Apple highlights iPad-ready, Adobe Flash-free Web sites



  • Reply 81 of 122
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by allblue View Post

    Of course there is choice. If someone wants to access Flash sites they have to choose buy a device that will do it rather than one which will not. Of course that does greatly limit them in the ultra-mobile space, but its near exclusion from that class does put the onus back on Adobe to produce something that can work efficiently on small battery-powered devices. I would suggest that as we are here in 2010 and Adobe have not provided a solution, the blame for this situation lies firmly at their door, not at the device manufacturers who want to provide decent battery life for their customers.

    The heading to your above post says there is an agenda. If that agenda is to have a web based on open standards, thus preventing a near monopoly from pulling in profit while failing to provide a software technology that keeps pace with the development of the market (in this case towards ultra-mobile) then surely it is an agenda we should all support.

    well put.

    nobody can fix flash but adobe. by the time they finally get around to it, the web may have moved on from getting locked into their walled garden. why should one company control how content gets delivered on the net?
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  • Reply 82 of 122
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    We're in complete agreement here. Flash is going nowhere!

    You have posted it a million times, haven't you? And you've been told a million times that it's nonsense. Yet, you keep posting it over and over and over again. It's still nonsense. And repeating it over and over and over again doesn't make it any less nonsense.

    So, you think that proves OS X is the problem? I think you weren't listening too well in logic class.

    Just because you or anyone else here says its nonsense doesn't make it fact. Like I said, when you perform the test yourself come back and post. Until then you are not basing anything you say on factual data.

    Fact is you will never test it out because you know you will be wrong on this topic. You just want to believe anyone Steve Jobs says rather then have a brain of your own.

    This is so basic, API's being accessed to use GPU hardware acceleration to take the load of the CPU.

    Hell I can post links again, I an post how hardware acceleration works but that would be a waste of time because you aren't interested in facts.

    This will be interesting if the iPad turns out to be the next Macbook Air or Apple TV. Funny how all the fanboys said multi tasking didn't matter until the rumors started getting stronger that 4.0 would provide multi tasking then all of a sudden hell it was a great idea.

    Sure Flash is going nowhere guess that is why they will be releasing AIR and Flash 10.1. You can check out Adobe AIR seeing I am sure you have no clue what it even is.
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  • Reply 83 of 122
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post


    Some forget one well known fact, competition breeds innovation. Anyone that believes otherwise is a fool. We have a few of those here.

    i totally agree. it's time adobe gets some competition.
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  • Reply 84 of 122
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post


    This will be interesting if the iPad turns out to be the next Macbook Air or Apple TV. SNIP

    it will be equally interesting if the iPad turns out to be the next iPod/iPhone. content providers will have to make decisions. my guess is that they'll be following the money... i wonder what the threshold is? it seems to me they might be missing out on a choice demographic if they continue to use flash to deliver critical content.
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  • Reply 85 of 122
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    This is so basic, API's being accessed to use GPU hardware acceleration to take the load of the CPU.

    Hell I can post links again, I an post how hardware acceleration works but that would be a waste of time because you aren't interested in facts.

    So the question is why has Adobe forsaken the Mac for so long by ignoring the APIs in OS X for HW acceleration and GPU offloading? Why are they only testing Flash 10.1 with HW Acceleration for other devices. Why did they wait until Silverlight jumped ahead is features before adding certain features? Why are they only now thinking about using Core Animation, OpenCL, etc. in Mac OS X?

    There is such a long way to go before Flash for iPhone OS can even be considered. Talks of it being Apple's fault back in 2007 is simply not looking at the facts that Adobe got lazy and they are now trying to play catch up.
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  • Reply 86 of 122
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, I know you were just dying to use that phrase yourself, but, not only have you not presented an argument that supports your assertion, simple common sense reasoning shows you are wrong. Adobe's control of Flash is just as big a problem for the openness of the web as Microsoft's use of it's monopoly to push IE was. Apple has every reason to push for open standards on the web, and, recently, has developed some clout to go along with that. Flash is a bloated resource hog, and that alone is a good enough reason to put it to rest. But it benefits everyone, consumers, content providers and technology companies to not have a major content pipeline controlled by a single company, especially an entirely unnecessary technology like Flash. The only one who loses from the demise of Flash is Adobe; for everyone else it's a win.

    You're wrong. For users who want to view the whole web, the iPad is simply not the device that's all. Since when are plug-ins evil? They add functionality to your browser. On my one Windows PC I have to download Quicktime and Safari and regular updates to them. There is nothing evil about it. I do it to view content that is not available any way else.
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  • Reply 87 of 122
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Oh yes Apple does push standards. Apple was the first computer manufacturer to totally abandon floppy disks and multi-pin ports. They were the first to adopt USB, Firewire, CD drives, and WiFi across their entire computer line.

    Standards are incredibly important. It is very much in Apple's advantage as well as the entire electronics industry that standards are adopted.

    You're getting way off the mark here. We were talking about pushing Web standards.
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  • Reply 88 of 122
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Speaking of doing complex things without Flash, here is one from Google. The only thing keeping more of this stuff from happening is proper development tools, that will come in time. They always do.
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  • Reply 89 of 122
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Speaking of doing complex things without Flash, here is one from Google. The only thing keeping more of this stuff from happening is proper development tools, that will come in time. They always do.

    Let's hope they do develop the tools! Google is just the one to pull this off...
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  • Reply 90 of 122
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    This is so basic, API's being accessed to use GPU hardware acceleration to take the load of the CPU.

    This is complete bull. Silverlight uses GPU acceleration on Mac. Because they used Apple's APIs to do it. Adobe refuses to use Apple APIs. They want direct GPU access, for use in their own custom APIs, or nothing. They COULD choose to use the Apple APIs, but they just refuse to do so. So yes, it is their own stubborn fault.
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  • Reply 91 of 122
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    This is complete bull. Silverlight uses GPU acceleration on Mac. Because they used Apple's APIs to do it. Adobe refuses to use Apple APIs. They want direct GPU access, for use in their own custom APIs, or nothing. They COULD choose to use the Apple APIs, but they just refuse to do so. So yes, it is their own stubborn fault.

    They are working on it, but I still find this 3rd Beta to be too buggy to use and it's still lacking in the potential API support.
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  • Reply 92 of 122
    feynmanfeynman Posts: 1,087member
    I have over a dozen windows running on Safari, using a MacBookPro 2.4 GHz with stock 2 GBs of memory and my system is so silent you could drop a needle in my room and hear it bounce. If just one of those sites utilized Flash, not even ear muffs would silence the fans.

    Oh, and I also have FireFox, Yahoo Messenger, iChat, Skype, Adium, The Tagger, TextEdit, MacPAR deLuxe and Preview open.
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  • Reply 93 of 122
    foadfoad Posts: 717member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Sorry in this case market share plays a major role in this situation. Flash is with little to no issue on a systems with a Windows OS as long as that remains the case Flash is going nowhere. Let me repeat myself, Flash is going nonwhere.

    Flash is an issue on Windows. It's just less of an issue. It's so much of an issue that even Mozilla is taking steps to battle the crashing tendencies of Flash.


    For Windows users they could care less if something uses Flash or HTML5 because both just simply work fine.

    People thought horses and carriages were fine too. Just because something exists and is used by the masses, does not mean it can't be improved upon and the truth of the matter is that Flash is inefficient. It doesn't work as well as it should. If Flash was efficient, why wasn't it a straight forward port to mobile devices? Why are they having such a hard time optimizing it? Wasn't Flash supposed to be on webOS already?

    Even if we put aside the fact that people don't care about the actual technology, they care if their laptops all of sudden get warmer and their fans spin up. If people aren't able to see a better way, than how will they know the difference?


    You cant get through your thick skull that the issue is OSX and the fact Apple does not supply the information Adobe needs to invoke hardware acceleration.

    If you can't understand that simple fact even though I have posted it a million times by now stop replying to my posts because you are simply too stupid to get it.

    The only thing dead is whats between your ears because like so many others here you simply do not understand the technology.

    First, you don't need to be so hostile and so rude. Secondly, why should Apple even need to open up the GPU? Why can't Adobe develop a more CPU/energy efficient version of Flash? Again, this is also the reason why they are having issues with mobile phones where CPUs/juice are a even more precious commodity.


    I will bring up another point if you don't want to believe me. Run something using Flash with Safari under OSX, then do the same with Safari for Windows. Then come back and even try to tell me its not an OSX issue. Hardware acceleration, look in the mirror and say it 100 times and maybe it will settle in that empty skull of yours.

    There are plenty of ways for Adobe to tap into core OS X capabilities. They just have chosen not to. Plenty of developers utilize what is available to them in OS X and they get amazing results out of it. Let's not even discuss how antiquated the core tech in Flash is.

    One final note. If you don't like having a civilized conversation, then why even show up here?
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  • Reply 94 of 122
    Originally Posted by uberben View Post

    I notice that I see the small "flash" boxes (that come with Click To Flash) come up on Apple sites.

    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    The ClickToFlash you are using is confused. There is no Flash on MobileMe.

    It actually looks like Apple is using a flash file uploader. They offer progress on file uploads, meaning a nice progress bar can be used to give feedback. Currently, there's no nice solution of doing this with HTML form based file transfers, the only feedback reported will be when the file upload is complete.... which if flash was disabled I imagine MobileMe would revert to.

    So it looks like Apple does use flash in some (small) capacity
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  • Reply 95 of 122
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by AppleRulez View Post

    If you like Flash so much, why don't you go to Windows and just crow about it?

    Flash is a CPU hog and Adobe is lazy. That is why we hate them.

    Playing 1080p YouTube video in flash using Chrome on Windows 7 takes at most 5% CPU.

    Flash is only a CPU hog on a Mac because Apple refuse to let Adobe use GPU acceleration. So blame Apple for this, not Adobe.

    Even if Flash worked well on the Mac that isn't the most egregious element to this mess though. For me that's the massive arrogance of Apple in expecting web devs to not only create and maintain a secondary version of their sites, but also retrain their team who know and love Adobe's Create Suite Flash tools. What they retrain them in of course, is another matter, as there are no CSS/HTML5 tools anywhere near the level of Creative Suite.

    For a company like Apple which for so many years has sold itself as pro creative/pro art, to force people to ditch Creative Suite shows massive nativity. It just isn't going to happen, and why should it? Virtually all web views are on platforms with flash, which of course means Internet Explorer running on a PC. (a browser with no HTML 5 support)

    Flash is here to stay, no matter how much Apple stomps it's feet.
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  • Reply 96 of 122
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Flash is only a CPU hog on a Mac because Apple refuse to let Adobe use GPU acceleration. So blame Apple for this, not Adobe.

    Read up a few posts. This is bullshit. Silverlight uses GPU acceleration. Apple gave the exact same tools to Adobe that they gave to MicroSoft. Adobe is so lazy that they don't want to use the Apple APIs that are available to them. They want to use their own custom APIs to communicate directly with the GPU. But on OS X this is not an option, for well proven security and stability reasons.

    Again, Adobe can just use the Apple APIs. They just don't want to (or their programmers are too stupid to understand how). It is entirely Adobe's fault.
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  • Reply 97 of 122
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Boy who every creates this, will make a ton of bucks. Heck, maybe somethings as easy as an Applescript could work?

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  • Reply 98 of 122
    dominoxmldominoxml Posts: 110member
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Playing 1080p YouTube video in flash using Chrome on Windows 7 takes at most 5% CPU.

    While 5% seem not be valid to me, the efficiency is good because flash just passes the stream to a h.264 decoder/encoder. The same thing can be done by the HTML5 video tag. No need for the plugin.

    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Flash is only a CPU hog on a Mac because Apple refuse to let Adobe use GPU acceleration. So blame Apple for this, not Adobe.

    It's not so much better on Windows in my experience. Just try it with some netbooks.

    To give Adobe some credit, they are working on OSX-GPU acceleration.

    You can find some details here:

    Please take the time to read some of the well informed comments.

    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    Even if Flash worked well on the Mac that isn't the most egregious element to this mess though. For me that's the massive arrogance of Apple in expecting web devs to not only create and maintain a secondary version of their sites, but also retrain their team who know and love Adobe's Create Suite Flash tools. What they retrain them in of course, is another matter, as there are no CSS/HTML5 tools anywhere near the level of Creative Suite.

    Maybe this video is too heavy stuff but most if the core problems (beside efficiency) Adobe has to struggle at the moment are pretty well presented.
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  • Reply 99 of 122
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Read up a few posts. This is bullshit. Silverlight uses GPU acceleration. Apple gave the exact same tools to Adobe that they gave to MicroSoft. Adobe is so lazy that they don't want to use the Apple APIs that are available to them. They want to use their own custom APIs to communicate directly with the GPU. But on OS X this is not an option, for well proven security and stability reasons.

    Again, Adobe can just use the Apple APIs. They just don't want to (or their programmers are too stupid to understand how). It is entirely Adobe's fault.

    Before you acuse Adobe of being lazy or stupid, have a look at some videos of Photoshop CS5's Content Aware Fill feature. It's quite possibly the single most amazing piece of code I've seen in the past decade. It's absolutely ground breaking. Obviously unrelated to Flash, but it angers me when people acuse Adobe of laziness when they doing mind blowing work with Photoshop.

    Getting back to the original point, I've heard conflicting things on Flash GPU acceleration on a Mac. According to to the TWIT guys, it's all Apple's fault, and as they're Apple fanboys, I can't imagine they are biased towards Adobe.

    Still, it's fairly irrelevant anyway, as virtually all computers run a flavour of Windows, upon which Flash works great. Sorry, but that's the truth.
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  • Reply 100 of 122
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by DominoXML View Post

    While 5% seem not be valid to me, the efficiency is good because flash just passes the stream to a h.264 decoder/encoder. The same thing can be done by the HTML5 video tag. No need for the plugin.

    Interestingly I tried the same 1080p video from YouTube in HTML5 and in Flash. (both in Chrome) The flash version took around 5% CPU, but the HTML5 version ran around 10%.

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