Apple's iTunes advantage keeps Acer from building iPad challenger



  • Reply 61 of 89
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Which is of course why the iPhone is such a wretched failure. Flash, also.

    The iPad is not the iPhone.
  • Reply 62 of 89
    Originally Posted by mark2005 View Post

    I agree that there are small number of use cases where multitasking is beneficial. And it would be good for you and all of us to keep pointing out those cases to Apple. But just calling for multi-tasking is not the answer - see Ihnatko's review of Android phones (including his review of the iPad).

    Apple could introduce a limited form of multitasking to include streaming, and chatting (IM), that would satisfy most of this perceived need.

    We have to stop comparing this to the iPhone or to other smartphones. This is not a smartphone is a multifunction Tablet so we should expect more then what the iPhone has to offer. Even more so seeing the hardware can support more, its the software that is lacking.
  • Reply 63 of 89
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I'm not sure two people a day is all that much for what was suppose to be the biggest product of 2010. If the iPhone 4.0 software will allow the iPad to multi-task then I would consider one. However not being able to multi-task just doesn't fit my needs. As far as everything else I felt should have went into this, I can live without but not the ability to multi-task. Maybe your two a day friends don't understand they can work on something and stream music on the iPad. Once that hits them they may not want one.

    Maybe they understand that you in fact can stream music using something called HTTP streaming
  • Reply 64 of 89
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Roos24 View Post

    At least Scott Lin uses his brains better than this Extremeskater guy, who baffles me with his ignorance.

    Unbelievable, this guy really understands zero about Apple and has no problem to show that to everybody.

    I've recently discovered this Ignore List feature, and now is better time than any to begin using it.
  • Reply 65 of 89
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Why? I have a system with I would assume somewhat of the same setup. I fail to see where its hard to use or that awful. Its amazing to me that users have such an issue with this. I can go back and forth from my Windows systems to my Apple systems without even thinking about it at this point.

    Vista bad rap mostly came from hardware issues and drivers that weren't ready. At this stage there are no issues with Vista. At least no more then there are with SL.

    I recently remodeled my home, and I packed up my home office for several months. I moved my iMac from room to room to avoid the debris but the Vista box just stayed packed in boxes. Finally this weekend with my new office complete, I unpacked the PC and set it up. After an hour or so of dismissing popups from all directions, I tried to get my settings in order. The Control Panel stuff is all over the place. You need to open about 10 different windows to configure mouse, keyboard, screen saver, power etc. and every one of them with a different layout and size. I said to myself just last night, "What a piece of CRAP". Never did get the screen saver working. Tried to find a setting for hot corner but it is probably in yet another hidden settings window. Couldn't get the monitor to be recognized properly either. Radeon with dual DVI with Samsung 27". But it works as PnP Generic at 2400x1900 something. Oh did I mention? What a piece of Crap!
  • Reply 66 of 89
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    That's what you get for marrying a 7 year old.

    That made laugh hard. Thank you.
  • Reply 67 of 89
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I recently remodeled my home, and I packed up my home office for several months. I moved my iMac from room to room to avoid the debris but the Vista box just stayed packed in boxes. Finally this weekend with my new office complete, I unpacked the PC and set it up. After an hour or so of dismissing popups from all directions, I tried to get my settings in order. The Control Panel stuff is all over the place. You need to open about 10 different windows to configure mouse, keyboard, screen saver, power etc. and every one of them with a different layout and size. I said to myself just last night, "What a piece of CRAP". Never did get the screen saver working. Tried to find a setting for hot corner but it is probably in yet another hidden settings window. Couldn't get the monitor to be recognized properly either. Radeon with dual DVI with Samsung 27". But it works as PnP Generic at 2400x1900 something. Oh did I mention? What a piece of Crap!

    You couldn't get the screensaver working? By the way the reason this sounds like a load of crap is if you simply packed away your system your system settings would have never changed just because you unpluged your system. There should have been no reason to have to setup anything.

    Its kind of funny how there are 12 year olds all over the world using Windows systems with no problems at all yet for some reason members of this forum have such a hard time.
  • Reply 68 of 89
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The iPad is not the iPhone.

    No, but as I recall lack of multitasking and Flash are horrible liabilities on the iPhone and will fatally damage its fortunes in the marketplace. I know that because I was told so over and over and over and over and over again. Right after being told that lack of cut and paste and a decent camera and video recording rendered the entire operation pathetic. And just like I will soon be told that no OLED screen is a "dealbreaker" of an "iFail" and that new Android phones "kick the iPhone's ass."

    So now all you're saying is that your little list of shortcomings are really, really, really dealbreakers now, this time for sure, because a tablet is different. Flash, multitasking, closed! Flash, multitasking, closed! For the more adventurous, something something file system something. Literally thousands of times, with almost no variation or further insights. It's like you guys get up every morning and say to yourselves, "Better get on over to Apple Insider and explain some more why Flash, multitasking closed! are really enormous deals! Because they're still not getting it!

    And if those things are addressed or don't seem to be a problem in the market, we can switch to some other list of Absolutely Essential Things That the iPad Lacks Which Is Why I Love My Windows 7 Tablet, or talk about the suckers that don't understand real value or functionality, or iSheep, or hilarious stuff like that. Oh boy, I can't wait.

    What is it about being consistently wrong that seems to inspire people double down on their ignorant bigotry and come on like the very voice of common sense? It's mysterious, I'll tell you. And boring.
  • Reply 69 of 89
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Maybe they understand that you in fact can stream music using something called HTTP streaming

    Okay so when you get your iPad and you are working on say Pages or Keynote, click your Pandora app and let me know how that works for you.
  • Reply 70 of 89
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    No, but as I recall lack of multitasking and Flash are horrible liabilities on the iPhone and will fatally damage its fortunes in the marketplace. I know that because I was told so over and over and over and over and over again. Right after being told that lack of cut and paste and a decent camera and video recording rendered the entire operation pathetic. And just like I will soon be told that no OLED screen is a "dealbreaker" of an "iFail" and that new Android phones "kick the iPhone's ass."

    So now all you're saying is that your little list of shortcomings are really, really, really dealbreakers now, this time for sure, because a tablet is different. Flash, multitasking, closed! Flash, multitasking, closed! For themore adventurous, something something file system something. Literally thousands of times, with almost no variation or further insights. And if those things are addressed are don't seem to be a problem in the market, then we can switch to some other list, or talk about the suckers that don't understand real value or functionality, or iSheep, or hilarious stuff like that. Oh boy, I can't wait.

    What is it about being consistently wrong that seems to double down on their ignorant bigotry and come on like the very voice of common sense? It's mysterious, I'll tell you. And boring.

    Well maybe some felt it was a liability for the iPhone but I can't say I ever saw it that way. I always saw a clear need for the iPhone, even as a Blackberry users I felt the iPhone was always a better web browser which was needed for a long time.

    There is no clear need for what the iPad has to offer. Its lack of features makes it even more in doubt in my opinion. However time will tell.
  • Reply 71 of 89
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    You couldn't get the screensaver working? By the way the reason this sounds like a load of crap is if you simply packed away your system your system settings would have never changed just because you unpluged your system. There should have been no reason to have to setup anything.

    Its kind of funny how there are 12 year olds all over the world using Windows systems with no problems at all yet for some reason members of this forum have such a hard time.

    No you are right it was running right out of the box. But I wanted to reconfigure it to be more energy efficient since my previous settings were to never sleep anything. Originally I was having issues with it going to sleep and then not ever waking up. Since it was out of service for awhile when it fired up, instantly, every application wanted to check for new updates and I just wanted to get it running on a new network. It was not pretty to say the least. Sure, I could have called in a 12 year old to help but, what the hell, I only have 30+ years experience with computers and built the one in question as well as dozens before. There is a reason many IT experts agree that Windows XP is still the best version.
  • Reply 72 of 89
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Okay so when you get your iPad and you are working on say Pages or Keynote, click your Pandora app and let me know how that works for you.

    I've never downloaded Pandora. I use FlyCast, because of its world changing ability to re-direct the stream into Safari for, you guessed it, background play... even has web browser built in if i feel like using the app itself.
  • Reply 73 of 89
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    No you are right it was running right out of the box. But I wanted to reconfigure it to be more energy efficient since my previous settings were to never sleep anything. Originally I was having issues with it going to sleep and then not ever waking up. Since it was out of service for awhile when it fired up, instantly, every application wanted to check for new updates and I just wanted to get it running on a new network. It was not pretty to say the least. Sure, I could have called in a 12 year old to help but, what the hell, I only have 30+ years experience with computers and built the one in question as well as dozens before.

    Sounds like gross user error to me.
  • Reply 74 of 89
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    I've never downloaded Pandora. I use FlyCast, because of its world changing ability to re-direct the stream into Safari for, you guessed it, background play... even has web browser built in if i feel like using the app itself.

    Sounds Interesting. Does it work right now on the iPhone? Sounds like a bit of a hack to me. Very unApple.
  • Reply 75 of 89
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    There is no clear need for what the iPad has to offer. Its lack of features makes it even more in doubt in my opinion. However time will tell.

    No clear need?

    By profession I write web software. I'm now going to add iPhone and iPad software to what I offer.

    Before 2005 I used to think Macs were a joke because I did not like the first Macs that came out. Though I started using an Apple ][ I switched to the "PC compatible" camp when I started selling them. During that time I built my own computers by carefully choosing all the items. That worked well and my Pentium 3 with 768MB of memory is faster than many P4 laptops I've seen with more memory and faster CPUs.

    In September 2005 lightning zapped my computer, going right through my surge suppressor. So I needed a cheap backup to use. It was Saturday night and the places I bought parts from were closed, so I took a gamble and bought a Mac Mini.

    The Mini was great, except it had 256MB of memory and I saw the spinning beachball way too much. In 2007 I bought an Intel iMac and it became my primary machine.

    After using the machine for a year, I realized it had more than paid for itself. I now spend far more time working on my business (i.e. billable hours) instead of working on the computer. Now, I loved tinkering with my PC - getting new and improved options - but that was non-billable time.

    Last year I bought a MacBook for travelling. I also bought a Dell Mini 9 as it's easy to carry around the house. This year I bought the 27 inch Core 2 Duo iMac.

    So, what does this have to do with the iPad?

    Even owning 4 Macs and an iPod Touch the iPad still fills a need.

    Yes, I can check email with the Touch, but a larger screen would be nice.

    Reading PDFs. With the iPad I can read while laying down on the couch, without juggling the laptop or netbook.

    Letting my children ( 6 and 12) use the iPad. I'd rather let them use an iPad than my MacBook.

    Would I use an iPad as my main computer - NO.

    Would it work as my daughter's main computer - YES. It would be perfect if it had a front-facing computer and multi-tasking, but they'd still be satisfied with it.

    Is it the ultimate computer for everybody - NO. But it is great for many users and/or tasks.

    Client Needs:

    So far two clients have asked me about iPad specific programs. One is in the sports training field. Another is in the medical field. The iPad would be perfect for them.

    Other uses:

    Direct Salesmen. Salesmen could sell say, a coupon book. The credit card processing could be done through the iPad, while the sales info for the reps would go into the company's database. Voila. Real-time sales info.

    Restaurants: Waiters/Waitresses enter the order information and this is sent to a screen in the kitchen.

    Assisted Living: Health care workers could enter info into the iPad and have it sent back to Providers company server.


    While techies and power users may be disappointed there will be many who will see the possibilities.

    So, need more flexibility - choose another option.

    If the iPad solves your need choose it.
  • Reply 76 of 89
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by ilogic View Post

    Acer makes good PCs - I've used them and they were solid performers. I think it's smart that they know when to back down, not like some other manufacturers that shall remain unnamed...

    Tablet is just not their game. They are doing great with netbooks, and they are also pushing hard with Timeline series of ULV portables with 8+ hours of battery life. Apple hasn't got netbooks, so tablet as netbook alternative makes sense. Not so for Acer.
  • Reply 77 of 89
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    my wife who has no idea what flash is was interested. until i told her she can't play farmville on it

    My wife too.

    That Facebook is really becoming the biggest evil ever.
  • Reply 78 of 89
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I recently remodeled my home, and I packed up my home office for several months. I moved my iMac from room to room to avoid the debris but the Vista box just stayed packed in boxes. Finally this weekend with my new office complete, I unpacked the PC and set it up. After an hour or so of dismissing popups from all directions, I tried to get my settings in order. The Control Panel stuff is all over the place. You need to open about 10 different windows to configure mouse, keyboard, screen saver, power etc. and every one of them with a different layout and size. I said to myself just last night, "What a piece of CRAP". Never did get the screen saver working. Tried to find a setting for hot corner but it is probably in yet another hidden settings window. Couldn't get the monitor to be recognized properly either. Radeon with dual DVI with Samsung 27". But it works as PnP Generic at 2400x1900 something. Oh did I mention? What a piece of Crap!

    It sounds to me you are a bit clueless, which is sort of understandable - I'm equally clueless when I sit behind Mac, no matter how easy it is supposed to be. It is just too different from what I am used to, and what I am used to is the easiest for me.
  • Reply 79 of 89
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    That's what you get for marrying a 7 year old.

    You would be surprised to learn about my "7 year old", but your comment still stands!

    There is some strange chemistry between ladies and Facebook games. Total mystery to me.
  • Reply 80 of 89
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    It sounds to me you are a bit clueless, which is sort of understandable - I'm equally clueless when I sit behind Mac, no matter how easy it is supposed to be. It is just too different from what I am used to, and what I am used to is the easiest for me.

    When I first got a Mac, I had a heck of time installing programs. I'd download the program, open up the DMG file and then wonder what's next. I was stumped, and I didn't realize that Apple had videos for people switching to Macs, so I called a client who used Macs.

    When I realized it was so simple, I smacked my head. I was so used to selecting which drive I wanted to install on, and choosing a folder name, that thought those must be on the Mac.

    Though I find Macs easy to use, I recommend switchers watch Apple's videos to make sure they know which things are different.
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