Clues that suggest new Macbook Pros are coming this week!



  • Reply 21 of 165
    meshopemeshope Posts: 14member
    I hope that at some point of time in the future Apple finally will become adult. What currently happens around the new MBPs is rather Kindergarten like. A car maker like say BMW announces a new car several months ahead. It says a new MBP will be available in yyyymm. You, customer, have the choice to buy now or wait for the new one, but we play with open cards and treat you as equal partners.

    Apple doesn't think like that. I wonder if they even laugh about one of those stupid ones who buy a new computer on Friday and a new glories MBP gets announced next Tuesday.

    No doubt, good products, absolutely great software but deficiencies in treating it's own customer base properly.
  • Reply 22 of 165
    s.metcalfs.metcalf Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by solarein View Post

    There are rumors that Apple is designing a vector processor?

    There are now!
  • Reply 23 of 165
    icyfogicyfog Posts: 338member
    Originally Posted by danny_6285 View Post

    Anyone read this? Interesting indeed...

    My 6-year old PowerBook G4 is on its last legs and I am anxious to see the MacBook Pro update finally materialize.


    My 5-year-old 12-inch PowerBook runs like a top especially after I bought a new battery for it. However, I still want, and really need, to upgrade. Mine still runs Tiger, but I want Snow Leopard and other software features associated with the MacBook Pros.

    I'm in a quandary as rather to buy a 13-inch MBP or 15-inch MBP. If I could buy a 13-inch with a matte screen it'd be a slam dunk. I like the smaller form factor for travel, and I usually take my Mac with me wherever I go. Since the entry level for a matte screen is 15-inch though, I might buy that one instead. I guess it'd be nice to have the extra screen real estate.
  • Reply 24 of 165
    webmailwebmail Posts: 639member
    IcyFog please wait the new MacBook Pros should be here Tuesday the 16th or Wednesday.

    They will be in a few more days. You'll be really upset if you don't wait. Three months ago when I was playing on Apple campus they had 15" Macbook Pros that all had new 1680x something displays for a higher resolution much closer to the 17" Macbook Pro's PPI.

    Trust me it's a worthwhile update and not trivial in anyway!
  • Reply 25 of 165
    vsighivsighi Posts: 22member
    Originally Posted by webmail View Post

    IcyFog please wait the new MacBook Pros should be here Tuesday the 16th or Wednesday.

    They will be in a few more days. You'll be really upset if you don't wait. Three months ago when I was playing on Apple campus they had 15" Macbook Pros that all had new 1680x something displays for a higher resolution much closer to the 17" Macbook Pro's PPI.

    Trust me it's a worthwhile update and not trivial in anyway!

    Who is your source.? \
  • Reply 26 of 165
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    FWIW, 9to5 says the MacBook Pro update should land tomorrow.
  • Reply 27 of 165
    Originally Posted by Outsider View Post

    FWIW, 9to5 says the MacBook Pro update should land tomorrow.

    I wish it were so. The site now says: "Update: We've received multiple tips that there would be Pro updates in the coming days. This latest one about the MacBook Pros may have been fake. Shame on us."
  • Reply 28 of 165
    Originally Posted by webmail View Post

    IcyFog please wait the new MacBook Pros should be here Tuesday the 16th or Wednesday.

    On the off chance that you're actually an insider and know what's going on, any chance of a white MacBook update?
  • Reply 29 of 165
    vsighivsighi Posts: 22member
    Originally Posted by fierywater View Post

    On the off chance that you're actually an insider and know what's going on, any chance of a white MacBook update?

    MacBook update... may be in June...Why?

    April - Apple lunch the iPad 16Gb, 32Gb, 64Gb...

    May - Apple update the iPhone 3Gs with iPhone 4G

    June - Well, there is June the MacBook Pro update... Apple is going to add one more button to the left...
  • Reply 30 of 165
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Well the stores are down...all over the world. So I don't think it's just iPad preorders. We might be getting MBP and/or Mac Pro updates as well.
  • Reply 31 of 165
    the store is back up, no MBP update.
  • Reply 32 of 165
    mr. kmr. k Posts: 115member
    Originally Posted by mattriedy View Post

    the store is back up, no MBP update.

    It's not a Tuesday, that's why.
  • Reply 33 of 165
    icyfogicyfog Posts: 338member
    Originally Posted by webmail View Post

    IcyFog please wait the new MacBook Pros should be here Tuesday the 16th or Wednesday.

    They will be in a few more days. You'll be really upset if you don't wait. Three months ago when I was playing on Apple campus they had 15" Macbook Pros that all had new 1680x something displays for a higher resolution much closer to the 17" Macbook Pro's PPI.

    Trust me it's a worthwhile update and not trivial in anyway!

    Oh I'll definitely wait, probably until July. If they're not out by then though, I don't know if I'll wait much longer than that. I guess maybe I could wait until September at the latest. I would definitely think something would be out before the back-to-school rush.
  • Reply 34 of 165
    zurielzuriel Posts: 53member
  • Reply 35 of 165
    zurielzuriel Posts: 53member
    Originally Posted by icyfog View Post

    Oh I'll definitely wait, probably until July. If they're not out by then though, I don't know if I'll wait much longer than that. I guess maybe I could wait until September at the latest. I would definitely think something would be out before the back-to-school rush.

    dude theres no way in hell im waiting til current piece of crap is just about dead. it might make it through this semester, but not the next. im sure others are in my same predicament. apple is losing costumers.
  • Reply 36 of 165
    Originally Posted by Zuriel View Post

    dude theres no way in hell im waiting til current piece of crap is just about dead. it might make it through this semester, but not the next. im sure others are in my same predicament. apple is losing costumers.

    Well they're gaining me. I haven't owned a new Mac since my 2001 Ibook. If Apple doesn't introduce a new machine by Tuesday, then I'm buying a 2.8 Mbp. Can't wait any longer. I need a Mac regardless. Its better than what I have now.

    I kicked myself though. My dad offered me his 8600 gt mbp back in November for cheap and I thought new mbp's would be out sooner so he sold it to someone else.
  • Reply 37 of 165
    lorrelorre Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by tasslehawf View Post

    Well they're gaining me. I haven't owned a new Mac since my 2001 Ibook. If Apple doesn't introduce a new machine by Tuesday, then I'm buying a 2.8 Mbp. Can't wait any longer. I need a Mac regardless. Its better than what I have now.

    I kicked myself though. My dad offered me his 8600 gt mbp back in November for cheap and I thought new mbp's would be out sooner so he sold it to someone else.

    Well if you need a new one NOWNOWNOW, and Apple doesn't release anything on Tuesday, why don't you just by a year old model on Craigslist or something? They are barely slower than the most recent MBP's and you won't feel like you've been scammed when Apple release Core i5's that are 40% faster than your week-old 2.8 that cost exactly the same amount...
  • Reply 38 of 165
    Originally Posted by Lorre View Post

    Well if you need a new one NOWNOWNOW, and Apple doesn't release anything on Tuesday, why don't you just by a year old model on Craigslist or something? They are barely slower than the most recent MBP's and you won't feel like you've been scammed when Apple release Core i5's that are 40% faster than your week-old 2.8 that cost exactly the same amount...

    I'm looking and I'm seeing year-old unibody machines for ~$1500. I don't trust used Intel Macs like I did with the ppc models. I'm not sure if saving myself $500 is worth losing the peace of mind that comes with a new (or factory refurbished) Mac.

    I've considered a non-unibody machine. I just don't want anything less than what I have now (2.2 C2D 8600GT Dell) because I still have PC software I have to be able to run. I'm also concerned about the 8600gt failure rate. I have had good luck with my dell, but have heard a lot of horror stories about mbp's. An $800 paperweight is an expensive paperweight.

    Also I don't like Craigslist for Mac laptops. People want way too much for their dented, out of warranty machines.
  • Reply 39 of 165
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    I can also see them dropping opitical drives, FireWire and maybe other hardware.

    As much as I would love to see Apple drop the optical drives from all their laptops, I believe the MacBook will go optical-free before the MacBook Pro. Apple had a good opportunity several months ago to drop the optical drive from the MacBook and passed. I think it will be next year at the earliest that we see any more progress in this direction.

    I'm waiting for a MacBook Air with 4GB of ram (and, presumably, an Arrandale processor).
  • Reply 40 of 165
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    Originally Posted by Zuriel View Post

    I guess they didn't happen.

    I'm on a similar boat. I'm waiting for a Mac mini update \
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