Mac OS X market share up 29%, Leopard still most common



  • Reply 61 of 161
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    I upgraded to Snow Leopard because I read that it was to be the foundation for all these great

    A different story with Leopard. Quick look is a must. I miss it every time I touch a PC. And of course the easy "set it and forget it" time machine. Plus the easier networking with the new finder window.


    Quicklook is the cornerstone of my daily productivity on a Mac.

    Quicklook + Exposé + Spaces. The icon previews (in icon view in the Finder) are a wonderful little touch as well. A minor convenience, but one that I really appreciate from time to time. I have an entire folder of media that I play through icon previews almost exclusively. Love it. In fact, they aren't even previews but full "mini-players." You can watch an entire video like that.

    By the way, a little trick:

    Very cool.
  • Reply 62 of 161
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Why do you guys have to get into these stupid arguments?

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Windows 7 sold more copies in pre orders then SL has sold to date.

    Your own words. "For every 5 Mac users there are 90 Windows users."


    Windows 7 has been out for two months and it already has a larger install base then SL and Leopard and Tiger combined.

    "For every 5 Mac users there are 90 Windows users."

    Are you getting it yet? 90 customers tend to buy more than 5 customers.


    Lets also point out that with a much smaller install base over 20% of Mac users are still running an OS two generations or older.

    Even more stupid! What are you even trying to say here? That 80% of Mac users are using either of the two OSs released in the last 2.5 years.... is a bad thing?
  • Reply 63 of 161
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Originally Posted by FineTunes View Post

    I had no problems upgrading, but then my MBP was less than 6 months old when I upgraded. Could be that older MBPs may have had some problems?

    No. I have one of those, on it now, and it has been essentially flawless.
  • Reply 64 of 161
    Snow Leopard didn't run well at all on my unibody MBP with 2GB RAM. I got constant beach balls from simple things like scrolling down a web page (even without Flash) with just a few simple programs open. Eventually it slowed to a crawl even with all programs closed and required a restart. I looked at Apple's forums and found a few very long threads with people experiencing the same issues. Since upgrading to 4GB RAM it's run great though, even with heavy multitasking. So I wouldn't recommend SL with less than 4 gig of memory. Maybe 10.6.3 will be a big step forward performance wise even for users with less RAM, we'll see.
  • Reply 65 of 161
    Originally Posted by stonefree View Post

    Snow Leopard didn't run well at all on my unibody MBP with 2GB RAM. I got constant beach balls from simple things like scrolling down a web page (even without Flash) with just a few simple programs open.

    If that is the case then I'm screwed. My iMac only supports 2 gig. If an update doesn't fix the problem I'll have to downgrade. I already did a clean install and updated Flash. I run iLife and Toast for the most part. I have very few third party apps on my machine. What a shame.

    At least everyone else has had a "flawless" experience.
  • Reply 66 of 161
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Even Leo Laporte now says he hates it and regrets upgrading to Snow Leopard. So......

    Who the heck is Leo Laporte, and is there a reason we should care about him/her?
  • Reply 67 of 161
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    What are you going on about again??

    Maybe you should read what you wrote...

    You quoted this from the article


    or Microsoft, Windows XP remains the dominant platform, with 51.8 percent of users running the operating system. In fact, Quantast found that Windows XP actually gained share in January, due to strong sales of netbooks.

    Windows Vista commands 37.4 percent of PC users, while Windows 7 has been adopted by 10.2 percent.

    Saying this was disturbing, but you didn't think that fact that Leopard was still the highest on the Mac side was an issue. Both will change as time goes on, XP will fall in numbers and Windows 7 will increase, just like your reference to SL, it will also rise in time.
  • Reply 68 of 161
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by iVlad View Post

    WOW, you made everything so clear! Bravo. Now I understand why Microsoft is loosing money.

    Maybe you can help them in tightening up their money??
  • Reply 69 of 161
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Maybe you should read what you wrote...

    You quoted this from the article

    Saying this was disturbing, but you didn't think that fact that Leopard was still the highest on the Mac side was an issue. Both will change as time goes on, XP will fall in numbers and Windows 7 will increase, just like your reference to SL, it will also rise in time.

    What's disturbing is that XP, one of the lousiest, most insecure, ugliest, unstable operating systems - which was already an aging, absolute dog of an OS three years ago, is *still* on 60-70% of the world's computers, with Vista being so bad that people actually *downgraded* to XP.

    THAT is what's disturbing.

    Leopard being the highest on the Mac side . . . is just a great, technologically current OS that's still in wide use. No problems there. It isn't a decade-old junk operating system from MS.
  • Reply 70 of 161
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    I can think of FORTY BILLION reasons of why the Mac marketshare is not that "sorry".

    1. sorry that they contributed to a massive cash balance for a company? great if you are shareholder (well not really, cos you dont get a share of that 40)

    2. what percentage of that 40 came from mac?
  • Reply 71 of 161
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) Win7 has been out for over 4 months, not 2 months.

    2) Good job comparing 5 users from a PC OEM to a 90 OS users that cover every other OEM.

    3) Of course Win7 sales are larger than SL sales WHICH IS DESIGNED TO RUN ON INTEL MACS. The number of Win7 Public Beta from nearly 14 months ago likely got installed on more machines than on Macs. Note, the nearly 14 months ago comment.

    What does public beta have to do with any of this? Okay so Windows 7 has now been out for four months that makes Quadra comment about SL being out for a few months sound even worse.

    Its been a few years now since Apple has switched to intel so that really isn't an excuse. I believe the transition starting in 2006. Still with their extremely small install base having 20% of that base on on Tiger or older its hard to bash MS for having users on XP even more so when many of those users are netbook users. If you are going to mentor Quadra at least explain to him netbooks are rarely if ever a primary system.
  • Reply 72 of 161
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    What's disturbing is that XP, one of the lousiest, most insecure, ugliest, unstable operating systems - which was already an aging, absolute dog of an OS three years ago, is *still* on 60-70% of the world's computers, with Vista being so bad that people actually *downgraded* to XP.

    THAT is what's disturbing.

    Leopard being the highest on the Mac side . . . is just a great, technologically current OS that's still in wide use. No problems there. It isn't a decade-old junk operating system from MS.

    Yet again talking about something you don't even use. Maybe the problem isn't Windows, maybe you just aren't smart enough to understand how to use it.

    Even going with that, its hard to believe you do anything technical enough on a computer to even know what features an OS has to offer. Quadra are you still one of those guys that uses AOL because the internet is too complicated to learn.......

    Funny millions and millions of Windows users many of which use computer labs in grade school yet this OS caused you so much trauma.

    If you are using the word disturbing when talking about an OS maybe its some couch time you need and not Apple. Take your bussy Sloppyism with you he sounds like he could use some share time lately.
  • Reply 73 of 161
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    What's disturbing is that XP, one of the lousiest, most insecure, ugliest, unstable operating systems - which was already an aging, absolute dog of an OS three years ago, is *still* on 60-70% of the world's computers, with Vista being so bad that people actually *downgraded* to XP.

    THAT is what's disturbing.

    Leopard being the highest on the Mac side . . . is just a great, technologically current OS that's still in wide use. No problems there. It isn't a decade-old junk operating system from MS.

    Hmm, I have a XP based laptop here, I don't have any issues with it, it runs fine, it is secure, it is stable, and it isn't that ugly. I also have a Vista 64 box, it also runs fine, I don't have many issues with it. Maybe it is you having the issues with it.

    I also have two Leopard boxes, and two Snow Leopard boxes. And to say that Leopard doesn't have any issues is being a bit stupid, Leopard was terrible at its intial release, as was Tiger, and Snow Leopard, they all required several service packs to get stability back
  • Reply 74 of 161
    Originally Posted by Ricardo Dawkins View Post

    LOL, what a biased fanboy. Did you see what your 1st post?

    Windows 7 was released just a few months ago. Already surpassing the sorry Mac marketshare

    Can you "give it a few quarters"? I guess: No.

    Seriously Ricardo, wouldn't you just be happier posted over at the Windows Supersite than at AppleInsider? Don't you feel the least bit silly spitting and gibbering in these posts? You surely must know that you are not going to change anyone's mind here with mindless arguments (paraphrasing from above) of "hur-hur-hur the cleaned up mess that was Vista is now Windows 7 (cuz Redmond couldn't even maintain the Vista moniker cuz it suxxored) wuz channel-crammed and forced into OEM builds to look good enough to outpace Snow Leopard you tools!"

    I am glad Microsoft was able to remedy the issues with Vista and deliver a solid and decently performing version in Windows 7. Lords knows their consumer market needed it badly. It is laughable that you have to keep referring to something that everyone here has openly acknowledged - that Microsoft has the majority marketshare in OS sales. No one here has made any attempt to refute that very obvious and plain fact. That act alone seems to indicate a large amount of insecurity and doesn't help your case at all.
  • Reply 75 of 161
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    What's disturbing is that XP, one of the lousiest, most insecure, ugliest, unstable operating systems - which was already an aging, absolute dog of an OS three years ago, is *still* on 60-70% of the world's computers, with Vista being so bad that people actually *downgraded* to XP.

    THAT is what's disturbing.

    That's why they love it..It means job security
  • Reply 76 of 161
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    From my own experience and other people I know, I don't recommend anyone upgrading to Snow Leopard. Nothing but a big fat headache.

    Snow Leopard has been the best update to Mac OS X ever. I've had it since launch trouble free.
  • Reply 77 of 161
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    Snow Leopard has been the best update to Mac OS X ever. I've had it since launch trouble free.

    Feature wise yes, stability wise, no
  • Reply 78 of 161
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Feature wise yes, stability wise, no

    You gotta be kidding me

    Smoothest and most stable update
  • Reply 79 of 161
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    You gotta be kidding me

    Smoothest and most stable update

    His post makes little sense since it was nearly feature-free. I was impressed with the stability of the SL well into the Betas, which is something I didn't expect.

    Apple's Mac growth means that even if a smaller percentage experience issues that the ring of people having problems will be louder. I wonder if there is a formula for that.

    I look forward to this year's WWDC where I assume we'll get a preview of the UI changes to come in 10.7. I wonder if a tick-tok method upgrade cycle Ã* la Intel for their OS releases would be feasible. One focusing on foundation changes with the next focusing on UI changes.
  • Reply 80 of 161
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Wow, Windows sure it dominant. It's good to see the Mac still growing though.
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