Apple to introduce iPhone OS 4.0 on April 8



  • Reply 61 of 238
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    I find it odd (and even a little concerning) that they scheduled / announced this with so little advanced notice. Seems they usually announce things like this weeks in advance.

    Not weeks, but usually on a Thursday with the event for the following Tuesday. It's still the sam amount of business days.

    I quite like Apple doing this in house. No need to go to CES or rent a hall. Just invite some press and then post a video. Hell, scratch the press and just a video of it; the press will pick up on it regardless.

    I'm a bit surprised this wasn't a rumour. They seem to be getting better with their secrecy, which isn't as much fun as the leaks.
  • Reply 62 of 238
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,946member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That is something to discuss. Are they going to push the original iPhone out or make a rich update for its 4th year of use? If they push the original iPhone would they push out the 3G since it uses the same basic HW and eliminating these would mean being able to focus on ARMv7 with 256MB+ RAM instead of ARMv6 with 128MB RAM?

    I doubt they "push out" the older phones just yet. There may be features, such as multitasking, that are only available on newer models, but there will probably also be API changes that the older models could support. Dropping support for the older models might mean cutting those users off from newer apps that make use of the APIs. Then again, they probably won't go on supporting the original iPhone in OS updates forever.
  • Reply 63 of 238
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    The announcement is in 3 days. The release is Summer 2010.

  • Reply 64 of 238
    leptonlepton Posts: 111member
    I wonder if OS 4.0 will enable the camera in all the iPads? The one iFixIt _thought_ was the proximity sensor?
  • Reply 65 of 238
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by sapporobabyrtrns View Post

    Please explain how to do a 5MP camera upgrade via software. Didn't something inside scream not to hit the "Submit Reply" key before thinking this out?

    The article does mention the possibility of a new iPhone being released in the summer, concurrently with iPhone 4.0. So his request covers both items mentioned in the article.
  • Reply 66 of 238
    cubertcubert Posts: 728member
    iPhone OS 3.2 for the iPhone? Anyone?
  • Reply 67 of 238
    mr. memr. me Posts: 3,221member
    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    I find it odd (and even a little concerning) that they scheduled / announced this with so little advanced notice. Seems they usually announce things like this weeks in advance.

    Huh? This is advanced notice. How do you give advanced notice of advanced notice?
  • Reply 68 of 238
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    Originally Posted by FineTunes View Post

    Don't know why they didn't release it on same date as iPad???

    They can dominate press coverage this way. Betting this puts a lull on droid sales.
  • Reply 69 of 238
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    The announcement is in 3 days. The release is Summer 2010.

    The Troll's Way of Thinking: "If they don't give us the update that day i'm going to complain that Apple is screwing us again by holding out on us. If they give use the update that day I'm going to complain that Apple screwed us again by giving us a buggy update."

    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    I doubt they "push out" the older phones just yet. There may be features, such as multitasking, that are only available on newer models, but there will probably also be API changes that the older models could support. Dropping support for the older models might mean cutting those users off from newer apps that make use of the APIs. Then again, they probably won't go on supporting the original iPhone in OS updates forever.

    That's the rub, when do you stop supporting it and do you also include the 3G which has he same HW? It's a logistical issue requiring data we can't get; we can only speculate on what Apple thinks is best for them.

    They certainly aren't threatened by vendors using Android giving excessive rich updates and if they see that only a small percentage still use the original iPhone then they may see a need for it.

    I'm sure multitasking can't come to the first two iPhones. The 128MB RAM is barely enough to run the native backgroundable apps.
  • Reply 70 of 238
    hezekiahbhezekiahb Posts: 448member
    Originally Posted by O4BlackWRX View Post

    As a developer I am excited yet as a consumer I am pissed because I just bought an iPad Saturday and now will have to pay (if I read the Appleinsider Article correctly) to upgrade it to 4.0 (well obviously not the beta's since I am an AD).

    Edit: take that back "For example, if your iPad originally shipped with iPad 3.x software, Apple would provide you with any iPad OS software updates it might release up to and including the iPad 4.x software release. Such updates and releases may not necessarily include all of the new software features that Apple releases for newer iPad models."

    So they knew 4.0 would be that close to releasing the iPad, maybe that's why I'm having a few issues with mine, such as the Wifi dropping

    A lot of times devices ship with a slightly newer chipset for certain hardware than what was used in testing. It is very common for there to be firmware or software updates to address such issues. It's the price you pay for early adoption & it's no different anywhere you go. Even with a brand as trusted & well backed as Cisco has issues like this, Rev 1 products are just simply unknown until they make it to mass market. Issues are usually resolved very quickly, have some patience.
  • Reply 71 of 238
    adamiigsadamiigs Posts: 355member
    I don't understand what you people are missing, people are upset that they didn't release the iPad with 4.0, I don't suppose you understand that it isn't actually ready yet and this is just a sneak peek to show 'the future'?
  • Reply 72 of 238
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by AdamIIGS View Post

    I don't understand what you people are missing, people are upset that they didn't release the iPad with 4.0, I don't suppose you understand that it isn't actually ready yet and this is just a sneak peek to show 'the future'?

    And there is a free update to v4.0 for the iPad.
  • Reply 73 of 238
    I think it's safe to say the time for a UI refresh is now...but I wouldn't count on it. they just released the iPad with the same OS with almost nothing changed...same old tired 2007 look and feel.
  • Reply 74 of 238
    swingeswinge Posts: 110member
    Originally Posted by tkwlee View Post

    But I wonder if 3gs' hardware can support a major upgrade in OS or not... also the battery life...

    Anyway, apart from multi-task, I hope weather and perhaps breaking news information can be shown on the UI, just like other smartphones...

    I wouldn't worry about it... When they released OS 3 they provided support for Augmented Reality... Only the 3GS has a compass though...if you had a 3G or orignal, you still got the same upgrade....AR just didn't run on your phone...

    I got my 3GS in Aug of 2009...before that I had The original iPhone.... I upgraded that to 2.0 and 3.0 with no problems....Apple does a great job with supporting old products....Again though, if people are still using the orignal iPhone, Apple is NOT claiming to support that in OS 4...
  • Reply 75 of 238
    kpluckkpluck Posts: 500member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple sent out invitations on Monday for the event, scheduled for 10 a.m. Pacific, offering a "sneak peek of the next generation of iPhone software,".

    LOL. Cracking up at all the posters that think the software is going to be released on April 8th.
  • Reply 76 of 238
    No, 3.2 is iPad only.
  • Reply 77 of 238
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    On the scheduling of this release: Imagine that they instead announced all the great new features in OS 4 in March like they have in the past, and then released the iPad on the old OS a few weeks later. So much of the focus would have been on what the next OS is going to look like on the iPad: "It won't do x, y, & z until this summer."

    Even if it's only a few days after the iPad launch, it still allows the iPad launch and lead-in to the launch unmarred by a focus on what it can't do until the next OS release.
  • Reply 78 of 238
    stevetimstevetim Posts: 482member
    Originally Posted by sapporobabyrtrns View Post

    Ever hear of Nokia or Sony Ericsson? You are wrong on one and two. Please do some research before posting again.

    Ask someone who has these devices to demo it to you. I'm talking real world here.
  • Reply 79 of 238
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Actually I like the iphone 3GS as is... given its present form factor.

    But -

    Limited multi-task or 'widget's would be nice.

    Universal print and storage options. But thats probably an anathema to Steve-o.

    Flash... yes but only with option to run or not to run it (I don't know why its such a big deal myself, but now that certain big sites are changing over... Steve-o probably figures he won).

    Sync Iphone to Ipad.

    Probably a lot of 'little' things to match what other phones have been doing for years.

    But actually, there are a lot more hardware things I would like to see improved. But thats for another day.
  • Reply 80 of 238
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member
    Originally Posted by Mr. Me View Post

    Huh? This is advanced notice. How do you give advanced notice of advanced notice?

    No, I meant; it seems to me (though I may be wrong according to Slopism) that Apple usually sends out notices for it's "Apple Special Event" some weeks in advance of the event. Not a couple of days. I seem to recall this for the "Previews" of Leopard, maybe the iPhone(?), and other things as well. I could be wrong. But I sure don't recall any preview event be called up with only 3 days advance notice.

    As I said, I could be wrong.
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