It appears some air has been seeping over from Disney...
If Apple wants to be Puritan about it, give the App Store a "mature" section. Problem solved.
That's the first thought I had also. This is so "Disney-esque" it's funny.
To those that don't see a problem with this, you are missing the point entirely. It's not to do with whether Apple should or shouldn't allow "indecent" content, it's the problem of who gets to decide what's "decent."
For instance naked boobies is totally okay in most countries around the world excluding some really backward third-world places, some uber-religious nutbar countries like Iran, and the USA. The boobies app is being removed because to the average, religious, American, it's considered "adult," but Apple is a world-wide company now. It's ridiculous to suggest that one of the countries with the most backward and old-fashioned moral stances should decide what is good for the rest of the world. It's haughty, condescending BS. It's just wrong no matter how you look at it.
Apple's app store is a world wide phenomenon, and it's a single gatekeeper. There are no other places to go for apps and that changes the situation significantly. If Apple allowed some other way to get apps on your iPhone, then the issue would go away, but as long as they force you to go through the app store, they should not be censoring what you can and cannot see. Especially since this determination is being made based on the individual morals of a very few individuals at the helm of an American company.
I find it funny that everyone gets so upset if Apple bans a browser or a video streaming app (as if it's tantamount to purest evil for them to do so), when in fact they have practical business reasons behind the move. Yet when they do something like this, which is clearly orders of magnitude worse, people mostly just shrug and say "whatever." This kind of morals-based censorship, (that has no logical reason behind it) and no justification is the very worst kind of censorship and the very worst kind of "closed" system.
Worse, this will most likely give a huge boost to the jailbreaking community just as it was fading away. Up till now, the main reason to jailbreak your phone was to steal apps, with a small percentage doing it for pure zealotry, or because they have a major geek-on for some tricky thing that Apple wasn't letting it's customers do.
Now however, huge numbers of relatively normal, non-techie users that aren't interested in stealing apps will have an excellent reason to get involved in jailbreaking their phone.
I think this is a huge mistake for Apple to go down this road of moral gatekeeper. The store has a ratings system, and it works. If a customer wants to buy apps with naked boobies in them, Apple is simply foolish to try and stop it.
Apple should actually desire to be (secretly), known as the platform with the *best* boobies app, not the one platform that Walt Disney would approve of.
For all of you who "could care less," because you have a beautiful wife, or you wouldn't dream of watching something as juvenile ass jiggly boobs... the point is Apple acting as the "moral authority" or what is appropriate.
Why are you quoting something that was not written?
He wrote "couldn't care less" meaning he does not care at all. :Could care less" means someone does care.
Despite having spent years defending laissez faire, I still have to say that I'm happy with apple trying to keep it's environs from degrading into the cesspool that the rest of the Internet has become.
"The rest of the internet"?? In other words, there are nothing but porn sites on the "rest of the internet"?
Odd, as I never see any, with my usual 20-40 tabs open, with scarce a genital or sexual reference to be found on my browser unless I go and look for them. I guess that's all you look for, then.
Originally Posted by estyle
There are thousands of bookstores that choose not to sell porn (or erotic) magazines.
Why shouldn't apple have this choice?
For starters, how about because they've made themselves the only outlet for content for a multi-purpose device on which you can visit porn sites, take erotic pictures and videos, store and play porn videos transferred to the device, "talk dirty" on the phone and do SXTING with??
If I buy a DVD player at Best Buy, I can go to another store if my tastes run to erotica to buy DVD's and it's no reflection on BB or Samsung.
So why just censor apps, since every other function of the instrument allows all the sex you can digitize? I have a feeling it's an unintended side effect of closing out other potential app vendors which has created a subsequent perceived need to preserve Apple's image, but in the end, no matter, this is hypocrisy (and faux censorship) through app monopoly over all who want to embrace the Apple ecosystem.
That is, Apple can sell a porn-accessing/creating/transmitting/receiving device without blushing, while still claiming "purity" by not being a vendor of same - and they're not just keeping porn apps off, they're keeping all apps they don't like off.
Originally Posted by jrandersoniii
I guarantee, in less that 5-minutes I could come up with 100 songs and videos on iTunes that do more harm to women, homosexuals, and other people through their lyrics and portrayals of certain people.
Or much less.
Originally Posted by TEKSTUD
So when does Apple Inc relocate to Salt Lake City?
Actually, Salt Lake's a blue island in a red sea. All kinds of sin biz here!
Originally Posted by maciekskontakt
"...nauseating American sensitivities"
I agree 100%!
(Euro living in the USA)
P.S> But violent games and movies are normal for average American especially young one. The rule seems to be that learn how to kill and hurt people first and then learn erotism and natural ways or reproducing human kind. Heck... the last thing you will be allowed... at age 21... is to buy liquor. Just do not say F-word when you shoot that"enemy" on your console, because it is obnoxious.
I believe it was Lenny Bruce who said that American couples only feel really married when they're fighting, because growing up they always saw their parents doing that, but seldom expressing any physical intimacy.
And of course it's more healthy for kids to see avatars being torn and blown limb from bloody limb than a lovely human breast.
Originally Posted by adamthecarny
I agree with your sentiment, but unfortunately there is a precedent already set for what music should and shouldnt be sold, which Apple has nothing to do with, whereas Apps are a blank slate. It is a shame they are not more open to allowing Adult App content but I would hesitate to call it a double standard.
I won't hesitate. The rationale for the App Store model is technical, not moral. The notion that "you can only buy apps from us" was because it ensured that the device worked properly by controlling multi-tasking, resource usage, API calls, optimizing battery life, preventing crashing, etc., and while limiting, I could see that. And people who want to go beyond those limits and have some geek cred can jailbreak - although (as I understand it) detected jailbreakers are banned from buying at the app store, which I find considerably more dodgy to justify - prohibiting people from paying Apple for real apps because they did something Apple didn't like which doesn't threaten Apple.
This is a whole new universe where Apple becomes not the technical judge, but rather the moral avatar to the entire userbase around the world. Apple users have always endured the taunts of cultists, but now Apple seems to have assumed a religious censor status the Pope can't muster!
And there are certainly safeguards Apple can easily include that provide as much protection from such apps as is considered sufficient for analog society and the rest of the digital world.
YouTube's no better. They leave highly inflammatory racist and rants against members of certain religions, as in really foul and totally discreditable stuff, up forever despite multiple complaints, and all language is fair game, but swing into bluenose action with dispatch at the mere suggestion of a nipple. And as far as I know, ditto for facebook.
However, on the same hardware you can easily go to sites where racier fare is allowed.
To make the point clearer, imagine (because of "multiple complaints") that Adobe built a breast and penis detector into Photoshop that would close and delete any image in which such human body appurtenances were found.
Originally Posted by fyngyrz
Frankly, I'm not interested in porn. I prefer my women clothed -- the mystery is more interesting to me than having the details handed over. Nor does crudeness for the sake of crudeness, or content intended to shock, amuse me in the least. I prefer sophisticated women and refined humor. Yet I find this move by Apple to be despicable.
We know that Apple has elected to control the immediate content of their product, and under our laws, either they can do that, or at least, no one has successfully figured out how to frame the question well enough to get it into court in such a way as to remove that ability.
All that said, I find the attempt to mother consumers -- both the "you can only buy apps here" and the "only apps we find to be 'safe' by our own definition" to be offensive and inappropriate. It is also arrogant.
As for the people who complained -- they're simply beneath my contempt.
Because the iPod has a web browser, absolutely no "protecting" of anyone is achieved by this move. It is literally striking an entirely fake pose. To actually achieve anything close to such a goal, the device would have to have the web browser capability, and Photo library capability, and video playback capability, all removed -- at the very least. Which of course leaves the web browser on the PC you must have to support the iPod close to hand and ready to find materials sufficient to widen anyone's eyes within seconds.
I understand Porn is such a necessity to humanity, but does it has to be on every electronic device out there? I think its a good idea to remove it from App Store. If people are that desperate to watch it then there are other means to do so. Maybe they can get an Android or something.
The problem is if you use Apple's products, there are no other sources to go to.
Also, ...
- Nudity is not necessarily "porn" and they are banning nudity here, not "porn"
- There already exists a rather healthy and draconian ratings system to keep the Christians happy.
What if Steve Jobs converted to Islam overnight and then banned all apps that showed women's faces because of course that would be "immoral" to him then also? This would be clearly "wrong" and everyone would protest against it simply because it doesn't fit with what the average American thinks is moral or right. But why is it that what Americans think is immoral or indecent gets to be the deciding factor? There are people with iPhones in Iran, lots of them, what about their morality? There are also people with iPhones in Europe where naked boobies are on TV and seen on the beach any day of the week.
I'm not a fan of porn, I find it dull and stupid for the most part, but this is just wrong no matter how you slice it. People have a right to determine for themselves what they watch unless you can prove there is some material harm involved. For instance no one supports child porn really because of the obvious bad effects it has on children. That's just common sense and there are real, factual, logical reasons for such bans.
Banning nudity because "someone might be offended," is not the same thing at all. It's s decision made completely on the basis of religion, and a "lowest common denominator" mentality.
Apple is essentially saying here, "We don't care what the rest of the world thinks, in the USA, there are people who will be offended by this stuff, so even though it's already in the back room of the store, we are just going to ban it altogether so as not to have the religious zealots picketing outside the store." They are caving to pressure from a minority and knee-capping the rights of the majority, based on nothing at all.
When you sign up for itunes you should be able to put your age in there. If you are under 18, you don't get to see the adult categories, if you are over 18 you should have an option to opt out. Personally I don't mind seeing those apps in the appstore, cause we are not china and won't sensor this type of content. I hope.
Most are not telling Apple what they should be selling, they are arguing against Apple's decision to censor. Suggesting that a company act in a more responsible manner is not the same as mandating what they can and cannot sell.
safeway still won't stock a lifesize sex doll. Stores can sell what they want or not sell what they don't want.
There is a war going on here on earth that started before this world existed. Its a war between right and wrong. Today this war is more sophisticated and well funded by those that support the Wrong side than ever before.
The fact that Porn is a multi billion dollar industry does not make it right. Porn has no place in society. It is on the Wrong side of the war that competes for our lives. Porn devalues societies, devalues women, breaks up marriages, breaks up families, and is an addiction that is harder to break than heroin.
Bravo Apple. Porn or any overtly sexual material is not wanted or needed in the App store.
You can get porn, just not from the App store. Tube8 has a mobile version of their site with video.
Good riddens, we don't need porn filling up the app store. There is no reason to have an application when all it does is point you to a web site or images/video. People can create a web app for that & then I don't have to sift through porn apps while trying to look for apps that are actually functional to me. I actually wish Apple would make it so that web apps appear in a different category from apps that actually utilize features of the iPhone system.
Apple really never should have allowed such apps to clutter up their store, then they wouldn't be facing the PR nightmare of both explaining to parents why the apps still appear for their kids when age restriction is set and explaining to developers why they are pulling content they previously allowed. This is one area of their family friendly persona they really fell down on.
safeway still won't stock a lifesize sex doll. Stores can sell what they want or not sell what they don't want.
So much better put & to the point then how I stated it, bravo! Agreed, people whining about loosing access to porn apps on the iTunes store can just create their own web apps from sites on the web. Look at it this way, now you won't have to pay a few bucks just to see something you probably could have found elsewhere for free.
If I heard you right you said, "Apple can't do that because I don't want them to!"
So to deny a company from deciding what it will and will not sell is no longer the right of the company?
What kind of freedom is that? You have a really skewed view if you think that what you are suggesting isn't worse.
Unbelievable how quickly and blindly people impinge on other people's rights in demand for their personal wants.
Sure they can act as the supreme moral authority and decide what is decent and what is not good enough for us in their store. That's their right. But I am really surprised the Apple Inc. is not generally ignored by the public for that stance.
So, Steve, keep on censoring what's good for us, but stick your iPhone into your iArse, not going to buy it.
BTW, Apple should really consider removing Safari from iPhone. This is really porn hub, why not to be consistent and remove this before "complaints" start to flow again. And you won't have that pesky Flash question in front of your eyes anymore.
There is a war going on here on earth that started before this world existed. Its a war between right and wrong. Today this war is more sophisticated and well funded by those that support the Wrong side than ever before.
The fact that Porn is a multi billion dollar industry does not make it right. Porn has no place in society. It is on the Wrong side of the war that competes for our lives. Porn devalues societies, devalues women, breaks up marriages, breaks up families, and is an addiction that is harder to break than heroin.
Bravo Apple. Porn or any overtly sexual material is not wanted or needed in the App store.
Banning porn from AppStore won't make your or any other family "safer". People who believe in such bullshit are really reason why America is in such a crisis. Hypocrites everywhere.
Most are not telling Apple what they should be selling, they are arguing against Apple's decision to censor. Suggesting that a company act in a more responsible manner is not the same as mandating what they can and cannot sell.
To decide what books you want to carry in your store is not censorship, the way keeping them out of a public library system would be. Don't confuse the two.
For all of you who "could care less," because you have a beautiful wife, or you wouldn't dream of watching something as juvenile ass jiggly boobs... the point is Apple acting as the "moral authority" or what is appropriate.
NO. Apple is responding to the expressed standards of its community.
If you are juvenile enough you need boobs on your phone just use mobile safari and find it on the web.
Now, lets look at the double standard. I guarantee, in less that 5-minutes I could come up with 100 songs and videos on iTunes that do more harm to women, homosexuals, and other people through their lyrics and portrayals of certain people. So because Apple can charge $1.29 for outrageous and morally corrupt music - that is OK... but they can censor application content?
Again, they are responding to their community of users which has different standards for music which you have to buy to hear these "harmful" songs or videos. However degrading some music/video content, it has separate artistic merit how ever little.
These "boobies" apps only exist to titillate.
Apple tried to have a more liberal policy on this class of Apps but the userbase rejected it and wanted higher standards.
Disgusting. Apple/AT&T just lost my family's 5 iPhones/accounts. I refuse to support a closed platform that enforces censorship.
One Nation, Under Shame.
That *was* sarcasm, right?
Only governments can censor.
They never allowed hardcore porn apps either so why did you ever get your iPhones if access to "boobs" is so important to your family that the uncensored web alone isn't enough to fill your needs?
There is a war going on here on earth that started before this world existed. Its a war between right and wrong. Today this war is more sophisticated and well funded by those that support the Wrong side than ever before.
The fact that Porn is a multi billion dollar industry does not make it right. Porn has no place in society. It is on the Wrong side of the war that competes for our lives. Porn devalues societies, devalues women, breaks up marriages, breaks up families, and is an addiction that is harder to break than heroin.
Bravo Apple. Porn or any overtly sexual material is not wanted or needed in the App store.
Another good comment. I agree with you, and as far as I am concerned the perverts who enjoy porn can stay the fuck away from my family or take a bat to the head!
It appears some air has been seeping over from Disney...
If Apple wants to be Puritan about it, give the App Store a "mature" section. Problem solved.
That's the first thought I had also. This is so "Disney-esque" it's funny.
To those that don't see a problem with this, you are missing the point entirely. It's not to do with whether Apple should or shouldn't allow "indecent" content, it's the problem of who gets to decide what's "decent."
For instance naked boobies is totally okay in most countries around the world excluding some really backward third-world places, some uber-religious nutbar countries like Iran, and the USA. The boobies app is being removed because to the average, religious, American, it's considered "adult," but Apple is a world-wide company now. It's ridiculous to suggest that one of the countries with the most backward and old-fashioned moral stances should decide what is good for the rest of the world. It's haughty, condescending BS. It's just wrong no matter how you look at it.
Apple's app store is a world wide phenomenon, and it's a single gatekeeper. There are no other places to go for apps and that changes the situation significantly. If Apple allowed some other way to get apps on your iPhone, then the issue would go away, but as long as they force you to go through the app store, they should not be censoring what you can and cannot see. Especially since this determination is being made based on the individual morals of a very few individuals at the helm of an American company.
I find it funny that everyone gets so upset if Apple bans a browser or a video streaming app (as if it's tantamount to purest evil for them to do so), when in fact they have practical business reasons behind the move. Yet when they do something like this, which is clearly orders of magnitude worse, people mostly just shrug and say "whatever." This kind of morals-based censorship, (that has no logical reason behind it) and no justification is the very worst kind of censorship and the very worst kind of "closed" system.
Worse, this will most likely give a huge boost to the jailbreaking community just as it was fading away. Up till now, the main reason to jailbreak your phone was to steal apps, with a small percentage doing it for pure zealotry, or because they have a major geek-on for some tricky thing that Apple wasn't letting it's customers do.
Now however, huge numbers of relatively normal, non-techie users that aren't interested in stealing apps will have an excellent reason to get involved in jailbreaking their phone.
I think this is a huge mistake for Apple to go down this road of moral gatekeeper. The store has a ratings system, and it works. If a customer wants to buy apps with naked boobies in them, Apple is simply foolish to try and stop it.
Apple should actually desire to be (secretly), known as the platform with the *best* boobies app, not the one platform that Walt Disney would approve of.
Four words come to mind: Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.
For all of you who "could care less," because you have a beautiful wife, or you wouldn't dream of watching something as juvenile ass jiggly boobs... the point is Apple acting as the "moral authority" or what is appropriate.
Why are you quoting something that was not written?
He wrote "couldn't care less" meaning he does not care at all. :Could care less" means someone does care.
Despite having spent years defending laissez faire, I still have to say that I'm happy with apple trying to keep it's environs from degrading into the cesspool that the rest of the Internet has become.
"The rest of the internet"?? In other words, there are nothing but porn sites on the "rest of the internet"?
Odd, as I never see any, with my usual 20-40 tabs open, with scarce a genital or sexual reference to be found on my browser unless I go and look for them. I guess that's all you look for, then.
There are thousands of bookstores that choose not to sell porn (or erotic) magazines.
Why shouldn't apple have this choice?
For starters, how about because they've made themselves the only outlet for content for a multi-purpose device on which you can visit porn sites, take erotic pictures and videos, store and play porn videos transferred to the device, "talk dirty" on the phone and do SXTING with??
If I buy a DVD player at Best Buy, I can go to another store if my tastes run to erotica to buy DVD's and it's no reflection on BB or Samsung.
So why just censor apps, since every other function of the instrument allows all the sex you can digitize? I have a feeling it's an unintended side effect of closing out other potential app vendors which has created a subsequent perceived need to preserve Apple's image, but in the end, no matter, this is hypocrisy (and faux censorship) through app monopoly over all who want to embrace the Apple ecosystem.
That is, Apple can sell a porn-accessing/creating/transmitting/receiving device without blushing, while still claiming "purity" by not being a vendor of same - and they're not just keeping porn apps off, they're keeping all apps they don't like off.
I guarantee, in less that 5-minutes I could come up with 100 songs and videos on iTunes that do more harm to women, homosexuals, and other people through their lyrics and portrayals of certain people.
Or much less.
So when does Apple Inc relocate to Salt Lake City?
Actually, Salt Lake's a blue island in a red sea. All kinds of sin biz here!
"...nauseating American sensitivities"
I agree 100%!
(Euro living in the USA)
P.S> But violent games and movies are normal for average American especially young one. The rule seems to be that learn how to kill and hurt people first and then learn erotism and natural ways or reproducing human kind. Heck... the last thing you will be allowed... at age 21... is to buy liquor. Just do not say F-word when you shoot that"enemy" on your console, because it is obnoxious.
I believe it was Lenny Bruce who said that American couples only feel really married when they're fighting, because growing up they always saw their parents doing that, but seldom expressing any physical intimacy.
And of course it's more healthy for kids to see avatars being torn and blown limb from bloody limb than a lovely human breast.
I agree with your sentiment, but unfortunately there is a precedent already set for what music should and shouldnt be sold, which Apple has nothing to do with, whereas Apps are a blank slate. It is a shame they are not more open to allowing Adult App content but I would hesitate to call it a double standard.
I won't hesitate. The rationale for the App Store model is technical, not moral. The notion that "you can only buy apps from us" was because it ensured that the device worked properly by controlling multi-tasking, resource usage, API calls, optimizing battery life, preventing crashing, etc., and while limiting, I could see that. And people who want to go beyond those limits and have some geek cred can jailbreak - although (as I understand it) detected jailbreakers are banned from buying at the app store, which I find considerably more dodgy to justify - prohibiting people from paying Apple for real apps because they did something Apple didn't like which doesn't threaten Apple.
This is a whole new universe where Apple becomes not the technical judge, but rather the moral avatar to the entire userbase around the world. Apple users have always endured the taunts of cultists, but now Apple seems to have assumed a religious censor status the Pope can't muster!
And there are certainly safeguards Apple can easily include that provide as much protection from such apps as is considered sufficient for analog society and the rest of the digital world.
YouTube's no better. They leave highly inflammatory racist and rants against members of certain religions, as in really foul and totally discreditable stuff, up forever despite multiple complaints, and all language is fair game, but swing into bluenose action with dispatch at the mere suggestion of a nipple. And as far as I know, ditto for facebook.
However, on the same hardware you can easily go to sites where racier fare is allowed.
To make the point clearer, imagine (because of "multiple complaints") that Adobe built a breast and penis detector into Photoshop that would close and delete any image in which such human body appurtenances were found.
Frankly, I'm not interested in porn. I prefer my women clothed -- the mystery is more interesting to me than having the details handed over. Nor does crudeness for the sake of crudeness, or content intended to shock, amuse me in the least. I prefer sophisticated women and refined humor. Yet I find this move by Apple to be despicable.
We know that Apple has elected to control the immediate content of their product, and under our laws, either they can do that, or at least, no one has successfully figured out how to frame the question well enough to get it into court in such a way as to remove that ability.
All that said, I find the attempt to mother consumers -- both the "you can only buy apps here" and the "only apps we find to be 'safe' by our own definition" to be offensive and inappropriate. It is also arrogant.
As for the people who complained -- they're simply beneath my contempt.
Because the iPod has a web browser, absolutely no "protecting" of anyone is achieved by this move. It is literally striking an entirely fake pose. To actually achieve anything close to such a goal, the device would have to have the web browser capability, and Photo library capability, and video playback capability, all removed -- at the very least. Which of course leaves the web browser on the PC you must have to support the iPod close to hand and ready to find materials sufficient to widen anyone's eyes within seconds.
Well said!
I understand Porn is such a necessity to humanity, but does it has to be on every electronic device out there? I think its a good idea to remove it from App Store. If people are that desperate to watch it then there are other means to do so. Maybe they can get an Android or something.
The problem is if you use Apple's products, there are no other sources to go to.
Also, ...
- Nudity is not necessarily "porn" and they are banning nudity here, not "porn"
- There already exists a rather healthy and draconian ratings system to keep the Christians happy.
What if Steve Jobs converted to Islam overnight and then banned all apps that showed women's faces because of course that would be "immoral" to him then also? This would be clearly "wrong" and everyone would protest against it simply because it doesn't fit with what the average American thinks is moral or right. But why is it that what Americans think is immoral or indecent gets to be the deciding factor? There are people with iPhones in Iran, lots of them, what about their morality? There are also people with iPhones in Europe where naked boobies are on TV and seen on the beach any day of the week.
I'm not a fan of porn, I find it dull and stupid for the most part, but this is just wrong no matter how you slice it. People have a right to determine for themselves what they watch unless you can prove there is some material harm involved. For instance no one supports child porn really because of the obvious bad effects it has on children. That's just common sense and there are real, factual, logical reasons for such bans.
Banning nudity because "someone might be offended," is not the same thing at all. It's s decision made completely on the basis of religion, and a "lowest common denominator" mentality.
Apple is essentially saying here, "We don't care what the rest of the world thinks, in the USA, there are people who will be offended by this stuff, so even though it's already in the back room of the store, we are just going to ban it altogether so as not to have the religious zealots picketing outside the store." They are caving to pressure from a minority and knee-capping the rights of the majority, based on nothing at all.
One Nation, Under Shame.
Most are not telling Apple what they should be selling, they are arguing against Apple's decision to censor. Suggesting that a company act in a more responsible manner is not the same as mandating what they can and cannot sell.
safeway still won't stock a lifesize sex doll. Stores can sell what they want or not sell what they don't want.
The fact that Porn is a multi billion dollar industry does not make it right. Porn has no place in society. It is on the Wrong side of the war that competes for our lives. Porn devalues societies, devalues women, breaks up marriages, breaks up families, and is an addiction that is harder to break than heroin.
Bravo Apple. Porn or any overtly sexual material is not wanted or needed in the App store.
You can get porn, just not from the App store. Tube8 has a mobile version of their site with video.
Good riddens, we don't need porn filling up the app store. There is no reason to have an application when all it does is point you to a web site or images/video. People can create a web app for that & then I don't have to sift through porn apps while trying to look for apps that are actually functional to me. I actually wish Apple would make it so that web apps appear in a different category from apps that actually utilize features of the iPhone system.
Apple really never should have allowed such apps to clutter up their store, then they wouldn't be facing the PR nightmare of both explaining to parents why the apps still appear for their kids when age restriction is set and explaining to developers why they are pulling content they previously allowed. This is one area of their family friendly persona they really fell down on.
safeway still won't stock a lifesize sex doll. Stores can sell what they want or not sell what they don't want.
So much better put & to the point then how I stated it, bravo! Agreed, people whining about loosing access to porn apps on the iTunes store can just create their own web apps from sites on the web. Look at it this way, now you won't have to pay a few bucks just to see something you probably could have found elsewhere for free.
If I heard you right you said, "Apple can't do that because I don't want them to!"
So to deny a company from deciding what it will and will not sell is no longer the right of the company?
What kind of freedom is that? You have a really skewed view if you think that what you are suggesting isn't worse.
Unbelievable how quickly and blindly people impinge on other people's rights in demand for their personal wants.
Sure they can act as the supreme moral authority and decide what is decent and what is not good enough for us in their store. That's their right. But I am really surprised the Apple Inc. is not generally ignored by the public for that stance.
So, Steve, keep on censoring what's good for us, but stick your iPhone into your iArse, not going to buy it.
BTW, Apple should really consider removing Safari from iPhone. This is really porn hub, why not to be consistent and remove this before "complaints" start to flow again. And you won't have that pesky Flash question in front of your eyes anymore.
There is a war going on here on earth that started before this world existed. Its a war between right and wrong. Today this war is more sophisticated and well funded by those that support the Wrong side than ever before.
The fact that Porn is a multi billion dollar industry does not make it right. Porn has no place in society. It is on the Wrong side of the war that competes for our lives. Porn devalues societies, devalues women, breaks up marriages, breaks up families, and is an addiction that is harder to break than heroin.
Bravo Apple. Porn or any overtly sexual material is not wanted or needed in the App store.
Banning porn from AppStore won't make your or any other family "safer". People who believe in such bullshit are really reason why America is in such a crisis. Hypocrites everywhere.
Most are not telling Apple what they should be selling, they are arguing against Apple's decision to censor. Suggesting that a company act in a more responsible manner is not the same as mandating what they can and cannot sell.
To decide what books you want to carry in your store is not censorship, the way keeping them out of a public library system would be. Don't confuse the two.
For all of you who "could care less," because you have a beautiful wife, or you wouldn't dream of watching something as juvenile ass jiggly boobs... the point is Apple acting as the "moral authority" or what is appropriate.
NO. Apple is responding to the expressed standards of its community.
If you are juvenile enough you need boobs on your phone just use mobile safari and find it on the web.
Now, lets look at the double standard. I guarantee, in less that 5-minutes I could come up with 100 songs and videos on iTunes that do more harm to women, homosexuals, and other people through their lyrics and portrayals of certain people. So because Apple can charge $1.29 for outrageous and morally corrupt music - that is OK... but they can censor application content?
Again, they are responding to their community of users which has different standards for music which you have to buy to hear these "harmful" songs or videos. However degrading some music/video content, it has separate artistic merit how ever little.
These "boobies" apps only exist to titillate.
Apple tried to have a more liberal policy on this class of Apps but the userbase rejected it and wanted higher standards.
Disgusting. Apple/AT&T just lost my family's 5 iPhones/accounts. I refuse to support a closed platform that enforces censorship.
One Nation, Under Shame.
That *was* sarcasm, right?
Only governments can censor.
They never allowed hardcore porn apps either so why did you ever get your iPhones if access to "boobs" is so important to your family that the uncensored web alone isn't enough to fill your needs?
Get real.
I couldn't care less. Have beautiful wife and can't see any reason to get upset here. I have my iPhone for other things.
Well put! As do I- now if you will excuse me, instead of looking at some perverted weird porn crap, I'm going to go spend time with my beautiful wife.
There is a war going on here on earth that started before this world existed. Its a war between right and wrong. Today this war is more sophisticated and well funded by those that support the Wrong side than ever before.
The fact that Porn is a multi billion dollar industry does not make it right. Porn has no place in society. It is on the Wrong side of the war that competes for our lives. Porn devalues societies, devalues women, breaks up marriages, breaks up families, and is an addiction that is harder to break than heroin.
Bravo Apple. Porn or any overtly sexual material is not wanted or needed in the App store.
Another good comment. I agree with you, and as far as I am concerned the perverts who enjoy porn can stay the fuck away from my family or take a bat to the head!