Apple sells 2 million iPads in under 2 months



  • Reply 61 of 265
    soskoksoskok Posts: 107member
    There were smartphones and PPC/mobile phones hardly anyone wanted them. Along came iPhone. Look at articles from Computex, everyone is about to release a tablet. Market is certainly predicted to expand rapidly. iPad sales will rise. Plus iPad has already gone through 2 of its 12 months life cycle while others nowhere near releasing a competitor.
  • Reply 62 of 265
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Smiles77 View Post

    Current studies are showing an increase in demand, but 4.0 could bring a push of demand from the more "techy" people who "need" multi-tasking.

    The techies (like myself) aren't Apple's target market.

    Originally Posted by sandau View Post

    already i've seen multiple sales people using them in their kiosks to demonstrate and show photos of products and demo videos. this device along with Square is a major win for small businesses.

    Square looks interesting, has it been reputable so far?
  • Reply 63 of 265
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Apple keeps on pointing to the direction they're heading.

    From Apple Hot News:

    Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store, has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced its magical iPad which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices.
  • Reply 64 of 265
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    iPad 2 revision, my friend, iPad 2 revision! That USB you talked about and a camera.




    I'm pretty sure about the camera, but as to the connectors, well, I'm not as sanguine about them.
  • Reply 65 of 265
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member
    Number most likely would be higher had they had more supply here in the U.S.

    there have NOT been any IPADS available un the U.S. for over 2 weeks as Apple prepare for international launch.

    My question is how many Apps & EBOOKS have they sold???????

    I passed the 5th Avenue flagship Apple store on Sat and was surprised to see a line of about 75 people waiting to enter. I thought maybe the IPADS had come in. Go Apple
  • Reply 66 of 265
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Smiles77 View Post

    I understand the simplicity they wanted the device to have initially, but I do really, really want a USB port for even just music/document/photo transfer. Everyone carries around a USB, every computer has one, and the interface could be just like the photo import interface, with the capabilities of the mail program to open, say, a document in Pages, GoodReader, or PrintCentral. I don't think it would be difficult or that complex for the consumer at all.

    I agree.
  • Reply 67 of 265
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I found this:

    Outstanding, if correct! (Except for Japan).

    That's good. I bookmarked it. My daughter is wanting one for when she goes back to the UK in the fall. Actually, she wants it now, but will need it in the fall.
  • Reply 68 of 265
    cgc0202cgc0202 Posts: 624member
    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    I'm using a Mac Mini paired with a terabyte Firewire 800 external drive and a 24" Cinema Display. The amazing part is that I got a surprising amount for my previous Mac Mini a few months ago when I traded up to the latest top-end Mini. So as much as I have toyed with the idea of going laptop for my main system, the Mini represents a great value. If I can turn over a Mini every two or three years and get good trade-in value, it means that for not much more than the cost of the latest iLife suite/OS+a new harddrive, I can keep my hardware current (well as current as it gets using a Mini). Hopefully Apple will keep updating the Mini, however modestly.

    To me the iPad represents a perfect companion to a full-featured computer, whether we're talking a laptop or a desktop system like mine or yours. Less expensive than a Mac laptop, more portable, better battery life, access to tons of low-cost software. What's not to like?

    I wish they do more frequent upgrade of the Mac Mini too. If you compare the higher end Mini (with more RAM perhaps) plus the Monitor, what price range are we talking about here. And how does it compare in terms of off the self iMac or the MBPs -- both in terms of prices and power?

    I don't do gaming, but I like to open all sorts of programs, including photo editing plus a gazillon browser windows open.

    I have not used the Mac Mini yet so I am hesitant to use it as my main "desktop" computer. I like the notebook because I can carry it with me but it is still heavy to carry around and not the best form for desktop.

    In fact, since the Mac Mini, with the software, can become a server -- (can it also serve as working as a desktop while also a server?) -- it is possible in theory to access all programs and contents using the iPad as "thin-client" monitor??? I am speculating here, and I do not know the technical aspects as much. But it is the exosystem that would work best for what I am doing.

    Comments Pros and cons of such an ecosystem, or a better alternative setup,would be appreciated.

    This is why I am mulling the idea of a "deesktop-iPad" ecosystem, with BlueTooth and Wifi, it may be possible to have them interconnected so that one could take a respite from the desktop once in awhile while working on all day. And use the iPad to relax on the counch or outside.

    What are the most reliable external disk drives now? I like the idea of stacking the drive(s) with the Mac Mini; I have two disk drives right now but they are vertical -- not stable from toppling..

  • Reply 69 of 265
    leithalleithal Posts: 64member
    Originally Posted by BUSHMAN4 View Post

    Number most likely would be higher had they had more supply here in the U.S.

    there have NOT been any IPADS available un the U.S. for over 2 weeks as Apple prepare for international launch.

    That's not really true. My nephew was in Washington DC for 10 days on business just prior to the Canadian launch. He got two iPads by signing up at one of the Apple stores.

    No trouble at the border either!

    I on the other hand had to wait 3 more days because I pre-ordered one.
  • Reply 70 of 265
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    That is what I dislike about iPhone OS. Apple artificially restricts the capabilities of the device to protect the end user from having to worry about a filesystem. I wish it had a pro user mode that was difficult to activate but allowed power users to manage the device as they see fit. Sort of like legal jailbreaking.

    It's not the iPhone OS per se. Jailbreaking shows that the functionality is often there. Apple just has to get over the idea that so many restrictions aren't helping them as much as they think they are.
  • Reply 71 of 265
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    And then there's the competition, which I think is interesting. One of the arguments against likely mass market success for the iPad was that it was this neither fish nor fowl thing that consumers had no particular reason to want. That, contrasted to the success of the iPhone, which was understood to be a product that people already wanted and needed.

    Given the its success, that same quality may work in the iPad's favor. Android powered tablets won't be "just another tablet" like Android phones are just more phones. The iPad has quite literally created this market from scratch (yes, I know tablets existed, they sucked and nobody bought them so get over it).

    it's pretty amazing how things can change so quickly.

    "The iPad will fail because it's not copying the same model as the decade of failed tablets before it." to comments about the iPad being an monopoly that needs to be looked into by the DoJ despite being on the market for less than 60 days.

    Originally Posted by teunis View Post

    I was bouncing back and forth from a magazine (Dwell) and Safari last night. It was pretty terrible having to go back into the magazine book shelf then into the issue each time I wanted to find a new link on a product that was advertised, then go back to Safari and have the page reload. Multi-tasking will definitely help. Can't wait.

    That is annoying but you should blame Dwell for not making the magazine and page return when you load it again. This is a trivial thing to add. Also, they could add a web browser to their app so you wouldn't have to leave it at all.

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Only 8 days for our phones. It's the fall for our iPads.

    I've read speculation that iPhone OS v4.0 could launch the day of the keynote but we're still two Betas away from being on par with previous releases. I find it quite stable so I don't think it would be a bad GM version (better than v2.0, anyway), but I have doubts unless two more Betas hit.

    Also, Apple has always released the new iPhone OS right around the sale of the next iPhone HW, which has always gone on sale on Friday at 5pm. If the keynote is on Monday I think the G4 iPhone would hit the stores for that Friday, at the earliest.

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    That is what I dislike about iPhone OS. Apple artificially restricts the capabilities of the device to protect the end user from having to worry about a filesystem. I wish it had a pro user mode that was difficult to activate but allowed power users to manage the device as they see fit. Sort of like legal jailbreaking.

    Then you can sort of like jailbreak it. If you are a "pro user" and you understand Apple's stance as a CE company and are okay with making it "difficult to activate" then having the jailbreak as your hurdle shouldn't be an issue. Plus, you get to really feel like you're sticking it to the man.
  • Reply 72 of 265
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    They cannot build them fast enough. Maybe they need to localize manufacturing and bring some of that back to the USA and Europe rather than overworking the Chinese.

    My hope is that China will get some better labor laws with teeth to back them and minimum wage standards across the county. Cheap labor ain't cheap when it costs lives.
  • Reply 73 of 265
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I found this:

    Outstanding, if correct! (Except for Japan).

    This one has been around for a couple of weeks now:
  • Reply 74 of 265
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Leithal View Post

    That's not really true. My nephew was in Washington DC for 10 days on business just prior to the Canadian launch. He got two iPads by signing up at one of the Apple stores.

    No trouble at the border either!

    I on the other hand had to wait 3 more days because I pre-ordered one.

    The problem is that there are shortages, so that often, you can't just go into the store and pick one up, but have to wait several days for a shipment to come in.

    Companies like to have a several week long supply in the distribution lines. Apple has none there now, as every one that enters it immediately moves into the customers hands.
  • Reply 75 of 265
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    I for one, am glad it doesn't have a USB port...

    but of course, the iPad DOES have a USB port. it just is not the standard version, but rather the iPhone connector variety. it does not power external devices like a regular USB port (might be a few exceptions), but otherwise it can function the same. the limitations on what you can/can't do with it - like you cannot hook it to a printer and print out - are limitations of the iPhone OS itself, not the hardware. so many accessory devices can use it. and of course it handles all the syncing with your desktop iTunes via your computer's USB port.

    we'll see next week if OS 4.0 adds any new capabilities to this.
  • Reply 76 of 265
    williamlondonwilliamlondon Posts: 1,406member
    Originally Posted by Smallwheels View Post

    I too want a file system and either an SD card slot or USB port. Every iPad will eventually get full of data. It would be great if owners could just carry around data sticks or cards with movies or other types of files to just plug into the iPad.

    Ahhhh, I can't think of anything worse. It's like carrying around a whole load of floppy disks again, how going backward that would be for me. Yes, they need to provide adequate storage on the device, but we should view this as a temporary holding location for content, and we can get content from the system we sync it with or the cloud, but I don't want to carry around external media - that seems contradictory to this device.
  • Reply 77 of 265
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I've read speculation that iPhone OS v4.0 could launch the day of the keynote but we're still two Betas away from being on par with previous releases. I find it quite stable so I don't think it would be a bad GM version (better than v2.0, anyway), but I have doubts unless two more Betas hit.

    Also, Apple has always released the new iPhone OS right around the sale of the next iPhone HW, which has always gone on sale on Friday at 5pm. If the keynote is on Monday I think the G4 iPhone would hit the stores for that Friday, at the earliest.

    Well, it will be announced as being released more more than a few days after the Keynote, so whether it's 8 days or 14 days, it's still pretty much the same. The iPad version has a fair amount of extra work involved with it so that we won't be seeing it until, so far as we're being told, late September, at the earliest.

    That's frustrating. It would be nice if Apple could give us a 3.5 update with folders, at least. I've already got over 9 pages of apps, and that's now 20 apps per page. I REALLY want to consolidate them.
  • Reply 78 of 265
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by williamlondon View Post

    Ahhhh, I can't think of anything worse. It's like carrying around a whole load of floppy disks again, how going backward that would be for me. Yes, they need to provide adequate storage on the device, but we should view this as a temporary holding location for content, and we can get content from the system we sync it with or the cloud, but I don't want to carry around external media - that seems contradictory to this device.

    I don't think anything is contradictory. The more than can be done, the more valuable it will be. Apple wants to clear a path to how they want something done. That doesn't always mean that it's the way WE want to do it.
  • Reply 79 of 265
    The third great age of computing is upon us.

    The 'Couch Potato' TM era is here.

    Moms. Grandparents. Kids. Dads. Uncles and Aunties.

    They already 'know' how to use it.

    Apple have stormed into a 2 million unit lead upon everyone on the market.

    If they keep that up, that's 12 million in it's 1st year!

    Apple are kicking tech 'crepe' out of the opposition and it's not even Christmas and the opposition don't have products on the market yet.

    The old one two punch of great product at an Apple price their competition didn't expect...has left them trouserless with teh dick swinging in the wind.

    The Mac is Back.

    The promise of the computer for the rest of us is finally delivered as we have 'computing for the rest of us.' Easy and elegant to use for 90% of the stuff 'computer' users use stuff for.

    And this time?

    It's going critical mass. As the Lisa sacrificed for the the Mac will take a bow for the iPad. (And get halo shine in the process...expect Mac sales headed towards 4 million a quarter in the next year-ish.)

    The Computing Age of Darkness is over. This is the beginning of the end for Microsoft.

    Lemon Bon Bon.
  • Reply 80 of 265
    esummersesummers Posts: 953member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    The only question is whether this level of demand will go up, down or stay level. The early adopters have now bought in. It remains to be seen whether the general public will continue to lust after the iPad. I think there might be at least a small sales spike when iPhone OS 4.0 is released in the fall.

    Company purchases and education sales largely have not started yet at all because there are not enough units available. They still are having trouble meeting the early adopter crowd demand. By the time they meet these demands, there will be enough apps that late adopters will start buying. Looks like nothing but high sales volume for awhile.
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