Steve Ballmer praises Apple for creation of iPhone App Store

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in iPhone edited January 2014
Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer recently had positive words about Apple's success with the iPhone and its App Store, adding fuel to rumors of a potential alignment between Apple and Microsoft to bring Bing search to the iPhone.

"Apple's done a very nice job that allows people to monetize and commercialize their intellectual property," Ballmer reportedly said last week in a speech at the University of Washington's computer science building.

Brier Dudley, columnist for The Seattle Times, took Ballmer's comments to mean that relations between Microsoft and Apple are warming, perhaps in advance of an announcement that Bing will become the default search engine for the iPhone. Rumors of such a deal between the two technology giants have persisted since January.

Dudley said it's possible that Apple and Microsoft could align to take on what both feel is a bigger threat: Google. The columnist personally asked Ballmer whether that was the case, but the Microsoft CEO just smiled and said he couldn't answer that question.

"Apple is coming off a tough divorce from its young search partner, which is now selling its own touch-screen smartphone and has floated concept designs of an iPad-like tablet device," Dudley wrote. "So perhaps it's natural Apple is reaching out to an estranged friend from the early days."

Ballmer's complimentary nature is a stark change from 2007, when the Microsoft executive famously laughed at the then-unreleased iPhone from Apple. By last year, Microsoft's own Windows Mobile had become stagnant while the iPhone has seen tremendous growth.

Rumors and speculation about Apple's alleged negotiations with Microsoft for Bing search come as many have perceived a growing rivalry between Apple and Google. Last summer, Google CEO Eric Schmidt resigned from the Apple Board of Directors as an investigation from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission was looking into the connections between the two companies.

Schmidt's move was seen as necessary as Google and Apple now compete in numerous markets in the technology sector: Google's Android mobile operating system competes with Apple's iPhone; both companies recently made large mobile advertising related purchases; Google's forthcoming Chrome OS will see the company enter the desktop computing space; and the Chrome browser competes with Apple's Safari.

The most public dispute between Apple and Google came last summer, when the Google Voice application was not accepted into the iPhone App Store. The two companies shared barbs with Google alleging the software was outright rejected for use on the iPhone, while Apple said it remained under review and consideration.

Microsoft also hopes to fight its way back in the phone market later this year when it plans to release Windows Phone 7 Series, a new multi-touch capable mobile operating system designed to compete with modern smartphones like the iPhone and handsets powered by Google's Android mobile operating system. Devices that run Windows Phone 7 Series will feature a dedicated button for Bing search.


  • Reply 1 of 87
    Ballmer is looking to be Apple's next CEO!
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 87
    godriflegodrifle Posts: 268member
    Originally Posted by MadMacker View Post

    Ballmer is looking to be Apple's next CEO!

    I knew it! I soaked some tea leaves in sweat and Ballmer's face appeared.
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  • Reply 3 of 87
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,759member
    Bing. It's all about bringing Bing to Apple devices.
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  • Reply 4 of 87
    Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer recently had positive words about Apple's success; and in other news, there's peace in the middle east and the earth has cooled significantly.
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  • Reply 5 of 87
    All it means is they like what Apple's done with the App Store, and they're going to try and copy it with their Win 7 mobile platform (and fail horribly at it).

    Any time Microsoft compliments something, it simply means that's the bar they are going to try and reach, while the competition continues moving further ahead.
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  • Reply 6 of 87
    esummersesummers Posts: 953member
    I like Bing, but I feel like I'm indirectly supporting IE so I avoid it. I think it is slightly better then Google at some things. After MSN and Windows Live, I didn't think Microsoft had what it takes, but they seem to be doing an alright job on the search side now. If Apple made it a built-in option, I might use it.

    I remember a while ago there was news that Microsoft (Microsoft Reasearch i think) was going to release a few apps. Microsoft is a big enough company that they can support their own stuff and a competitors stuff. Microsoft releases Office on the Mac and Apple releases iTunes and Safari on windows right? Maybe this is a sign that Word or Outlook may arrive on the iPad?

    It's not uncommon for big companies to compete, sue each other, and work together at the same time.
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  • Reply 7 of 87
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by NPrtmn4evr View Post

    All it means is they like what Apple's done with the App Store, and they're going to try and copy it with their Win 7 mobile platform (and fail horribly at it).

    Any time Microsoft compliments something, it simply means that's the bar they are going to try and reach, while the competition continues moving further ahead.

    Sounds like them but I'm having a brain fart trying to think of when they did what you say.

    What else did they compliment before copying?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 87
    uberbenuberben Posts: 62member
    Companies suddenly saying positive things about each other that historically have been saying bad things about each other is usually an indication that they are going to work together. While I enjoy the idea of Apple at some point doing their own search they tend to move slowly and surely so I wouldn't expect it soon.

    Perhaps someone who knows more then I would like to speculate on how Apple tends to stay out of making attractive business machines and whether this would down play the threat they represent to Microsoft. Not that I'm saying they don't see it but they are aware perhaps that Microsoft's core income segment isn't targeted by Apple.
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  • Reply 9 of 87
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,759member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Sounds like them but I'm having a brain fart trying to think of when they did what you say.

    What else did they compliment before copying?

    OS X . . . gotta be. We already know how much MS loves OS X.
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  • Reply 10 of 87
    Keep your friends close... keep your enemies closer....
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  • Reply 11 of 87
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Sounds like them but I'm having a brain fart trying to think of when they did what you say.

    What else did they compliment before copying?

    I don't remember them ever doing this at all. Generally they pee all over it and then end up doing it themselves a year later just like with the iPhone.

    I agree with the article's take on it. (Sadly), it means they are thinking of working together.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 12 of 87
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,411member
    At this point, any angst in the relationship seems to be from MSFT directed towards Apple.

    Apple/SJ have gone beyond MSFT, and I doubt that they are paying all that much attention to them anymore - not even over something like MS Office when it came to the iPad, for instance.
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  • Reply 13 of 87
    winstwinst Posts: 26member
    We all know Apple don't like Flash. Maybe MS will port SilverLight to iPad?
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  • Reply 14 of 87
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Big deal.
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  • Reply 15 of 87
    mystigomystigo Posts: 183member
    Bing just hasn't been that good for me. The results of just about every search I've tried have been pretty awful. I invariably go back to google to get the info I am looking for.

    For example, I searched for "Canon MF6590 drivers" the other day for my printer. Bing sent me to every virus riddled driver collation site under the sun. Canon didn't even make the first page. Google took me straight to Canon's download page -it was the top hit.

    Bing results seem to show no priority with respect to when the content was created either. I could be wrong about this, but Google seems to show you more recent content in preference to older stuff. So if you search for tax forms by number, you will generally get the 2009 version for example. Bing will show you stuff from the 90s first if it feels like it -if it even realizes what you are looking for.

    I hope Apple doesn't go with Bing. It will be a huge step back.
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  • Reply 16 of 87
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Meaning it's no big deal.
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  • Reply 17 of 87
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by NPrtmn4evr View Post

    Any time Microsoft compliments something, it simply means that's the bar they are going to try and reach, while the competition continues moving further ahead.

    Like in the OS market? Or the office software market? Or the web browser market?

    WTF? Get real. They have no serious competition in many markets.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 18 of 87
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,150member
    Must be a misprint. No one, and I mean NO ONE would EVER spend that much for a phone!
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  • Reply 19 of 87
    icyfogicyfog Posts: 338member
    Well if Bing becomes the default iPhone search engine, I hope I can change it to something else. I will not support Microsoft in any venture, even if Apple and Microsoft work together.
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  • Reply 20 of 87
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "... to monetize and commercialize their intellectual property."

    This is why Microsoft makes crap. "Insanely Great" isn't even marketing drivel to these buffoons. I bet the best iPhone app developers would say something more like "... to make good money doing really cool stuff!"

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