Popular iPhone camera app pulled over "Easter egg" shutter button



  • Reply 101 of 188
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    With all due respect, this particular developer isn't crying to the public. It's the public doing all the crying. She's been rather calm about it on her blog and Twitter.

    Since I haven't read her blog or twitter I'll concede she is not "crying about it". But she has made it public ... right? What ever happened to keeping disagreements between two parties private .... seems to me that there is an agenda there, of sorts, wouldn't you agree?
  • Reply 102 of 188
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    I'm telling you to not take this poster serious.

    Sorry, I didn't pick up your meaning. ..... whoooosh ..... that's the sound of your post going over my head.
  • Reply 103 of 188
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by Dimwit View Post

    So, which is a developer agreement? "rule of law" or "rule of society"? When you say law, please tell me when I can expect to hear about an arrest in the heinous case.


    When you sign a developer agreement are you not, morally, if not legally, bound to abide by that agreement? ..... otherwise, why even have an agreement.
  • Reply 104 of 188
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    I wish we lived in a world with personal responsibility again, instead of one where we just get mad and blame everyone else for our poor decisions.

    I could not agree more ... hear, hear.
  • Reply 105 of 188
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    and people thought the thread with the photo of Jobs leaving bread & flour was bad...

  • Reply 106 of 188
    dimwitdimwit Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    1. Columbus would never have discovered the western hemisphere... what "rule" did he break?

    At the time, the thought that the world was/is round was considered heretical. Especially in Europe at that time, you could legally be put to death for Heresy.

    2. President Obama wouldn't be President .... what "rule" did he break?

    I suppose you've never heard of Rosa Parks? Brown vs. Board of Education? If not, go talk to your black friends, they'll fill you in.

    3. two friends wouldn't have started one of the greatest technology companies in their garage .... what "rule" did they break?

    This one was a case of "conventional wisdom" that computers weren't for everyone.

    4. WE WOULDN'T EVEN HAVE AN iPHONE to begin with .... what rules was broken?

    First off it should be "what rules were broken", or" what rule was broken". Secondly, I had a Razr v3m that was capable of using mp3 files as ringtones. Sprint wanted me to have to buy ringtones from them, so they had Moto disable the feature. If Apple hadn't pushed, we'd all be rockin' glorified ROKR's on VZ.

    Don't confuse "rules of conventional wisdom" with rules of society or rules of law. We have enough people here more than willing to do that already.

    Don't confuse my screen name for an accurate description of me, or my post total here for an accurate approximation of my experience on forums like this one.


  • Reply 107 of 188
    plovellplovell Posts: 826member
    Apple is right to enforce its usage guidelines/rules. Otherwise they become useless and you get cruft like Windows.

    At the same time, it should listen to a reasonable request to amend the guidelines. Not give a pass to Camera+, but amend the guidelines to say that the volume buttons can be used in other ways in certain circumstances.

    Personally, I find the on-screen shutter button to be a poor way to take photos. I don't have Camera+ but it does seem to me that the volume button is an appropriate control while taking pictures. After all, you're probably not using it for volume control at that point anyhow.

    I'd like to see Apple revise the guidelines.
  • Reply 108 of 188
    dimwitdimwit Posts: 29member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    When you sign a developer agreement are you not, morally, if not legally, bound to abide by that agreement? ..... otherwise, why even have an agreement.

    So, I should look forward to an arrest?

    As far as I can tell, this developer didn't do anything wrong to begin with, yes they tried to push the limits of the dev agreement, maybe they were trying to demonstrate that in certain instances, the rules are too tight. Obviously, Apples vaunted app review process let the app through with the code to enable this easter egg in place. Is that not evidence of at least tacit approval on Apples part?

    I'll say it again, I have NO problem with Apple pushing back when this egg went public, or with Tap3 putting it in in the first place. It never should have went public, but that's another story.

    On the other hand, the fervor this has stirred up on the net has to mean there is more than a little interest in this "feature".


  • Reply 109 of 188
    Originally Posted by SendMe View Post

    I bet you work for Android!!

    absolutely do not-i am a mac user of over 20 years-

    a student studying astrophysics

    spend spare time doing 3d animation projects in Maya-

    also spend a lot of time fixing effed up macs and iphones.

    It is appalling how moronic Apple users are today but I reckon since many of them (maybe most-maybe not) are ex windows users....

    Well that explains this and sums it up...

    Seems these windows users are taking all the fun out of what apple has always been-and Steve Jobs has to back them up so he can keep funding his projects...

    Windows has gotten people so paranoid with viruses, malware, applications that take over the system wide setting and the list goes on users can't decipher between the good guys (developers including the JB iP dev team) and the bad guys - (truly malicious terror - which hardly exists) it is appalling the comments, speculation and BS people put up on the forums lately-Apple users use to at the least make sense-

  • Reply 110 of 188
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    1. Columbus would never have discovered the western hemisphere... what "rule" did he break?

    2. President Obama wouldn't be President .... what "rule" did he break?

    3. two friends wouldn't have started one of the greatest technology companies in their garage .... what "rule" did they break?

    4. WE WOULDN'T EVEN HAVE AN iPHONE to begin with .... what rules was broken?

    Don't confuse "rules of conventional wisdom" with rules of society or rules of law. We have enough people here more than willing to do that already.

    What rules did our founding fathers break? They were willing to KILL for a little freedom. This nation was founded by rebels who were willing to stand up to authority and BREAK RULES. you spineless sheep have a right to blindly follow whomever you wish, but don't think you are what this nation is about. And BTW, Jobs and Woz broke plenty of rules, as did most innovators.
  • Reply 111 of 188
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    What rules did our founding fathers break? They were willing to KILL for a little freedom. This nation was founded by rebels who were willing to stand up to authority and BREAK RULES. you spineless sheep have a right to blindly follow whomever you wish, but don't think you are what this nation is about. And BTW, Jobs and Woz broke plenty of rules, as did most innovators.

    actually this country was founded by a bunch of radical puritanical fundamentalist Christian cults who were so effed up the had to get the hell out of dodge to find a place to to keep practicing they screwed up version of Christianity.

    And if ya ask me they are still running the country-

    But this is another topic.

    PS and a bunch of murderers (the Indians)
  • Reply 112 of 188
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    I have this app and love it.

    It's a shame that the developers acted stupidly.
  • Reply 113 of 188
    kennmsrkennmsr Posts: 100member
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    I agree, not allowing the use of volume buttons for other purposes is rule that does real harm: it?s something you can?t do!

    Let us remember, however, that this rule ALSO has benefits, and not pretend it?s a one-sided move of pure evil. The positive: the volume buttons on your device always work I think it?s a rule that does more harm than good. And Android has rules too, much as people like to think otherwise. If you want pure anarchy, you?re going to have to hack something?an iPhone or otherwise.

    (Also, why would I want a clicky button that makes the camera jerk and blur, when the current soft-tap shutter makes my iPhone a more stable and sharp camera than my ?real? camera? To each his own, of course. This is a good example to use when asking, ?exactly what is it that Apple won?t allow that you need to have Android for?? If a small UI function like this is important to you, then it?s good that the Android choice exists. You will, however, find OTHER problems with camera operation and general UI on Android?there?s no free lunch )

    I do like the apps (which Apple DOES allow) that give you a full-screen shutter button for tapping without having to look. It?s a good idea?although I manage to ?feel? the existing shutter button pretty well anyway?it?s right above the physical Home button.

    Before the iPhone4 launch it was heavily rumored that the volume buttons in iOS4 were going to be multifunction almost like contextual menus on the desktop, but that did not come to fruition so developers made the implementations themselves.NOw they are being slapped in the wrists for doing something Apple had intended to include but dropped just like AT&T tethering prior to iOS4. I get more jerky pictures using the soft camera button than I think I would with the "Clicky" button. That "Clicky" button is like a gun trigger you squeeze slowly not jerk it. Then pictures could be take with only one hand not needing two as is currently the case (I'm left handed which might make a difference). As was posted earlier what happened to "Thinking Different" of the 90s did that go out in the 21st Century?
  • Reply 114 of 188
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    Since I haven't read her blog or twitter I'll concede she is not "crying about it". But she has made it public ... right? What ever happened to keeping disagreements between two parties private .... seems to me that there is an agenda there, of sorts, wouldn't you agree?

    You'll concede the point but are still trying to press the button. She's a developer - sooner or later the buying public will find out about the app being pulled. She might at well announce it. Why not?

    Originally Posted by plovell View Post

    Apple is right to enforce its usage guidelines/rules. Otherwise they become useless and you get cruft like Windows.

    At the same time, it should listen to a reasonable request to amend the guidelines. Not give a pass to Camera+, but amend the guidelines to say that the volume buttons can be used in other ways in certain circumstances.

    Personally, I find the on-screen shutter button to be a poor way to take photos. I don't have Camera+ but it does seem to me that the volume button is an appropriate control while taking pictures. After all, you're probably not using it for volume control at that point anyhow.

    I'd like to see Apple revise the guidelines.

    I don't see the harm. They're volume buttons - yes, but seriously, which of you would seriously need to adjust the volume of their music in the act of taking a photo? You might adjust the volume downwards to concentrate better but even in the rare case you would adjust the volume in the app it would be even rarer that you would do so upwards. And even then, don't you have the headphone remote for this purpose? I don't know whether the buttons on the remote can be intercepted differently from the ones on the unit itself. That in itself is an interesting point - are you prohibiting from repurposing the controls on the remote?

    Before you get all jumpy-down-my-throaty-pointy-at-the-HIG on me, I'm just offering a reason why I think something like should be allowed, with the qualifier that it only be operative while the app is active.

    On the iPhone 4 those buttons are even more tempting for this mode of operation.

    Perhaps there should be a utility button for those instances where a hard button would be useful. When cycling for instance it's almost impossible to do anything with the phone when you're wearing gloves.

    While we're on the subject of contracts and agreements and what not, why is it that people are getting all worked up about Rage? If we take the letter of the developer agreement, this app should never be allowed. Doesn't it interpret code? If it's the foundation for a game engine no other interpretation (lol) can be made.
  • Reply 115 of 188
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by KennMSr View Post

    Before the iPhone4 launch it was heavily rumored that the volume buttons in iOS4 were going to be multifunction almost like contextual menus on the desktop, but that did not come to fruition so developers made the implementations themselves.NOw they are being slapped in the wrists for doing something Apple had intended to include but dropped just like AT&T tethering prior to iOS4.

    Since when does heavily rumored equal Apple had intended ?
  • Reply 116 of 188
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    You'll concede the point but are still trying to press the button. She's a developer - sooner or later the buying public will find out about the app being pulled. She might at well announce it. Why not?

    I will at least give her credit for stating that they were rejected twice by Apple and still tried to circumvent the signed agreement. If you think that's ethical, that's you .... I don't. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
  • Reply 117 of 188
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    I think it's sad when people think you only should live an honorable life, if it's convenient .... and for you to stand up and say it's fun to stretch what authority says you can do is more a testament on your morality than you should want. \

    You're making that mistake that 'honourable' means 'straight-laced'. You're also making assumptions about morality.

    Mine is not yours.

    EDIT: (Not trying to get your back up. Just want to point out those concept are subjective).
  • Reply 118 of 188
    donarbdonarb Posts: 52member
    Originally Posted by KennMSr View Post

    I get more jerky pictures using the soft camera button than I think I would with the "Clicky" button.

    Do you even know how to work the camera on the iPhone? Apple designed the button so the shutter works when you lift your finger, not when you first touch it. So to take a picture, press and hold the button on screen, frame the picture, then let go of the button. This puts almost no stress on your grip, and results in fewer blurry shots.
  • Reply 119 of 188
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    This is an attitude that I see displayed quite often nowadays and one that I find disappointing, to say the least. Does that mean that you think it's ok to cheat "just a little" on your taxes .... to drive over the speed limit "just a little" because you decide it's ok (even if you're raising the risk factor for everyone else) .... maybe driving while only slightly impaired ?

    I know that these examples may seem trivial but ask someone who's lost a loved one due to someone speeding or through an impaired driver..... they won't think it's so trivial.

    I think it's sad when people think you only should live an honorable life, if it's convenient .... and for you to stand up and say it's fun to stretch what authority says you can do is more a testament on your morality than you should want. \

    No, I don't think that at all. I can differentiate between breaking the law and breaking the rules.
  • Reply 120 of 188
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    What rules did our founding fathers break? They were willing to KILL for a little freedom. This nation was founded by rebels who were willing to stand up to authority and BREAK RULES. you spineless sheep have a right to blindly follow whomever you wish, but don't think you are what this nation is about. And BTW, Jobs and Woz broke plenty of rules, as did most innovators.

    First of all ... relax, don't go all ape shit on me. Secondly, I never mentioned your founding fathers .... you're the first to bring them into the discussion so stop telling me what you think I think of your nation.

    And lastly, yes your founding fathers broke rules, the vietnam protesters and draft dodgers broke rules ..... but if I'm not mistaken, in both cases, that was as a last resort to save a way of life and/or liberty. Losing an app from the app store is, in no way, comparable.

    Are you now telling me that a developer who already made 500K on an app that was rejected twice by Apple is in the same league as those examples? If that's what you are saying then it's pointless to continue this discussion because clearly the actions of the founding fathers and of the vietnam protesters was never intended to "clear the way" for everything under the sun we disagree with.

    My point is simply this. Imho, the developer was in the wrong here and to romanticize that behavior by using the rebel label sends an inappropriate message that that behavior should be encouraged. I think that's a poor message to send. \
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