44% of iPad buyers view Apple's tablet as notebook replacement



  • Reply 141 of 147
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    What are the numbers? I thought they were a hot category.

    Or did you just make that up?

    You have to separate hype from reality. Netbooks never equalled the sales of desktops or laptops and their sales are already cooling off.

    Originally Posted by WilliamG View Post

    If what you say is true, then the iPad "needs" to support Flash.

    As website after website supports HTML 5 and H.264.
  • Reply 142 of 147
    carmissimocarmissimo Posts: 837member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    You have to separate hype from reality. Netbooks never equalled the sales of desktops or laptops and their sales are already cooling off.

    As website after website supports HTML 5 and H.264.

    That's because some cash-strapped consumers were hoping bargain-basement netbooks would be capable enough computers to eliminate the need for a more expensive device. But you get what you pay for. Trying to cram a fully functioning computer into a $300 package = poor performance. What Apple has done is introduced a $500 device that is relatively affordable because it isn't trying to be a full-functioning computer able to meet all of one's computing needs.

    It isn't a netbook replacement in the sense of trying to be a full-function computer for a very cheap price. But it is a device that offers an alternative to opting for a laptop as a complimentary device to a proper desktop or decent-grade laptop. The iPad does a lot of what consumers were using their laptops for, only it's better suited to those functions. Great battery life. More portability. Low enough price to be justifiable as a compliment to a more robust computer system. No need for huge storage because one's other machine has that covered. Take along what you need at any point in time and later switch content to suit a changed situation, letting the desktop or high-performance laptop serve as the device to store huge amounts of data on. Meanwhile you don't have to deal with the battery drain, cost, or bulk that a higher capacity requires.

    Sure a few people will start off thinking maybe their computer needs will be met by an iPad alone but they're mistaken and Apple, to its credit is not positioning the iPad to fill that role. On the other hand, if people buy the iPad and find it does a great job for what Apple has designed it for, mission accomplished. Seems to me that while some think that some limitations are a bad thing - like no direct USB connection or the fact it doesn't run the full-out variation of OSX - it's part of Apple managing expectations to better position the device.
  • Reply 143 of 147
    spotonspoton Posts: 645member
    I´ve been very busy lately, seems I accurately predicted the recent down trend in the stock market.

    The way I see the iPad, it´s Apple´s ¨netbook¨ market.

    Basically Apple is copying the fad PC users have had with netbooks, with another device.

    The process is the same, give the people a slimmed down device that can´t do squat and let them get their fill. Next time they get think about getting a computer, they will part with the bigger bucks and get a real one.

    Apple´s strategy is a bit different than the PC makers ¨netbooks¨ with razor thin margins and a ¨loss leader¨ approach, Apple is making good margins on their iPads and a lower price, at the cost of a lot of features. But you can get some of those features back, if you pay more money. It´s quite brilliant actually.

    Once the market has had it´s fill of underpowered, under performing devices, drop them from the line, or raise their prices and add more features. Like what netbooks are turning back into laptops are doing today.

    The game is to drop to a lower price point, get more new people interested in computers that ordinary were put off by their high prices, give them a piece of cr*p and let them stew and want more.

    This is a game being played on people by the industry, first the PC industry and now Apple with a improved version.
  • Reply 144 of 147
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by SpotOn View Post

    I´ve been very busy lately, seems I accurately predicted the recent down trend in the stock market.

    The way I see the iPad, it´s Apple´s ¨netbook¨ market.

    Basically Apple is copying the fad PC users have had with netbooks, with another device.

    The process is the same, give the people a slimmed down device that can´t do squat and let them get their fill. Next time they get think about getting a computer, they will part with the bigger bucks and get a real one.

    Apple´s strategy is a bit different than the PC makers ¨netbooks¨ with razor thin margins and a ¨loss leader¨ approach, Apple is making good margins on their iPads and a lower price, at the cost of a lot of features. But you can get some of those features back, if you pay more money. It´s quite brilliant actually.

    Once the market has had it´s fill of underpowered, under performing devices, drop them from the line, or raise their prices and add more features. Like what netbooks are turning back into laptops are doing today.

    The game is to drop to a lower price point, get more new people interested in computers that ordinary were put off by their high prices, give them a piece of cr*p and let them stew and want more.

    This is a game being played on people by the industry, first the PC industry and now Apple with a improved version.

    1) You predicted Greece's effect on the world's economy or are you saying that the iPad has caused the economic issues in Greece?

    2) "Apple is copying the [netbook] fad" by doing the exact opposite of the netbook fad?

    3) You infer that Apple's good margins and increased profits are why Apple's stock is falling. Brilliant!
  • Reply 145 of 147
    superbasssuperbass Posts: 688member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    In growth percentages, yes they are.

    So if I make one computer and sell it this year, and then sell 10 next year, for a growth of 1000%, you'll say I'm outselling PCs and Macs combined? Or are you just trying to qualify your earlier bull?


    That's worldwide an is a drop in the bucket to total PC sales worldwide. Netbook growth is going down.

    33 million in the is a drop in the bucket?


    Thanks for the picture. That's not a standard USB cable going directly into the iPad, sorry. See the proprietary adapter?


    Everybody you know makes up the majority of Skype users? If you want to believe most of the 33 billion Skype calls made last year were video chat you are free to.


    36 percent of Skype-to-Skype calls as of the end of the fourth quarter 2009 included video. That means 90 billion minutes of Video calls made since the service launched. Now you'll tell me that's an insignificant number, and that nobody will notice not being able to do video chats on Skype...


    You still haven't identified these proprietary iPad cables.

    See the above photo. Apple calls it the "Apple Dock Connector Cable" and yes, it's proprietary. Forget it at home, and you'll probably be SOL if you show up somewhere and need to plug into the USB port of a projector, printer, external drive, etc.


    Yeah porn...... What major media website can you name that doesn't already or hasn't planned to provide H.264 video without Flash?

    Hulu is pretty popular, and hasn't announced anything regarding Flash alternatives (a rumor on AI doesn't count for shit).

    Metacafé has had html5 in "pre-beta" for about 2 years, and most of it isn't viewable without flash.

    Dailymotion is also pretty popular. Tried using it without flash lately?

    Those are actually #2, 3 and 4 in terms of most popular video websites in the world.

    #1, Youtube is still in very limited Beta. Any videos with ads enabled (lots of them) won't work, and fullscreen doesn't work. Also, limited resolution choices in HTML5. Is it 6 months away? A year away? Don't you think that matters to users, if their brand new machine can fully access the top 4 video sites on the net? Maybe not if they have both an iPad and notebook/netbook/desktop, but if it's their only machine, then of course that's an issue.


    Don't use Windows. I use expose on my 15" MBP. We already know multitasking is coming to the iPad. So there isn't much of a point to continue to complain about it.

    Okay, first you're saying multitasking sucks on an 11" screen, but now you say it'll be fine on 9.7"?

    Anyways, I still maintain that iPad to netbook is Apples to Oranges, both work well in areas where the other doesn't, and the iPad won't be replacing the netbook or notebook any time soon.
  • Reply 146 of 147
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by Superbass View Post

    So if I make one computer and sell it this year, and then sell 10 next year, for a growth of 1000%, you'll say I'm outselling PCs and Macs combined? Or are you just trying to qualify your earlier bull?

    Sigh, reading is fundamental.....

    Mac sales projected to grow 26% in 2010, outpacing PC market


    33 million in the is a drop in the bucket?

    33 million in comparison to 320 million, yes


    Thanks for the picture. That's not a standard USB cable going directly into the iPad, sorry. See the proprietary adapter?

    Its interesting how you are so willing to have such a loose grip on realization.

    The adaptor is iPod Dock to standard USB. The USB cable is not permanently attached.


    36 percent of Skype-to-Skype calls as of the end of the fourth quarter 2009 included video. That means 90 billion minutes of Video calls made since the service launched. Now you'll tell me that's an insignificant number, and that nobody will notice not being able to do video chats on Skype...

    The report says that 36% of Skype to Skype calls were made on video at the end of the fourth quarter. You take that and extrapolate the number of video calls since the service is launched. Playing it pretty fast and loose with the facts there.


    Hulu is pretty popular, and hasn't announced anything regarding Flash alternatives (a rumor on AI doesn't count for shit). Metacafé has had html5 in "pre-beta" for about 2 years, and most of it isn't viewable without flash. Dailymotion is also pretty popular. Tried using it without flash lately?

    Its been pretty well reported everywhere that Hulu is working on an iPad app. Its widely accepted unless you choose to be totally dense.

    Your rankings are way off FaceBook is a far bigger video delivery service than Metacafe' or Daily motion. FaceBook is working on delivering H.264 video without Flash. Dailymotion has an iPhone app. So that means......you don't need Flash.


    #1, Youtube is still in very limited Beta. Any videos with ads enabled (lots of them) won't work, and fullscreen doesn't work. Also, limited resolution choices in HTML5. Is it 6 months away? A year away? Don't you think that matters to users, if their brand new machine can fully access the top 4 video sites on the net? Maybe not if they have both an iPad and notebook/netbook/desktop, but if it's their only machine, then of course that's an issue.

    You are mixing two different delivery methods here. Delivering H.264 without the Flash wrapper and delivering HTML5 video. Are two different things.


    Okay, first you're saying multitasking sucks on an 11" screen, but now you say it'll be fine on 9.7"?

    The iPad won't be running multiple windows on a tiny screen. The iPad won't allow apps to overwhelm system resources rendering the system unusable.

    The point of multitasking on a desktop OS is to run multiple windows at the same time. Desktop OS isn't concerned about the amount of system resources each app is using.


    Anyways, I still maintain that iPad to netbook is Apples to Oranges, both work well in areas where the other doesn't, and the iPad won't be replacing the netbook or notebook any time soon.

    Yeah because people are so excited about the next new Netbook that will come out.
  • Reply 147 of 147
    juanm105juanm105 Posts: 49member
    "The survey also found that 27 percent of users would not buy a desktop as a result of their iPad purchase, with 14 percent of those not buying a Mac desktop, and the other 13 percent passing on a PC. The survey also found that the iPad will affect e-reader and handheld videogame sales, two segments in which Apple does not have a dedicated device."

    I understand what you are trying to say buy you don't say it correctly.

    You can't say with 14 percent of those since those is referring to the last group referenced,i.e. the 27% group. You are saying 14% of 27% which equals 3.78%.

    Your paragraph should be corrected as follows: the 14% should be 51.8% (i.e 14/27) and the other 13% should be 48.2% (i.e. 13/27)
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