Hypocrites! corporations are all about the free market until the free market dumps them. Then its the goverment's job to bail them out. Is there any other country with so many welfare billionaire CEOs?
Disagree. Radio is being forced to evolve and adapt to hold its audience. Look at digital radio in Europe and Australia for evidence that the industry needs to evolve. Features like time shifting, pause and replay
Yeah, or maybe they could make the audio files available to download at the user's convenience!
That is called "podcasting" and it works great.
How about they come out with a decent product (good radio broadcasts) and then see if people want to buy it, rather than forcing the market to conform to their old and busted business models?
Gee, maybe the newspaper publishers will follow suit and get a law passed the requires all iPads be sold with a newspaper subscription. Hey Radio, evolve or die! I get radio on my iPhone already - just about every NPR station steams to the Public Radio app. Just as iTunes has a "Radio" source, the iPod and iPhone could very easily have the same option to stream Internet radio feeds. No chips required.
Let's see, first you had to listen to radio shows with no picture. Then you had to go to the movie theater to watch the news, shows (serials), and movies on a big screen. Then you could watch live shows on small b&w screen at home. Then in color, then recorded, then via a wire to your house, then the Internet and now over 3G. Seems that movies and TV managed to evolved pretty nicely - even if it was with reluctance at times. Come on radio, you can figure this out.
If the radio hadn't turned into such a crapfest, maybe they wouldn't have this problem. It's the same argument as always... they pick a bad song and play it to death. Some stations pick an ok song then play it way out. Guess what? People don't like it so your industry is going downhill.
Maybe Clearchannel should make some different playlists instead of RIAA trying to push this on us. If they mandate some sort of emergency frequency app, maybe that'd make a little sense, but this is trying to mandate payola. The radio industry has lost its good will, and its nobody's fault but their own.
Force radio on all mobile devices?!?! WHY??? So the RIAA can serve up fresh lawsuits against people who inevitably find a way to time shift the broadcasts (aka radio-tivo)?
FU RIAA you are NOT welcome to impose your crazy ass delusional ideas on the products I buy.
Hmmm this actually has me wanting to rip the radio out of my car and start demanding all receiver makers to STOP making AM FM tuners a standard accessory... I'm slightly less serious about the car than I am the receiver but only slightly...
How do we speak up to let the RIAA, NAB and our politicians know that we don't what this?
I'm calling my congressman as well as both my state senators.
The fact is this is just a way to squeeze the last remaining dimes it can from the radio stations that play music.
Going by the article currently when a station plays a song the 'singer' band whatever gets a fee (a penny?). Well the studios want some cash too now and some law seems to be in the works to make this happen but this is not based on a song but just on the total number of 'possible' listeners ... A formula is likely based on the power of the broadcast which translates into a specific area then that area is looked at and a rough number of cars can be established as well as a less accurate number of in home radio receivers. Then that number is some how used to come up with a yearly fee that's to be paid to each label...
NOW imagine if suddenly every cell phone, iPod,psp, iPad etc were to suddenly get lumped onto those car radios and in house stereos... You'd be talking an much larger number maybe by a factor of 5 6 7 or more times the number they were using. Bang the radio stations fees go WAY up...
They are right that radio is a good thing to have around. That doesn't mean it should be mandated as a feature. That's just crazy.
Well, I'm gonna be hated here, so be nice. But from a public safety information point, you know after an earth quake or something wipes out local cell towers/cable etc, all that is left, maybe, is over the the air tv and radio. After Katrina, make shift radio stations were built to cover some areas so they had local news(because clearquest etc is just a tape feed to a lot of areas) Just my opinion.
As for music, how did radio royalties begin?
Did Bing Crosby etc get them back in the day, or is this by law? IMO over open air, I'm for no royalties.
Force radio on all mobile devices?!?! WHY??? So the RIAA can serve up fresh lawsuits against people who inevitably find a way to time shift the broadcasts (aka radio-tivo)?
FU RIAA you are NOT welcome to impose your crazy ass delusional ideas on the products I buy.
Hmmm this actually has me wanting to rip the radio out of my car and start demanding all receiver makers to STOP making AM FM tuners a standard accessory... I'm slightly less serious about the car than I am the receiver but only slightly...
Here's a thought---maybe all radios should be required to be enabled to be used as mobile communicating devices---iPhone in my car radio--anyone????
In other related news, the National Association of Typewriters (NAT) is attempting to force all Notebook Manufacturers to include a fully, functional Typewriter into all of their products.
Originally Posted by boredumb
The utterly perfect comment - please, all others, entries are closed at this time...
I agreed with you until I saw this.....
Originally Posted by FineTunes
Here's a thought---maybe all radios should be required to be enabled to be used as mobile communicating devices---iPhone in my car radio--anyone????
If only Ayn Rand were still alive... good material for Atlas Shrugged part 2.
Disagree. Radio is being forced to evolve and adapt to hold its audience. Look at digital radio in Europe and Australia for evidence that the industry needs to evolve. Features like time shifting, pause and replay
Yeah, or maybe they could make the audio files available to download at the user's convenience!
That is called "podcasting" and it works great.
How about they come out with a decent product (good radio broadcasts) and then see if people want to buy it, rather than forcing the market to conform to their old and busted business models?
Let's see, first you had to listen to radio shows with no picture. Then you had to go to the movie theater to watch the news, shows (serials), and movies on a big screen. Then you could watch live shows on small b&w screen at home. Then in color, then recorded, then via a wire to your house, then the Internet and now over 3G. Seems that movies and TV managed to evolved pretty nicely - even if it was with reluctance at times. Come on radio, you can figure this out.
Maybe Clearchannel should make some different playlists instead of RIAA trying to push this on us. If they mandate some sort of emergency frequency app, maybe that'd make a little sense, but this is trying to mandate payola. The radio industry has lost its good will, and its nobody's fault but their own.
Bring back Indie103!
FU RIAA you are NOT welcome to impose your crazy ass delusional ideas on the products I buy.
Hmmm this actually has me wanting to rip the radio out of my car and start demanding all receiver makers to STOP making AM FM tuners a standard accessory... I'm slightly less serious about the car than I am the receiver but only slightly...
How do we speak up to let the RIAA, NAB and our politicians know that we don't what this?
I'm calling my congressman as well as both my state senators.
The fact is this is just a way to squeeze the last remaining dimes it can from the radio stations that play music.
Going by the article currently when a station plays a song the 'singer' band whatever gets a fee (a penny?). Well the studios want some cash too now and some law seems to be in the works to make this happen but this is not based on a song but just on the total number of 'possible' listeners ... A formula is likely based on the power of the broadcast which translates into a specific area then that area is looked at and a rough number of cars can be established as well as a less accurate number of in home radio receivers. Then that number is some how used to come up with a yearly fee that's to be paid to each label...
NOW imagine if suddenly every cell phone, iPod,psp, iPad etc were to suddenly get lumped onto those car radios and in house stereos... You'd be talking an much larger number maybe by a factor of 5 6 7 or more times the number they were using. Bang the radio stations fees go WAY up...
Greedy bastards...
If they really want to increase the radio audience why don't they work to make streams from all radio stations (AM and FM) available via streaming?
They are right that radio is a good thing to have around. That doesn't mean it should be mandated as a feature. That's just crazy.
Well, I'm gonna be hated here, so be nice. But from a public safety information point, you know after an earth quake or something wipes out local cell towers/cable etc, all that is left, maybe, is over the the air tv and radio. After Katrina, make shift radio stations were built to cover some areas so they had local news(because clearquest etc is just a tape feed to a lot of areas) Just my opinion.
As for music, how did radio royalties begin?
Did Bing Crosby etc get them back in the day, or is this by law? IMO over open air, I'm for no royalties.
I've always wanted FM on my iPhone but if the RIAA wants it maybe I don't anymore.
My sentiments exactly. I've wanted a radio in my iPod for years. Now... not too excited.
Force radio on all mobile devices?!?! WHY??? So the RIAA can serve up fresh lawsuits against people who inevitably find a way to time shift the broadcasts (aka radio-tivo)?
FU RIAA you are NOT welcome to impose your crazy ass delusional ideas on the products I buy.
Hmmm this actually has me wanting to rip the radio out of my car and start demanding all receiver makers to STOP making AM FM tuners a standard accessory... I'm slightly less serious about the car than I am the receiver but only slightly...
Here's a thought---maybe all radios should be required to be enabled to be used as mobile communicating devices---iPhone in my car radio--anyone????
This seems like an Aprils Fools joke...
In August???
In other related news, the National Association of Typewriters (NAT) is attempting to force all Notebook Manufacturers to include a fully, functional Typewriter into all of their products.
The utterly perfect comment - please, all others, entries are closed at this time...
I agreed with you until I saw this.....
Here's a thought---maybe all radios should be required to be enabled to be used as mobile communicating devices---iPhone in my car radio--anyone????
It is perfecter.