Eccentric but effective Steve Jobs pitches iPad to NYT execs



  • Reply 121 of 162
    Originally Posted by auxio View Post

    ...I've always felt that classes in basic logic and analytical skills should added to the general curriculum in schools (starting around age 10 or so). Good to hear that you're making your kids aware.

    The game of Chess is a good teacher, but one has to win once in a while as not to get discouraged and quit.
  • Reply 122 of 162
    Originally Posted by Rhetoric.assassin View Post

    concedes that you are wrong but still leave room for a passive-aggressive jab at apple....

    now that's classy....

    Guys like him hang out here for reasons that are difficult to comprehend.

    Must be a low self-esteem thing (or, maybe, dropped on his head as a child, or whatever......)
  • Reply 123 of 162
    Originally Posted by milkmage View Post

    is there a name for that..

    I am sure there is, but it's not one that I know. I like that combo once in a while! Tried it out once, and liked it, that's all.

    PS: Gin works well too!
  • Reply 124 of 162
    Originally Posted by freethinker View Post

    My sentiments expounded exactly. Closed systems aren't good in countries (N. Korea or Cuba) and certainly not in consumer products. Apple has always fashioned itself as creative, free spirited, etc but it is on closer examination one of the most dictatorial corporations (maybe that has led to its success, much like China being a closed regime and having an off the charts GDP growth)...It is an interesting topic and one that I am sure will be studied at universities in the future...

    and apple not suceeding in cuba and north korea has hurt much?
  • Reply 125 of 162
    Originally Posted by doyourownthing View Post

    and apple not suceeding in cuba and north korea has hurt much?

    Not my point at all. My point is that Closed Systems i.e. North Korea and Cuba do not work for the people living in them.
  • Reply 126 of 162
    Originally Posted by freethinker View Post

    My sentiments expounded exactly. Closed systems aren't good in countries (N. Korea or Cuba) and certainly not in consumer products. Apple has always fashioned itself as creative, free spirited, etc but it is on closer examination one of the most dictatorial corporations (maybe that has led to its success, much like China being a closed regime and having an off the charts GDP growth)...It is an interesting topic and one that I am sure will be studied at universities in the future...

    I think state sponsored capitalism has come about to due to the shift of the U.S. being the #1 market in the world. Before everyone wanted the U.S. to be open, as it was The Market, consuming over 90% of the worlds resources so it became lax. But now countries are competing intensely and want the same standard of living as the U.S. and West enjoy. So not only do they compete against each other, but for the worlds limited resources.

    It was China that sucked up the worlds oil ahead of the Olympics that caused the $4 plus spike in gas prices last year as a demonstration of their new economic power, the socialist media blames the speculators as the sole cause of course.

    China is kicking our collective asses and playing unfairly, not letting their currency float, rather pegging it to the dollars decline, so while we still try to play fair with open markets, as a result we are losing.

    Apple is working with the China government directly, to sell wifi-less iPhones in China. WTF?

    Google and 30 other US companies get hacked, by a State Government?

    In order to compete with the state sponsored capitalism world of the present and future, the U.S. is going to have to throw off this socialist dream team in Congress and embrace a more opportunist set of lawmakers hell bent on pushing American companies and domestic job creation.

    We are going to have to fight in the gutter just like China is doing, there is no other option but to wither away as another socialist failure in world history books.

    American companies like Apple, need to carefully re-evaluate their position in economic hostile countries like China and hedge their bets, shift some of their manufacturing back state side, it's mostly all done by robots anyway. This process of continuation to rape the US and not returning jobs and economic vitality to one of their primary markets is just wrong.

    Having worked with a lot of Chinese folks, (no disrespect intended) I know how they tend to be all take and no give, it came about because of their large numbers of course, the need for the individual to survive on few opportunities and resources that doesn't allow much for anyone else. Americans got to survive too! We are not all "fat cats" laying around in luxury, people are going hungry and homeless by the thousands everyday.

    By Apple having worked with this type of society now it has obviously influenced and changed Apple from a open platform to a highly closed and controlling one, just like China.

    The very fact that jail broken iPhone's out number the State authorized wifi less iPhones in China goes to show that that ideal doesn't work, that open is better, and if it's not open, it will be opened and they will steal apps by the millions too just to spite.

    So it shall be with the iPad, but unfortunately we can't trust the sources of those who open the iPad, Apple needs to provide a way to open the iPad for people who want to take their chances, much like OS X is now. Let the lemmings and the ones needing hand holding use the App Store, that's not reflective of the total market and they usually learn fast that they realize a need a more open type platform.

    Let the rest of us buy on the open market, use the Apps we want to use. Just place restrictions so that AT&T and the App store doesn't get abused. There are 3G USB sticks for laptops, so what's the big deal? You abuse the 3G you get kicked off.

    The best of both is better, open and closed. But Apple I feel won't see it that way and therefore won't realize as much benefit as they could.
  • Reply 127 of 162
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    I think state sponsored capitalism has come about to due to the shift of the U.S. being the #1 market in the world. Before everyone wanted the U.S. to be open, as it was The Market, consuming over 90% of the worlds resources so it became lax. But now countries are competing intensely and want the same standard of living as the U.S. and West enjoy. So not only do they compete against each other, but for the worlds limited resources.

    It was China that sucked up the worlds oil ahead of the Olympics that caused the $4 plus spike in gas prices last year as a demonstration of their new economic power, the socialist media blames the speculators as the sole cause of course.

    China is kicking our collective asses and playing unfairly, not letting their currency float, rather pegging it to the dollars decline, so while we still try to play fair with open markets, as a result we are losing.

    Apple is working with the China government directly, to sell wifi-less iPhones in China. WTF?

    Google and 30 other US companies get hacked, by a State Government?

    In order to compete with the state sponsored capitalism world of the present and future, the U.S. is going to have to throw off this socialist dream team in Congress and embrace a more opportunist set of lawmakers hell bent on pushing American companies and domestic job creation.

    American companies like Apple, need to carefully re-evaluate their position in economic hostile countries like China and hedge their bets, shift some of their manufacturing back state side, it's mostly all done by robots anyway. This process of continuation to rape the US and not returning jobs and economic vitality is just wrong.

    Having worked with a lot of Chinese folks, (no disrespect intended) I know how they tend to be all take and no give, it came about because of their large numbers of course, the need for the individual to survive on few opportunities and resources that doesn't allow much for anyone else.

    By Apple having worked with this type of society now it has obviously influenced and changed Apple from a open platform to a highly closed and controlling one, just like China.

    The very fact that jail broken iPhone's out number the State authorized wifi less iPhones in China goes to show that that ideal doesn't work, that open is better, and if it's not open, it will be opened and they will steal apps by the millions too just to spite.

    So it shall be with the iPad, but unfortunately we can't trust the sources of those who open the iPad, Apple needs to provide a way to open the iPad for people who want to take their chances, much like OS X is now. Let the lemmings and the ones needing hand holding use the App Store, that's not reflective of the total market and they usually learn fast that they need a more open type platform.

    Let the rest of us buy on the open market, use the Apps we want to use. Just place restrictions so that AT&T and the App store doesn't get abused. There are 3G USB sticks for laptops, so what's the big deal? You abuse the 3G you get kicked off.

    I respect your views and thanks for the anecdotes. One could say that the shit has yet to hit the fan- namely that the Chinese economy will at first feel the tinges of economic despair gripping the West and then soon accelerate in its decline and China's decline will be far steeper than ours. China relies on American consumers and European Consumers to buy its goods. It is great for them that African and Middle Eastern countries are buying as well but even they are feeling the hurt of the global economic crisis (Dubai getting loans from Abu Dhabi, etc). What I fear though is that the opportunists you mentioned have already arrived and instead of having noble goals (like push for job creation) they are instead filling their own pockets from the ship (USA) that they see as sinking. Liberal or Conservative nothing is ever done in Washington precisely because that is how the corporations that pay lobbyists want it to be. But it is wrong to say that nothing gets done- a whole lot gets done for the corporate interests - look at wall street, auto makers, etc... The question is where do we go from here as a society? And why do we hold ourselves up to ideals that never existed in the first place (free market, etc). We are capitalist in regards to profits and socialist in regards to losses.
  • Reply 128 of 162
    Originally Posted by milkmage View Post

    the iphone blew people away because it was totally new (the top selling phone in 2007, prior to iphone was a RAZR). people see the ipad and say meh, "it's been done before"... so the wow factor is not the same because the mechanics are the same. BUT...

    pay attention to the demos at the keynote, and ignore everything but the chrome. there are new UI elements introduced, and new interaction paradigms that are hard to appreciate unless you actually use it (NOT that i've used it).. overall I think the keynote demos were pretty poor because they didn't split the screen and show the hands on one side, and the screen on the other.

    initially, it wont take off like the iphone, there will not be hours long lines to buy, but that will change by summer. once new or pad specific apps start to hit the store and more and more people get their hands on it they'll realize that this isn't just a big ipod.

    the iphone introduced intuitive mechanics: tap, flick, pinch.

    the pad will introudce a [more] intuitive interface.. the quality and robustness of an app mean nothing w/o an intuitive interface. there's only so much you can do on the phone screen, as slick as the mechanics are the bigger screen means more/new innovations that utilize the same mechanics we already know (and dare I say.. now EXPECT?).. it's just that this time.. you have a bigger screen which means you can now support apps that simply wouldn't work due to the screen realestate limitations on the phone.

    is it still a big ipod if they build apps that just won't work on a small screen?

    apple threw down a blank canvas, the new iwork apps are "demos" of what's possible.. it's up to the devs to take those concepts and run with them.

    What type of Apps do you think will change this and make it a must have item? Games?

    I think that until this thing can multi-task it is not going to be that robust...
  • Reply 129 of 162
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by auxio View Post

    But yeah, I've always felt that classes in basic logic and analytical skills should added to the general curriculum in schools (starting around age 10 or so). Good to hear that you're making your kids aware.

    Once a year or so I insist that they reread Stephen's Guide to the Logical Fallacies. IMO, everybody should, along with The Five Rules of Propaganda.

    It is easier to resist logical fallacies and propaganda if the techniques used are set forth clearly.

    IMO, many folks here embrace these techniques without being aware of it.
  • Reply 130 of 162
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by milkmage View Post

    the new iwork apps are "demos" of what's possible.. it's up to the devs to take those concepts and run with them.

    I took the iWork stuff to be primarily demos of the app pricing that will be possible with the iPad.
  • Reply 131 of 162
    Originally Posted by freethinker View Post

    I respect your views and thanks for the anecdotes. One could say that the shit has yet to hit the fan- namely that the Chinese economy will at first feel the tinges of economic despair gripping the West and then soon accelerate in its decline and China's decline will be far steeper than ours. China relies on American consumers and European Consumers to buy its goods. It is great for them that African and Middle Eastern countries are buying as well but even they are feeling the hurt of the global economic crisis (Dubai getting loans from Abu Dhabi, etc).

    The China economic engine has started and has it's own population to use as fuel for quite some time. It also has locked in the cheapest labor and pegs it's currency to the dollar to ensure that American and European countries have no other less expensive option but to buy from China.

    If there is a source that is less expensive, numerous, homologous, hardworking and as intelligent as China's people in the world, it remains to be seen.


    What I fear though is that the opportunists you mentioned have already arrived and instead of having noble goals (like push for job creation) they are instead filling their own pockets from the ship (USA) that they see as sinking.

    Well it was the socialist mindset creep in government, that everyone was entitled to own their own home even if they can't afford it, started by Clinton (Community Reinvestment Act) and finished by the 2005 Congress (the ones in right now) that caused the economic mess and huge national debt we are in right now.

    That "hate capitalism" socialist policy has cost the poor who were conned into giving up their life savings for a down payment on something they couldn't afford by a Government who was backing the play with tax payers money and bilking investors the world over. To the point that the actual ratings of the securities were altered!

    If the real estate bubble was allowed to be a typical speculative, wealthy only type game, only the rich who held property too long would have lost. I been through one before so I know what happens. But no! The Congress decided to get Freddie and Fannie into the sub-prime game and now we are in debt to the Chinese to our eyeballs because of it.

    Now Barney Frank want's to get rid of the two GSE's because nobody will buy their stock and thus can't attract any investors. He wants to create a new socialist government controlled entity so it can attract (and bilk) investors (retirees life savings) out of their hard earned money all over again.

    We all, even the poor, are going to pay dearly due to the high inflation that's coming for years. It's already started last month and the Fed isn't tightening one bit so they intend for it to be high to pay back in cheaper dollars.


    Liberal or Conservative nothing is ever done in Washington precisely because that is how the corporations that pay lobbyists want it to be. But it is wrong to say that nothing gets done- a whole lot gets done for the corporate interests - look at wall street, auto makers, etc... The question is where do we go from here as a society? And why do we hold ourselves up to ideals that never existed in the first place (free market, etc). We are capitalist in regards to profits and socialist in regards to losses.

    The tax payer is not a ATM machine of endless money, I calculated that everyone would have to work something like three or four months full time for free to pay for something that they had nothing to do with by a socialist government mentality that can't even run their own State of California well, much less the US Government. Sub-prime lending abuse started in California and their government is bankrupt, issuing IOU's. (But then conservative Texas has a good economy and no sub-prime mess. Why is that?)

    We need to focus on endeavors that the rest of the world can't compete with the U.S. on, reverse or minimize the outbound cash flow, cut the fat like unions getting $75 a hour and 95% pay if not working and focus on competing nationally better. The fat should also be cut in other areas as well, so it's just not labor, but management as well.

    Also the deflation rate should have been allowed to continue, it was a natural adjustment, to bring US prices down to more realistic world prices so we can compete on a more even level with other nations.

    With all things being equal, labor costs and prices that is, companies would decide to move operations back to the US from other countries to avoid instability, government control and shipping costs.


    why are we still in Iraq?

    It's obvious, Middle East stability and control is vital to the U.S. for it's energy and national security.

    China like the U.S., doesn't have abundant energy resources as cheap as oil, it would be there in a heartbeat and cutting everyone else off, or making them pay higher prices.

    The Middle East countries accept US involvement because we are interested in maintaining the peace and letting the free market of capitalism to work.

    Those who reject the US involvement can do so, but if they threaten the region, like Saddam did, they will be dealt with.

    If the US pulled out of the Middle East, there would be a rush of hostile nations in to fill the power void and thus hamper our ability to maintain our economic and national security by controlling a energy resource as cheap as oil.

    So that's why we are in Iraq and Afghanistan and why Obama, despite his political campaign rhetoric, hasn't pulled out one troop out and rather increased troops instead.

    Hopefully with Apple's iPad, more textbooks will become available to users at a lower cost that will explain the complicated political and economic relationships that exist between countries of the world. Shed a bit of light to the average American so they can understand the why's and how comes.

    It's the ignorant public that is electing ignorant politicians.
  • Reply 132 of 162
    Anybody interested in discussing the story?

    I think it's so interesting that Steve is doing personal dog and pony shows for the iPad. Apparently he's still in NYC and was seen visiting Time Inc. today. I don't think we've ever seen him do this for any other Apple product. He obviously has a lot personally invested in it.
  • Reply 133 of 162
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    I highly doubt New Yorkers will be as gullible as Hollywood's music industry.

    Though again they are a very liberal news rag and he does have that Al Gore connection.

    I guess you kind of missed the whole "Steve goes to NYC to court John Sculley" private talks a few decades back?

    Yeah. Thought so.

    In the end, Sculley didn't get it either. And look what happened to him.
  • Reply 134 of 162
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    The Middle East countries accept US involvement because we are interested in maintaining the peace and letting the free market of capitalism to work.

    Those who reject the US involvement can do so, but if they threaten the region, like Saddam did, they will be dealt with.

    If the US pulled out of the Middle East, there would be a rush of hostile nations in to fill the power void and thus hamper our ability to maintain our economic and national security by controlling a energy resource as cheap as oil.

    So that's why we are in Iraq and Afghanistan and why Obama, despite his political campaign rhetoric, hasn't pulled out one troop out and rather increased troops instead.

    i think if i were american, i'd question why my country is protecting israel so fiercely...i would also question if my elected president is actually safeguarding american rights, or whose...
  • Reply 135 of 162
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by freethinker View Post

    What type of Apps do you think will change this and make it a must have item? Games?

    I think that until this thing can multi-task it is not going to be that robust...

    What apps make the iPhone or iPod touch a "must have" item? I can't name one because it changes from person to person. What is really important is the selection and variety of apps so that people with different tastes and intended tasks for a tablet can see the value in the iPad. Apple has shown that iPad apps can be much better than iPhone apps. This guy just wants to read comic books on an iPad, and there is already an app under development for it.

    Multitasking is largely a red herring. How many tasks can you perform at a time? One. It is far less essential to have than people suggest, saved states alone would solve many problems. The most common (and most legitimate) reason people want multitasking is to listen to music from a source other than the iPod App. An interesting point about the iPad is that it is missing a lot of stock iPad Apps that the iPod touch has like weather and stocks. These are apps that don't need to be full screen... or Apps at all. They would be better suited as widgets, which is exactly what some people are speculating about. A streaming radio widget would get around the whole app store apps can't multitask problem (native apple apps can) quite nicely wouldn't it? While multitasking isn't needed in most instances, it is definitely a nice feature to have and something I am hoping for in iPhone OS 4.0 which should be out in June. If that happens, iPad users would have suffered the "intolerable" lack of multitasking for three whole months. The lack of multitasking simply isn't a deal breaker to me, or most other people and those who care about it are usually the ones who are also capable of jailbreaking to get it. Either way, we should know more about iPhone OS 4.0 in March before the iPad ships if history is any indication.

    There are two ways to look at the iPad:

    1. At what it does and where it can go from there

    2. Features that it doesn't have

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: far too many people judge Apple products based on what they don't have, which illogical since you buy products based on what they have, not what they don't have. If you look at what the iPad has going for it, it will appear as a great platform, if you focus on missing features, it will always be terrible (naysayers will always find a new "must have" feature that is missing).
  • Reply 136 of 162
    Ironically, the Pranna website is entirely flash-based and completely useless on the iPad.
  • Reply 137 of 162
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    When you have to go to those extremes after you've launched your next "revolutionary" device then you know Apple is in BIG trouble.

    Imagine what you'd being saying if Steve Ballmer was doing that for whatever reason.

    Besides, you can get a subscription to the New York Times right now, today, on any Kindle.

    a Kindle which basically costs the same as an iPad. with NO touch screen NO colour NO internet access NO applications NO video

    basically Kindle = EPIC FAIL

    a post in the style of Techstud
  • Reply 138 of 162
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    If the NY Times was offered for FREE to the iPad, with the income coming from display ads, perhaps it would work.

    It's the other way around. Offer a free/$99 iPad (subsidized) for a 2 year premium online subscription.
  • Reply 139 of 162
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The Apple executive reportedly arrived wearing a ?a very funny hat ? a big top hat kind of thing,? and ordered penne pasta with a mango lassi to drink

    I love mango lassi, and I often dress like Lincoln. What's so strange about that?
  • Reply 140 of 162
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    Anybody interested in discussing the story?

    I think it's so interesting that Steve is doing personal dog and pony shows for the iPad. Apparently he's still in NYC and was seen visiting Time Inc. today. I don't think we've ever seen him do this for any other Apple product. He obviously has a lot personally invested in it.

    That's far from the only reasonable guess. Another might be that things are not going well with regard to attracting partners, so Steve is forced to step in.
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