Microsoft to spend over $500m to catch up to iPhone, Android



  • Reply 181 of 188
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    It is called Windows Phone 7 now and it will not be business oriented. MS it trying to get into the consumer market with WP7 by focusing in integration with social services. Their advertising powers might have worked 25 years ago but they can't compete with Google anymore. They can't buy their way by advertising anymore. Unfortunately for MS, WP7 is the phone OS they should have release three years ago.

    You are wrong:

    Ehchage, Office, SharePoint... are 3 big things in business. While I was hoping for MS-developed CRM integration as well, it seems from the article above "flirting" with CRM will be left to 3rd party developers. We'll see how that turns out... but even without CRM from start, there is still plenty for business users.

    If executed correctly.
  • Reply 182 of 188
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Mister Snitch View Post

    Microsoft is a joke.

    It's not 'wishing'. It's called reading the writing on the wall. In this case, the letters are neon and twelve feet tall.

    So basically, drugs inducted hallucinations...

    Last time I checked (back in March) MS had higher customer satisfaction than Apple. I believe that was related to Windows 7 and Snow Leopard, never the less... it shows that others (beside Apple) can pull out successful (and well accepted) products. Thinking otherwise is just arrogant... or plain silly.
  • Reply 183 of 188
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    I see this comment often. There already is competition in smart phones. I'd guess most here are negative about win phone mo 7 or whatever it's called is because there are two things that have brought ms success the last 30 years, office and eliminating competition.

    And Apple is not trying to eliminate competition with their strict development rules for iOS..?
  • Reply 184 of 188
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    ...said the tortoise to the hare.

    If Windows Phone 7 really does best the iPhone in every way important to iPhone fans, then I expect people to switch. However, note the clause, "in every way important to iPhone fans". Therein lies the rub: has Microsoft ever out-Appled Apple?

    Mind you, tortoise won.
  • Reply 185 of 188
    grkinggrking Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    ...said the tortoise to the hare.

    If Windows Phone 7 really does best the iPhone in every way important to iPhone fans, then I expect people to switch. However, note the clause, "in every way important to iPhone fans". Therein lies the rub: has Microsoft ever out-Appled Apple?

    do you mean iPhone fans or Apple fans - the two are not necessarily the same.

    If you mean iPhone fans, then I would say yes. There are plenty of happy Windows users who would not switch to Mac OSX even when they owned an iPhone.

    If you mean Apple fan, then never.

    Personally I think that if MS manages to make WP7 as seemless with Win 7 as the iPhone is with OSX, then I think there will be a lot of switchers from the iPhone to WP7 phones, particularly if they own an Xbox.
  • Reply 186 of 188
    joshajosha Posts: 901member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Marketing costs for Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 launch will add up to more than half a billion dollars as it re-enters the smartphone market, a new report claims.


    Is M$ spending as much on phone marketing as Apple spends developing a product?

    May the M$ marketing money save the advertisers who GM and Chrysler dropped.

    If MS would continue development on their products, instead of stopping it to count their money; they would keep more of their business.
  • Reply 187 of 188
    That's awesome!!!! How much of the $500 mil do I get if you buy one of these lame phone$?$?$?$?!!!!!
  • Reply 188 of 188
    Originally Posted by kotatsu View Post

    For a joke they seem to do awfully well for themselves. What's Apple's desktop OS share again?

    Or did MS just achieve such total dominance through blind luck?

    Don't you call MS just buying DOS so cheap and selling it to IBM immediately for 10 times the amount Lucky?!?
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