that matter!
Originally Posted by rhowarth
So... no McGraw-Hill? \
Originally Posted by Banalltv
No other publishers mentioned? Just those five, eh? I dunno, seems to me like there could have been even one more there... hmm...
Jobs said, "We're going to open the flood gates for the rest of the publishers in the world starting this afternoon." Do people read the entire article before commenting? They will add more publishers as soon as deals are made and contracts signed.
Dammit Apple, why didn't you just name the freggin' thing iBook instead of iPad? IPAD, I mean, come on, it sounds like something made by Tampax for crying out loud!
Really? Tampax is the only pad you can think of?
How about jotter pads? How about drawing pads? Heard about brake pads?
It takes a certain kind of person to think solely of sanitary pads when a name is mentioned.
Maybe Apple should give names to people like this something like iDiots.
Dammit Apple, why didn't you just name the freggin' thing iBook instead of iPad? IPAD, I mean, come on, it sounds like something made by Tampax for crying out loud!
Wasn't iPod derided as well? Everyone will learn to live with the name.
i will add my hope for highlighting etc. and perhaps also bookmarking fav passages.
and what about the newspapers and magazines. there was talk they might to more an ebook than website style.
and multimedia within the ebooks. how about combining the text and audio versions so you can playback while you read or flip between the two. or having non fiction titles like cook books with embedded videos or language books with audio clips. no mention of that stuff.
and how about native Kindle, Nook and Digital Comic support. Rather than making me download other apps. Not a huge deal but it would make things neater in the UI
Anyone notice the inclusion of Eclipse (third book in the Twilight saga) on the virtual bookshelf?
Could this be a subtle jab at Steve Ballmer (regarding how the cover of Twilight, which consists of hands cradling an apple, was featured in his presentation of the HP slate computer)... as in, you've been 'Eclipsed'?
Clearly Jobs was pissed about the comments yesterday on CNBC. I'm sure the Apple lawyers had worked in stipulations that if anyone were to release product information before the event, Apple would have the right to sever the agreement.
I doubt the agreement was severed. They probably just lost their mention in the presentation.
Dammit Apple, why didn't you just name the freggin' thing iBook instead of iPad? IPAD, I mean, come on, it sounds like something made by Tampax for crying out loud!
Wasn't iPod derided as well? Everyone will learn to live with the name.
Not really- Pod was considered very cool as it was derived from science fiction i.e. Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and Alien and had the cool sterile white 2001 look. funny how Apple now acts as if they invented the word.
Location: Mumbai, India
"I know, but just mentioning AT&T irritates me. I don't live in States anymore, so I hope the International plans as stated by Jobs will be much better!"
_____*****______*****_____Commo check!_____******______*****____
You can't even use AT&T or any carrier they mentioned for US service since you are not in the US.
Let it go man and quit bashing things totally unrelated, unconnected and unaffected by you.
Any GSM...i repeat any GSM...can you hear me now?
I would think so as it would likely keep iPod Touch users from using (and buying) books via the Amazon Kindle whispersync app.
Obviously the fact that there is the Kindle app will help this, since you are not going to lose your content if you switch over to this. The screen looks much nicer than the Kindle (obviously), and I'm hoping they will come up with a much better way to do newspapers than Kindle does. I think the demo they showed was looking at New York Times in a browser - I'm hoping you will be able to subscribe like on the Kindle and download the whole paper in one go, and have it look like the print version - that's where Kindle falls down for me.
Key is going to be the battery though. I love how long the Kindle battery goes. If they are right and it can do 8 hours video viewing, I wonder how long it will survive just reading books?
All told, I think this looks like an interesting device. I can't say I'm 100% blown away, but it has potential to be something really special, especially as developers come up with neat ideas.
Any GSM...i repeat any GSM...can you hear me now?
UMTS/HSDPA (850/1900/2100 MHz) and GSM/EDGE (850/900/1800/1900 MHz).
my rating has gone to 7/10 can use iwork on the tablet.
Yeah, exactly my thoughs. iWork makes it really useful.
Dammit Apple, why didn't you just name the freggin' thing iBook instead of iPad? IPAD, I mean, come on, it sounds like something made by Tampax for crying out loud!
So, is the name going to stop you from buying one? If yes, then that's your loss. Who cares about the name, the hardware and software and tech specs are all that matter!
So... no McGraw-Hill?
No other publishers mentioned? Just those five, eh? I dunno, seems to me like there could have been even one more there... hmm...
Jobs said, "We're going to open the flood gates for the rest of the publishers in the world starting this afternoon." Do people read the entire article before commenting? They will add more publishers as soon as deals are made and contracts signed.
Dammit Apple, why didn't you just name the freggin' thing iBook instead of iPad? IPAD, I mean, come on, it sounds like something made by Tampax for crying out loud!
Really? Tampax is the only pad you can think of?
How about jotter pads? How about drawing pads? Heard about brake pads?
It takes a certain kind of person to think solely of sanitary pads when a name is mentioned.
Maybe Apple should give names to people like this something like iDiots.
Dammit Apple, why didn't you just name the freggin' thing iBook instead of iPad? IPAD, I mean, come on, it sounds like something made by Tampax for crying out loud!
Wasn't iPod derided as well? Everyone will learn to live with the name.
So... no McGraw-Hill?
I'm sure Apple will offer their books but no... they weren't part of the presentation.
Really? Tampax is the only pad you can think of?
How about jotter pads? How about drawing pads? Heard about brake pads?
It takes a certain kind of person to think solely of sanitary pads when a name is mentioned.
Maybe Apple should give names to people like this something like iDiots.
It's like a tech'ed out notepad.
Read and ebook while listening to your music collection?! I thought there was no multi-tasking...?
The iPod app is one of the few that can run in the background.
and what about the newspapers and magazines. there was talk they might to more an ebook than website style.
and multimedia within the ebooks. how about combining the text and audio versions so you can playback while you read or flip between the two. or having non fiction titles like cook books with embedded videos or language books with audio clips. no mention of that stuff.
and how about native Kindle, Nook and Digital Comic support. Rather than making me download other apps. Not a huge deal but it would make things neater in the UI
Could this be a subtle jab at Steve Ballmer (regarding how the cover of Twilight, which consists of hands cradling an apple, was featured in his presentation of the HP slate computer)... as in, you've been 'Eclipsed'?
Clearly Jobs was pissed about the comments yesterday on CNBC. I'm sure the Apple lawyers had worked in stipulations that if anyone were to release product information before the event, Apple would have the right to sever the agreement.
I doubt the agreement was severed. They probably just lost their mention in the presentation.
Dammit Apple, why didn't you just name the freggin' thing iBook instead of iPad? IPAD, I mean, come on, it sounds like something made by Tampax for crying out loud!
LOL- iRag would be more appropriate
Wasn't iPod derided as well? Everyone will learn to live with the name.
Not really- Pod was considered very cool as it was derived from science fiction i.e. Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and Alien and had the cool sterile white 2001 look. funny how Apple now acts as if they invented the word.