iPad: 50,000 sales in 2 hours, Apple TV bumped, mysterious app icon



  • Reply 141 of 266
    satcomersatcomer Posts: 130member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Nonsense. Apple crippled the AppleTV from day one. The whole thing was conceptually flawed from day one.

    Then do the easy thing n00b and buy ATVFlash since you can't figure out the AppleTV is really hackable. It is amazing what you can do to that little machine.
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  • Reply 142 of 266
    alandailalandail Posts: 781member
    The 50,000 estimate was from the first couple of hours, it's been 12 hours now, are there any updated estimates?
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  • Reply 143 of 266
    Originally Posted by Evangelist View Post

    Apple typically has several charges against your card: mine is a debit card so I can see specifically in my online bank account; they charge $1.00 for each item ordered and strangely charge for the shipping if applicable. In my case, and I have received an email confirmation of the order, they charged $1.00 for my iPad, $1.00 for the case, $1.00 for the dock and $13.00 for the expedited shipping (on the 2 accessories). That's it. I have always liked that about Apple. Some companies put a hold on the full amount of the order which in my case with a debit card means that the funds are unavailable! So hurrah for Apple on this one! A measly buck to hold my iPad till April 3!!! Then free FEDEX Saturday delivery! Talk about customer satisfaction!

    They dont actually "charge" a dollar for each item ordered. Or they shouldn't. The $1 you see is their computer reaching out to your bank' computer just to make sure the account is active and legit. The charge will drop off eventually and be replaced by the full charge. Not sure why they would charge $1 for each item unless you ordered separately.

    You will often also see this if you purchase gas with a debit card. When you slide the card in, the computer doesn't know what the total charge will be, but it will check to make sure the account can accept the charge.
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  • Reply 144 of 266
    Originally Posted by MsNly View Post

    I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about the fact that they're not just going to randomly drop the iPad's price like you keep suggesting. They'd have no reason to.

    That what Apple has always done. They set a price point and then give you more at the same price point. At the very least I see the 32GB version for the same price at the 16GB version in less then six months.

    Apple has every reason to do exactly what they did with the iPhone except instead of dropping the price they will simply give you far more for 499.00.
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  • Reply 145 of 266
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    So are you buy two because "If you want two even better you can get two and some Alabama chrome (duct tape) and tape those two together and at least then you could multitask."?!

    See now you can save yourself some money because the new iPhone OS will have multitasking. Don't say I never hooked you up. I called SJ for you just so you wouldnt have to buy duct tape. You can thank me later.
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  • Reply 146 of 266
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    1) We've had this discussion with you, and I am not going to get drawn into it again. I'll simply say that you do need to learn some basic finance before you talk about stuff like this. I am not saying it's necessary, but it might help.

    2) You also perhaps want to reflect on the phrase, "all else equal." (As in, all else equal, as a shareholder who is presumably happier with a higher rather than lower stock price, would you prefer a more successful or less successful new product introduction by a company whose stock you own?)

    Last thing I need to do is take advice from you. Remember you are the guy that has to sell his shares to buy and iPad. Keep up the good work there E.F Hutton.
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  • Reply 147 of 266
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    It'll happen. Bet on it. That's the whole promise of the platform.

    Yeah you keep holding onto that theory.
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  • Reply 148 of 266
    Originally Posted by stevegmu View Post

    Most netbooks I have used can barely run a desktop OS, as is. Most people buy netbooks for internet browsing, listening to music and watching videos, not as notebook replacements. The iPad seems to do those three things far better than the average netbook.

    The iPod essentially killed the WalkMan, DiskMan, and their variants.

    That funny because most members here don't believe a netbook has to the power to watch movies or even stream something with Flash. Netbooks work just fine in fact most are a good bit more powerful then the iPad and can now even run Windows 7 just fine. The iPad can't even handle Flash 10.
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  • Reply 149 of 266
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    My point being is that the iPod and iPhone has always been priced in line with the competition. Their superior user experience along with a competitive price point lead to market domination...

    Last I checked Zunes or Andriod phones weren't considerable cheaper (if at all) than Apple's products... Apple's iPad, while potentially a great product, isn't price competitively at this point with Netbooks. If that changes in the future is unknown at this point.

    I'm not sure why we should be considering cheap netbooks as some kind of benchmark of what consumers are willing to pay. After all, until fairly recently, $300 netbooks didn't even exist, and yet there seemed to be quite few people willing to pay much more (and much more than $500, a "lot of money" or no) for mediocre laptops.

    People will pay for things they like. Acting like the niche is entirely defined by "10 inch screen or less things that do computing stuff" and concluding that after that it's entirely a matter of price doesn't make any sense. The iPad isn't a netbook. For some people, it's going to be quite a bit better than a netbook, because it will be much easier to use, lighter, less bulky, with better battery life and easier access to an ecosystem of content most people are already familiar with.

    For those people, a few hundred dollars will be worth it.

    EDIT: Ah, I see Dr. Millmoss is on the case.
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  • Reply 150 of 266
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    See now you can save yourself some money because the new iPhone OS will have multitasking. Don't say I never hooked you up. I called SJ for you just so you wouldnt have to buy duct tape. You can thank me later.

    The multitasking rumor has been around since iPhone OS 2.0. It's still a rumor. After more than a month firing off on anyone who said he/she will buy an iPad you are getting one yourself.
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  • Reply 151 of 266
    stevegmustevegmu Posts: 539member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    That funny because most members here don't believe a netbook has to the power to watch movies or even stream something with Flash. Netbooks work just fine in fact most are a good bit more powerful then the iPad and can now even run Windows 7 just fine. The iPad can't even handle Flash 10.

    I didn't say anything about netbooks doing those things well. People generally buy them for those purposes, and most I know end up disappointed.

    With the exception of porn, spammy ads and kiddie games, flash isn't all that important to the average user.
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  • Reply 152 of 266
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,759member
    Apparently it's up to about 90,000 in 6 hours.

    The Washington Post has reported that Apple sold an estimated 91,000 iPads in the first six hours of the presale.

    "On Friday, the first day that buyers could pre-order the device (it arrives in stores next month), Apple racked up an estimated 91,000 sales in just the first six hours of availability, putting temporarily to rest the Internet's persistent "iPad fail" meme. Analysts predict the first-year sales could reach 5 million."

    - WashingtonPost.com 03.12.10
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  • Reply 153 of 266
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Last thing I need to do is take advice from you. Remember you are the guy that has to sell his shares to buy and iPad. Keep up the good work there E.F Hutton.

    Not 'has' to. 'Wanted' to. Sell 10, to buy two iPads, not one (incl. cap gains tax and accessories).

    As I also mentioned to you, I have more than enough AAPL left to put a kid through private college (the part you forgot). Thanks so much for your concern!

    The next time you don't want to get called out when distorting something, try harder!

    Who's E. F. Hutton?
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  • Reply 154 of 266
    Originally Posted by MsNly View Post

    Ditto, I may be a fanboy. But I'm also a stockholder that could stand to profit from APPL in the future.

    Something tells me that when you're a stockholder it helps to know your stock's correct ticker symbol.
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  • Reply 155 of 266
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    It's besides the point because it isn't in any way, shape or form a response to the point. Not only is the proof lacking for the argument that "price always wins," the evidence doesn't even bloody well exist. The concept that people never choose to spend more for something is patently absurd. It defies the fundamental reality that we all know exists.

    First of all Coke simply wouldn't exist if that were true. Why would it when POP! is .70 a bottle! and to the other extreme neither would Audi, MB, Ferrari, Lexus, etc, etc, etc.

    The US highway system would be Hyundai, Hyundai and Hyundai from sea to shining sea!

    Price wins every time... Yea I'm thinking not!
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  • Reply 156 of 266
    nofear1aznofear1az Posts: 209member
    Originally Posted by alectheking View Post

    Hmm...mine to was a Debit card from Wells Fargo. Online it says,

    CHKCARDAPL*APPLE ONLIN800-67675 CAUS\t- $764.76

    CHKCARDAPL*APPLE ONLIN800-67675 CAUS\t-$1.00

    CHKCARDAPL*APPLE ONLIN800-67675 CAUS\t-$1.00

    I agree. I paid with a debit card and Apple instantly pulled out -536 and some change plus two other entries for -1.00 in Pending leaving me with a much smaller ending balance. yahh, looks like they take it right away not during shipping.
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  • Reply 157 of 266
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    That is why Windows still dominates the market after all of these years with their great user experience... Price is everything in consumer space. User experience is a value add.

    I'd still have to disagree with your notion...

    The public at large can be sold on anything no matter how bad it is...

    Look no further than the government... and they were ANYTHING but cheap given their track record for past 100 years or so... and yet we are still sold on em every November even after all we know about em. Like lemmings we go with the crowd right off the cliff chirping all the way.

    Not unlike Windows users who keep buying into their platform after the spyware and worms and viruses and security holes and keyloggers and... well you get my point...
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  • Reply 158 of 266
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by nofear1az View Post

    I agree. I paid with a debit card and Apple instantly pulled out -536 and some change plus two other entries for -1.00 in Pending leaving me with a much smaller ending balance. yahh, looks like they take it right away not during shipping.

    They don't take it right away... they do check to make sure the card will approve the amount but it isn't removed from your account until it is shipped... This I'm all but sure of (given the amount of orders I've done on the Apple store).

    If they did withdraw the funds without shipping then they be forcing you to either loose possible interest you might be earning on the funds if it was a debit card... OR .. if it was a credit card and they did it then you'd be charged finance charges prematurely. At the most what you are probably seeing is a 'lock' on the funds so Apple knows that when they do ship the order the funds will be available but if you call the bank the funds will still be in your possession so long as the order hasn't shipped... and again if its a credit card the money isn't charged to you but your 'available credit' with the credit card will likely have been reduced by the amount of your order so you are being prevented from maxing out the card and then having no credit left to pay for the order.

    In both cases if they did try to actually remove/withdraw the funds from credit/debit accounts weeks before they shipped a product Apple would have been investigated, sued, etc so many times everyone would be talking about it.

    I'm not saying its illegal because 'special orders' like cabinet work and such often do require at least 1/2 of the funds to be paid before any work begins but firstly, Apple isn't in that kind of business and secondly the company can't just do it without informing you of the policy.

    Also check again.. when you said balance that probably isn't accurate... I'll bet you have a 'available balance' that has the funds removed... but the 'actual balance' is still what it was before you placed the order. Since you made an order (and the actual balance is what you make interest on) you gave your card as the method of payment ... Apple just told the bank that you made a transaction for XXX and promised to pay with that account and they are tell the bank to make sure the funds are still available when they ship it. If you told the bank to remove the hold they likely would and then they would in turn tell Apple the the funds have been declined and your order would be canceled.
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  • Reply 159 of 266
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by technohermit View Post


    I have an TV, and you are right. It is a really great idea, but just missing on a few key things to make it truly outstanding.

    It's almost an entertainment center replacement, but no HDMI, lack of support for different codecs, etc. No coax or cable-box replacement capability. Lack of content( isn't the hardware's fault, or the software for that matter, but still) And no optical drive.

    I suppose if it had such things it would be a mini.

    are you sure you own one? have a look at the back. looks like HDMI to me!
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  • Reply 160 of 266
    uelogyuelogy Posts: 16member
    the 'mystery app' pic has been removed by apple - another marketing slip?
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