Consumers lose interest in iPad after Apple's unveiling - survey



  • Reply 261 of 407
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    It will not be popular because Tablets have never been very popular. Its not powerful, its not a full functioning computer, its nothing more then a large iPod Touch.

    The list of feature that it lacks is larger then the features it has. Like I have said before all the fanboys were talking about how "Slate" computing was going to take over notebooks now the koolaid mix is simply to have something to kill the Kindle. For users that already own a notebook and smartphone this is a nothing product.

    I disagree. You're the one who is always knocking Apple's products here. It becomes a knee jerk reaction with you and a couple of others. You have nothing to base your statements on other than your wanting it to fail. But it won't.

    And stop using the word fanboys as though you know what you're talking about. I can only assume you are putting me in there as well, and no matter what you may think, I'm not a fanboy. Are you a troll?

    If you are, I'll ban you. Should I?
  • Reply 262 of 407
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    $130 extra for 3G is a rip-off. The chip and antenna probably cost $0.50. Hell, the chip is probably just disabled in the non-3G.

    The licences involved cost $120 though, get your facts straight.

    As for this very "scientific" survey, we ll see who's gonna be laughing when the ipad sells like crazy.
  • Reply 263 of 407
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Youtube has been Flash free from almost the very beginning of the iPhone's release.

    not on the general web, just on the iPhone app. youtube is now working on an HTML5 version of their web site.
  • Reply 264 of 407
    cimcim Posts: 197member
    This is the same company that claimed Apple was getting killed by netbooks.
  • Reply 265 of 407
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    has. Like I have said before all the fanboys were talking about how "Slate" computing was going to take over notebooks now the koolaid mix is simply to have something to kill the Kindle. For users that already own a notebook and smartphone this is a nothing product.

    Once again misrepresenting what others one ever said that tablets were going to replace notebooks, I dare you to quote some of the most prominent posters here, where did they ever say such a thing?

    As one of the mods said, this constant reaction to knock down apple products is knee jerk, and so, so, so tiring. I would add it's a compulsive need too.
  • Reply 266 of 407
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    HP mini 10 with Win 7. All for $249. The point is, this would be an awesome device for my kids but most, if not all the internet games the play are flash. A Little jailbreak here and they can tether off my iPhone while we travel. Works great. No matter what the iPad will not be able too do this for them. If it simply had flash, I could see buying two just for them.

    Yeah cause you can't download 20,000+ free game apps for your kids on the ipad, or being less of a cheapo and pay an extra $30 say and get 7-10 really fun and great games for them that everyone in the family will be able to use and enjoy... You can't do any of these, you ll have to have flash...:rolleyes...the epitome and wave of the future for gaming...
  • Reply 267 of 407
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by alandail View Post

    not on the general web, just on the iPhone app. youtube is now working on an HTML5 version of their web site.

    We're talking about mobile.
  • Reply 268 of 407
    tipootipoo Posts: 1,154member

    Jobs is very concise, I can see the purpose of the device more clearly now.
  • Reply 269 of 407
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    USB is available through an adapter, and you don't need Powerpoint, as Keynote, a product that is considered to be better, is only $9.95.

    And, apparently, you will be able to move files over WiFi. That's something that people have been screaming for. Now its here, be happy.

    The accessories page does not list such a beast, and at any rate I suspect a USB adapter as mentioned in this thread would not be generically available to applications, but tied to specific tasks, such as importing photos.
  • Reply 270 of 407
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    We're talking about mobile.

    no, we're talking about the need for flash in relation to a web browser.
  • Reply 271 of 407
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    The accessories page does not list such a beast, and at any rate I suspect a USB adapter as mentioned in this thread would not be generically available to applications, but tied to specific tasks, such as importing photos.

    It does exist. It's part of the photo kit, as I'm sure you saw on their site, which is why you mentioned photo importing.

    You can't say that it doesn't allow this, because we haven't seen it yet. But we do know that the 30 pin connector is used to connect the device to your computer, just as with the iPhone now, with USB. It has back and forth data flow. We know this too, as you can back up programs and data bought through the phone to your computer, and install on your phone, programs and data bought on your computer.
  • Reply 272 of 407
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post


    not as much as you might think. it was 1000 people and probably not random or selected to reflect the same demos as the total population

    Also this company is focused on electronics and such so the folks surveyed are likely a tad more 'geek' than most, and thus not really the target audience for the ipad. the geeks want an actual computer and thus when they heard this was a large 'mobile device' they were immediately turned off. Which is not shocking.

    I will say that I imagine some of the fever will die over the next couple of weeks even in the gen pop because of the time lag. When it gets closer to release and a date is set and marketing ramps up with more reviews, actual app releases and such, some of the drop will recover. Then when the device reaches hands on time, a bit more will return. Probably not millions upon millions, at least not at first but I imagine that some solid numbers will result once sales start.

    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    It's easy to lose interest in something you can't buy.

    Apple needs to stop this nonsense of debuting a product and then saying it will be available X months later.

    there were reasons, the FCC approval leaking the specs being one of them.

    that said, they announced it 3 months before. not too bad. way better than all the prototypes at CES that ended with 'available by the end of the year' which could mean anything. At least Apple gave a solid time. And who knows, if the FCC approval takes less time than they are calculating and they can get enough units ready to go, they might move up the release dates.
  • Reply 273 of 407
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    It does exist. It's part of the photo kit, as I'm sure you saw on their site, which is why you mentioned photo importing.

    You can't say that it doesn't allow this, because we haven't seen it yet. But we do know that the 30 pin connector is used to connect the device to your computer, just as with the iPhone now, with USB. It has back and forth data flow. We know this too, as you can back up programs and data bought through the phone to your computer, and install on your phone, programs and data bought on your computer.

    OK. I missed the USB adapter- the one on the left. The fact it's specifically mentioned in the same breath as connecting to your camera is a strong suggestion as to its intended use.

    It is however a bit of a leap to suggest that this particular accessory will enable data transfers generally. Surely you would accept this point of view. What you are espousing are possibilities. Possibilities which may or may not eventuate under the purview of Apple.
  • Reply 274 of 407
    doroteadorotea Posts: 323member
    Turkey alert.. Turkey alert!!!!!

    I can't imagine why someone would lose interest in something that they cannot purchase or use.

    Turkey alert!

    Lousy article.
  • Reply 275 of 407
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by alandail View Post

    no, we're talking about the need for flash in relation to a web browser.

    No, we're talking about Flash as it relates to the iPad specifically, and peripherally, to the iPhone and Touch. The browser is just the way it enters the machine.
  • Reply 276 of 407
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    OK. I missed the USB adapter- the one on the left. The fact it's specifically mentioned in the same breath as connecting to your camera is a strong suggestion as to its intended use.

    It is however a bit of a leap to suggest that this particular accessory will enable data transfers generally. Surely you would accept this point of view. What you are espousing are possibilities. Possibilities which may or may not eventuate under the purview of Apple.

    I disagree. There is no reason to believe that it can't be used two way, as USB is used on the other devices. Why are you trying to limit something that's already being done?
  • Reply 277 of 407
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I disagree. There is no reason to believe that it can't be used two way, as USB is used on the other devices. Why are you trying to limit something that's already being done?

    I don't think we're arguing the same point. I don't deny for a second that there are other possibilities with respect to such a USB adapter, but Apple have clearly contemplated a specific use case for this adapter: that is as part of a camera connectivity kit.

    I am reasonably confident that Apple's intention is not to have this adapter used as a generic way to connect USB devices to the iPad and I think the marketing is behind me on this point.

    You originally said that USB is available with an adapter. This is not strictly correct. As of this very minute it is part of a camera connectivity kit. There is nothing but your conjecture that it can be used for other things.

    Note carefully that I am not leaving closed the possibility that future functionality might be exposed but right now that USB "port" is merely being used to connect cameras to the ipad so that photos can be pulled from the camera.
  • Reply 278 of 407
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    It will not be popular because Tablets have never been very popular.

    Why have they 'never been very popular'?

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Its not powerful, its not a full functioning computer

    You say that it is 'not powerful' nor 'a fully functioning computer'. So you are an expert then. Are you an analyst too?

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    ...its nothing more then a large iPod Touch.

    Stupid remark!

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    The list of feature that it lacks is larger then the features it has.

    Oh dear, do you think that is any different to any other aspect of our lives?

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Like I have said before all the fanboys were talking about how "Slate" computing was going to take over notebooks now the koolaid mix is simply to have something to kill the Kindle. For users that already own a notebook and smartphone this is a nothing product.

    Obviously a purely illogical statement in the context of the iPad, an unreleased product. Possibly quite true in respect of products already on the market, in which Apple is currently not represented.

    In terms of logic, your series of remarks point to the futility of producing a slate-type product that doesn't also re-imagine the way in which we interact with it. Was that your goal? (Didn't think so.)
  • Reply 279 of 407
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    I don't think we're arguing the same point. I don't deny for a second that there are other possibilities with respect to such a USB adapter, but Apple have clearly contemplated a specific use case for this adapter: that is as part of a camera connectivity kit.


    Note carefully that I am not leaving closed the possibility that future functionality might be exposed but right now that USB "port" is merely being used to connect cameras to the ipad so that photos can be pulled from the camera.

    Apple may only have a specific use in mine with its adapters, but we know they have USB and SD access to a file system, and we know developers have access to the 30-pin connector. I am not seeing what limitations you are.
  • Reply 280 of 407
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    No, we're talking about Flash as it relates to the iPad specifically, and peripherally, to the iPhone and Touch. The browser is just the way it enters the machine.

    No, the debate is if it's the real internet without flash, and my assertion is that Steve Jobs is leading the web away from proprietary flash to HTML5. I used the example of YouTube moving towards an HTML5 solution as evidence of the web is moving towards standards, which ultimately is better for everyone as there will be better security, better performance, better reliability, and for mobile/portable devices, better power management.
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