Strong quarter expected, but Apple's 'antennagate' could hurt iPhone sales



  • Reply 81 of 83
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Apple and the iPhone have a bad image with the normal general public right now. Only Apple fanbois are walking around with a "just get a case" mentality. The iPhone 4 is perceived as not being able to hold calls, whatever the reason. This makes Android look like a pretty good option.

    Okay Apple apologists. Your turn now.

    The negative perception may not be as widespread as you think. A friend had been on the fence about getting a smartphone of any kind for a while. Despite the widely publicized antenna "issue," he was nearly sold on the iPhone prior to the recommendations of me and another buddy who actually have the iPhone 4. His biggest concern wasn't about the iPhone's performance so much as it was about AT&T's service quality. Our impressions of our user experiences basically solidified his position. He's going to get an iPhone and switch to AT&T as soon as his T-Mobile contract expires.

    I don't think there's anything to apologize for. Most people with iPhones (4s or otherwise) are overwhelmingly satisfied with them. I see iPhones everywhere, often in the hands of the most unlikely of users, and I never hear users in the wild complaining about their iPhones in any way (certainly nothing along the lines of "I wish I didn't have to use this stupid case!" or other such nonsense).

    On the flip side, everyone I've known with an "iPhone killer" competing smartphone (e.g., Instinct, various BlackBerrys) have all grown to hate them for sundry reasons and switched to something else. If they didn't switch to an iPhone, it was because they were contractually obligated to their carrier; in those cases they usually got a dumbphone and an iPod touch.

    Only Apple haters are still making a big deal about this.
  • Reply 82 of 83
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Analyst Yair Reiner has reduced his projected iPhone sales for the next quarter to 8.5 million, down from 11 million, citing well publicized signal drops that can be replicated with the iPhone 4 in weak signal areas.

    Same thing Consumer Reports said. Basically this is only an issue if your ATT is crap.

    So I don't know, maybe THE issue is that your ATT is crap. Not the phone.

    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Apple and the iPhone have a bad image with the normal general public right now.

    Sorry but you couldn't be more wrong. The "normal general public" doesn't read the blogs etc, most of them don't have a clue about all this fuss. Which is why stores are still 3 deep with folks buying the iphone and have been every day since the launch
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