Clues that suggest new Macbook Pros are coming this week!



  • Reply 101 of 165
    vsighivsighi Posts: 22member
    Finally, Jobs said "not to worry" about the lack of a hardware refresh. The Apple CEO reportedly told this to another Apple fan (a MacRumors reader), who was eager to know whether Apple was concentrating all its efforts on the iPad, neglecting the computer segment. Since Apple last updated the MacBook line of computers last June, a revision is almost inevitable in the coming months.
  • Reply 102 of 165
    guinnessguinness Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by vsighi View Post

    Finally, Jobs said "not to worry" about the lack of a hardware refresh. The Apple CEO reportedly told this to another Apple fan (a MacRumors reader), who was eager to know whether Apple was concentrating all its efforts on the iPad, neglecting the computer segment. Since Apple last updated the MacBook line of computers last June, a revision is almost inevitable in the coming months.

    Doesn't mean much - everyone knows there will be a refresh, but the main question is becoming what's the holdup? Nvidia has been selling GPU's with Core i CPU's, and Optimus is out right now, and mobile Fermi won't happen for some time, and ATI is making some nice GPU's ATM.

    Yeah, Core i processors aren't leaps and bounds faster than C2D/Q2D, but they have features like Turbo Boost on the i5/i7 and most offer HT (the quad-core i5 doesn't), and have smarter power saving techniques and usually a lower TDP.

    I am also disappointed Apple is still charging $1200+ for what they offer (only the i5 and i7 iMacs I still find really good, needs a Radeon 5850 instead), but the rest of the line is getting long in the tooth, for the price they're sold at.

    All I can think, is that they (Apple/Valve) planned the Steam launch to be after the iPad, and will release the service and new Macs in April. If it goes past that, then I don't want the hell Apple is doing, as PC's have been featuring Core i CPU's since January.

    New tech is funny thing, you may not need it, but you want it.
  • Reply 103 of 165
    I had my MBP destroyed a few months ago, and couldn't get it fixed/replaced. Anywho, here I am now, saved enough for a new one, but really do not want to get one of the current models, just to have them release the new ones the very next day(plus the fact they are charging full price still is a joke). Just came here to also vent my frustration, it's really inconvenient to be a student and not have your own computer! I really don't want to switch to PC *gag*. I just wish Apple would throw us a bone here. At least some some of release date or even MONTH, aghhh. If they aren't out for my spring semester I might have to switch to PC . I realize I may not be Apple's main demographic, but they are doing a good job of driving me away from them, and I have been as devoted of customer as they come when it comes to computers.

    Maybe I'm just bitter, but I think the iPad is a really bad idea also.
  • Reply 104 of 165
    lorrelorre Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by Somehow View Post

    I had my MBP destroyed a few months ago, and couldn't get it fixed/replaced. Anywho, here I am now, saved enough for a new one, but really do not want to get one of the current models, just to have them release the new ones the very next day(plus the fact they are charging full price still is a joke). Just came here to also vent my frustration, it's really inconvenient to be a student and not have your own computer! I really don't want to switch to PC *gag*. I just wish Apple would throw us a bone here. At least some some of release date or even MONTH, aghhh. If they aren't out for my spring semester I might have to switch to PC . I realize I may not be Apple's main demographic, but they are doing a good job of driving me away from them, and I have been as devoted of customer as they come when it comes to computers.

    Maybe I'm just bitter, but I think the iPad is a really bad idea also.

    I fully agree, I'm not a big iPad fan either...

    I have a friend that really wants to switch to Mac now. He wants an MBP. Apple forces me to tell him NO don't buy one now. I told him that if he really needs a replacement now, he'd better buy a nice Dell with core i5 for half the price of an MBP. This guy isn't gonna wait for an entire more month, and I'd feel really bad if I made him buy a current MBP at current prices... Apple needs to get their act together. I understand the iPad launch is very time consuming, but AT LEAST an $200 discount across the laptop line wouldn't hurt them...

    Then again, if they keep pricing at current level, they'll be able to market the new MBP's at "30% faster, same price" or something like that. Bah, Apple and their much too clever marketing techniques...
  • Reply 105 of 165
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Originally Posted by Lorre View Post

    I fully agree, I'm not a big iPad fan either...

    I have a friend that really wants to switch to Mac now. He wants an MBP. Apple forces me to tell him NO don't buy one now. I told him that if he really needs a replacement now, he'd better buy a nice Dell with core i5 for half the price of an MBP. This guy isn't gonna wait for an entire more month, and I'd feel really bad if I made him buy a current MBP at current prices... Apple needs to get their act together. I understand the iPad launch is very time consuming, but AT LEAST an $200 discount across the laptop line wouldn't hurt them...

    Then again, if they keep pricing at current level, they'll be able to market the new MBP's at "30% faster, same price" or something like that. Bah, Apple and their much too clever marketing techniques...

    I agree. You are a good and honest friend. I wouldn't recommend anyone to get a MBP now unless they needed a Mac and needed it right away, otherwise I would say wait or get a PC, depending on their usage. This is the longest period of time between updates in a decade. Their laptop price to performance value is insulting. It's like back in the day when we were stuck on G4s with 100mhz busses and Intel had chips like TWICE as fast and Apple Apologists made excuses. It was hard to be a Mac fan then too. I suppose they'll probably update the MBPs in a few weeks. That's pretty awful though, it'll have been nearly a whole year. I really wish I hadn't read all these rumor sites back in January it bit me in the ass!! I should have just gotten an MBP in January! Now I'm stuck perpetually waiting for every Tuesday!!!! Hopefully they will come next Tues...
  • Reply 106 of 165
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    Originally Posted by guinness View Post

    Doesn't mean much - everyone knows there will be a refresh, but the main question is becoming what's the holdup? Nvidia has been selling GPU's with Core i CPU's, and Optimus is out right now, and mobile Fermi won't happen for some time, and ATI is making some nice GPU's ATM.

    I think it's either new tech or software issues. They may be experimenting with IPS displays in the laptops. They obviously have placed big orders for iPad displays and that manufacturing bottleneck will hold up displays for refreshed MBPs.

    It could also be to do with software drivers too for GPUs like NVidia Optimus. I don't think 10.6.3 is out yet and I'd expect that to coincide with new hardware given that it has new graphics drivers.

    Originally Posted by guinness View Post

    All I can think, is that they (Apple/Valve) planned the Steam launch to be after the iPad, and will release the service and new Macs in April. If it goes past that, then I don't want the hell Apple is doing, as PC's have been featuring Core i CPU's since January.

    The Valve/Steam thing may have an impact but they have only just started the beta and will probably launch sometime late April so hopefully won't coincide with a hardware refresh. I'd expect hardware updates any day now because new iPad orders will ship April 12th so current ones will ship this week. If people go to a store to check out an iPad, it makes sense for them to have brand new laptops there to check out too.

    Originally Posted by guinness View Post

    New tech is funny thing, you may not need it, but you want it.

    Everybody at some point needs new hardware though. In Apple's case, it's more like you just don't want to be ripped off. They are selling last-generation hardware that is almost a year old at the same price it was a year ago while other manufacturers are selling brand new current-generation hardware at half the price. You want to support the company and keep with the Apple eco-system but at the same time, you don't want to be treated like an idiot.
  • Reply 107 of 165
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    you just don't want to be ripped off. They are selling last-generation hardware that is almost a year old at the same price it was a year ago while other manufacturers are selling brand new current-generation hardware at half the price. You want to support the company and keep with the Apple eco-system but at the same time, you don't want to be treated like an idiot.

    Exactly. While it is exciting to get the latest gadgets, my laptop was destroyed(not my fault), and actually NEED a new one. I use mine for photography and related stuff, and school, so extra performance really does make a difference for me. I would really feel like an idiot buying a year old model for full price, I just can't do it. Not even any news, or any kind of price markdown is just bull.
  • Reply 108 of 165
    My Lenovo laptop died a month ago and I thought it was about time I tried a Macbook Pro. After all I am studying it-engineering and I am freelance web designer, so I thought it was worth a shot. But this waiting-game is just down right ridiculous.

    I understand that Apple products is a few bucks more expensive than other brands I and can live with that, due to the fact that the design and quality is outstanding. But the price tag on the MBP with these specs are just stupid.

    I guess the reason why the MBP refresh date is secret is because Apple wanna sell out the old MBP, but why not just announce the freakin refresh date and lower the price on the current MBP?
  • Reply 109 of 165
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    All I have to say is...the only way this wait would make sense is if this next update is GOOD. Somehow, I kind of doubt it.
  • Reply 110 of 165
    big_albig_al Posts: 24member
    Hurry, hurry, hurry, before I go insane!
  • Reply 111 of 165
    At this point, Apple will not be releasing any new products until the initial iPad fervor dies down (or goes into swing depending on how you look at it). I am pretty sure there will be no updates before April 13. This would be consistent with their behavior over the last three years with iPhones and MBPs, etc.
  • Reply 112 of 165
    Now that 10.6.3 is out... can we hope?

    Has anyone trolled through the device lists in 10.6.3 yet? MacBookPro6,1?
  • Reply 113 of 165
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    Originally Posted by Isomorphic View Post

    Now that 10.6.3 is out... can we hope?

    Has anyone trolled through the device lists in 10.6.3 yet? MacBookPro6,1?

    MacBookPro6,1 was supposedly listed in 10.6.2:

    and a benchmark posted last month running 10.6.2:

    I only saw references to a MacBookPro5,3 in the 10.6.3 update but you know 6,1 is coming soon.

    If 6,1 uses an i7, it makes me wonder if Apple will leave the low-end MBPs on Core 2 Duo with 9400M. The latest low-end iMac is still setup like that, which suggests the Mini will be the same.

    This would mean nothing changes except maybe CPU bumps all round and the 15" MBPs with 9600M GT switch to the Core i7 dual core with a dedicated GPU either the Radeon 5650 or NVidia Optimus-class GPU.

    Not really an overwhelming update for people on lower budgets if that's the case.
  • Reply 114 of 165
    I don't believe it, but I finally put my money where my mouth is and ordered the Vaio Z, my first Windows PC. I have quite a bit of experience using Windows 7, so I'm not too concerned, but I am somewhat shocked that I actually pulled the trigger.

    I just got tired of waiting for a machine that would likely have more compromises than I want to deal with since Apple doesn't seem to want to make a small, high powered machine. This has all the features I want (13" form factor, Core i5, great graphics, 3lb weight, BluRay burner, SSD) for just under $2500. It ships on 4/13, so if Apple releases something before then I will reconsider.
  • Reply 115 of 165
    somehowsomehow Posts: 5member
    It really pains me, but I think I am going to do the same soon.
  • Reply 116 of 165
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    Originally Posted by infinitespecter View Post

    I don't believe it, but I finally put my money where my mouth is and ordered the Vaio Z, my first Windows PC. I have quite a bit of experience using Windows 7, so I'm not too concerned, but I am somewhat shocked that I actually pulled the trigger.

    I just got tired of waiting for a machine that would likely have more compromises than I want to deal with since Apple doesn't seem to want to make a small, high powered machine. This has all the features I want (13" form factor, Core i5, great graphics, 3lb weight, BluRay burner, SSD) for just under $2500. It ships on 4/13, so if Apple releases something before then I will reconsider.

    The Vaio Z series look really nice - Sony clearly has more respect for its customer base than Apple. They don't hold back the computer segment for the PS3 or HDTV segments.

    If they use IPS displays then that's fair enough, it will be well worth the wait but if it's just the same spec as the Vaio series, not so much.
  • Reply 117 of 165
    esquareesquare Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    They don't hold back the computer segment for the PS3 or HDTV segments.

    You can't be sure about that, can you?

    Although I like the Sony Z-series, I would never pay $2500 for a 13" notebook ? no matter how full of stuff it's packed.
  • Reply 118 of 165
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The Vaio Z series look really nice - Sony clearly has more respect for its customer base than Apple.

    No, they don't. They just got done disabling the ability to install Linux on older PS3s, a big middle finger to those of us who bought the PS3 for that feature. I no longer support the Playstation brand because of that (and I was deep into it, invited to visit their offices and brought to E3 by them several years as a fan). They just happen to make the notebook that I want at this point.
  • Reply 119 of 165
    Originally Posted by Esquare View Post

    You can't be sure about that, can you?

    Although I like the Sony Z-series, I would never pay $2500 for a 13" notebook – no matter how full of stuff it's packed.

    I'm curious... why? Ignoring the obvious OS issues, It can do more than any notebook Apple has ever built. Oh, and I remember my first notebook, a Wallstreet G3 with a 12" screen was $3000 about ten years ago.
  • Reply 120 of 165
    zurielzuriel Posts: 53member
    Originally Posted by infinitespecter View Post

    I don't believe it, but I finally put my money where my mouth is and ordered the Vaio Z, my first Windows PC. I have quite a bit of experience using Windows 7, so I'm not too concerned, but I am somewhat shocked that I actually pulled the trigger.

    I just got tired of waiting for a machine that would likely have more compromises than I want to deal with since Apple doesn't seem to want to make a small, high powered machine. This has all the features I want (13" form factor, Core i5, great graphics, 3lb weight, BluRay burner, SSD) for just under $2500. It ships on 4/13, so if Apple releases something before then I will reconsider.

    sadly im thinking about doing the same thing...its been waay to long. i NEED a laptop now more than ever and Apple is failing me. They are screwing us all over for something shiny. i wish this ipad hype would just die already
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