Chinese market mirrors potential of Verizon iPhone



  • Reply 21 of 69
    2 cents2 cents Posts: 307member
    Originally Posted by 801 View Post

    "obama is pushing apple hard for balance of trade numbers"

    I have not seen this information anywhere. Is there a source for this? Please credit, would really like to see this.

    And how does a phone built in china, and sold to Chinese help our balance of trade? No jobs are created domestically, no raw materials consumed, transported or converted, so no advantage gained for the economy except to stockholders.

    Huh? Why respond to the clearly unhinged? That's what ignore lists are for. brucep now added. Problem solved!
  • Reply 22 of 69
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member
    Originally Posted by jvolino View Post

    This is not an "ironic" situation -- not even bad luck -- just coincidence. Please refer to the Dictionary app on your Mac and stop listening to Alanis Morissette songs.

    Might I recommend this:
  • Reply 23 of 69
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Might I recommend this:

    That was good.
  • Reply 24 of 69
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    They've gone too far down the capitalist/materialist path to ever turn back. You wanna see a new People's Revolution? Let them try putting the genie back in the bottle.

    That's probably more of a Western view. How exactly would the Chinese people defend themselves? They don't have access to arms, are not politically connected to their "representatives", and have little voice in the press. We like to think the whole country is on the verge of collapse or outright revolution, but at this point... no.
  • Reply 25 of 69
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Might I recommend this:

    Mmph... didn't find this guy in the least bit funny. Perhaps a cultural divide.
  • Reply 26 of 69
    loneratolonerato Posts: 54member
    Sprint/Clearwire has talked about moving to TD-LTE
  • Reply 27 of 69
    merlinwmerlinw Posts: 35member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    yes apple will bow very low to appease the red commies

    just like google did last week

    obama is pushing apple hard for balance of trade numbers

    and verizon is also a no brainer

    so apple may be can sell 25 million verizon branded iphones and maybe even 10 million verizon branded ipads

    concerning china >>>>

    china already buys tons of jail broken iphones with wifi included

    >>> sales to china looks like maybe 20 million over 4 yrs

    the over all halo effect looms much larger for all apple stuff for red china

    sadly as a share holder apple using slave labor in commie red china will one day have to be reckoned with

    apple sadly will reap what it sows

    foxcomm sucks


    some USA factories might be a good starting point

    Well, I think Apple having US factories is a pipe dream, very little if anything is made here in the States. If you had to answer to your shareholders, what sounds better? Paying a buck an hour in China? or 8 bucks an hour in the Good Old USA.

    Money and Profits rule! (Sad but true)

    As to a CMDA phone, I suggested before, China is the Market, Apple will make it.
  • Reply 28 of 69
    merlinwmerlinw Posts: 35member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    That's probably more of a Western view. How exactly would the Chinese people defend themselves? They don't have access to arms, are not politically connected to their "representatives", and have little voice in the press. We like to think the whole country is on the verge of collapse or outright revolution, but at this point... no.

    China has a very good Military, and Billions of People. China also owns most of the US debt, and lots of property/companies in the States. Do Not Underestimate them.

    They could pull the plug, and call the loans due. And we are F****d. Simple. This started years ago.
  • Reply 29 of 69
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by merlinw View Post

    China has a very good Military, and Billions of People. China also owns most of the US debt, and lots of property/companies in the States. Do Not Underestimate them.

    They could pull the plug, and call the loans due. And we are F****d. Simple. This started years ago.

    China will have a very good military in about 20 years. Right now it's a good match for maybe Canada.

    If China calls the loans, we print dollars and pay them tomorrow. Yes, it's that simple, if it needs to be. But you are right, China is up to tricky games. Your general point is right but not quite yet.
  • Reply 30 of 69
    merlinwmerlinw Posts: 35member
    Originally Posted by DESuserIGN View Post

    Fully 1/3 of the comments posted so far sound like they were written by ignorant grades school children parroting the wacky idiocy of their mentally challenged parents without having any idea of what they are talking about ? commie, socialist, Obama, jobs, balance of trade, no-brainer,etc.

    Gotta love the provocative buzz words.

    Raise your damn standards folks.

    Or at the very least, learn to think and research for yourself. A word of advice: Never ever believe either CNN or FOX. Learn to do research on your own.

  • Reply 31 of 69
    merlinwmerlinw Posts: 35member
    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    China will have a very good military in about 20 years. Right now it's a good match for maybe Canada.

    If China calls the loans, we print dollars and pay them tomorrow. Yes, it's that simple, if it needs to be. But you are right, China is up to tricky games. Your general point is right but not quite yet.

    First, may I suggest you read history, Korean War, China fought us to a draw, even to this day.

    Viet Nam, China won.

    China has nuclear Subs, ICBM's, and many nuclear weapons.

    Never under estimate them. Never. China is the Worlds OLDEST civilization for a reason.
  • Reply 32 of 69
    karmadavekarmadave Posts: 369member
    China wants to continue the one-sided relationship with the US. Under this arrangement, China finances our debt, steals our intellectual property, and pays factory workers in state-owned factories slave wages to build stuff for American high tech companies. All while keeping their currency artificially low and markets closed to American products (especially those not built in China). This one-sided relationship has got to end! The 'Chinese Wall' of standards ensures that American companies will NEVER get a fair shake in China
  • Reply 33 of 69
    anakin1992anakin1992 Posts: 283member
    first, i am puzzled by your comments. chinese td-scdma caused big concern because you suspected china wanted to "develop our own non-western technology", while futuristic 3GPP2 will have CDMA-family-tree standards and GSM-family-tree standards. the main reason you argue against it was for sake of "unified" communication, but even without chinese TD-SCDMA standard, market has been segmented pretty much already. so why are you so bothered?

    second, do you understand why chinese want to have TD-SCDMA in the first place besides your suspect of their standing alone stance?

    here are my understandings:

    1: TD-SCDMA has been adopted as an international standard under ITU. interestingly enough, german's siemens was one of the original founder partners on TD-SCDMA draft.

    2: chinese are aiming at better spectrum utilization: in high populated cities in china, using CDMA or its likes to transmit the same bit rate of data, TD-SCDMA would be using a fraction of it.

    3: small and smarter antenna: with smaller antenna, the cost on design and maintenance would be dramatically reduced and managed

    4: chip design for chinese 3G cell network: chinese knows that they are not the top chip design home in the world, thus by reducing the standard initial cost and design hurdles, they are very pragmatic and thus TD-SCDMA is well suited for its domestic equipment vendors to design/make/support for their 3G network transition.

    Originally Posted by winterspan View Post

    There are some things wrong with that chart:

    1) CDMA/CDMA2000/EVDO are standards created by 3rd Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2), so even if Qualcomm is the primary technology developer/IP owner, your chart should be changed reflect both standard organizations (3GPP and 3GPP2)

    2) CDMA2000/EVDO is still used in dozens of countries around the world, with hundreds of millions of subscribers. Its certainly not as widespread as GSM/UMTS, but to say that it is only Verizon and Sprint using CDMA is completely misleading.

    Also, this is unrelated, but China needs to drop the communist "we will develop our own non-western technology" bullshit. The TD-SCDMA crap is just holding back the country from a widespread, unified communications network.

  • Reply 34 of 69
    Originally Posted by kiwee View Post

    What's wrong with you? Sweden is not a "commie" state. I doubt you'r from Sweden or have even been there. I'm Swedish, Sweden might be more left then the US but commies I think not.

    I believe everywhere that isn't allied with the US is "commie", isn't it?

    And before I get trolled, I was JOKING. And trolling.

  • Reply 35 of 69
    anakin1992anakin1992 Posts: 283member
    Originally Posted by stottm View Post

    Let us not forget that China is a communist country. Allbeit a schizophrenic communist capitalist system. Hong Kong is only free because it used to be owned by the English. Freedom remains in Hong Kong only because the communists know there would be outright rebellion if they tried to clamp down. It would also be very bad publicity.

    either you are brain damaged or retarded. Hong Kong was a british COLONY for christ sake and you think it was free. without chinese insistency for its return, Hong Kong might be still ruled by supreme british: all top officials in Hong Kong are appointed by her majesty without any democratic process of selection. more than often those positions are so highly sought because the salary was astronomical while responsibility was absolute zero. do a survey on non-white british colonies: after britons left, how many countries or territories are not in a messed up situation?


    The Chinese have stolen a lot of tech from USA and some of it was handed to them by, cough, Clinton. They have zero military relations with the USA. They have been building their military at a cold war pace. They turn over North Korean escapees. They sell weapons to our enemies. They (disappear people), they imprison Christian missionaries. If you travel there you are escorted and followed around by secret police. They are some of the biggest polluters and do not care about the health and safety of their workers or people. Dumping hazardous waste that goes downstream killing thousands. Knocking down homes and stealing land without notice. If a worker is injured, they simply can no longer work and are kicked out of their housing and sent away.

    chinese are not dummies. you think you can just dump whatever you deemed as a favor to them forever? don't be such a whiner as i don't think all democracy can do is to produce such a whiner like you: it is you who elected bush sr, b. clinton, bush jr, obama, and whoever will be coming. why in the hell do you complain about them?

    on a side note, from the list you compiled above about china's "dark" side, it looks like that you are china's watcher and you are very good at the news headlines. i have to take my hat off.


    It is nowhere near as bad as North Korea, but in many ways the same with simply more money.

    well, simply having more money is better than nothing. what can you do about it?
  • Reply 36 of 69
    anakin1992anakin1992 Posts: 283member
    somehow, i have to agree with your "one-sided relationship" between US and china. only difference is that the direction is the other way around. we have been pretty dictating the relationship with PRC for the past 30-40 years as china basically has been doing what we are telling them to do when we need them. now, they are starting to voice more about what they think and want. put politics aside, let me be candid about it, economically we are the suckers while they are the master because they have one of the biggest markets on this planet and they have money now more than ever. what we can do? shut up and sell whatever they want.

    Originally Posted by karmadave View Post

    China wants to continue the one-sided relationship with the US. Under this arrangement, China finances our debt, steals our intellectual property, and pays factory workers in state-owned factories slave wages to build stuff for American high tech companies. All while keeping their currency artificially low and markets closed to American products (especially those not built in China). This one-sided relationship has got to end! The 'Chinese Wall' of standards ensures that American companies will NEVER get a fair shake in China

  • Reply 37 of 69
    anakin1992anakin1992 Posts: 283member
    THINK? give me a break. many people on this forum lost it. take a look at those pointless arguments on iphone 4's so-called "death grip" problem. all they can think are those 5 bars for christ's sake. tomorrow if apple comes up with 5 red stars instead of bar, people will be panic for fearing of chinese commie are coming.

    Originally Posted by merlinw View Post

    Or at the very least, learn to think and research for yourself. A word of advice: Never ever believe either CNN or FOX. Learn to do research on your own.


  • Reply 38 of 69
    ranreloadedranreloaded Posts: 397member
    There's no way 500,000,000 people can afford an iPhone in China.
  • Reply 39 of 69
    anakin1992anakin1992 Posts: 283member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    They haven't excluded any other tech yet and they are quite large so I don't see them abandoning it.

    agreed. the argument of that chinese is building a great wall against foreign technology is totally BS. telecom industries in china are diverse and competitive. foreign companies lost the advantages they used to uphold, simply because of the sheer size of money involved. chinese domestic telecom equipment builders are catching up quickly and becoming not just competitive but also aggressive, even though their technologies are still not up to the latest at front. and chinese market is hugh thus diverse and even though TD-SCDMA is the chinese version of their vision on future cell phone network, other standards are also finding its footage in china. in future, even there might be a TD-LTE, other LTE will be also there side by side with it.

    apple's iphone on TD-SCDMA makes sense because before LTE, there is no point to make iphone for US CDMA carrier like Verizon as many US carriers are moving to 4G or at least 3G+ already. in china TD-SCDMA is still a 3G/transition to LTE. and their transition might take longer time if their subscribers are still in majority low end/low bandwidth users.

    apple's iphone presence in china will push carriers' network to their upper limit and thus might accelerate their migration from TD-SCDMA to 4G network. china cell providers used to lock into the mindset where more users more revenue. but now each of their network subscription rate is saturated, no more money can be extracted from subscribers. thus it is making sense that they upgrade their network, at least it is the time now.
  • Reply 40 of 69
    anakin1992anakin1992 Posts: 283member
    Originally Posted by ranReloaded View Post

    There's no way 500,000,000 people can afford an iPhone in China.

    there is no way for apple to build 500,000,000 iphones.
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