Apple removes display of Adobe Flash content from iPad promos



  • Reply 81 of 139
    tekstudtekstud Posts: 351member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I don't believe Apple wants to necessarily kill flash. But they feel they have an alternative that works better. What rule says everyone has to support flash?

    Huh? And what make you think the web evolves around Apple?
  • Reply 82 of 139
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Sorry your link is broken, it doesn't work on my iPhone.

    So you have a working Nexus using Flash or was it just vapourware?

    I seem to recall Steve Jobs telling Adobe that they didn't want Flash-Lite on the iPhone and to come back with a full featured version.

    Well that was over three years ago and what has Adobe got? reports that Jobs said at the Apple town meeting that he thinks Adobe is lazy and could've done something with Flash but hasn't.

    Gruber at adds that Jobs reminisced about the kick-ass Adobe of old.
  • Reply 83 of 139
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Additionally, as it was mentioned before - Flash exclusion from iPhone/iPod/iPad could easily be attempt to kill access to free Flash games and apps, favouring Application Store. I am far from convinced that publishing of great Flash plug-in would open iDevices to Flash.

    Maybe, but the simpler issue is that on an iPhone, most of those games wouldn't work since there's no keyboard (or if you pull up the virtual keyboard, it'll cover half the game). And same problem on iPad, though you could make the browser screen half-sized so that the keyboard fits under it. Either way, it's ugly and looks like it would be a pain to use.
  • Reply 84 of 139
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by TiAdiMundo View Post

    Why can't people decide them self if they want Flash or not? Why do you want Steve Jobs tell you what you can or can't do? Seriously, that's called "Stockholm syndrome".

    I'm not a fan of Flash. Even on a desktop OS. But Flash is a part of the web so a web device should support it. Period. If Flash is buggy on Mac OS (and iPhone OS) Apple should work together with Adobe to fix it. If you don't want it, OK, just disable it.

    Microsoft Internet Explorer at one time was a major part of the Web. Did you want to keep all its crazy proprietary parts around as well?

    Why is IE dying? Part of the reason is Firefox and Safari and Chrome. At first, people said Firefox would fail because it refused to implement IE mechanisms. How is that working out?
  • Reply 85 of 139
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Sorry, but 30 million iPhone users are quite happy without it. My Aunt Mildred doesn't even know what Flash IS, and yet she loves her iPhone. Maybe it would be good for you, but the iPhone wasn't designed to play Flash. I'm glad the Flash isn't on the iPhone because it is buggy and drains the battery. Who needs that?

    I'm an iPhone user and I'm happy without it. None of the 20 iPhone users I know ever mention the lack of Flash as a reason for not liking the iPhone.
  • Reply 86 of 139
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    I've wanted a cool tablet computer to surf the web and play music and videos around the house for many years.

    I won't accept mediocrity, so I'll still wait for a device that just works, without having to worry about formats and codecs.

    I'm damn disappointed with the iPad.

    Adobe's Brimelow posted 12 sites that have blue boxes on an iPhone/iPad. shows that only two of them are valid, Farmville and Hulu. And Hulu's CEO has more or less said, he's coming to the iPhone/iPad. So we're left with Farmville.

    Your wait may be shorter than you think.
  • Reply 87 of 139
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Web developers would not have stopped coding specifically for IE extensions if Firefox had not taken a hard stance to force them to code for W3C standards.

    Web developers will not stop using flash if they are not pushed to stop using it.

    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Wrong. I want Flash because Flash content is already there. I'm all for Apple and others scrapping Flash once web replaces it with something better, but until that happens Flash is standard, and I want it.

  • Reply 88 of 139
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    Huh? And what make you think the web evolves around Apple?

    Its between adobe and apple...not the whole web and apple..Every individual/company has their own choice, you have your choice, tenobell has his, I have mine, similarly apple has their choice. As stated by Tenobell, apple is not singling out adobe thru flash, what apple is after the customers great experience in using apple products, and in my opinion adobe doesnt care about that. WHY?

    1. It has something to do in the past.

    2. Adobe is lazy migrating to cocoa while most third party developers are almost done doing the port.

    3. And....Well I think..... personally they dont want apple to succeed, thats why they make crappy and very slow functioning software products, so the customers both u and me will hate apple. Why is after effects so slow as compared to motion?....almost all mac products of adobe are very slow on the mac you think its the fault of Apple?
  • Reply 89 of 139
    [QUOTE=AppleInsider;1563250]Following an AppleInsider report that highlighted two pieces of promotional iPad material showing the display of Adobe Flash content, Apple has removed the offending images from its Web site.

    Something is SERIOUSLY WRONG with Steve Jobs for him to overlook how STUPID an iPAD presentation is "without" an "Adobe Flash" component on the front page of the New York Times demo he gave and with Apple for not catching the glitch that this creates in their web site demo and online marketing. Steve Jobs from 1999 would never allow this to happen. Furthermore, it shows that Apple's QuickTime online video streaming solution has a long way to go before it is heralded as the best format by all content creators and distributors. That's why his long-running negotiations with heavyweight book and newspaper publishing firms is so strategic in importance. In addition to creating an iTunes system for the publishing buisness, Apple is also trying to put Adobe Flash out of business.
  • Reply 90 of 139
    Originally Posted by Outsider View Post

    That was terrible.

    Check out the battery indicator. You can actually see it going down as the demo progresses.
  • Reply 91 of 139
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by AppleEater View Post

    Something is SERIOUSLY WRONG with Steve Jobs for him to overlook how STUPID an iPAD presentation is "without" an "Adobe Flash" component on the front page of the New York Times demo he gave and with Apple for not catching the glitch that this creates in their web site demo and online marketing. Steve Jobs from 1999 would never allow this to happen.

    That's not an accident, that was on purpose.


    Furthermore, it shows that Apple's QuickTime online video streaming solution has a long way to go before it is heralded as the best format by all content creators and distributors. Apple is also trying to put Adobe Flash out of business.

    Apple isn't pushing QuickTime for web video. Apple is pushing H.264, which is an platform agnostic codec.

    Apple can't kill flash, only Adobe can.
  • Reply 92 of 139
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by thadgarrison View Post

    I love being able to watch videos on my Touch, but the constant struggle to keep the screen held at an exact angle to avoid reflections is absurd. I'd be much more prone to pick up the cheapest iPad (for on-the-couch web reading only) if it had a matte screen.

    That's funny. I have never once experienced this struggle and we are both humans and have a Touch. And where does this "exact angle" come from? Your ebook won't display at 89 degrees but will look great at 90 degrees? I have never even given my screen a thought until I saw this post. Non issue.

    Originally Posted by AppleEater View Post

    In addition to creating an iTunes system for the publishing buisness, Apple is also trying to put Adobe Flash out of business.

  • Reply 93 of 139
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    No stinking Flash THE BEST BROWSING EXPERIENCE since 1998

    Die Flash die, remember in 2004?

    My 64bit Linux box, which forced me to run Firefox in 32 bit JUST FOR FLASH RUBBISH!

    I got used to doing without it and you know what?

    The world didn't end.

    My MacBook overheats and chugs whenever Adobe's crap injects into my runtimes, click2flash let's me have THE BEST BROWSING EXPERIENCE again.

    Yeah, Steve Jobs at its unveiling, who looked liked the only FOOL showing page after page of incomplete web content and then stating that the iPad was "THE best browsing experience you'll ever have. It's phenomenal."
  • Reply 94 of 139
    More so, in 1999, Steve Jobs asked adobe to create a decent professional Video Editing software on the mac better than premiere....Adobe in response killed the only editing software on the mac I use, putting the editing business of the mac almost out of business...if not for the tiny company that develops FCP for the mac and apple acquired it.....

    Well now...Apple dont take Tenobell said...only adobe can kill flash...again.....Lol...
  • Reply 95 of 139
    Originally Posted by SinisterJoe View Post

    Check out the battery indicator. You can actually see it going down as the demo progresses.

    The iPad is becoming big news the problem is the big news is its lack of features. Right now the iPad is known more for what it can't do rather then what it can.
  • Reply 96 of 139
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Not really, most of us know these complaints are coming from people who complain about Apple no matter what Apple does. The people complaining have never even touched an iPad.

    What they don't seem to realize is that Apple has only given superficial information about the iPad. There is a lot more to know and Jobs purposely didn't tell us everything. The likely reason he did not tell us everything is because its being saved for OS 4.0.

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The iPad is becoming big news the problem is the big news is its lack of features. Right now the iPad is known more for what it can't do rather then what it can.

  • Reply 97 of 139
    Originally Posted by mark2005 View Post

    Microsoft Internet Explorer at one time was a major part of the Web. Did you want to keep all its crazy proprietary parts around as well?

    Why is IE dying? Part of the reason is Firefox and Safari and Chrome. At first, people said Firefox would fail because it refused to implement IE mechanisms. How is that working out?

    I'm just saying: let the customers decide not one CEO. It should be clear why Jobs doesn't like Flash: free games!
  • Reply 98 of 139
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Maemo 5 (the N900) uses the Linux version of Flash 9.2.

    Wow! Wasn't that was from 2007? Hulu requires Flash Player 10.0.22 or above to work. I have to assume the non of the others are defaulting back to 9.x either.
  • Reply 99 of 139
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by TiAdiMundo View Post

    I'm just saying: let the customers decide not one CEO. It should be clear why Jobs doesn't like Flash: free games!

    The customers are deciding. If people demanded flash they wouldn't buy devices that don't use flash.

    As far as free games thats pure FUD and has already been addressed.

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Apple is directly contributing to 3D animation software that can be rendered directly in the browser. Very soon these elements will be used to make animations and games that play right in the browser.


    CSS Visual Effects

  • Reply 100 of 139
    mmnwmmnw Posts: 4member
    Still don't get why anyone could have been so stupid to believe this image was for real. Just open the same nytimes site on your computer and compare. What do you see? A bunch of advertising. So if you thought the iPad would display Flash, you probably also thought it blocks all advertising? Nice device indeed ...
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