Strong quarter expected, but Apple's 'antennagate' could hurt iPhone sales



  • Reply 41 of 83
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    We just started page two of this thread and it has already devolved into The Fanbois vs. The FanDroids. Gee, I wonder how this will turn out...

    At any rate, the real problem Apple has is not the antenna, it's supplying the huge demand for iPhone 4. And still no white iPhone 4.
  • Reply 42 of 83
    bartbuzzbartbuzz Posts: 131member
    I hope this "forecast" is enough to push Steve Jobs towards Verizon. Maybe the rumors about January 2011 will turn into reality this fall instead. It will be interesting to see how the iPhone fairs on a network that actually has quality reception. That's why I won't leave Verizon for AT&T. Besides that I'm just no fan of the Droid phones. The App Store and iTunes have no competition IMHO. I tries going PC and to describe my experience in technical terms that most Apple users understand...those seven or eight months working with Windows and Norton Utilities sucked. I know, I know...I'm a Fanboy. What can I say.
  • Reply 43 of 83
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    The only thing that will restrict iPhone sales is supply.

    I'm on day 26 waiting for Radio Shack to get me my iPhone 4, I was the first one on the 15th to 'pre-order' and still do not have one. Friday I was told to not to expect it at all this month, maybe in August, but they just don't know WHEN they'll get them in. They've had only three 16 GB versions and of course, I'm the first one to order a 32 GB version which has yet to arrive at all.

    Chris Powers
  • Reply 44 of 83
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Apple and the iPhone have a bad image with the normal general public right now. Only Apple fanbois are walking around with a "just get a case" mentality. The iPhone 4 is perceived as not being able to hold calls, whatever the reason. This makes Android look like a pretty good option.

    Okay Apple apologists. Your turn now.

    Hard to say, techstud. Every time I've gone into either an at&t store or an Apple Store, it seems like there are more buyers and interested potential customers every time. I think the perception that Apple is now somehow been 'poisoned' by the antenna issue is all a game of inside baseball.
  • Reply 45 of 83
    phalanxphalanx Posts: 109member
    Originally Posted by SixPenceRicher View Post

    Typical Fandroid trolling. The EVO has a serious grounding problem allowing use of the device's touchscreen only when held. Android has had a number of well-publicized malicious applications distributed to its user base. Fandroids go on and on and on about phone hardware specs, but rarely ever consider the actual usability of the entire package for any particular purpose, or any particular use case. HTC and Moto come out with, perhaps, six new phones a year -- essentially, planned obsolescence on a roughly quarterly basis -- which causes serious financial and product churn in the Fandroid community...

    And, yet, Apple comes out with a single new platform every summer like clockwork, and still manages to outsell, outperform, and innovate beyond all of the other manufacturers. Those are facts born by the financials, adoption rates, and customer sats. If you don't want the iPhone, don't buy it. If you bought the iPhone and don't like it, take it back. The only people that perceive the Antennagate as a real issue are the Fandroids that desperately want to strike down the industry's leading company, Apple. It's always easy to take shots at the leader...

    Teddy Roosevelt once conveyed the following wisdom, which holds true today about Apple's innovation and occasional slight missteps:

    ?It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.?

    This sounds a lot like what Microsoft said a few years back. I find it ironic that the one thing the iPhone does the worst, is actually its namesake ("Phone"). It has never been a good phone. People have blamed AT&T when other AT&T phones don't drop calls near as much. Then of course we find out that Apple, "the great innovators", don't even know how to compute signal strength bars. That has got to be the funniest thing ever. I find it extremely interesting.
  • Reply 46 of 83
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by zindako View Post

    I love my iPhone4, thats all I have to say.

    You're not allowed to like your iP4!! Damnit!! You must be a fanbois who actually doesn't have a phone and you are lying just to prop up an obviously faulty phone that doesn't even turn on properly and the screen is awful and you can't even use it inside... you must go outside and climb a tree to use it. You're an idiot!*

    (*tongue placed firmly in cheek)
  • Reply 47 of 83
    island hermitisland hermit Posts: 6,217member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I think the perception that Apple is now somehow been 'poisoned' by the antenna issue is all a game of inside baseball.

    Pocket pool...
  • Reply 48 of 83
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by qualar View Post

    {re: Chronster} No fanboy but 1200+ posts on AppleInsider?

    That's a little misleading. 1,185 of those posts were complaining about the iPhone antenna issue.
  • Reply 49 of 83
    bartbuzzbartbuzz Posts: 131member
    This is slightly off topic. I don't know if any of you remember that Steve Jobs said the 300 Apple Stores had over 60 million visitors last quarter. Assuming the stores are open 8 hours a day everyday, that equates to almost 300 (277 doing the math) visitors an hour at each store. I can believe that since they are always crawling with people when I'm there. So I expect to see iPhone sales continue at this torrid pace. Can you imagine the flurry of visitors when Verizon starts selling them!
  • Reply 50 of 83
    Originally Posted by zindako View Post

    I love my iPhone4, thats all I have to say.

    When I said "okay Apple apologists, your turn" you knew I was talking to you, didn't you? I see the Kool Aid is flowing well today.

    The point of my earlier post was not to be an android fanboi, but to point out that the general public regards Apple as having stumbled over their fat head on this one. Add to the fact that the general public regards Apple fans as cultish nutjobs to begin with and you end up with a brand name that is tarnished. Now thanks to the steve mobs press conference, Apple is regarded as arrogant too.

    Statements like "I love my iPhone" just make the point for me. Now wipe off your keyboards and keep apologizing to me.
  • Reply 51 of 83
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    That's a little misleading. 1,185 of those posts were complaining about the iPhone antenna issue.

    Come on! Add an emoticon if you are going to make a joke or it might be taken as a serious comment.

    PS: I almost always disagree with Chonster and don?t understand how or why he is so negative, but I?ve never thought of him as a troll. His posts aren?t even close to the asshats that do like to troll these forums daily.

    Originally Posted by BartBuzz View Post

    This is slightly off topic. I don't know if any of you remember that Steve Jobs said the 300 Apple Stores had over 60 million visitors last quarter. Assuming the stores are open 8 hours a day everyday, that equates to almost 300 (277 doing the math) visitors an hour at each store. I can believe that since they are always crawling with people when I'm there. So I expect to see iPhone sales continue at this torrid pace. Can you imagine the flurry of visitors when Verizon starts selling them!

    Not to belittle the impressive foot traffic average, but I think the daily average is closer to 12 hours.
  • Reply 52 of 83
    I don't own an iPhone.

    I do have an iPad, and a MacPro desktop.

    Does that make me a fanboy?

    How about owning 640 shares of the stock, and 2 options to buy more in 2011?

    I have made a lot of money buying and selling Apple. I was immensely bothered by this antenna news, and more importantly, by the initial response to the issue. Hell, I am even bothered by the assertion he made about all smart phones suffering similarly. Its just not true, if by "similarly" you mean, drops calls due to grip technique.

    I hope that today's earnings announcements show much better than expected Mac sales. Apple has been giving a lot of pre-earnings guidance on how many ipads and iphones are being sold, but has been quiet on the computer front. My hope is that all of the ipads and iphones being sold are driving up store traffic and driving up sales of laptops and desktops, so that this stock gets a big lift. All of that said and done, I will not buy an iPhone if I need a bumper to use it. I'd rather have a functioning phone and PAY for a case than a non-functioning phone and getting a free case.
  • Reply 53 of 83
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    I like the TR quote.

    Android phones do have significant problems. I don't really download many applications for precisely the issues you raise. I do still have my old 3G for some apps that I like. But as you point out, "usability" is an issue, which is the reason I reluctantly left the iPhone universe. On Verizon, I now have a signal everywhere. I have gone places I never could get a signal with AT&T - everyday places like the grocery store - and now have a great signal. That is what pushed me over the edge.

    I do agree with you, TR, and Steve Jobs, about everyone wanting to snipe at the leader. While that is sad, it is also true. There are real questions about how "Antennagate" will impact Apple - even if this is not their fault and is the result of unfair attacks by competitors and the media. Maybe it won't at all. Apple has ridden above the clouds for the last 10 years and seems to be untouchable. But just posing the question is not grounds for the level of vitriol that has bee displayed on this thread, and in your post.

    The bottom line is that the "Fandroids" and the "Fanboys" are both speculating here. None of us know. The financial results Apple reports today really won't tell us either. Yes, there are still lines and waiting lists for the iPhone 4. Are those early adopter upgraders from previous iPhone owners or is Apple doing what it needs to do - which is expand to new owners of the iPhone? Will people who were thinking of getting an iPhone decide to get something else because of all the things they have heard, or will Apple's stellar reputation, huge library of apps, and well-known usability sway them to the iPhone? I would say we probably won't know until next quarter, when Apple reports its sales. Until then, jragosta, there is no reason to accuse someone else of lying. Others have as much right to their opinions as you do.

    Originally Posted by SixPenceRicher View Post

    Typical Fandroid trolling. The EVO has a serious grounding problem allowing use of the device's touchscreen only when held. Android has had a number of well-publicized malicious applications distributed to its user base. Fandroids go on and on and on about phone hardware specs, but rarely ever consider the actual usability of the entire package for any particular purpose, or any particular use case. HTC and Moto come out with, perhaps, six new phones a year -- essentially, planned obsolescence on a roughly quarterly basis -- which causes serious financial and product churn in the Fandroid community...

    And, yet, Apple comes out with a single new platform every summer like clockwork, and still manages to outsell, outperform, and innovate beyond all of the other manufacturers. Those are facts born by the financials, adoption rates, and customer sats. If you don't want the iPhone, don't buy it. If you bought the iPhone and don't like it, take it back. The only people that perceive the Antennagate as a real issue are the Fandroids that desperately want to strike down the industry's leading company, Apple. It's always easy to take shots at the leader...

    Teddy Roosevelt once conveyed the following wisdom, which holds true today about Apple's innovation and occasional slight missteps:

    ?It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.?

  • Reply 54 of 83
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by desarc View Post

    "For now," he continued, "the Lilliputians have Gulliver in a tangle."

    This isn't funny and doesn't clarify anything.

    Analysts need to Analyze and stop Analogizing.

    I thought that particular part was spot on.
  • Reply 55 of 83
    rmm221rmm221 Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by phalanx View Post

    This sounds a lot like what Microsoft said a few years back. I find it ironic that the one thing the iPhone does the worst, is actually its namesake ("Phone"). It has never been a good phone. People have blamed AT&T when other AT&T phones don't drop calls near as much. Then of course we find out that Apple, "the great innovators", don't even know how to compute signal strength bars. That has got to be the funniest thing ever. I find it extremely interesting.

    Oh little naive little child... You actually believe Apple didn't know they were boosting the bar signal artifically for 4 years? They knew.. AT&T probably worked with them on that so people didn't know how bad AT&T coverage can be in some areas.

    I would bet money that other phone manufacturers lie about their signal algorithm also....

    In the end this whole "attenna-gate" nonsense will blow over just like the jokes about the name of the IPAD sounding like a feminine product didn't hold water for long.... ha.
  • Reply 56 of 83
    bartbuzzbartbuzz Posts: 131member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Come on! Add an emoticon if you are going to make a joke or it might be taken as a serious comment.

    PS: I almost always disagree with Chonster and don?t understand how or why he is so negative, but I?ve never thought of him as a troll. His posts aren?t even close to the asshats that do like to troll these forums daily.

    Not to belittle the impressive foot traffic average, but I think the daily average is closer to 12 hours.

    I should have checked the store hours. My local Apple Store is open 72 hours a week. But the Apple Store on 5th Avenue in New York is open 24/365. So I guess the foot traffic is closer to 200 an hour. Like you said, still impressive.
  • Reply 57 of 83
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by BartBuzz View Post

    This is slightly off topic. I don't know if any of you remember that Steve Jobs said the 300 Apple Stores had over 60 million visitors last quarter. Assuming the stores are open 8 hours a day everyday, that equates to almost 300 (277 doing the math) visitors an hour at each store. I can believe that since they are always crawling with people when I'm there. So I expect to see iPhone sales continue at this torrid pace. Can you imagine the flurry of visitors when Verizon starts selling them!

    The hourly rate may be somewhat lower since most stores (at least in the U.S.) are open something like 72 to 73 hours a week. Don't know about stores in other countries. Nevertheless, the hourly visitor rate is well into the hundreds.
  • Reply 58 of 83
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Oops! Apple is +$6.68 this afternoon. Kinda calls into question all the FUD being spread around here about how Apple is getting killed over the antenna "issue".
  • Reply 59 of 83
    daveswdavesw Posts: 406member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Oops! Apple is +$6.68 this afternoon. Kinda calls into question all the FUD being spread around here about how Apple is getting killed over the antenna "issue".

    Mostly jealous Android owners or Google/Adobe/Nokia/Rim/Samsung/HTC employees.
  • Reply 60 of 83
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Apple and the iPhone have a bad image with the normal general public right now. Only Apple fanbois are walking around with a "just get a case" mentality. The iPhone 4 is perceived as not being able to hold calls, whatever the reason. This makes Android look like a pretty good option.

    Okay Apple apologists. Your turn now.


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    If you care, click on his alias and review mess messages.

    I reviewed about 17, before I got bored

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    Make your own decision whether @Blackintosh has an agenda or is interested in serious discussion.

    BTW, for the Apple is doomed crowd because of Antennagate-- AAPL is up over $6.

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