Google cancels Verizon Nexus One, BlackBerry 6 coming Q3 2010

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Google on Monday revealed that it has canceled its HTC-manufactured Nexus One smartphone for Verizon in the U.S. In addition, Research in Motion announced that BlackBerry 6, its next mobile operating system, will be available in the next calendar quarter.

Verizon Nexus One canceled

When it was announced early this year, the Nexus One smartphone was planned for release on the Verizon network in spring 2010. But on Monday, Google quietly canceled the CDMA version of its smartphone.

Google updated its official Nexus One blog to recommend users instead preorder the new Droid Incredible from HTC, set to be released on April 29. The post called the Android-powered phone "a cousin of the Nexus One."

When contacted by AppleInsider Monday, a Google spokesperson provided the following statement: "We won?t be selling a Nexus One with Verizon, and this is a reflection of the amazing innovation happening across the open Android ecosystem. Verizon Wireless customers who want an Android phone with the power of the Nexus One can get the Droid Incredible by HTC."

The Nexus One was released earlier this year as a GSM handset for T-Mobile. It can be bought unlocked and contract-free for $529. Like a number of other Android phones, it was dubbed as a potential "iPhone killer."

Previously, users who went to the official Nexus One site seeking a Verizon-compatible handset were told the device was "coming soon." Those who couldn't wait were advised to purchase a Motorola Droid, another smartphone based on Google's Android mobile operating system.

Despite a great deal of buzz surrounding its announcement, the Nexus One managed to sell an estimated 20,000 units in its first week, well behind not only Apple's iPhone, but also competing Android-based handsets. The myTouch 3G, also on T-Mobile's network, sold an estimated 60,000 in its first week, while the Motorola Droid with Verizon sold 250,000 units.

BlackBerry 6 coming next quarter

RIM co-CEO Mike Lazardis announced during an analyst call on Monday that BlackBerry 6, the next platform for the company's handsets, will be available in the third quarter of calendar 2010. According to Engadget, analysts who attended the event in person were showed a touchscreen interface, though the platform will be available for both touch and non-touch devices.

Lazardis also revealed that RIM wants every device in their portfolio to eventually run BlackBerry 6, but not everything that is available on the market today will be upgradeable. Lazardis reportedly said that the company will do their best to provide updates for users.


  • Reply 1 of 59
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Maybe they are starting to realize that they are fragmenting their market and decided to let the Droid have the Verizon share. Or maybe they are just copying Apple with GSM only.
  • Reply 2 of 59
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member

    We won’t be selling a Nexus One with Verizon, and this is a reflection of the amazing innovation happening across the open Android ecosystem.

    That is one hilarious bit of spin.
  • Reply 3 of 59
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    "a cousin of the Nexus One."

    The same measily 512MB ROM as the Nexus One.

    Yes, Droid does apps... just a few apps.
  • Reply 4 of 59
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Looks like Motorola and HTC had a little backroom conversation with them. VZ probably did not mind since it allow them to pits all these companies against each other.
  • Reply 5 of 59
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    That is one hilarious bit of spin.

    Yeah, you'd better buy the Droid Incredible while you can. It will be gone in June.
  • Reply 6 of 59
    ihxoihxo Posts: 567member
    lol it's almost like Motorola got double screwed.
  • Reply 7 of 59
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,107member
    Well... now even Google thinks it's not worth the time, effort, and investment of getting a Nexus phone outfitted and working on a network that no one outside of the U.S. uses. I wonder what the critics will say now about this?

    Verizon needs to get a serious clue here. When everyone in the globe is standardized, Verizon will always be a 2nd-rate phone provider.
  • Reply 8 of 59
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    They probably realize when all those support calls were coming the software types they have working for google were not equipped to deal with the public.
  • Reply 9 of 59
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Maybe they are starting to realize that they are fragmenting their market and decided to let the Droid have the Verizon share. Or maybe they are just copying Apple with GSM only.

    Or that they're not equipped to take support calls like, HTC who makes the nexus one, is.
  • Reply 10 of 59
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member
    What a turn off and a bad practice of false advertisement, Google!
  • Reply 11 of 59
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    in other news:

    Google stock price dives as Q1 Market Share Fall to 31% in China
  • Reply 12 of 59
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Well... now even Google thinks it's not worth the time, effort, and investment of getting a Nexus phone outfitted and working on a network that no one outside of the U.S. uses. I wonder what the critics will say now about this?

    Verizon needs to get a serious clue here. When everyone in the globe is standardized, Verizon will always be a 2nd-rate phone provider.

    Agreed. Verizon is in a heap of trouble. While many misinformed critics suggest that Verizon has a superior newtork, the reality is that it is slow, old, and obsolete. No global cellphone maker wants anything to do with it (CDMA) anymore.
  • Reply 13 of 59
    replicantreplicant Posts: 121member
    With Nexus One, Google wanted to establish a base model for the phone manufacturers to use as a de facto design. By the look of things, Google achieved this goal and there is little benefit in spending more resources to support Verizon customers while their partners can take care of it. Google is probably very busy on the Google "iPad". Verizon or no, Google still wins with every Android phone shipped.
  • Reply 14 of 59
    wingswings Posts: 261member
    To anyone seriously considering an Incredible, you need to look at this:

    Scroll down to the video they shot with it. Even take a look at the low resolution version. When they pan you can see stuttering, lots of it. So much of it that I would classify its video capability as extremely poor (even though the picture quality was good).

    When you pan an iPhone you get video that's smooth as silk.

    Now I know that stuttering video is just one thing, but it does show that the computin engine in the box is struggling to record every frame, even in low res. Tells me that it'll be struggling to do other things as well.
  • Reply 15 of 59
    smiles77smiles77 Posts: 668member
    Originally Posted by replicant View Post

    With Nexus One, Google wanted to establish a base model for the phone manufacturers to use as a de facto design. By the look of things, Google achieved this goal and there is little benefit in spending more resources to support Verizon customers while their partners can take care of it. Google is probably very busy on the Google "iPad".

    Of course, there is no better way to squash a competitor than to make everyone else start their photocopiers by starting your own. I'm sure they never mean for their "GooglePad" to be profitable either, just a fling to get the other manufacturers started copying Apple too.

    /start anti-Google rant in an anti-Apple trollboy way

    MAN! THAT STUPID GOOGLE!!! I was just HANKERING for a stinkin' FATCAT ANDROID NON-OPERATING SYSTEM!!! This is just BULL that I can't get The ONE Android phone that I was told would KILL Apple's stinking ihatePhone. I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, YOU STINKIN' GOOGLE!!!!!

    /end rant

    Wow, that is harder than I thought. (although the fact I don't curse probably has something to do with it too)
  • Reply 16 of 59
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Agreed. Verizon is in a heap of trouble. While many misinformed critics suggest that Verizon has a superior newtork, the reality is that it is slow, old, and obsolete. No global cellphone maker wants anything to do with it (CDMA) anymore.

    In short, Verizon sucks !!
  • Reply 17 of 59
    neilmneilm Posts: 989member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Agreed. Verizon is in a heap of trouble. While many misinformed critics suggest that Verizon has a superior newtork, the reality is that it is slow, old, and obsolete. No global cellphone maker wants anything to do with it (CDMA) anymore.

    While Verizon's 3G data network at its best is slower than AT&T's 3G at its best, Vz's 3G network coverage is certainly geographically superior. What that means for individual users depends on usage pattern and where they live or need to access cellular data services. As an example, where I live Vz (my previous carrier) has noticeably better coverage, but I've found AT&T to be quite adequate with my iPhone 3G.

    Vz announced some time ago its plan to transition to LTE data networking, as has AT&T. Verizon's schedule is actually the more aggressive, although it remains to be seen how long their old data network will linger, especially in non-metro areas.
  • Reply 18 of 59
    williamgwilliamg Posts: 322member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    That is one hilarious bit of spin.

    Not really. The Nexus One would not be the flagship on Verizon, because of the Incredible. Because of Android innovation, the Nexus One lost its slot.

    No spin.
  • Reply 19 of 59
    clexmanclexman Posts: 210member
    I'm really happy to see something here about the other competitors in the market. I'm a BlackBerry user, but love Apple gear. Nice to see something that actually acknowledges that other phones exist and are trying their best to compete.
  • Reply 20 of 59
    williamgwilliamg Posts: 322member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Verizon needs to get a serious clue here. When everyone in the globe is standardized, Verizon will always be a 2nd-rate phone provider.

    That's what everybody used to say about Apple when it was battling against Windows.
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