First Look: Apple's iOS 4 for iPhone, iPod touch



  • Reply 81 of 178
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by freethinker View Post

    What are the features iOS 4 will pack in for the iPod 2nd Generation? I am not really clear on this. Can anyone advise?

    Basically, you're looking at everything EXCEPT multitasking, FaceTime and the option to use iMovie.
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  • Reply 82 of 178
    reapernreapern Posts: 11member
    Hey i have iOS4.0 GM candidate installed on my iphone, but does anyone know if the one being released will be the same version/build???? (ps they should have zooming capabilities for the video too. iOS4 in my book does not live up to the hype.) only really used feature is background.
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  • Reply 83 of 178
    joe hsjoe hs Posts: 488member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    8.30am PST. Can't be more than 2 HOURS to go.

    4:32 in the UK, it better not be much longer \
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  • Reply 84 of 178
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Reapern View Post

    Hey i have iOS4.0 GM candidate installed on my iphone, but does anyone know if the one being released will be the same version/build???? (ps they should have zooming capabilities for the video too. iOS4 in my book does not live up to the hype.) only really used feature is background.

    We just just have to wait and see if the builds are the same. Either way, I'd backup and update.

    I hope it's not because I have some issues with the GM that dent have with the previous Betas.
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  • Reply 85 of 178
    Hate to bemoan like others here saying it's not out yet, but this is kind of typical of Apple to say, "We're going to release x-item on x-date," but not do it until almost end of day. Why not just say, "We're going to release it at 7PM Eastern Time" and be done with it and not jerk their users around and tease 'em by having them keep clicking the 'Check for Update' button throughout the day. I like Apple, but c'mon already. \
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  • Reply 86 of 178
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    Many people on staff side come in between 8-9am, then give em an hour or 2 so 10am earliest I would say. Still don't see though where this was confirmed with Apple, where is AI getting this from?

    It would be nice to know. I'd hate to be taking time, however briefly, throughout the day to check for updates, if it wasn't really happening today.
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  • Reply 87 of 178
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    Hate to bemoan like others here saying it's not out yet, but this is kind of typical of Apple to say, "We're going to release x-item on x-date," but not do it until almost end of day. Why not just say, "We're going to release it at 7PM Eastern Time" and be done with it and not jerk their users around and tease 'em by having them keep clicking the 'Check for Update' button throughout the day. I like Apple, but c'mon already. \

    1) If they make a very specific time and then miss that time are they not jerking users around with promises they can't keep? You''d find a lot more posts of complainers who waited around for this self appointed time that they didn't keep.

    2) Only very few users care about getting the update the minute it comes out. We on this forum are far removed from the typical user. I bet most iPhone users don't even know iOS 4.0 is set to launch today even if they read or heard it in the last two weeks.
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  • Reply 88 of 178
    benicebenice Posts: 382member
    Originally Posted by WilliamG View Post

    You assume that Apple is using the word "features" in the typical manner. But the word can mean anything Apple wants it to mean. What you would call an "under the hood minor bug fix" may be what Apple calls one of the 100 major new features.

    Fair point, though I think it reasonable that AI or someone else who reports on tech should ask Apple what the 70 other features/bug fixes/optimisations are.
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  • Reply 89 of 178
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by Reapern View Post

    Hey i have iOS4.0 GM candidate installed on my iphone, but does anyone know if the one being released will be the same version/build???? (ps they should have zooming capabilities for the video too. iOS4 in my book does not live up to the hype.) only really used feature is background.

    What product ever lives up to the hype?

    What were you expecting that it didn't deliver?
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  • Reply 90 of 178
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Joe hs View Post

    4:32 in the UK, it better not be much longer \

    Almost 9am Cupertino time. Hopefully they're spooling up their FTL drives... er... I mean, servers.
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  • Reply 91 of 178
    reapernreapern Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by Gustav View Post

    What product ever lives up to the hype?

    What were you expecting that it didn't deliver?

    actually most of the time it does live up to it. but i see why this one didn't, it was up to all the developers this time, not apple, so i didn't really expect it to be like the others (by the way im referring to multitasking, the most talked about feature). oh well im still happy!
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  • Reply 92 of 178
    swingeswinge Posts: 110member
    Originally Posted by freethinker View Post

    What are the features iOS 4 will pack in for the iPod 2nd Generation? I am not really clear on this. Can anyone advise?

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Basically, you're looking at everything EXCEPT multitasking, FaceTime and the option to use iMovie.

    Actually a couple of other things...
    1. All the iPhone 4 hardware issues (FaceTime, video)

    2. Multitasking

    3. No custom wallpaper for home screens, just old black bakground

    4. Can't synch to external Bluetooth keyboards

    Personally, I'm a bit dissapointed about that...I currently have a 3GS so it doesn't efffect me, but in thinking about 2011, it bothers me that features are left out...Apple has been so good at giving away 2 years of updates.. I hope they're not planning on changing this.. I would much rather have a sluggish multitasking 3G (or at least have the option of turning it off). I saw jailbroken 2G iPhones multitask just fine...

    EDIT: Actually just re-ready the post...I thought you were a 3G user... Answers are still the same... A better deal though...To my knowledge this is the first time they've given the update away to iPod folks.... I think they've usually charged like a $10 fee...

    That being said, I'm still a massive fan boy.... CAN'T WAIT to update to iOS 4!! Woooo Hooooo!!!!
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  • Reply 93 of 178
    joe hsjoe hs Posts: 488member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    ...FTL drives... er... I mean, servers.

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  • Reply 94 of 178
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by benice View Post

    Fair point, though I think it reasonable that AI or someone else who reports on tech should ask Apple what the 70 other features/bug fixes/optimisations are.

    Surprisingly, he does make a good point; I hope he keeps it up.

    Jobs mentioned they had 1,500 new APIs just for iOS 4.0. Each of those could be considered a "feature" in some weak sense as it is a distinctive attribute but things like changing the Calculator icon isn't a feature as it doesn't improve the usefulness of the device. Rene Richie has a pretty thorough walkthrough of iOS 4.0 which details a lot of the changes. Despite using IOS 4.0 since Beta 1 I learned a few things so I recommend it if you have the time...
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  • Reply 95 of 178
    joe hsjoe hs Posts: 488member
    9:03, c'mon apple...
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  • Reply 96 of 178
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by swinge View Post

    Actually a couple of other things...
    1. All the iPhone 4 hardware issues (FaceTime, video)

    2. Multitasking

    3. No custom wallpaper for home screens, just old black bakground

    4. Can't synch to external Bluetooth keyboards

    Thanks, I wasn't aware of the last two. It's one thing not to approve a feature that will have questionable use on older HW, but wallpapers and BT keyboards? Those seem very like extramely artificial exclusions.


    I would much rather have a sluggish multitasking 3G (or at least have the option of turning it off). I saw jailbroken 2G iPhones multitask just fine...

    See with 128MB RAM it's pretty awful with the Backgrounder solution so this is one I'm behind Apple on it not being an artificial reason.


    To my knowledge this is the first time they've given the update away to iPod folks.... I think they've usually charged like a $10 fee...

    As I recall it started at $20 for a handful of apps that came with the original iPhone. The price has constantly been dropped each time and last year, I think it was $10, which dropped to $5 a few months later. I assume it's because not enough people were paying the fee for it. I'm glad they made it "legal' to give away the update seeing as how they can probably can get more money from those buying iOS 4.0 apps for it.
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  • Reply 97 of 178
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Hmm I gotta take a shower, have a hot chocolate or somethin'... Then come back and camp out on the Internetz with World Cup on TeeVee waiting for this darn update.
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  • Reply 98 of 178
    intenseintense Posts: 106member
    I am off to university ... will update tomorrow morning or tonight ... or maybe from school
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  • Reply 99 of 178
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    ...[iPod touch] As I recall it started at $20 for a handful of apps that came with the original iPhone. The price has constantly been dropped each time and last year, I think it was $10, which dropped to $5 a few months later. I assume it's because not enough people were paying the fee for it. I'm glad they made it "legal' to give away the update seeing as how they can probably can get more money from those buying iOS 4.0 apps for it.

    Apple's excuse is that it had to do with GAAP accounting or some hullabaloo associated with that where they're supposed to charge for updates or something because, iPhone and AppleTV updates are not charged since the income from that is recognised over 24 months etc. etc. whereas iPod updates are charged because the income from that is recognised in total during the purchase of the iPod.

    Apple is not charging for updates now because accounting rules were changed/relaxed/? so now all revenue for iPhone, AppleTV, iPod, etc. are recognised in total, one shot, upon sale of device. So they are "allowed" to give free updates or something like that.

    Someone else can explain it better than me. Like I said, that was Apple's excuse anyway.
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  • Reply 100 of 178
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Reapern View Post

    Hey i have iOS4.0 GM candidate installed on my iphone, but does anyone know if the one being released will be the same version/build???? (ps they should have zooming capabilities for the video too. iOS4 in my book does not live up to the hype.) only really used feature is background.

    Be careful. I downloaded iTunes today, from an Apple web page that had a big button that said "Download iTunes" and no other choices.

    They sent me the wrong version of the software.

    I had to go back and search around the site for the 64 bit version.

    I assume that Apple does not carefully check the client.
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