Valleywag details iPhone feud between Steve Jobs and Google CEO



  • Reply 21 of 82
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by saturn79 View Post

    Something tells me the next iPhone will TRULY be an A+ update

    No matter how you feel about Apple or Jobs one thing can't be denied, don't piss off Steve Jobs because he will hold a grudge and he will work to make your life miserable if he can.
  • Reply 22 of 82
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Okey dokey, so look:

    We've had some commentary lately about the number of trolls/embittered losers/maniacs that come here purely to revel in Apple hatred. And the mods are kinda like "What would you have us do? Opinions differ" or something.

    But here's a case in point. I invite anyone to take a quick look at Mr. Rockets posting history, which is absolutely and unequivocally comprised of nothing but "Apple sux LOL" and "fan boys suck LOL" with a soupcon of "notice how superior this other product is to your pitiful Apple junk" just to break the tedium.

    Now explain to me what this person adds to the conversation and why this should be tolerated.

    AppleInsider really needs to implement a down-ranking comment system. Let the community members score the commenters.

    That's really the sustainable method of eliminating bad comments without removing anyone's ability to say what's on their mind.

    If one's comment has some long-term pedagogical value or is exceptionally entertaining, people will see it. If it isn't, it gets buried by your peers.

    I never thought I would say this, but even Slashdot is readable these days. AI is headed where Slashdot was maybe 5-7 years ago. It's just a matter of time.
  • Reply 23 of 82
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    No matter how you feel about Apple or Jobs one thing can't be denied, don't piss off Steve Jobs because he will hold a grudge and he will work to make your life miserable if he can.

    I think even at the peak of Apple and Microsoft rivalry both Jobs and Gates were never known to be such enemies or hating each other passionately

    Both Apple and Microsoft might be rivals, but they have long learned to co-exist beautifully and make money of each other's platform and they cant stand Google. I think it wont be surprising to see Apple and Microsoft teaming up against Google.
  • Reply 24 of 82
    techstudtechstud Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    No matter how you feel about Apple or Jobs one thing can't be denied, don't piss off Steve Jobs because he will hold a grudge and he will work to make your life miserable if he can.

    I actually agree with you? Can it be?

    And that's exactly why Apple will never get the Hollywood content that it so desperately wants for subscriptions etc. Ask Michael Eisner.
  • Reply 25 of 82
    oc4theooc4theo Posts: 294member
    If they knew in 2007 that Google was working on a smartphone, why did it take so long for this TRAITOR to be removed from Apple board.

    I think Apple investors should file a lawsuit against Schmidt and Google. He stole from Apple and reproduced at Google. If Google was not an American company, I am sure the lawsuit would have been in process by now.

    Schmidt in my opinion stole proprietary information for profit. This is business Espionage at the highest level.
  • Reply 26 of 82
    techstudtechstud Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    It's Eric. His thinking is . . . fragmented.

    So now you know how EriC Schmidt thinks?
  • Reply 27 of 82
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member
    Schmidt was shaken that Jobs was so angry? Did he just meet Steve?

    People have known forever that you don't piss Steve off. And if Schmidt was dumb enough to think Steve would be cheery and giggle about the Google phone, then the man is probably too stupid to be running Google.
  • Reply 28 of 82
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Wakashizuma View Post

    I think even at the peak of Apple and Microsoft rivalry both Jobs and Gates were never known to be such enemies or hating each other passionately

    Both Apple and Microsoft might be rivals, but they have long learned to co-exist beautifully and make money of each other's platform and they cant stand Google. I think it wont be surprising to see Apple and Microsoft teaming up against Google.

    It's one thing to actively compete in the same market or even "borrow" code and ideas to see how much you can get away with, but to sit on the board of directors while secretly planning to compete directly and use that info to do it is much low on the business ethics scale, IMO. Oh well, I like the drama and the competition and don't see it as affecting my stock in either company much.
  • Reply 29 of 82
    techstudtechstud Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by OC4Theo View Post

    If they knew in 2007 that Google was working on a smartphone, why did it take so long for this TRAITOR to be removed from Apple board.

    I think Apple investors should file a lawsuit against Schmidt and Google. He stole from Apple and reproduced at Google. If Google was not an American company, I am sure the lawsuit would have been in process by now.

    Schmidt in my opinion stole proprietary information for profit. This is business Espionage at the highest level.

    More like why hasn't Apple's Board reprimanded whoever put him there to begin with?
  • Reply 30 of 82
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member
    Yeah she is pretty hot. What is she doing with him?

    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Schmidt might have avoided any emotional nerd rage if he actually had an original thought in his head. He was shown the door, and he's bitter.

    As for his innermost feelings about not finding a BFF of his own, it's sad and cute, but ultimately fails to really make anyone give a damn.

    Is his mistress hot?

  • Reply 31 of 82
    techstudtechstud Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    Schmidt was shaken that Jobs was so angry? Did he just meet Steve?

    People have known forever that you don't piss Steve off. And if Schmidt was dumb enough to think Steve would be cheery and giggle about the Google phone, then the man is probably too stupid to be running Google.

    Dude - you're only getting one side of the story. Don't listen to everything you read here as bible. Most of it and the so-called gang of ten posters who claim they should have this site all to themselves should be taken with a grain of salt.
  • Reply 32 of 82
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Barry Wilson View Post

    This is just one more example of how evil Google actually are.

    I think google's evil-ness may be somewhat exaggerated. They acted in a duplicitous manner however and SJ has good reason to be royally pissed off. How long did Schmidt stay on the board after SJ knew what google were up to, by the way? I was under the impression it was quite a while. How come he wasn't booted off? But as has been pointed out, this was a bad move on Google's part. Very uncomfortable for Schmidt, I'm sure. I suspect Google has completely lost the trust of SJ across the board and if anything this will act as an incentive for Apple to reach out to alternative partners. For Apple however it must be a very sobering thought that the only viable alternative is MS, however.
  • Reply 33 of 82
    techstudtechstud Posts: 124member

    Originally Posted by Quadra 610

    Schmidt might have avoided any emotional nerd rage if he actually had an original thought in his head. He was shown the door, and he's bitter.

    If he was that stupid then why was he there in the first place?
  • Reply 34 of 82
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    While the exact details of the Gawker article is meaningless, it does jibe with everything that has been coming out lately. Jobs felt stabbed in the back, probably rightfully so, and Schmidt doesn't see eye to eye with Brin & Page. Especially with the China situation.

    Mostly I see a tragedy in this story. These were two companies that complemented each other perfectly. If Google didn't make a clear entrance onto Apple's turf, there would have been enough spoils for them to reap at the expense of MS.

    Now Google is in a difficult spot with this current lawsuit and animosity with Apple. If Apple uses Bing as their primary search engine then that will be a lot of lost eyeballs. Apple is already locking up advertising with the Quattro acquisition and Apple is rumored to be using their own map-based solution. This is a major source for lost revenues coming from the 3rd largest handset maker. Carriers are locking out Google from not only opposing OSs, but even with Android as evidnced by the Backflip.
  • Reply 35 of 82
    woohoo!woohoo! Posts: 291member
    I think Eric Schmidt is a closet queen, prefers men and the mistress was for show, drove back and forth to Reno as to avoid sleeping in the same tent as her.

    I'm guessing he couldn't get a hotel room in Reno and needed to return before dawn to keep up appearances, so he just drove back and forth all night like a dumb ass.
  • Reply 36 of 82
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Originally Posted by TECHSTUD View Post

    Dude - you're only getting one side of the story. Don't listen to everything you read here as bible. Most of it and the so-called gang of ten posters who claim they should have this site all to themselves should be taken with a grain of salt.

    You are including yourself and your aliases you've used for spewing those fabricated posts right? It's a healthy first-start for you to finally admit that most of your posts can indeed be taken with a grain of salt. This is healthy and much-needed therapy for you.
  • Reply 37 of 82
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I think AI's board policy is firmly rooted in 1992. They need to get creative with the losers and trolls plugging up the works. I've been commenting here for years under one name or another and I've never seen it as bad as it is lately.

    I'd like to see something like a global, invisible, ignore list for the whole forum instead of an individual user. The moderators add the trolls to the ignore list and they disappear from everyone's sight but their own. From their point of view they are posting drivel and wondering why no one ever responds to them, from the rest of us' point of view, they just disappear.

    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    AppleInsider really needs to implement a down-ranking comment system. Let the community members score the commenters.

    That's really the sustainable method of eliminating bad comments without removing anyone's ability to say what's on their mind.

    The problem is that the number of trolls is so huge that I'm not sure this would work. The best pro-Apple posters would get as many negative remarks as the Apple-haters.

    Look at the number of negative votes for stories that are completely positive for everyone no matter what platform they use - if Apple is involved in any way.

    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    I think google's evil-ness may be somewhat exaggerated.

    It's impossible to exaggerate Google's evil-ness. Look at their take on intellectual property. Somehow, they felt that they had the right to copy every published work in the world and put it onto the web. There's absolutely no way that was an innocent mistake.
  • Reply 38 of 82
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Okey dokey, so look:

    We've had some commentary lately about the number of trolls/embittered losers/maniacs that come here purely to revel in Apple hatred. And the mods are kinda like "What would you have us do? Opinions differ" or something.

    But here's a case in point. I invite anyone to take a quick look at Mr. Rockets posting history, which is absolutely and unequivocally comprised of nothing but "Apple sux LOL" and "fan boys suck LOL" with a soupcon of "notice how superior this other product is to your pitiful Apple junk" just to break the tedium.

    Now explain to me what this person adds to the conversation and why this should be tolerated.

    In this particular instance, I agree with JR's comment. This article is no better than TMZ junk.

    As far as the mods go, the community itself does do quite well belittling and scaring off trolls without much AI interference. I'd also wager a few people here scare off a good amount of readership with their unwavering support of all things Apple.

    Once in a while it's actually fun to see the blind haters square off against the blind supporters, each with their lack of technical knowledge, absence of factual support, and huge flames. Once in a while....
  • Reply 39 of 82
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Originally Posted by Woohoo! View Post

    I think Eric Schmidt is a closet queen, prefers men and the mistress was for show, drove back and forth to Reno as to avoid sleeping in the same tent as her.

    I'm guessing he couldn't get a hotel room in Reno and needed to return before dawn to keep up appearances, so he just drove back and forth all night like a dumb ass.

    Mistress looked kinda tranny to me.
  • Reply 40 of 82
    ktappektappe Posts: 824member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Oh, I know. I feel all empty inside because of it. I have such a deep admiration for guys who roll around on the floor with other guys.

    Good reference. But I admit....I had to Google it, even though I've seen that film a half dozen times.

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