Scientific analysis finds iPhone LCD trumps Nexus One OLED



  • Reply 21 of 187
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Actually I believe OLED will die before it ever truly gets off the ground. OLED has its advantages but it has some fairly large disadvantages.

    The first would be lifespan. I believe the half life is around 14000-15000 compared to 60,000 for LCD.

    Color balance issues are still an issue with OLED. Blue seems to be the color with most of the problems.

    OLED also consumes 40% more power then LCD.

    OLED is also subject to burn-in.

    Maybe over time most of this can be worked out but right now its not ready for prime time.

    Much of what you listed, besides being taken straight from Wikipedia, were concerns a couple of years ago when OLEDs were just starting to gain press (clicking the citations will take you to web articles written in early to mid 2008). The half life of blue LEDs have improved considerably since then due to new organic phosphor mixes being used to create the "blue" emitted light. I also think you read the power consumption wrong. OLED consumes 40% less power to display blacks, and typically 20% less power in general. The only exception is displaying images with pure white backgrounds; that's where OLEDs take a punch. I definitely don't think OLED is going to die... its the next logical progression beyond LCD and back lights. As for commercial production, although Sony announced it is axing its XEL-1 OLED TV, Samsung is shopping around for interested takers to build an OLED fab plant. I believe Samsung will lead the way to OLEDs being mass produced, and once that happens, they'll start popping up in everything, not to mention prices coming down. Just a matter of time.
  • Reply 22 of 187
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Seems to be the same reason consumers favour shiny screens over matte.

    As long as the colours are set to 100% MegaVibrance it's all good, right? Who cares about colour accuracy and correct brightness?

    But hey, yet ANOTHER article praising the iPhone (or denigrating the competition) so it MUST be "pure garbage."

    No not at all - your analogy is completely and utterly wrong. It's more like comparing an LCD under glass to a Plasma (which is always under glass). Most videophiles would pick the plasma.

    Th iPhone has a lot of great things going for it but sadly it's screen (with the exception of its size)is not one of them. Neither is it "launch/re-launch" app modus operandi.
  • Reply 23 of 187
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by TEKSTUD View Post

    No not at all - your analogy is completely and utterly wrong. It's more like comparing an LCD under glass to a Plasma (which is always under glass). Most videophiles would pick the plasma.

    Th iPhone has a lot of great things going for it but sadly it's screen (with the exception of its size)is not one of them. Neither is it "launch/re-launch" app modus operandi.

    Only you could take an article where a learned doctor *proves* beyond a shadow of a doubt that the iPhone screen is better and comment to the effect that in fact the screen is, "not great."

    This is like replying to a paper by a climate scientist warning of global warming with some anecdote about the winter storms "proving" he is wrong.

    You do realise what a complete idiot you look saying stuff like this I guess?
  • Reply 24 of 187
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Only you could take an article where a learned doctor *proves* beyond a shadow of a doubt that the iPhone screen is better and comment to the effect that in fact the screen is, "not great."

    This is like replying to a paper by a climate scientist warning of global warming with some anecdote about the winter storms "proving" he is wrong.

    You do realise what a complete idiot you look saying stuff like this I guess?

    He doesn't look, he is.
  • Reply 25 of 187
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by tasslehawf View Post

    Luckily, I don't think there are too many professional photographers editing photos on their phones.

    I don't see why any of this really matters.

    It matters because genetically speaking, roughly 40% of the population has the eyeballs to tell the difference.

    Just because the majority of people look at an over saturated overly contrast image and don't see anything wrong, doesn't mean there isn't a problem for a large amount of people. There is no reason the display can't be vibrant and "pop" but still be colour accurate for those of us that can tell.

    Apple has arguably made a better set of decisions with their screen leading to a screen that satisfies a larger number of it's users and is still more accurate overall than the Android one.
  • Reply 26 of 187
    Originally Posted by iReality85 View Post

    Much of what you listed, besides being taken straight from Wikipedia, were concerns a couple of years ago when OLEDs were just starting to gain press (clicking the citations will take you to web articles written in early to mid 2008). The half life of blue LEDs have improved considerably since then due to new organic phosphor mixes being used to create the "blue" emitted light. I also think you read the power consumption wrong. OLED consumes 40% less power to display blacks, and typically 20% less power in general. The only exception is displaying images with pure white backgrounds; that's where OLEDs take a punch. I definitely don't think OLED is going to die... its the next logical progression beyond LCD and back lights. As for commercial production, although Sony announced it is axing its XEL-1 OLED TV, Samsung is shopping around for interested takers to build an OLED fab plant. I believe Samsung will lead the way to OLEDs being mass produced, and once that happens, they'll start popping up in everything, not to mention prices coming down. Just a matter of time.

    Actually nothing I posted came from Wiki I simply understand the limitations of OLED. And why you are correct about OLED having 40% less power consumption when displaying black it can use 3-4 times the power when displaying a whilte image. In the real world OLED uses far more power then LCD.

    Also the concerns about lifespan and color are still very much an issue.
  • Reply 27 of 187
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    You do realise what a complete idiot you look saying stuff like this I guess?

    Just be patient, the whole "battery life" spill is around the corner. Wait, maybe that's flash.
  • Reply 28 of 187
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    The color is way more vibrant on the OLED.

    I think if you read the article you will understand the 'vibrant' level, how it's achieved and at what cost to quality of the overall display.
  • Reply 29 of 187
    Sometimes I think the articles here are written solely to make people feel better about their investment. An article like this touting LCD as the great standard really wasn't necessary.
  • Reply 30 of 187
    "Scientific analysis finds iPhone LCD trumps Nexus One OLED"

    That is until the next revision of the iPhone gets an OLED screen. And then everyone will claim how Apple has revolutionized screen technology and how you shouldn't even be in the phone market if you don't offer an OLED screen!

    Please! Have you seen the Nexus One's screen next to the iPhone? There's just no comparison! I don't care what this scientific analysis says if my eyes tell me otherwise! It's all about how you perceive it.

    Listen, I own an iPhone and love it. But can we please keep things in perspective. I'm always amazed how people are so quick to dismiss every non-Apple product, like Apple is the only company in the world that can do anything worthwhile!

    The iPhone is not a perfect device! No phone is! There's always room for improvement.
  • Reply 31 of 187
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by tiroger View Post

    ... Please! Have you seen the Nexus One's screen next to the iPhone? There's just no comparison! I don't care what this scientific analysis says if my eyes tell me otherwise! It's all about how you perceive it. ...

    So in the same category ...

    - the Earth is flat (sure looks that way to my eyes, who cares what science says?)

    - the stars are all projected on the surface of a crystal sphere in the sky

    - Sasquatch is real

    - Pope is infallible

    - etc.
  • Reply 32 of 187
    Originally Posted by tiroger View Post

    "Scientific analysis finds iPhone LCD trumps Nexus One OLED"

    That is until the next revision of the iPhone gets an OLED screen. And then everyone will claim how Apple has revolutionized screen technology and how you shouldn't even be in the phone market if you don't offer an OLED screen!

    Except Apple will likely implement it correctly. You can't slap features on a device and say "hey, look what we've got!" There has to be some thought and attention put into it.

    Same thing with everything else - Apple took a while to implement copy-and-paste, but when they did it was the best anyone's ever used. Same thing with MMS. The App Store, etc. When Apple implements videochat into the iPhone you'll likely see that it'll be the better than any other implementation out there and everyone can use it about 100 times more easily than on any other similar device.

    You can do it. Or you can do it right.
  • Reply 33 of 187
    Originally Posted by tiroger View Post

    "Scientific analysis finds iPhone LCD trumps Nexus One OLED"

    Please! Have you seen the Nexus One's screen next to the iPhone? There's just no comparison! I don't care what this scientific analysis says if my eyes tell me otherwise! It's all about how you perceive it.

    You might need new beer-bottles.
  • Reply 34 of 187
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Great article. When the iPad comes out I'd like to see a follow-up article rating that display. I believe the iPad uses an LCD with LED backlighting. People have ragged on its resolution (non-HD quality) so it would be interesting to get a scientific analysis on it.
  • Reply 35 of 187
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Only you could take an article where a learned doctor *proves* beyond a shadow of a doubt that the iPhone screen is better and comment to the effect that in fact the screen is, "not great."

    This is like replying to a paper by a climate scientist warning of global warming with some anecdote about the winter storms "proving" he is wrong.

    You do realise what a complete idiot you look saying stuff like this I guess?

    Do you always believe everything your read on a a fanny website. I'm sure there is another "doctor" maybe a hundred that would say the exact opposite. Grow up.
  • Reply 36 of 187
    rokkenrokken Posts: 236member
    Originally Posted by tiroger View Post

    "Scientific analysis finds iPhone LCD trumps Nexus One OLED"

    That is until the next revision of the iPhone gets an OLED screen. And then everyone will claim how Apple has revolutionized screen technology and how you shouldn't even be in the phone market if you don't offer an OLED screen!

    I seriously doubt the next iPhone will sport OLED screen. Apple seems to be adopting all its products with IPS screen after the iMac got IPS last year and more recently iPad so I wager we would see an updated MacBook Pro with IPS screen in the near future and a new iPhone with IPS screen in June.
  • Reply 37 of 187
    morkymorky Posts: 200member
    Apple will boost the resolution on the iPhone only when it makes sense to go to 960x640 so they can pixel double and retain full compatibility with existing apps, a la iPad
  • Reply 38 of 187
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    I guess it comes down priorities. Personally I would put text readability and clarity as no.1 on the list, and the OLED in the Nexus One, with it's deep blacks and razor sharp resolution is just streets ahead of the low-res (comparatively speaking) and washed out iPhone display.

    If Apple were to offer a choice on the next iPhone between LCD and OLED, I'd choose OLED in an instant.
  • Reply 39 of 187
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    OLED also consumes 40% more power then LCD.

    Who told you this BS?
  • Reply 40 of 187
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by Morky View Post

    Apple will boost the resolution on the iPhone only when it makes sense to go to 960x640 so they can pixel double and retain full compatibility with existing apps, a la iPad

    I wish they'd go 16:9 personally. Video is mostly 16:9 these days, so the near 4:3 ratio of the iPhone seems pretty nonsensical. There's plenty of empty space above and below the screen too, so no need to make the device any larger.
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