Hackers release 'jailbreak' of iOS 4 for Apple's iPhone 3GS



  • Reply 141 of 180
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by seek3r View Post

    Consumer rights are very important too, something that seems to be getting further and further lost these days...

    This saddens me the most.
  • Reply 142 of 180
    robogoborobogobo Posts: 378member
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    It's pretty clear I believe the greatest motivation for hacking the iPhone was to gain unauthorized apps (including theft of legit apps) or to tether illegally. It's pretty clear I believe that is the greatest motivation behind it.

    Can I be any more clear? Should I write an essay on the matter?

    No, but you should shut your pie hole.
  • Reply 143 of 180
    robogoborobogobo Posts: 378member
    personal attack removed
  • Reply 144 of 180
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by trumptman View Post

    For the record you are all thieves. I want the time stolen out of my life to read this thread back now.

  • Reply 145 of 180
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    At least in the US I don't think they can prohibit you from making a backup of your DVDs to "protect from damage".

    Someone hasn't heard of the DMCA.
  • Reply 146 of 180
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    Geesh, so now that there is multitasking I wonder what their excuse is now. Once tethering is official then there will be no masking their agenda to steal software and services.

    Some people work hard for what they get, others work hard to steal from those people.


    I'd like to add more apps to a single folder for one. Not to mention change the slide unlock to touch unlock. PITA always having to slide to unlock.

    Plenty of other UI changes I'd like to make.
  • Reply 147 of 180
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by IronHeadSlim View Post

    I didn't give you any information that would give you reason to believe I am a thief. The gentleman you are defending did.

    Not one word from the OP implies he is a thief.
  • Reply 148 of 180
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by eightzero View Post

    Ownership has nothing to do with authorized usage.

    And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the crux of the disagreement. Some people believe ownership of property does indeed confir rights of usage. Others believe it is right for others to give them permission to use their own property.
  • Reply 149 of 180
    See below. Just because you invent an excuse doesn't make you not a thief.

    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Not one word from the OP implies he is a thief.

    Around a month ago I felt the exact way as you do now, since then I have bought an iPad and jailbroken my iPhone so that I can use Mywi, I pay for all of my iPhone apps as well as the 3 Jailbroken apps that I have, my data usage is only around 300mb a month and I saw no reason as to why I should pay an extra £100 for an iPad (not including a monthly £10 a month contract) just to use mobile internet on it.

    The idea that all jailbreakers are just thieves is wrong, as I have proven to myself.

    The app store has probably had around £400 of my money over the last 2 and a bit years, just because my iPhone is now jailbroken it is wrong to assume that I will now steal everything.
  • Reply 150 of 180
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by IronHeadSlim View Post

    See below. Just because you invent an excuse doesn't make you not a thief.

    Around a month ago I felt the exact way as you do now, since then I have bought an iPad and jailbroken my iPhone so that I can use Mywi, I pay for all of my iPhone apps as well as the 3 Jailbroken apps that I have, my data usage is only around 300mb a month and I saw no reason as to why I should pay an extra £100 for an iPad (not including a monthly £10 a month contract) just to use mobile internet on it.

    The idea that all jailbreakers are just thieves is wrong, as I have proven to myself.

    The app store has probably had around £400 of my money over the last 2 and a bit years, just because my iPhone is now jailbroken it is wrong to assume that I will now steal everything.

    Are you for real? The only way to read that as stealing is to really demonstrate a difficulty with basic reading skills.

    Read what you bolded again. He didn't want to pay extra for a 3G iPad and the separate plan for it. And why should he? His carrier allows him to pay for tethering on his phone and use his phone to share his connection. He can share it via USB, Bluetooth, Wifi or using with his finger in his ass. He pays for this. Explicitly. He jailbreaks ONLY so that his phone is capable of using the service he is paying for.

    Seriously, are you for real? Please tell me you are only a troll pretending this confusion and you didn't actually read that as stealing. Please.

    As I asked before, are you a thief? You do after all use devices on your home network to access the internet. You pay for this. But, that still makes you a thief, if we use your flawed reading skills and logic.

    Yes, you are confused and you are wrong. Neither gives you the right to call him a thief.
  • Reply 151 of 180
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    Likely that's because it is not criminal. It is, instead, breach of contract.

    That, OTOH, is likely criminal.

    No, they are same thing. The only thing that could be considered criminal is what I was doing with my tethering: torrents.

    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    So do I assume correctly that paying the ETF is OK with you?

    Yeah! That is part of taking responsibility for your actions.
  • Reply 152 of 180
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,563member
    Originally Posted by IronHeadSlim View Post

    See below. Just because you invent an excuse doesn't make you not a thief.

    Around a month ago I felt the exact way as you do now, since then I have bought an iPad and jailbroken my iPhone so that I can use Mywi, I pay for all of my iPhone apps as well as the 3 Jailbroken apps that I have, my data usage is only around 300mb a month and I saw no reason as to why I should pay an extra £100 for an iPad (not including a monthly £10 a month contract) just to use mobile internet on it.

    The idea that all jailbreakers are just thieves is wrong, as I have proven to myself.

    The app store has probably had around £400 of my money over the last 2 and a bit years, just because my iPhone is now jailbroken it is wrong to assume that I will now steal everything.

    You decided to highlight one part my original post:

    No where in that post did I mention that I also happen to pay for tethering a point which I later clarified.

    You sir and people like you simply jumped to the conclusion that I had to be a theif and dishonest based on absolutely no evidence, you do not know me, we have never met and yet my guilt in your mind is assured, to you I am guilty and my defence is simply in your mind an excuse.

    So no, I did not and still do not see the point of spending £100 extra on the iPad and then also paying an extra £10 a month for internet access on said device when I already pay for my iPhone contract and the tethering bolt on.

    I am genuinely annoyed that I have been called out by a few people here and called a thief and liar, and I thank those that decided to rise to my defence. \
  • Reply 153 of 180
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I'm only assuming that you're stealing because you're flat out admitting it. The fact that you pay to tether your laptop doesn't give you the right to use tethering on your iPad.

    You are not paying to tether your iPad. You admit that the service is available, but you don't like the cost ("I saw no reason as to why I should pay an extra £100 for an iPad (not including a monthly £10 a month contract) just to use mobile internet on it.")

    So you're using a service you didn't pay for. Don't play this crapola 'poor me, I'm so misunderstood' game. You know what you're doing and are simply trying to rationalize why it's OK.

    Like it or not, you're a thief.

    Given that you appear to be such a rabid fan boy and given the position you are taking, it's mildly ironic to think that Jobs and Wozniak's first venture was a hardware device to let you steal phone calls from the AT&T phone network.

    Jailbreaking isn't about stealing, it's about doing what you want. If nobody questioned the status quo, if everybody, as you advocate, just fell in behind these conscience-less corporations, the world would be an truly awful place.

    Jailbreakers are, for the most part, not pirates. They just won't accept no for an answer.
  • Reply 154 of 180
    hezetationhezetation Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    I have jailbroken my phone since day 1, and I have never once broken my carrier contract nor downloaded a single pirated app. Now, since you are Mr. moral and legal, I must isist that you either...

    1) Apologize to me and any other member of the community you grossly mischaracterized, or

    2) Please provide your real name and address so that we can sue you for libelous statements about us.

    I am sure you will understand.

    I will apologize, reading back over my comments I realize I spoke rashly and did not see how deeply offensive my comments were to many. Some of my hacker friends set me straight, and if I'm wrong then I must man up and admit when I'm wrong.

    Big thanks to seek3r, your last statement expanded my view of hacking a bit, I made a flamboyant statement and I deserved the backlash I received.

    Plea to the hackers, if the intentions are noble please find a way to prevent the piracy. The rest of us are at the mercy of your exploration and discovery.
  • Reply 155 of 180
    Working around the established system to get something you don't think is fair to pay additional fees for could still be called stealing. I don't give a crap that you do it but you act like you some kind of moral high ground here. You don't and you're still a thief.

    Originally Posted by saarek View Post

    You decided to highlight one part my original post:

    No where in that post did I mention that I also happen to pay for tethering a point which I later clarified.

    You sir and people like you simply jumped to the conclusion that I had to be a theif and dishonest based on absolutely no evidence, you do not know me, we have never met and yet my guilt in your mind is assured, to you I am guilty and my defence is simply in your mind an excuse.

    So no, I did not and still do not see the point of spending £100 extra on the iPad and then also paying an extra £10 a month for internet access on said device when I already pay for my iPhone contract and the tethering bolt on.

    I am genuinely annoyed that I have been called out by a few people here and called a thief and liar, and I thank those that decided to rise to my defence. \

  • Reply 156 of 180
    Yes, I am a thief and I don't care if you or anyone else is a thief. Just be able to admit it instead of whining about it like a little girl. You're friend is still a thief. No troll, just had enough of people justifying anything they do as okay in their own mind and then screeching to everyone how okay it is.

    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Are you for real? The only way to read that as stealing is to really demonstrate a difficulty with basic reading skills.

    Read what you bolded again. He didn't want to pay extra for a 3G iPad and the separate plan for it. And why should he? His carrier allows him to pay for tethering on his phone and use his phone to share his connection. He can share it via USB, Bluetooth, Wifi or using with his finger in his ass. He pays for this. Explicitly. He jailbreaks ONLY so that his phone is capable of using the service he is paying for.

    Seriously, are you for real? Please tell me you are only a troll pretending this confusion and you didn't actually read that as stealing. Please.

    As I asked before, are you a thief? You do after all use devices on your home network to access the internet. You pay for this. But, that still makes you a thief, if we use your flawed reading skills and logic.

    Yes, you are confused and you are wrong. Neither gives you the right to call him a thief.

  • Reply 157 of 180
    Jailbreakers are pirates. Be a proud pirate and stop crying.

    Originally Posted by adrian.oconnor View Post

    Like it or not, you are being a twat. Are you just trolling?

    Given that you appear to be such a rabid fan boy and given the position you are taking, it's mildly ironic to think that Jobs and Wozniak's first venture was a hardware device to let you steal phone calls from the AT&T phone network.

    Jailbreaking isn't about stealing, it's about doing what you want. If nobody questioned the status quo, if everybody, as you advocate, just fell in behind these conscience-less corporations, the world would be an truly awful place.

    Jailbreakers are, for the most part, not pirates. They just won't accept no for an answer.

  • Reply 158 of 180
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by IronHeadSlim View Post

    Yes, I am a thief and I don't care if you or anyone else is a thief. Just be able to admit it instead of whining about it like a little girl. You're friend is still a thief. No troll, just had enough of people justifying anything they do as okay in their own mind and then screeching to everyone how okay it is.

    Can you explain, exactly what he did that would be theft? You are mis-reading and mis-interpreting what he wrote. Go back and read it again or have someone read it to you.

    Again, his carrier offered him options. Option 1 was to buy an iPad with 3G and a separate data plan for it. Sort of like buying a 3G stick for his laptop. The second option was to pay for tethering for his phone and use it then to provide an IP to his other devices. He choose option 2. Which was offered. he is paying for it and using it as the carrier intended.

    This isn't that hard. You have to be pretending. No one is really this obtuse. Even jragosta and hezetation realized their error. You are the only one that still believes this fantasy.

    When I bought a new car for my wife a couple months ago, we were offered the bluetooth package. This would allow us to connect her phone to the car for handsfree. The other option was to use the aux input. We choose the aux input as he hardly ever uses her phone in the car. We bought a short cable to plug the phone into the aux jack. That was us choosing another available option, just as the OP chose and PAID FOR another available option.

    You are unreal.
  • Reply 159 of 180
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by IronHeadSlim View Post

    Jailbreakers are pirates. Be a proud pirate and stop crying.

    Only in the same way that all internet users are pedos. That is just an incredibly ignorant statement.

    You really must be a troll. No one could honestly think the way you post.
  • Reply 160 of 180
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by IronHeadSlim View Post

    Working around the established system to get something you don't think is fair to pay additional fees for could still be called stealing. I don't give a crap that you do it but you act like you some kind of moral high ground here. You don't and you're still a thief.

    He didn't work around shit. He chose to pay for a different service offered by his carrier as an alternative option. The carrier allows him to pay for tethering, so he is. This is exactly the same as if he had opted for using tethering to get his laptop online instead of buying a separate 3G stick and plan just for the laptop.

    He isn't acting like he has some kind of moral high ground. He has the moral high ground. He is paying explicitly for what he is doing exactly as his is supposed to pay for using it.

    You have called him a thief repeatedly, even after it has been repeatedly and clearly explained to you, even using small words for your benefit. It is probably time for the mods to hand out some infractions and perhaps simply ban you as you contribute nothing but inexcusable confusion and repeated, unfounded accusations.

    You call him a thief, even though he can in no way be considered a thief for his described actions. People could call you names and insult you for continuing to fail to understand your mistakes, but they don't because we are grown ups.
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