Rumors of Apple charging iPad owners for iOS 4 upgrade are false

in iPad edited January 2014
A new rumor that Apple may charge users to upgrade the iPad to iOS 4 this fall is specifically contradicted by Apple's own licensing agreement, which states that the next major software update will be free to iPad owners.

Citing "top secret plans" from an anonymous source, wrote on Tuesday that Apple currently plans to charge iPad owners for the software upgrade. The source did not provide a price, but the U.K.-based magazine suggested it would be around £5.

The source reportedly told the magazine that the plans to charge are "definite." It reached out to Apple for a comment, and the Cupertino, Calif., company responded that it doesn't comment on rumors or speculation.

However, as AppleInsider noted back in March, the company's iPad licensing agreements specifically state that the "next major iPad OS software release" will be free for hardware owners, casting some doubt on the rumor. Releases beyond that, however, may come with a charge.

"For example, if your iPad originally shipped with iPad 3.x software, Apple would provide you with any iPad OS software updates it might release up to and including the iPad 4.x software release," the licensing agreement reads. "Such updates and releases may not necessarily include all of the new software features that Apple releases for newer iPad models."

In addition, Apple's recently launched iAds mobile advertising platform requires iOS 4 to appear in App Store software. By charging iPad owners to upgrade to the latest mobile operating system version, Apple could limit the number of users who can view its new interactive ads.

But it would not be unprecedented for Apple to charge for an upgrade, as previous software releases came with a fee for iPod touch users, due to an accounting issue. However, casting even more doubt on the latest rumor is the fact that Apple recently did away with that fee, as the iOS 4 upgrade is free for iPod touch owners.

In June, a profile of Apple's iAds service suggested that iOS 4 would launch for the iPad in November. Some features of the operating system upgrade, including Bluetooth keyboard support, are already supported in the iPad-exclusive iOS 3.2 mobile operating system.


  • Reply 1 of 40
    elmcitywebelmcityweb Posts: 109member
    I remember hearing this rumor before the iPad was even released. Apple would charge for os updates, allowing one freebie. We'll soon see.
  • Reply 2 of 40
    nealgnealg Posts: 132member
    If free for iPod touch owners, I doubt that they will charge iPad owners for the upgrade. There may be features that can't be used, like facetime, without adding some extra equipment(which I think is a possibility that Apple or some third party might come up with) but I think Apple will want as many people as possible on the new OS.

    It would seem this is another one of those rumors brought up strictly to hurt Apple's share price, from my perspective. Especially since it comes out right before earnings.

    Just my opinion though. Good luck out there today
  • Reply 3 of 40
    katonahkatonah Posts: 95member
    Will OS4 allow you to print from an Ipad?

    That's what I want to know.
  • Reply 4 of 40
    diddydiddy Posts: 282member
    Wasn’t IOS 4.0 for the Touch free long after previous upgrades (like 3.0) were paid? I thought that was one of the things that benefited from the new accounting rules was that Apple no longer had to account things on monthly payment regarding upgrades or whatever.
  • Reply 5 of 40
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Seems like the first update not being charged would be the nice thing to do. With handheld devices, the industry habit seems to be to not even offer major updates for older devices, at any price short of just buying an all-new unit.
  • Reply 6 of 40
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Katonah View Post

    Will OS4 allow you to print from an Ipad?

    That's what I want to know.

    I don't think anything has been said about that. Something like that could explain the delay, right now, there isn't a good reason to explain why iOS 4 not available for iPad until now.
  • Reply 7 of 40
    akhomerunakhomerun Posts: 386member
    I am a thief
  • Reply 8 of 40
    rdjlexkyrdjlexky Posts: 48member
    Why would Apple do that? It would make zero sense to punish your early adopters. Remember the flack they took with the original iPhone after they lowered the price two months after the release? Apple has blundered the iPhone 4 release in how they've handled it, but they don't make many mistakes otherwise. And this would be a huge mistake.
  • Reply 9 of 40
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by rdjlexky View Post

    Why would Apple do that? It would make zero sense to punish your early adopters. Remember the flack they took with the original iPhone after they lowered the price two months after the release? Apple has blundered the iPhone 4 release in how they've handled it, but they don't make many mistakes otherwise. And this would be a huge mistake.

    They won't, and stated clearly from the off that the iOS4 update would be free for iPad users.
  • Reply 10 of 40
    s4mb4s4mb4 Posts: 267member
    who cares. iOS 3.2 is fine. what will iOS 4 bring that makes the iPad better?
  • Reply 11 of 40
    maccherrymaccherry Posts: 924member
    Look, as long as Apple keeps making awesome products I'll tolerate a fee for an update. Cause god knows there ain't nothing on the market that can touch the ipad or iphone 4.
  • Reply 12 of 40
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member
    More bullshit rumours? What a surprise.
  • Reply 13 of 40
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Product announcements and various fees etc are not always what "Apple" wants - there is always a compromise between many competing factors in any business decision.

    I do wonder though about the so called "accounting issue" related to the iPod Touch upgrade - it was obviously not an insurmountable issue - though I wonder if the entire issues was the accounting department pointing out some balance sheet that didn't have numbers they wanted to see and charging for an upgrade was the easiest way to change the balance in the affected accounts.
  • Reply 14 of 40
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I don't think anything has been said about that. Something like that could explain the delay, right now, there isn't a good reason to explain why iOS 4 not available for iPad until now.

    What kind of Moderator are you?

    Are you a iPhone/iPad developer?

    Do you work for Apple in any capacity?

    Just what credentials do you have that would give you the prerogative to declare so definitely that there isn't a good reason to explain why iOS 4 not available for the iPad until now?

    Right now in my limited capacity developing iPad apps, I fell that you are way off base, particularly one who is supposed to be moderating this site. Or maybe I overrate your true capacity with regards to your functionality here. Then I apologize for my assumptions.

    In any event, Apple did say months ago that the iOS4 for the iPad would be released this fall. In my language, until the end of November there isn't any delay to explain.

    cc/Services 2010BL/AI/MOD
  • Reply 15 of 40
    e.t.e.t. Posts: 1member
    As far as I remember Apple needed to charge for updates due to accounting rules back then in the ipod touch update case. It was like you can't sell a product and promise to "deliver" later (in this case deliver improvements later). This was a consequence of the Sarbana Oxley regulation stuff after the Enron collapse.

    Couple of months ago Apple got approval to change their accounting practice and thus this artificial charging is none of an issue anymore.
  • Reply 16 of 40
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    It is highly unlikely Apple will charge for any iOS 4.x ...Also because they have no accounting reason to do so; the accounting rules (GAAP something or other) were recently changed (hence eg. no charge for iOS4 for iPod touch users).

    Lovin' my iPad WiFi+3G 32GB, I must say. Good to talk about iPad. Let's ignore the other flame burning a hole in the forums

    iOS 3.2.1 for iPad seems alright, iOS 4 is going to ROCK. Smoother, faster, better on the iPad. I feel it. Even with 256MB RAM. When using the iPad, who cares about specs? Sure, some parts could be even more smooth, iOS 4 alone should do that.

  • Reply 17 of 40
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by rdjlexky View Post

    Why would Apple do that? It would make zero sense to punish your early adopters.

    Early adopters has zero to do with it. It's the issue that they dropped the accounting rules that were tied to paid updates for the ipod touch AND said that at least the first major update would be free for the ipad. To go back on that would be a major PR gaff and they simply don't need that right now when there's still a very vocal group calling for a full iphone 4 recall of ALL units (not just US sold ones) in light of the 'design flaw' etc/

    Personally I think that is just jumping on the "If we mention Apple people will come to our site and other sites will talk about us and drive people to our site and we can make money off the hits" game and the whole 'story' and 'source' are totally bogus.
  • Reply 18 of 40
    Originally Posted by s4mb4 View Post

    who cares. iOS 3.2 is fine. what will iOS 4 bring that makes the iPad better?

    Folders, Multitasking, Open files in third party Apps, "video mirroring" and a whole slew of other tweaks like the new the new mail and photo features. iOS4 will be great for the ipad.
  • Reply 19 of 40
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I don't think anything has been said about that. Something like that could explain the delay, right now, there isn't a good reason to explain why iOS 4 not available for iPad until now.

    I suspect that the reasons have less to do with the ipad itself and more to do with debugging and worries about server overload if they let all those ipad folks upgrade at the same time as the millions of 3gs out there.

    Originally Posted by lilgto64 View Post

    Product announcements and various fees etc are not always what "Apple" wants - there is always a compromise between many competing factors in any business decision.

    I do wonder though about the so called "accounting issue" related to the iPod Touch upgrade - it was obviously not an insurmountable issue - though I wonder if the entire issues was the accounting department pointing out some balance sheet that didn't have numbers they wanted to see and charging for an upgrade was the easiest way to change the balance in the affected accounts.

    Originally Posted by WestCoast View Post

    What kind of Moderator are you?

    Dude, you need to step off and close the mouth. Seriously. You've been on this board for less than a month. And clearly you don't understand the concept of stating an opinion. Or perhaps you need people to say 'in my opinion' every time.

    Jeff is a long standing member of this board and whether he is a developer etc has nothing to do with whether he has a right to state an opinion.

    Your demands for validation of his right could be tossed back at you. Are you a developer( just how 'limited' are you), do you work for Apple, and what credentials do you have that give you the prerogative to come in here and straight off demand justification from someone else. And what gives you the balls to do it to a moderator.


    Or maybe I overrate your true capacity with regards to your functionality here.

    That at least you have right

    Oh and and if that last line is supposed to be some kind of copyright tag, drop it. Pretentious extreme. Trust me, no one is going to steal your comments and claim them as their own. They aren't clever enough.
  • Reply 20 of 40
    I thought the only web sites that made stuff up in order to get page views ended in "*modo."
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