Strong quarter expected, but Apple's 'antennagate' could hurt iPhone sales



  • Reply 61 of 83
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Oops! Apple is +$6.68 this afternoon. Kinda calls into question all the FUD being spread around here about how Apple is getting killed over the antenna "issue".

    They were killed over the antenna issue. Particularly after the consume reports news hit the airwaves.
  • Reply 62 of 83
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I can?t stand the suffix. With this it?s more absurd because this isn?t even a scandal. We need a new term. Any ideas?


  • Reply 63 of 83
    berpberp Posts: 136member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    When I said "okay Apple apologists, your turn" you knew I was talking to you, didn't you? I see the Kool Aid is flowing well today.

    The point of my earlier post was not to be an android fanboi, but to point out that the general public regards Apple as having stumbled over their fat head on this one. Add to the fact that the general public regards Apple fans as cultish nutjobs to begin with and you end up with a brand name that is tarnished. Now thanks to the steve mobs press conference, Apple is regarded as arrogant too.

    Statements like "I love my iPhone" just make the point for me. Now wipe off your keyboards and keep apologizing to me.

    I do expect the cult to grow six billion minus teckstud strong. We need you on the outside to keep the record and the dictionary straight when the whole world has gone iPhone cult mad...

    If you don't take me up on it you risk you and we becoming anonymous by default iPhone users, with you the hollow voice of an extinct whining sub specie.

    Save Humanity's legacy... For our sake, please stay the course and keep out of mainstream iPhonephilia!
  • Reply 64 of 83
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by BartBuzz View Post

    This is slightly off topic. I don't know if any of you remember that Steve Jobs said the 300 Apple Stores had over 60 million visitors last quarter. Assuming the stores are open 8 hours a day everyday, that equates to almost 300 (277 doing the math) visitors an hour at each store.

    Open 8 hours a day? I'll go way out on a limb and say you've never worked in retail.... Not a dig mind you.... I think you should consider yourself very very lucky..

    More realistic... 10-12 hours a day if not longer with a few stores that never close..

    Now I'd say 7 days a week but Sunday blue laws are still prevalent in many places so... Let's call it 10 hours a day Monday thru Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday times half the total number of stores.

    60m / ((300*10*6) + (150 * 8 * 1)) * 52 (weeks) or apx 60 visitors per hour give or take
  • Reply 65 of 83
    macsharkmacshark Posts: 229member
    # Company reports revenues of $15.70B vs Reuters $14.77B.

    # Macs 3.47M vs 3.20M

    # iPods 9.41M vs 9.79M

    # iPhones 8.4M vs 8.32M

    # iPads 3.27M vs 3.27M

    # Guides Q4 EPS to $3.44 vs Reuters $3.83

    # Guides revenues to $18.0 vs Reuters $17.07B

    Does the lower EPS guidance vs higher revenue guidance indicate price cuts before the end of the year?
  • Reply 66 of 83
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by macshark View Post

    # Company reports revenues of $15.70B vs Reuters $14.77B.

    # Macs 3.47M vs 3.20M

    # iPods 9.41M vs 9.79M

    # iPhones 8.4M vs 8.32M

    # iPads 3.27M vs 3.27M

    # Guides Q4 EPS to $3.44 vs Reuters $3.83

    # Guides revenues to $18.0 vs Reuters $17.07B

    Does the lower EPS guidance vs higher revenue guidance indicate price cuts before the end of the year?

    Nah! Apple doesn't [usually] do price cuts. They always are very conservative in their guidance.

    The analysts always over compensate-- then Apple usually blows them away.

    Usually, when they guide lower margin or EPS it is due to constrained parts that they have to pay a premium for, new products at aggressive prices, etc. For example, everyone expected the iPad to have an entry price of $1,000-$1,100.

    You can listen to the call or follow one of the sites covering it, to see the rational that Apple gives.

  • Reply 67 of 83
    oxygenhoseoxygenhose Posts: 236member
    Originally Posted by David Scubadiver View Post

    I don't own an iPhone.

    I do have an iPad, and a MacPro desktop.

    Does that make me a fanboy?

    How about owning 640 shares of the stock, and 2 options to buy more in 2011?

    I have made a lot of money buying and selling Apple. I was immensely bothered by this antenna news, and more importantly, by the initial response to the issue. Hell, I am even bothered by the assertion he made about all smart phones suffering similarly. Its just not true, if by "similarly" you mean, drops calls due to grip technique.

    I hope that today's earnings announcements show much better than expected Mac sales. Apple has been giving a lot of pre-earnings guidance on how many ipads and iphones are being sold, but has been quiet on the computer front. My hope is that all of the ipads and iphones being sold are driving up store traffic and driving up sales of laptops and desktops, so that this stock gets a big lift. All of that said and done, I will not buy an iPhone if I need a bumper to use it. I'd rather have a functioning phone and PAY for a case than a non-functioning phone and getting a free case.

    You sir are a liar. There's no way in hell you trade Apple stock. Can you count? How many iPhones and iPad have they sold this quarter? How's that App store doing? Maybe you should take a break from your idiot speculation for a while, before you hurt yourself.
  • Reply 68 of 83
    oxygenhoseoxygenhose Posts: 236member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    When I said "okay Apple apologists, your turn" you knew I was talking to you, didn't you? I see the Kool Aid is flowing well today.

    The point of my earlier post was not to be an android fanboi, but to point out that the general public regards Apple as having stumbled over their fat head on this one. Add to the fact that the general public regards Apple fans as cultish nutjobs to begin with and you end up with a brand name that is tarnished. Now thanks to the steve mobs press conference, Apple is regarded as arrogant too.

    Statements like "I love my iPhone" just make the point for me. Now wipe off your keyboards and keep apologizing to me.

    Is there some sort of tech opinion junta at your local weed store bro? Obviously you need to do some better PR, because nobody knows about your apparent status as master of tech industry insight.

    I'm just curious, by what methodology do you reach your astounding conclusions? Opinion polling? Masturbation?

    Why do you visit cultish websites for devices that have a totally negative public perception? I'm guessing the depth of your intellect matches your ability to impress the ladies, which affords you the time and leaves you craving an anonymous way to pretend your floppy drive is a 5", rather than a 3 1/2.
  • Reply 69 of 83
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    Floppies were 5.25 inches, not 5. Oh I get it! Its a penis size joke! Ha ha ha! So if you like the Mac and iPhone 4 your penis must be bigger than those Windoze/Fandroid douches, right? Good one! Your wit is as sharp as your tech knowledge.

    Originally Posted by oxygenhose View Post

    Is there some sort of tech opinion junta at your local weed store bro? Obviously you need to do some better PR, because nobody knows about your apparent status as master of tech industry insight.

    I'm just curious, by what methodology do you reach your astounding conclusions? Opinion polling? Masturbation?

    Why do you visit cultish websites for devices that have a totally negative public perception? I'm guessing the depth of your intellect matches your ability to impress the ladies, which affords you the time and leaves you craving an anonymous way to pretend your floppy drive is a 5", rather than a 3 1/2.

  • Reply 70 of 83
    bartbuzzbartbuzz Posts: 131member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Open 8 hours a day? I'll go way out on a limb and say you've never worked in retail.... Not a dig mind you.... I think you should consider yourself very very lucky..

    More realistic... 10-12 hours a day if not longer with a few stores that never close..

    Now I'd say 7 days a week but Sunday blue laws are still prevalent in many places so... Let's call it 10 hours a day Monday thru Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday times half the total number of stores.

    60m / ((300*10*6) + (150 * 8 * 1)) * 52 (weeks) or apx 60 visitors per hour give or take

    You are right. I never worked in retail. Earlier posters suggested I look at the Apple retail store hours. It looks more like 72 to 75 hours a week is more accurate. I don't know if your assumption about half the stores never closing is right? I looked at several of the larger cities and New York was the only one I found that was 24/7.

    1) 60 million visitors in the last quarter at 300 stores.

    2) 1 quarter = 13 weeks = 13*75hours = 975 hours

    3) 60,000,000/975 = 61,538 visitors per hour

    4) 61,538/300 stores = 205 visitors per hour per store

    So I guess we can agree on somewhere between 60 and 200.
  • Reply 71 of 83
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    The people that actually believe in Antennagate have absolutely no common sense; therefore, shouldn't own a smartphone. Every other cellphone manual explains the antenna performance if held a specific way, and even the Rim 9700 Safety manual says to hold the phone at least .98 inches away from your body if you are not using a RIM-approved case. So in other words, you shouldn't put it anywhere near your head! It even goes so far to say that if you use a case that is not RIM-approved, you may void your warranty! The funniest part of their safety manual says to keep the phone away from the abdomen of pregnant women and teenagers!

    Meanwhile, the people at RIM claim their phone has no issues and can be used without a case. Hmmm...maybe they need to read their own manual first.

    I just got my Nokia 2720 flip GoPhone after returning my iPhone 4 due to financial reasons. On Page 9 clearly says with a big NO symbol, do not block the lower half of the phone for proper antenna performance. So if people think this antennagate with cell phones is something brand new, they are pretty stupid.
  • Reply 72 of 83
    sinceresincere Posts: 42member
    Originally Posted by SixPenceRicher View Post

    Typical Fandroid trolling. The EVO has a serious grounding problem allowing use of the device's touchscreen only when held. Android has had a number of well-publicized malicious applications distributed to its user base. Fandroids go on and on and on about phone hardware specs, but rarely ever consider the actual usability of the entire package for any particular purpose, or any particular use case. HTC and Moto come out with, perhaps, six new phones a year -- essentially, planned obsolescence on a roughly quarterly basis -- which causes serious financial and product churn in the Fandroid community...

    And, yet, Apple comes out with a single new platform every summer like clockwork, and still manages to outsell, outperform, and innovate beyond all of the other manufacturers. Those are facts born by the financials, adoption rates, and customer sats. If you don't want the iPhone, don't buy it. If you bought the iPhone and don't like it, take it back. The only people that perceive the Antennagate as a real issue are the Fandroids that desperately want to strike down the industry's leading company, Apple. It's always easy to take shots at the leader...

    Teddy Roosevelt once conveyed the following wisdom, which holds true today about Apple's innovation and occasional slight missteps:

    ?It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.?

    Whhhoooaaaa That's deep...but very true indeed
  • Reply 73 of 83
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Apple and the iPhone have a bad image with the normal general public right now. Only Apple fanbois are walking around with a "just get a case" mentality. The iPhone 4 is perceived as not being able to hold calls, whatever the reason. This makes Android look like a pretty good option.

    Okay Apple apologists. Your turn now.

    Ok. It's flame bait but I'll bite

    True Apple fanbois are walking around with "use it naked" mentality. Since the vast majority of actual iPhone 4 owners are not experiencing signal issues, they don't need a case unless they are a klutz and plan to drop their iPhone onto asphalt.

    Why is the iPhone 4 perceived as not being able to hold calls? Dropped calls are not significantly worse on the iPhone 4 compared to the 3GS, based on AT&T's call drop data. This was revealed during Apple's Friday press conference.

    Which video on the web makes Android look like a good option? The ones where you could simply hold an Android phone with a normal grip and watch all of the bars disappear in a matter of seconds? Yeah, real good option. Nice try.
  • Reply 74 of 83
    doroteadorotea Posts: 323member
    A large asteroid could hit apple headquarters too. Could doesn't count.
  • Reply 75 of 83
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    I recently heard a rumour that an asteroid will hit Cupertino shortly.
  • Reply 76 of 83
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I recently heard a rumour that an asteroid will hit Cupertino shortly.

    Oh, you just explained the new data center!
  • Reply 77 of 83
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Dorotea View Post

    A large asteroid could hit apple headquarters too. Could doesn't count.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I recently heard a rumour that an asteroid will hit Cupertino shortly.

    All the Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas

    Layin' in the sun,

    Talkin' 'bout the things

    They woulda coulda shoulda done...

    But those Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas

    All ran away and hid

    From one little Did.

    -Shel Silverstein-

    P.S. @Dorotea where have you been! You've been here for years, but with few posts.

    I had a friend, Ray, like you-- while others (including me) were babbling on (talking, without listening), Ray didn't say anything! Then, Ray would say something-- everybody would stop and pay attention!

  • Reply 78 of 83
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Then why are you spending so much energy whining about the iPhone? Nothing is perfect. Even with its flaws - which you are parading constantly - it's your first choice. So what's with all the whining?

    I'm adding you to my ignore list now (I rarely do this with anyone) because the abortion of intelligence you constantly post has become THAT repulsive to read.

    And in case you think I'm making stuff up (because you're mentally incapable of seeing what I'm talking about) here's my response to the nonsense posted from that single sentence:

    I don't spend any energy whining about the iphone. This is bullshit you've made up because if you're not praising it, you MUST be whining about it.

    I don't "parade constantly" the flaws of the iphone, but rather I've joined in the discussions on a SINGLE flaw that is only considered a flaw in the correct circumstances.

    Finally, when the hell have I ever said the iphone is my first choice!?!?!?

    You think using strawman arguments is a way to have a discussion on anything. That every discussion must turn into an argument, and you must be a winner (or at least, you want so badly to feel like you've one an argument.)

    The internet is a perfect place for you I guess.
  • Reply 79 of 83
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    The real grip of death is the one Apple has on its competition.
  • Reply 80 of 83
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    The real grip of death is the one Apple has on its competition.

    They?ve certainly attenuated the profits of their competitors.
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