First Look: Apple's iOS 4 for iPhone, iPod touch



  • Reply 61 of 178
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Waiting here with baited breath! I hope it comes soon! A great belated birthday present.

    Yay! All the excitement of a Keynote without the post-Keynote dissapointment
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  • Reply 62 of 178
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by DJinTX View Post

    I disagree. Waiting is very valid, and likely will be my strategy. Anyone who suffered through updating their iPhone to 2.0 as soon as it launched knows exactly what I am talking about. It was a nightmare.

    As long as my iPhone doesn't get bricked and doesn't hang every few minutes, I'd be happy. I think. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for anything "shiny and new! and shiny!"
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  • Reply 63 of 178
    jamesmcdjamesmcd Posts: 68member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    It's Monday 21st 9.45pm where I am :-) ... Which means you're in... New Zealand?

    Yep, that's exactly where I am (I just updated my location for AI).

    Since I've got an iPhone dev account, I'm not really sure what I'm waiting for \
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  • Reply 64 of 178
    masternavmasternav Posts: 442member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    What the he'll are you all counting down to? The moment in which you wont be able to use a single damn feature of os 4 because there has been no effort of the part of developers or apple to get app store apps ready? Be prepared for disappointment because you are not going to see a bunch of updates suddenly appear after the os goes live. Its going to be a long sad launch with bad PR.

    Did your Wheaties get soggy this morning or what??!!


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  • Reply 65 of 178
    jamesmcdjamesmcd Posts: 68member
    Originally Posted by masternav View Post

    Did your Wheaties get soggy this morning or what??!!


    Not to mention the fact that iPhone developers are not allowed to submit apps compiled with the iOS4 SDK, so actually he's totally wrong. It's not our fault
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  • Reply 66 of 178
    Originally Posted by masternav View Post

    Did your Wheaties get soggy this morning or what??!!


    Sounds like pms has a case of the Monday grumpies! Office Space comes to mind... Not seriously knocking you, ...sorry, pmz, not pms. Just brought that movie to mind and it struck a funny bone.

    The stuff you mention is irritating. It would be nice if they would get everything lined out first before pulling the trigger...
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  • Reply 67 of 178
    djintxdjintx Posts: 454member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    1. I don't believe for a second that there are even as many as half a dozen 4.0 ready apps in the app store. I guarantee you that won't even change, today.

    2. All Apps Re supposed to run without the need for modification, but this is an outright lie from Apple, as many apps do not. iTeleport, Air Video, StreamtoMe, Call of Duty, to name a few. There are many more, just from my collection. Probably thousands total.

    3. Apps should be ready first. The damn app store should be 4.0 ready before they even flip the switch today, as its completely false advertising. Nothing will work as advertised today, and ill be uselessly complaining to Apple about how they have no concept or concern for what's best. They did this with the iPad when developers had a lukewarm reaction to the SDK, and now it seems 4.0 has failed to garner much attention either. The majority of devs of the 225,000 apps are content to sit tight and count de moné with their 2.2.1 compatible apps.


    You are fun to be around. Can we be best friends?

    Seriously though, yes some apps won't be ready for awhile, but some already are. I don't use many apps myself, but of the 20 or so apps I have, I know that I have updated at least 4 in the last week or so that reported to be iOS 4 compatibility updates along with other bug fixes.

    One thing to be aware of, if Apple waited to launch iOS 4 until all developers were ready, we would be waiting a year if not longer. Some developers are slackers. No one wants to wait for this to get the OS update. I think it comes down to user responsibility. If you are scared that your specific apps won't work after the update to 4.0, then don't update. Quit crying already.
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  • Reply 68 of 178
    masternavmasternav Posts: 442member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    1. I don't believe for a second that there are even as many as half a dozen 4.0 ready apps in the app store. I guarantee you that won't even change, today.

    2. All Apps Re supposed to run without the need for modification, but this is an outright lie from Apple, as many apps do not. iTeleport, Air Video, StreamtoMe, Call of Duty, to name a few. There are many more, just from my collection. Probably thousands total.

    3. Apps should be ready first. The damn app store should be 4.0 ready before they even flip the switch today, as its completely false advertising. Nothing will work as advertised today, and ill be uselessly complaining to Apple about how they have no concept or concern for what's best. They did this with the iPad when developers had a lukewarm reaction to the SDK, and now it seems 4.0 has failed to garner much attention either. The majority of devs of the 225,000 apps are content to sit tight and count de moné with their 2.2.1 compatible apps.


    Seriously - one of the more impressive acts of vituperation outside of outright trolling. Gruber is right - the only thing worse than an anti-Apple troll is a disillusioned and bitter Apple supporter!


    Someone needs a hug....c'mon. bring it in here. [[[[HUG]]]] OK that's enough, let's not get all Euro here...

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  • Reply 69 of 178
    erybovicerybovic Posts: 37member
    Can anyone let me know how sluggish the new OS seems on a Iphone 3g?
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  • Reply 70 of 178
    Originally Posted by erybovic View Post

    Can anyone let me know how sluggish the new OS seems on a Iphone 3g?

    Not sure... I've been waiting for the update. I'll post as soon as I know.
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  • Reply 71 of 178
    dksmidtxdksmidtx Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by erybovic View Post

    Can anyone let me know how sluggish the new OS seems on a Iphone 3g?

    Can anyone tell us if they have been able to upgrade?
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  • Reply 72 of 178
    pembrokepembroke Posts: 231member
    15:45 (07:45 PST) and here in the UK all is quiet on the 'check for update front' .....
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  • Reply 73 of 178
    tazinlwfltazinlwfl Posts: 117member
    I can't seem to find something I thought we were getting: Rotate Photo... could have sworn I saw that...
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  • Reply 74 of 178
    williamgwilliamg Posts: 322member
    Originally Posted by pembroke View Post

    15:45 (07:45 PST) and here in the UK all is quiet on the 'check for update front' .....

    I'm currently downloading iTunes so that I will be able to install iOS 4.0 on my 3GS.

    The download is very slow - it peaked at about 100 kB/s. And given the bloated size of iTunes, it has already taken way too long.

    Oh well. The first download that Apple sent me to was the 32 bit version. That too took long to download, and it would not install. I'm not sure why they auto-detected the wrong OS on my machine.

    Only 5 minutes to go, so says the DL manager.
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  • Reply 75 of 178
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    8 am still not there.

    Off to bed, I'll check when I get up for work in 5 hours.
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  • Reply 76 of 178
    rokradrokrad Posts: 143member
    Assume 10am PST cause that's usually when the keynotes start so they like doing stuff at 10am
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  • Reply 77 of 178
    Originally Posted by Rokrad View Post

    Assume 10am PST cause that's usually when the keynotes start so they like doing stuff at 10am

    Many people on staff side come in between 8-9am, then give em an hour or 2 so 10am earliest I would say. Still don't see though where this was confirmed with Apple, where is AI getting this from?
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  • Reply 78 of 178
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    Many people on staff side come in between 8-9am, then give em an hour or 2 so 10am earliest I would say. Still don't see though where this was confirmed with Apple, where is AI getting this from?

    Is it based on previous iOS x.0 really times?
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  • Reply 79 of 178
    What are the features iOS 4 will pack in for the iPod 2nd Generation? I am not really clear on this. Can anyone advise?
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  • Reply 80 of 178
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    8.30am PST. Can't be more than 2 HOURS to go.
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