Verizon-compatible CDMA iPhone 4 rumored to be in production



  • Reply 121 of 125
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    Why should I have to choose the worst network in the US to get the best phone in the US?

    Originally Posted by ranchogirl View Post

    I just don't understand why people are so stuck on Verizon. I get it if you live in a big city when AT&T has dropped calls and a clogged network...but most people aren't affected by this. I don't have dropped calls, unless my battery dies.

    I switched from Verizon to AT&T and I lived to tell about it.

    I've heard this "Verizon iPhone coming next year" for three years now. I'm one of those I'll believe it when I see it people. In the meantime, life is short, and I'm enjoying my iPhone.

  • Reply 122 of 125
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member
    Originally Posted by shadash View Post

    Why should I have to choose the worst network in the US to get the best phone in the US?

    Point well taken!!

    While AT&T sucks, it depends where and what you use it for. In some states, neighborhoods and areas the service is good. While in NY and California service sucks. And when Verizon gets the IPHONE it remains to be seen if the increased customer base can be handled by its network. If down the road Verizon gets the iphone and the service is VERY GOOD, i'm sure there will be many defectors to vERIZON.But all this is down the road and the road may contain many twists, bumps and turns.
  • Reply 123 of 125
    Originally Posted by BUSHMAN4 View Post

    Point well taken!!

    While AT&T sucks, it depends where and what you use it for. In some states, neighborhoods and areas the service is good. While in NY and California service sucks.

    I'm in Orange County, CA, and my AT&T service does not suck. I see no difference between it and when I was on Verizon, except I like my phone a heckofalot better.

    I decided life was too short to wait for something that my or may not happen.
  • Reply 124 of 125
    Originally Posted by ranchogirl View Post

    I decided life was too short to wait for something that my or may not happen.

    I decided that life was too short to spend my time waiting for pages to load on AT&T!
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