iPad: 50,000 sales in 2 hours, Apple TV bumped, mysterious app icon



  • Reply 181 of 266
    patspats Posts: 112member
    Originally Posted by FineTunes View Post

    Hopefully when the iPad is released it will have the new OS 4G, makes more sense, otherwise you will have to upgrade the iPad to the new OS 4G when it's released.

    The iPad will launch with new firmware but doubtful that they will call it version 4 of Iphone OS. Apple has called it 3.2 for a reason. They wouldn't throw a major update out without giving App developers a chance to ensure compatibility and they need to provide a method for developers to build software for both the iPhone and iPad. I would expect Apple to preview the Iphone OS SDK soon to give developers a chance to update/optimize their software.
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  • Reply 182 of 266
    alandailalandail Posts: 780member
    I've seen the estimates of 50,000 in the first two hours and the 91,000 in the first 6 hours. Has anyone estimated yet how many were sold in the first 24 hours?

    Also, aren't all of these estimates actually quite a bit lower than what has actually been ordered? The estimates only are based on sales through the apple store and from what I can tell don't factor in at all the ones that have been reserved for pickup at an Apple retail store on April 3rd.

    We're going to put our first one into production use at our business right away. We have a specific need for a portable web browser where an iPhone touch is too small and a laptop (even a macbook air or netbook) is too clunky. The iPad should be perfect for this need - something that can be used to easily enter data while walking around.
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  • Reply 183 of 266
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by FineTunes View Post

    Hopefully when the iPad is released it will have the new OS 4G, makes more sense, otherwise you will have to upgrade the iPad to the new OS 4G when it's released.

    They've only released v3.2 to devs. Apps are being rewritten and updated for v3.2. They aren't going to switch it up by having v4.0 installed. When you look at the changes between v3.1 and v3.2 it's clear there are significant changes to the iPhone OS but any v4.0 changes will have to wait until well after v4.0 is introduced in a special event and the SDK is released to devs with plenty of time for them to make changes for compatibility and to utilize the new features.
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  • Reply 184 of 266
    Originally Posted by FineTunes View Post

    The argument that the iPad is just a jumbo iPhone has been overly used. If you've read other forums and kept up on the news you would know that the iPad apps store will be separate from the iPhone-iPod Touch apps store.

    There are apps being specifically written for the iPad and some of the iPhone apps will also work on the iPad according to Apple. So it is more than just a giant, jumbo, over grown iPhone. And then the tiny netbook is just an underpowered mini PC laptop too small for the lap.

    I am not sure that is totally correct when it comes to the Apps Store. I know there will be iPad only apps but I believe the goal with using SDK is to have universal apps that will run on all three devices. Which would make sense.

    It wouldn't have made any sense to have a totally seperate Apps store because then the iPad wouldn't be able to take advantage of the apps already available. Not sure if thats what you were saying.
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  • Reply 185 of 266
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by alandail View Post

    I've seen the estimates of 50,000 in the first two hours and the 91,000 in the first 6 hours. Has anyone estimated yet how many were sold in the first 24 hours?

    Also, aren't all of these estimates actually quite a bit lower than what has actually been ordered? The estimates only are based on sales through the apple store and from what I can tell don't factor in at all the ones that have been reserved for pickup at an Apple retail store on April 3rd.

    Apple may come out with some stats but it's all pretty irrelevant at this time. These are only US sales, the ones doing in-store pickup (as you said), there are many waiting for the 3G version and many more waiting to test the iPad and read reviews before committing to it.
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  • Reply 186 of 266
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Not 'has' to. 'Wanted' to. Sell 10, to buy two iPads, not one (incl. cap gains tax and accessories).

    As I also mentioned to you, I have more than enough AAPL left to put a kid through private college (the part you forgot). Thanks so much for your concern!

    The next time you don't want to get called out when distorting something, try harder!

    Who's E. F. Hutton?

    Just one kid? I have enough AAPL to put your kid, their kids and their kids kids through private college. In fact there would still be some left over to throw some education your way which you clearly need.
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  • Reply 187 of 266
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Just one kid? I have enough AAPL to put your kid, their kids and their kids kids through private college. In fact there would still be some left over to throw some education your way which you clearly need.

    Sure. Throw it my way. Put your money where your bluster is! O/w, shut up and move along with your childish nonsense.

    (I am quite happy to PM you my coordinates for you to do that; please let me know).
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  • Reply 188 of 266
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Apple may come out with some stats but it's all pretty irrelevant at this time. These are only US sales, the ones doing in-store pickup (as you said), there are many waiting for the 3G version and many more waiting to test the iPad and read reviews before committing to it.

    Its also been reported that these confirmation numbers could be driven by every single apple store purchase not just iPad sales. Even if this these numbers were generate US only or worldwide or when the number system started to generate.

    Have you read anything where someone reported having a iPad confirmation number of something like 000001?
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  • Reply 189 of 266
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Sure. Throw it my way. Put your money where your bluster is! O/w, shut up and move along with your childish nonsense.

    (I am quite happy to PM you my coordinates for you to do that; please let me know).

    I am just matching your childish nonsense. I work for one of the largest tech companies in the world and have been putting 15% in my 401k for 23 years now, getting a 50% match on 6%. I have another 20+ years if I want too until retirement and my portfolio past six zeros several years ago.

    It doesn't take much to do the math and figure this out and it doesn't take much to realize when you work have worked for IBM having a good bit of Apple stock worked its way in for many years.
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  • Reply 190 of 266
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,759member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post


    I work for . . .

    I have . . .

    my portfolio . . .

    past six zeros several years ago . . .


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  • Reply 191 of 266
    yensid98yensid98 Posts: 311member
    Originally Posted by rhowarth View Post

    Why's that do you think? When iPod and iTunes were launched, it was easy to use your existing CD music collection. When AppleTV was launched, it wasn't easy to use your existing DVD collection. iPod was a huge success, AppleTV was a huge flop. It's not exactly rocket science.

    Adding a DVD or BD now is too late, Apple have missed the boat on that one. They should drop AppleTV and concentrate on the Mac Mini instead, adding HDMI, a BluRay option and beefing up FrontRow. Better yet, include a TV tuner and PVR functionality (and include a universal remote so you can control the TV as well) and turn the whole thing into a proper media center.

    Connect both a DVD/BD and an AppleTV to your TV set? Sure, it's POSSIBLE (assuming your TV has enough inputs) but having to faff about with so many remotes and switching inputs isn't exactly the perfect user experience. If Apple provided a decent integrated media center solution I'd throw away my existing DVD player and PVR in a heartbeat, but the AppleTV just isn't it, sorry.

    You're right AppleTV is not a complete media center. It never was meant to be. It was meant to be an iPod for your TV. Complaining about this isn't really fair. It's like complaining that your refrigerator doesn't also toast bread.

    I agree that the ability to rip easily DVDs into iTunes like you can with CDs would have been a huge boom for AppleTV, but the studios would never allow such a thing. Still, there are free third party solutions that I use to do this. So is it really that big of a deal that the feature isn't built into iTunes?

    Connecting multiple devies to your TV is not a big deal. We have been doing it for decades. In the 80's my family had a cable box, game console and VHS player. These days I have a BD player, game console and Apple TV. Not much difference.

    And if you still say connecting both a BD player and an AppleTV to your TV is too much then why is it too late for Apple to add a BD player to AppleTV and cut down on the number of devices you have connected to your TV? It's like you're not happy with the way things are and you're not happy with a change either.

    Personally, the AppleTV has decreased the number of devices I have connected to my TV because I would up canceling my cable service and buying shows/seasons from the iTunes Store. It forced me to think of my viewing habits differently and make some big changes. Maybe that's why it hasn't taken off. It's too different from what we're accustomed to.
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  • Reply 192 of 266
    alandailalandail Posts: 780member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Its also been reported that these confirmation numbers could be driven by every single apple store purchase not just iPad sales. Even if this these numbers were generate US only or worldwide or when the number system started to generate.

    Have you read anything where someone reported having a iPad confirmation number of something like 000001?

    their are estimates on how many sales the online apple store normally makes in a day (about 15,000 orders). These are subtracted out to calculate estimates of iPad sales. Even with that there is a significant margin for error in the estimates. Not knowing how many people ordered 1 vs 2, not knowing how many people did the reserve for pickup option, not knowing how many of the normal orders that have been factored out were from people who added an iPad to their order.

    A couple of things seem clear.

    Within days of launch, there will be hundreds of thousands of these being used all over the country.

    With that many sales, and as a device that's built to carry with you so other people can see it, it won't take long for a second wave of sales to start from people who either wanted to see one first or the many people who haven't even heard about the iPad yet.
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  • Reply 193 of 266
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I am just matching your childish nonsense. I work for one of the largest tech companies in the world and have been putting 15% in my 401k for 23 years now, getting a 50% match on 6%. I have another 20+ years if I want too until retirement and my portfolio past six zeros several years ago.

    It doesn't take much to do the math and figure this out and it doesn't take much to realize when you work have worked for IBM having a good bit of Apple stock worked its way in for many years.

    Wow. You work for a company that matches 50%.... (which is actually sort of sadly low for a supposedly well-performing Fortune 50 company). And that you've been investing for 23 years (like no one else has). Or six figures (like that is HUGE!). Wow.

    TMI, man......Next you'll be telling us about your hemorrhoidectomy.... Please stop. You're embarrassing yourself.
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  • Reply 194 of 266
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    (I'll stop after this; no more on this topic).
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  • Reply 195 of 266
    benicebenice Posts: 382member
    This is a big question, but would anyone be tempted to fully sell their Mac/iMac/MBP and live completely with simply two devices say an iphone for mobile and then an iPad for home use?

    Could it do 95% of the Mac's tasks? I do lots of written work at home but by being clever to do more at work I really wonder if it would be possible to shrink down to just a few small sexy hardware pieces at home and that's it.
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  • Reply 196 of 266
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by Wonder View Post

    The iPad is not trying to replace a Netbook.

    A Netbook is just a cheap laptop, nothing more.

    A Netbook is an underpowered. lower speced, smaller screened Laptop.

    If you want a laptop buy a laptop, or if you don't have the cash a netbook.

    The iPad is a different type of product, it is not a computer, it is not trying to be a computer.

    It is a new type of product, something that we will just have around the house, and use when we want to access the internet, play games, etc. NOT COMPUTE, for that we will still use a computer.

    Mmm, during the keynote presentation Steve Jobs was pretty adamant about how much Netbooks suck, and then offered the iPad as the vastly superior solution between a smartphone and a laptop. So it would seem Apple's position in the matter is that the iPad is most certainly intended to be a netbook replacement. And as far as not trying to be a computer goes, they did create iPad versions of their entire iWork suite.
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  • Reply 197 of 266
    shubiduashubidua Posts: 157member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    They will get 2 months from early May to early July. This is what it will be. Just like the 2 months from no iPad to iPad. 2 months is more than enough for active iOS developers. This isn't 2008, when they had to start more than 4 months out just to get the ball rolling and have 20 Apps for sale when the 3G was released.

    iOS 4.0 is not going to be unveiled at all until the iPad, BOTH models, are moving out the door. They don't want to shoot themselves in the foot and give people pause.

    ie: "Wait, what's coming soon? 4 point what? Do I get that if I buy one today? think I'll wait..."


    So, again, they are not going to announce anything new related to the iOS, specifically the next major upgrade to 4.0, until iPad sales are fully underway and all early adopters have made they move.

    Fair enough. I was wondering about that as well. I just hope that my new iPhone comes at the latest at WWDC, so that my loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg wait is finally over , as it would be stupid to purchase one now ...
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  • Reply 198 of 266
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by benice View Post

    This is a big question, but would anyone be tempted to fully sell their Mac/iMac/MBP and live completely with simply two devices say an iphone for mobile and then an iPad for home use?

    Could it do 95% of the Mac's tasks? I do lots of written work at home but by being clever to do more at work I really wonder if it would be possible to shrink down to just a few small sexy hardware pieces at home and that's it.

    You couldn't if you wanted to, because Apple has forced the iPad into being a slave device ? it has to be synced with a computer in order to have any kind of media on it. And you can't plug your iPhone into your iPad to sync the two together. This is one of the biggest flaws with the iPad in my mind.
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  • Reply 199 of 266
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by benice View Post

    This is a big question, but would anyone be tempted to fully sell their Mac/iMac/MBP and live completely with simply two devices say an iphone for mobile and then an iPad for home use?

    Could it do 95% of the Mac's tasks? I do lots of written work at home but by being clever to do more at work I really wonder if it would be possible to shrink down to just a few small sexy hardware pieces at home and that's it.

    That is hard to quantify, but I'd say no only because it requires a PC/Mac with iTunes to sync iTunes content and backup. Honestly, it's a moot point because of that fact. A few may want it as a PC replacement but until you can sync an iPod or iPhone to it, it has an iTunes app on it not just and iPod app, it can backup to Time Machine and you can connect other storage devices to it then it's just like any other iDevice Apple has created.

    We'll see the desktop OS on tablets fall away as Android starts showing up on most tablets later this year. Hopefully by then the mental association will change.

    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Mmm, during the keynote presentation Steve Jobs was pretty adamant about how much Netbooks suck, and then offered the iPad as the vastly superior solution between a smartphone and a laptop. So it would seem Apple's position in the matter is that the iPad is most certainly intended to be a netbook replacement. And as far as not trying to be a computer goes, they did create iPad versions of their entire iWork suite.

    It will surely compete for the same consumer space and if you want to delve into technicalities for a moment a netbook is running a desktop OS and therefore can technically do more but that doesn't make it a better product or option.

    An off-road bike can do substantially less than a cheap sedan but if I need a vehicle for offloading a cheap sedan sucks. That is basically what we have here. Apple has designed a product ideal for its "terrain" as an alternative "vehicle" for your computing needs.
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  • Reply 200 of 266
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    You couldn't if you wanted to, because Apple has forced the iPad into being a slave device ? it has to be synced with a computer in order to have any kind of media on it. And you can't plug your iPhone into your iPad to sync the two together. This is one of the biggest flaws with the iPad in my mind.

    Apple has forced the iPod into being a slave device? Apple has forced the iPhone into being a slave device? Forcing is pretty damn hyperbolic as it was designed as a PC accessory from the ground up so no forcing was needed.

    I'm over the whole 'i' naming scheme but when this was clearly and obviously intended to be an accessory device I was glad they used it, thinking that people would realize the intended usage by the naming. Apparently not. \
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