Hold off those video card purchases (details on GeForce 4 family/new ATI cards)



  • Reply 82 of 97
    The GF4 announcement will come tomorrow!!!!!

    Graphics chip manufacturer Nvidia Corp will introduce its latest-generation graphics processor on Tuesday, the company's chief executive said on Monday, as the company revamps its entire product line.

    Speaking at the Goldman Sachs Technology Investment Symposium outside of Palm Springs, California, Jen-Hsun Huang said Nvidia will announce the GeForce4 graphics processing unit (GPU) family at an event in San Francisco.

    ``This is the broadest product launch we've ever had,'' Huang said. ``We're going to, with the GeForce4, transition nearly our entire product line.''

    Huang said the company's GeForce3 would now be its mid-range product and the GeForce2 its low-end product. Older lines, like the TNT2 GPU range, will be phased out.

    Huang also said the company recently shipped its 100-millionth processor since its founding nine years ago, and expects to ship another 100 million over the next two years
  • Reply 83 of 97
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>Speaking of the Radeon 8500, ATI just announced 128 MB boards!

    <a href="http://www.ati.com/na/pages/products/pc/radeon8500128/index.html"; target="_blank">http://www.ati.com/na/pages/products/pc/radeon8500128/index.html</a>;

    <a href="http://www.ati.com/na/pages/products/pc/radeon8500le/index.html"; target="_blank">http://www.ati.com/na/pages/products/pc/radeon8500le/index.html</a>;

    Et voila.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Unfortunately, there is no compatibility listed with Mac OS of any flavor. Hopefully Apple will try to expand their GPU options on the BTO PM's soon. I will consider the DP 1GHz if the GPU options are expanded.
  • Reply 84 of 97
    I know they aren't for Mac, just thought I'd tell people anywayz.
  • Reply 85 of 97
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    The Radeon 8500 is a very nice card, and stacks up quit nicely against the more expensive Ti 500. However, I've heard that 64MB RAM isn't really a bottleneck at this stage, and higher memory bandwidth is key.

    I wonder if 128MB will really make a noticeable difference?
  • Reply 86 of 97
    wfzellewfzelle Posts: 137member
    [quote]Originally posted by Mac Glue Sniffer:

    <strong>Unfortunately, there is no compatibility listed with Mac OS of any flavor. Hopefully Apple will try to expand their GPU options on the BTO PM's soon. I will consider the DP 1GHz if the GPU options are expanded.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Apple makes the announcements on BTO options, so the lack of Mac-compatibility on the site or during the event doesn't mean a thing. It can mean that there are no plans to release a seperate Geforce 4 Ti for the Mac. But who needs these when you can buy a Radeon 8500 <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 87 of 97
    wfzellewfzelle Posts: 137member
    [quote]Originally posted by MacAddict:

    <strong>The Radeon 8500 is a very nice card, and stacks up quit nicely against the more expensive Ti 500. However, I've heard that 64MB RAM isn't really a bottleneck at this stage, and higher memory bandwidth is key.

    I wonder if 128MB will really make a noticeable difference?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'm skeptical as well, but I've heard that 64MB can get slowdowns on certain games with very high resolutions. So if you like to game at 1600x1200 or higher :eek: , you might consider it.
  • Reply 88 of 97
    Apple just announced the GeForce 4 Titanium with 128MB of ram. I wonder what the performance tests will show with that GPU on a DP 1GHz?

  • Reply 89 of 97
    arty50arty50 Posts: 201member
    [quote]Originally posted by wfzelle:


    Apple makes the announcements on BTO options, so the lack of Mac-compatibility on the site or during the event doesn't mean a thing. It can mean that there are no plans to release a seperate Geforce 4 Ti for the Mac. But who needs these when you can buy a Radeon 8500 <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    From <a href="http://maccentral.macworld.com/news/0202/05.applenvidia.php"; target="_blank">the MacCentral article</a>:

    "If you've just purchased a Power Mac G4 or you have an older "QuickSilver" system, fear not -- Apple said that you'll be able to purchase a standalone card from them this Spring; the suggested retail price for that board is $399."
  • Reply 90 of 97

    My friends, I give you the GeForce4 Ti in all it's glory.
  • Reply 91 of 97
    Damn, that is one sweet looking card. Given Woz's penchant for clean, sweet designs, I bet he likes it too!
  • Reply 93 of 97
    What I really want to know is this...

    Which GeForce4Ti are we getting?!? I would hope it is the 4600, as opposed to the 4400...

    But what I REALLY want to see from Apple is the offering of the Quadro4 900XGL as a BTO option at the Apple Store!

    With optimized Mac OS X / Maya / OpenGL drivers!


    [ 02-05-2002: Message edited by: MacJunkie ]</p>
  • Reply 94 of 97
    Well the Ti 4600 is supposed to MSRP at $399, and that's how much Apple is selling the stand-alone cards this spring for. I dunno, but either one will kick @$$!
  • Reply 95 of 97
    ryukyuryukyu Posts: 450member
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>Well the Ti 4600 is supposed to MSRP at $399, and that's how much Apple is selling the stand-alone cards this spring for. I dunno, but either one will kick @$$!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    One thing that I found curious is that the press release that Apple put out is that the card pushes 87 million trinagles per second, but if you look at the specs on nVidia's website it states that the 4600 does 136 million and the 4400 does 125 million.

    Do you think that's just erroneous information on Apple's part?

  • Reply 96 of 97
    mattyjmattyj Posts: 898member
    The GeForce 4 ti is the 4600 version.

    <a href="http://www.apple.com/uk/powermac/graphics.html"; target="_blank">See for your self at Apple's page</a>
  • Reply 97 of 97
    arty50arty50 Posts: 201member
    Yeah, the key number from the press release was the 1.23 trillion ops/sec. It's the 4600!
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