Android struggling to mimic iPhone's pay-to-own marketplace?



  • Reply 121 of 130
    cgrisarcgrisar Posts: 54member
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    As far as I can see, the experts all seem to agree that most of the time diminishing bars did not effect calls.

    And for a person that is so well in tune, I am still waiting so see how you would have gone about it. But then it might be a little harder for you to do so, not having an iPhone 4 in the first place to judge the experience yourself.

    Why do you / Apple want me to shell out 700 EUR to buy a phone that has a big big big reception issue. Didn't Apple itself say that we shouldn't grip the phone in some way? Didn't they say that you need the bumper (30 EUR) to solve the problems?

    I don't know how to fix it. But then again, I don't sell things that I haven't thoroughly tested, especially if these items are that expensive.

    My 2cents? They didn't test it well and found out about this reception issue something like a week before the keynote, foxconn producing the ip4 like mad. Too late to reengineer the antenna. And so, we'll sell the bumper with the phone, trying to cover their error in a marketing opportunity.

    I think I've gone the Apple way all along, since the Apple II (that's a long time ago). But I also think hubris is taking hold of the company. An evolution I don't like... at all. In fact, for me it's THE signal I was waiting for to sell my stock (bought at 9 USD - yep, a believer, even in bad tidings).
  • Reply 122 of 130
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    And another thread has descended into madness. Perhaps the good people at Apple Insider could have worked through the holiday weekend and gave us more stories to fight about. The two day drought seems to have given some here a lot of pent up frustrations.

    But you gotta admit it's much more fun to read.
  • Reply 123 of 130
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Like Robin suggested, it didn't happen that way. It's pretty clear Apple was going to offer Boot Camp because they released it within about a week of when the hackers released their kit. I very highly doubt Apple could have put Boot Camp together in a week.

    Using lawyers, and only on commercial entities trying to sell new computers with OS X or commercial software to make it painless. They have yet to go after hobbyists. These days, there is not that much of a technical barrier preventing OS X on a non-Mac.

    II'm pretty sure that the hackers forced their hand. And you're missing my point. Apple DID NOT use Intel chips so that windows could be installed on their Macs as was suggested. All you Mac devotees would've been aghast. Now that you mention it, it is interesting how Boot Camp came out so soon after the hacked kit. Maybe it was Apple that offered the $10000 using shifty go betweens so that they could release boot camp without the cry of blasphemy from the disciples. Nah. Good thing I'm not a conspiracy theorists.
  • Reply 124 of 130
    cgrisarcgrisar Posts: 54member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Note, that was from the first 3 days of sales, it's now been nearly 2 weeks.

    The most successful licensed smartphone OS?

    It doesn't have to be life threatening, but ig sure helps when trying to argue that very iPhone 4 should be recalled.

    Not all effected, it apparently only happens when you signal strength is waning (24dB change), and is still a very useful device according to most pundits affected.

    But none of those are of any consequence because Apple has done the unusual by officially stating a fix will be coming in a few weeks, and reinterated that you have 30-days to return the device, risk free (so long as you haven't damaged it).

    There is no part of that scresms for a recall.

    But there's the thing: the Apple fix is not for the worse reception when holding the iPhone. It's just a fix for better showing that reception is close to zero when holding the iPhone. Apple doesn't fix anything. They're just showing that they screwed up
  • Reply 125 of 130
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by cgrisar View Post

    My 2cents? They didn't test it well and found out about this reception issue something like a week before the keynote, foxconn producing the ip4 like mad. Too late to reengineer the antenna. And so, we'll sell the bumper with the phone, trying to cover their error in a marketing opportunity.

    Do you have any evidence to support you accusation? Or do you just like to flap against something that you never really intended to purchase in the first place?

    I apologize for being so direct. But I just feel that somebody who says he is a Apple supporter comes here and spends his first half dozen or so posts telling us how deceiving Apple is, must be a troll.

    But then, this is AppleInsider, which judging by all the Apple bashers of late, particularly by so many of the new members, could be renamed to Troller Haven. Haven't posted for awhile, but it does seem that all the guys that were banned a couple of months ago have snuck back.

    P.S. I doubt you have 2 sense. IMO.
  • Reply 126 of 130
    cgrisarcgrisar Posts: 54member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Do you have any evidence to support you accusation? Or do you just like to flap against something that you never really intended to purchase in the first place?

    I apologize for being so direct. But I just feel that somebody who says he is a Apple supporter comes here and spends his first half dozen or so posts telling us how deceiving Apple is, must be a troll.

    But then, this is AppleInsider, which judging by all the Apple bashers of late, particularly by so many of the new members, could be renamed to Troller Haven. Haven't posted for awhile, but it does seem that all the guys that were banned a couple of months ago have snuck back.

    P.S. I doubt you have 2 sense. IMO.

    to answer your PS; I have enough sense not to shell out 700 EUR for something that has a reception problem.

    To answer your first question. I don't have any hard evidence. I just do the maths. No bumper for iPhone 1, no bumper for iPhone 3G, no bumper for iPhone 3GS. And now all of a sudden, just after explaining how strong, nearly unbreakable the glass of the iPhone 4 is, enters the bumper.

    Remember, a lot of fans where quite puzzled by this weird setting.

    Ah yes, if you're not a 100% swallow it all worshiper, then you're a troll.

    I intend to buy it when it works properly. When I'm capable to make a call without the calls dropping (as is already to often the case with the 3GS that I own). Even in a 5 bar zone. Or is it now a 3 bars zone? I don't know.

    Between all the various explanation, coming from SJ Himself (don't grip it like that), I'm not sure what the solution will look like.

    PS I'm a fan. That's exactly the point why I allow myself to criticize this company. This antenna thing is very very very bad PR.
  • Reply 127 of 130
    synacksynack Posts: 1member
    I think its funny that a huge design oversight could be considered "innovative"..another fanboy who thinks apple can do no wrong. The way Steven jobs responded to this issue was also really unprofessional and bad for their PR. An easy fix. There are other companies that come out with innovative products that aren't a "me-too" product. Regardless of their market share and stock points they are not the most innovative amazing company on the planet...

    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    The reason the Apple way is not cheap is that they take more care and pride in what they do. They don't push cheaply made and designed me-too product out the door just to make a quick buck. When they do make mistakes, they tend to be for the right reason. By this I mean that any antenna problems that people may be having could have easily been avoided by Apple just continuing to use an internal antenna just like they did previously, and like everyone else does. Instead they chose to innovate, taking the risks that go with that. I admire and respect that.

  • Reply 128 of 130
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Originally Posted by SynAck View Post

    I think its funny that a huge design oversight could be considered "innovative"..another fanboy who thinks apple can do no wrong. The way Steven jobs responded to this issue was also really unprofessional and bad for their PR. An easy fix. There are other companies that come out with innovative products that aren't a "me-too" product. Regardless of their market share and stock points they are not the most innovative amazing company on the planet...

    First of all, thanks for the compliment. At my age, being called a boy anything is always welcome.

    Second, okay, I'll bite. Who is "the most innovative amazing company on the planet"? You should copy Fortune and Time magazines with your answer as these guys probably know a little bit about the subject, and will appreciate the evidence of how wrong they were in practically canonizing Steve Jobs.

  • Reply 129 of 130
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    First of all, thanks for the compliment. At my age, being called a boy anything is always welcome.

    Second, okay, I'll bite. Who is "the most innovative amazing company on the planet"? You should copy Fortune and Time magazines with your answer as these guys probably know a little bit about the subject, and will appreciate the evidence of how wrong they were in practically canonizing Steve Jobs.

    I?m waiting for his conclusion. He says Apple isn?t the most innovative but then ends with an ellipsis. I have to think he doesn?t know of a company or a person more innovative than Apple and Jobs.

    He may read ?most" as ?only?, exchanging your logical comment as exaggerated claim. Posters that throw around the term fanboy seem to have that tendency.

    I?m curious which other companies are more innovative than Apple. You?d think that if they selling products to the public we?d know who they are right off the top of our heads; that it would be blatantly obvious.
  • Reply 130 of 130
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I?m waiting for his conclusion. He says Apple isn?t the most innovative but then ends with an ellipsis. I have to think he doesn?t know of a company or a person more innovative than Apple and Jobs.

    He may read ?most" as ?only?, exchanging your logical comment as exaggerated claim. Posters that throw around the term fanboy seem to have that tendency.

    I?m curious which other companies are more innovative than Apple. You?d think that if they selling products to the public we?d know who they are right off the top of our heads; that it would be blatantly obvious.

    Yeah, I don't know why I bother to respond to these one-post wonders other than to avoid having others who might visit the thread think that is the last word on the subject.
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