Apple's iPhone 4.0 software to deliver multitasking support



  • Reply 161 of 481
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Nasty personal attacks will be reported. I come here because this forum presents very interesting ideas.

    Sorry, taking a look at your posts here you seem to have nothing worthwhile to contribute and are basically trolling. Welcome to the ignore list. (I do believe that it has been mentioned on more than one occasion that iGenius is Tekstuds alt account)
  • Reply 162 of 481
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by crift2012 View Post

    there is no point in trying to please someone like you anyway, so why try. I doubt you hold yourself to standards you claim others must adhere to...

    What standard do I claim others must adhere to?
  • Reply 163 of 481
    jon tjon t Posts: 131member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    If enterprise adoption is not the answer, then why is RIM pulling ahead of Apple?

    As the fiftieth person to tell you, it isn't. You are seriously tiresome iGenius.
  • Reply 164 of 481
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    So is it your opinion that the reasons behind the stats are two-fold: overpricing and lack of sufficient product range?


    You truly are a master at twisting words. If you weren't so obnoxious, I'd be impressed.
  • Reply 165 of 481
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    This iPhone is going to be huge.

    *Btw, If multitasking is fixed with a 4.0 software update why did they wait this long?

    Apple is obsessed with usability. The information in the article concerning multi-taksing was, at best, informed speculation. The information in the article concerning the reasons why multi-tasking has not been included to date was not. Let's review:

    - iPhone 3.x software is a fully preemptive multitasking operating system, but it artificially restricts apps

    - The iPhone OS is intended to create mobile devices that are easy to use

    - One reason why the iPhone and iPod touch are emerging as a successful mobile games platform is due to the fact that the iPhone OS? one-app model means that games can be more complex and sophisticated and yet still perform well on a mobile device

    - (the current OS) erases any real potential for spyware, adware and viruses

    - (the downside of all this is) apps begging for background execution like Pandora, instant messaging features and Loopt or Google Latitude are not available without multitasking

    Apple likes to do things right and not on our timetable. It's still hard for me to fathom about how long it took them to bring out cut and paste on the iPhone. Assuming Apple is working on multi-tasking, I'm sure they are attempting to do it in a way that does not compromise the advantages their OS currently enjoys. As always, the devil's in the details. Fortunately, if there is one thing that Apple has shown an ability to do, it's to sweat the details.

    Like all of you, I look forward to multitasking. But not at the cost of security, power or ease of use.
  • Reply 166 of 481
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by azazel- View Post

    "Too late" for what? You seem to be looking for absolutes in scenarios where none can exist.

    Too late to reverse the lost momentum.
  • Reply 167 of 481
    niko03niko03 Posts: 30member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    I agree that partnering with only ATT was one of Apple's biggest mistakes.

    BTW, this graph is more recent:

    What's interesting to me is that RIM is pulling away, leaving Apple at an increasingly distant second-place.

    It is to be expected that WinMo is dying, and it is sad that Palm is dying. It is no surprise that Android is surging.

    But clearly Apple is losing badly to RIM, and that surprises me.

    That's a bunch of hooey.

    Those graphs show one month compared to another month.

    They are totally misleading since each handset maker introduces

    new models and or has promotions at different times of the year.

    The graphs one should look at are year to year comparisons

    consistent across years by month.

    Then and only then can you get a clear picture of trend.

    Quarter to quarter is garbage.

    Pick May to September and see how it paints a picture

    totally flattering for Apple and makes RIM and or Android look

    like losers.
  • Reply 168 of 481
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Double Press the Home Button to view all currently running apps. Set it as an option for Home Button in Settings. Next.

    Nope. Double-click the Home Button is reserved for iPod functionality. At least on my iPhone. They'll need to use something else.

  • Reply 169 of 481
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Too late to reverse the lost momentum.

    Apple can release a new product. Their marketshare will surge, then plateau.

  • Reply 170 of 481
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by DiegoG View Post

    While it may not be wrong in your mind I can tell you why it might seem off to others.

    I don't know if you are a native English speaker so...please excuse the points I'm about to make, I don't mean to be condescending.

    You can conclude from the graphs that for the time period "Android surged, Blackberry increased it's lead".." and the iPhone stagnated". Now your conclusions are correct.

    You also, by choice of words, often show negativity towards the product which lends itself to seeming like a troll. Case in point: 'Stagnate' carries negative connotations while 'maintained', 'held' and such are inherently more neutral.

    While words can generally mean the same, the feeling behind a single word or combination of words can make your opinion apparent, even when unintended.

    I like to state facts in a manner which blows certain types of people's minds. I like to examine and dissect shibboleths. I try to use words in an accurate manner, but also in a manner which makes folks reexamine their underlying biases.
  • Reply 171 of 481
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I can easily access 20 apps or more in an hour on my Phone without even breaking a sweat. There is absolutely no way all these could run without a severe battery and performance hit. It's simply not smart to let anyad every app you open to run in the background.

    No one should be running an IM app in the background on an iPhone. This is one that benefits greatly from Push Notifications.

    Ok so just to make sure I'm not imagining things, I've fired up 10 apps:

    Album, Bing, Coreplayer, Facebook, Opera 9.5, Google Maps, Midomi, Morphgear, Resco Explorer, and Windows Live messenger.

    So far I'm running at 88% memory usage, and I do notice the task manager takes a little bit longer to show me what's open, but other than that the phone is running fine. Normally at the end of a work day with normal usage (MS push email on for work email) I have about 80% battery life left. I'll leave these open today and let you know if it's significantly lower.
  • Reply 172 of 481
    benicebenice Posts: 382member
    Originally Posted by azazel- View Post

    The environment which I described could be described in many ways, but 'progressive' would not be remotely near the top of the list.

    Where you work, are there still a significant percentage of people wanting a decent WinMo phone?

    I'm familiar with them and thought that might be the case!

    In mine, financial sector, there's still a few people that want the WinMo option but it's not a significant percentage. In some ways whilst many of us are pretty open to Win options, it's hard to beat the ease of use from the others at the moment. Those who are still choosing the WinMo option mainly do so because they want to have 'proper' Excel and Word etc on their phone.
  • Reply 173 of 481
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by azazel- View Post

    I wouldn't care in the least, since I'm not apt to upgrade my cellphone on a whim, since it's cost-prohibitive to do so, based on contractual obligations.

    Let me ask this; how often do you buy a new cellphone?

    Usually when my contract expires and I can get a subsidized one. The only exception was when I got a WinMo phone; after a few months I gave up and got a Treo, which was great.

    I'm stuck with ATT for another year+, but so far, they have been fine. I'm looking forward to seeing their Android phones. So far, its only the Backflip, which seems kind of crappy.
  • Reply 174 of 481
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    I like to state facts in a manner which blows certain types of people's minds. I like to examine and dissect shibboleths. I try to use words in an accurate manner, but also in a manner which makes folks reexamine their underlying biases.

    In other words, you are trolling. Trolling defined as looking to create an argument on a forum just for the sake of igniting an argument.
  • Reply 175 of 481
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    I like to state facts in a manner which blows certain types of people's minds. I like to examine and dissect shibboleths. I try to use words in an accurate manner, but also in a manner which makes folks reexamine their underlying biases.

    Translation: You like to go onto websites pertaining to a specific topic or interest, then refer to those topics or interests in ways that are sure to annoy and infuriate those that go there for decent, civil and intellectual conversation.

    Put simply, you are a troll that is here to instigate conflict, because it amuses you.
  • Reply 176 of 481
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by MacKirk View Post

    Apple is obsessed with usability. The information in the article concerning multi-taksing was, at best, informed speculation. The information in the article concerning the reasons why multi-tasking has not been included to date was not. Let's review:

    - iPhone 3.x software is a fully preemptive multitasking operating system, but it artificially restricts apps

    - The iPhone OS is intended to create mobile devices that are easy to use

    - One reason why the iPhone and iPod touch are emerging as a successful mobile games platform is due to the fact that the iPhone OS? one-app model means that games can be more complex and sophisticated and yet still perform well on a mobile device

    - (the current OS) erases any real potential for spyware, adware and viruses

    - (the downside of all this is) apps begging for background execution like Pandora, instant messaging features and Loopt or Google Latitude are not available without multitasking

    Apple likes to do things right and not on our timetable. It's still hard for me to fathom about how long it took them to bring out cut and paste on the iPhone. Assuming Apple is working on multi-tasking, I'm sure they are attempting to do it in a way that does not compromise the advantages their OS currently enjoys. As always, the devil's in the details. Fortunately, if there is one thing that Apple has shown an ability to do, it's to sweat the details.

    Like all of you, I look forward to multitasking. But not at the cost of security, power or ease of use.

    Looks like I broke your cherry
  • Reply 177 of 481
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member
    Originally Posted by Mr. K View Post

    I'm thinking that they could incorporate a system sorta like a cross between Spaces and Expose; punch four fingers together on the screen to enter it and see all applications running, tap on an application to select and access it.

    Or perhaps make one of the 'home screens' a currently running applications section, put it next to the search, double clicking the home button could bring it up too. I think an Exposé style solution would be good.
  • Reply 178 of 481
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    Good job, Apple. In my opinion, multitasking is necessary on the iPad.

    - I'm ready to order!!!
  • Reply 179 of 481
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    My original comment was "What the heck is taking them so long? In the meantime, Android is surging in popularity and the iOS is stagnating."

    The nexus between Apple's slow modernization of iOS and the current market stagnation of the iOS was interesting to me.

    Lots of folks here seem to think that the current stagnation is directly tied to the delays in implementing common features in the iOS. Others think that the stagnation is not due to the old OS, but rather, to other factors.

    I have no firm conclusions, but I enjoy discussing the technology and the market.

    no what you enjoy is throwing out wild claims with no basis in fact and create strawman arguments...

    Lots of folks here seem to think that the current stagnation...Lots of folks here seem to think that the current stagnation

    in the words of Jerry Seinfeld....WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? so now you are just flat out creating imaginary people to back up your wild claims...
  • Reply 180 of 481
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    In other words, you are trolling. Trolling defined as looking to create an argument on a forum just for the sake of igniting an argument.

    The art of trolling actually is all about getting the most replies using the fewest comments. Saying something like "Ps3 has no games" at a ps3 forum, then watching the thread sprout to 15 pages without saying anything else is a perfect example.

    I sincerely think he's here to converse with people and trigger a lively discussion.
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