Apple now building 2M iPads per month to meet demand



  • Reply 21 of 130
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Printing is great. Now give people the ability to setup and use an iPad without owning a computer, just like Apple TV.

    Than I can recommend it to my Aunt.
  • Reply 22 of 130
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by iGuessSo View Post

    It might totally be because i don't live in a big city, but I rarely see iPads in the wild. Makes me think that the iPad is primarily an at home device.

    My son sees them all over the place at airports and on planes when he travels on business. No, they are not primarily an at home device.
  • Reply 23 of 130
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Isn't it long past due for Apple to give us more sales figures for the iPad? IIRC, the last time they said anything was when it passed the 3 million mark, and that was months ago. Have they broken 6 or 7 million? Inquiring minds want to know.
  • Reply 24 of 130
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Printing is great. Now give people the ability to setup and use an iPad without owning a computer, just like Apple TV.

    Than I can recommend it to my Aunt.

    Just buy her an Android tablet. They'll be perfect and do everything.
  • Reply 25 of 130
    Originally Posted by iGuessSo View Post

    Hmmm it doesn't quite make sense to me.

    If Apple was making one million a month but selling two million, wouldn't there be a 30 day delay after one month, a 60 day delay after two months, etc.?

    It wouldn't be possible to stay consistently 7 days behind if they always sold more than they made.

    There are probably two reasons for increasing the numbers made. One, they expect demand to continue to increase as in shipping to more countries. Two, there is this little thing called the holiday season coming up. You are looking at the past. Apple is planning for the near future.
  • Reply 26 of 130
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by iGuessSo View Post

    The story did: "Analyst Katy Huberty with Morgan Stanley indicated that iPad builds recently increased to 2 million per month, up from the previous number of just 1 million a month. Apple allegedly indicated to its suppliers that it would like to produce 3 million a month starting in the fourth calendar quarter of 2010." This is assuming that Apple builds approximately the same number they sell.

    Don't everyone get in a giant huff over this, it's just something I've never understood. For example, if you call to get cable or something installed, it's always a week out. If it's consistently one week out for years, why can't they just put some overtime in and catch up? If it's a case of more orders every day than they can handle, wouldn't it just get worse and worse?

    I think digitalclips hit it - it's not a flat one million and then suddenly two million. They ramped up. So the story is misleading.

    That was an estimate from an 'analyst' (beware!). Manufactured units != units sold. Most manufacturers use an estimated delivery time to cover their backs. My iMac delivery was estimated at three weeks, but arrived within five days. You're dealing with estimates, comfortable delivery margin statements and speculation from analysts - it's why the seemingly simply math doesn't work.

  • Reply 27 of 130
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Printing is great. Now give people the ability to setup and use an iPad without owning a computer, just like Apple TV.

    Than I can recommend it to my Aunt.

    Buy it in store - Apple will activate for you free of charge (and with a smile) then you never need a computer again, likewise for the upgrade (unless this is delivered wirelessly over itunes - not sure on this one).
  • Reply 28 of 130
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Isn't it long past due for Apple to give us more sales figures for the iPad? IIRC, the last time they said anything was when it passed the 3 million mark, and that was months ago. Have they broken 6 or 7 million? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Nope, they make their quarterly statements, they don't normally comment on units sold or activations other than at keynotes etc. The last keynote was about the ipads, apple TV and ios, so i'm sure the headlines are being held back for the next iPad event, or until it's an impressive round figure (10 million by christmas anyone?).
  • Reply 29 of 130
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Just buy her an Android tablet. They'll be perfect and do everything.

    Except for running Android and being full of malware and stealing her data. Have you used an android device?
  • Reply 30 of 130
    Originally Posted by RicMac View Post

    All this, and without a camera no less. I can't help believing that IF a camera is ever added it will be a distinct model line. Pretty sure that the camera is unwelcome in many enterprise settings.

    No, the camera would just be an additional feature, wouldn't create a whole new product line (like the new cameras on the iPod touch did not create a distinct new product line). That would be like adding a sunroof to a car and calling it an entirely new model.

    Note that enterprises should be more concerned with cellphones. All smartphones have cameras as do many feature phones. Cellphones -- with their smaller size -- can be surreptitiously used and are a far greater threat to corporate security. Most gyms have banned cellphones for years.
  • Reply 31 of 130
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    No, the camera would just be an additional feature, wouldn't create a whole new product line (like the new cameras on the iPod touch did not create a distinct new product line). That would be like adding a sunroof to a car and calling it an entirely new model.

    Note that enterprises should be more concerned with cellphones. All smartphones have cameras as do many feature phones. Cellphones -- with their smaller size -- can be surreptitiously used and are a far greater threat to corporate security. Most gyms have banned cellphones for years.

    Not an entirely new model - a different variant of the line-up - just like the sun-roof or other optional extras when buying a car.

    if a camera was introduced across the board, these will have to disappear from my studio - i wonder how many others would have similar problems?
  • Reply 32 of 130
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Printing is great. Now give people the ability to setup and use an iPad without owning a computer, just like Apple TV.

    Than I can recommend it to my Aunt.

    Obviously, apple TV will upgrade itself alone, and it is an iOS device..

    Si it's an important step in the direction you (and I) want!
  • Reply 32 of 130
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    No, the camera would just be an additional feature, wouldn't create a whole new product line (like the new cameras on the iPod touch did not create a distinct new product line). That would be like adding a sunroof to a car and calling it an entirely new model.

    Note that enterprises should be more concerned with cellphones. All smartphones have cameras as do many feature phones. Cellphones -- with their smaller size -- can be surreptitiously used and are a far greater threat to corporate security. Most gyms have banned cellphones for years.

    Yup, and would do the same with the iPad if it got a camera...
  • Reply 34 of 130
    If Steve Ballmer, Bill Gates and their beloved Windows fanboys aren't crying now, then I don't know what would make them cry. I think Microsoft investors will be crying next. Two million iPads being sold a month is nothing to sneeze at. People keep saying "iPad=meh". Damn. In any business, that would be a very impressive number. I'm an Apple diehard of almost thirty-odd years and I can't even imagine Apple selling 3 million iPads a month. That is some awesome number. The main thing I hope about all this is that it is seriously cutting into netbook OEM Windows licenses.

    With Microsoft not selling any mobile OS, weak corporate Windows sales and now with consumers possibly switching from Windows netbooks to tablets of all sorts, Microsoft has got to be reeling. I wonder if Ballmer is still mouthing off about rounding errors. Tablets would seem to be getting into Microsoft's kitchen and there is no way in the world consumers are going to be buying any Windows 7 Desktop tablet in quantity. Absolutely no way at all. Apple and Google have effectively cut the bottom end out of Microsoft Windows sales. It's not going to take down Microsoft quickly, but they have to be scared if corporations start shifting to tablets in place of Windows laptops.

    I want to live to see the day that pundits shut the hell up about there needing to be a Windows-licensed computer on every man, woman and child's desk in the world. That is just pure crap. It was never necessary and it never will be. It might have been Bill Gates dream of greed and control, but that's about as far as it went. If Apple can do an end run around Windows in corporations using tablets, then that will truly be an epic event.
  • Reply 35 of 130
    Originally Posted by iGuessSo View Post

    It might totally be because i don't live in a big city, but I rarely see iPads in the wild. Makes me think that the iPad is primarily an at home device.

    Yeah, it's probably because you don't live in a big city.

    I see iPads at cafes, libraries, airports, trains, airplanes, and amusingly in a lot of business meetings these days. My guess is that they will be all over the local universities this fall.

    Really anyplace you might see a notebook computer. You won't see anyone whip out a computer while walking down the street, nor an iPad. It's not a smartphone.
  • Reply 36 of 130
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Printing is great. Now give people the ability to setup and use an iPad without owning a computer, just like Apple TV.

    Than I can recommend it to my Aunt.

    Very good point!

    I believe it will happen... maybe with iOS 4.2 in November.

    To make it possible, there must be a substitute for the subtle, but necessary, things that plugging into a computer provides-- things like:

    -- initial device setup

    -- internet access setup

    -- email setup

    -- backup and sync

    -- keep track of apps and content installed

    -- notify and install app updates, and content updates

    -- ability to delete then reinstall an app

    -- ability to manage more apps than can be displayed on the fixed number of icon pages

    -- repository/backup for content created by the device (game scores, calendar, documents, mail, etc.)

    -- ability to backup/restore/upgrade/reconfigure device

    There are, likely, others.

    I think that a simple app on the device combined with MobileMe could accomplish all of this in a way that would be non-threatening to someone without access to a computer.

  • Reply 37 of 130
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Don't want to repeat any of my previous points so will only focus on printing. Printing is a central feature to making iPads genuinely better then net books and I think it will boost the demand amongst certain businesses:

    Printing Alone: Doctor can hit a few buttons and have the prescription name appear on the tab that will be printed out. He can even type in a few notes without having a need for keyboard or stand, because it will only be a few lines of text. (no more guessing what he wrote)

    Stylus + Printing: Engineer or architect can draw a quick design sketch when inspiration hits, and print it at home without the need to email things.

    Keyboard Case + Printing: You can now type for a long period of time. Since iPad has a long battery life it would outlast your Macbook on a flight, so if you need to finish up your documents on the flight you can, and you will even be able to print it in the nick of time if wireless printer setup if fairly easy on this thing.

    Is gonna be the last time I comment on iPad till V2, unless something really major happens.
  • Reply 38 of 130
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    Buy it in store - Apple will activate for you free of charge (and with a smile) then you never need a computer again, likewise for the upgrade (unless this is delivered wirelessly over itunes - not sure on this one).

    You still need a computer for firmware updates on all iOS devices. Wireless sync from Apple does not exist unless you jailbreak and won't exist for some time.

    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    Except for running Android and being full of malware and stealing her data. Have you used an android device?

    To be fair have you? Or are you just spouting off from what you have read online. I am sure there are Android users that know what they are doing (and who to trust) and have no problems with malware.

    Oh and as a user on this forum it would be so nice if you can learn to use "multi quote" instead of posting back to back to back to back replies. It is seen as being courteous to others that use this forum, just like what I've done in this reply. Thanks so much.

    EDIT: If you do understand this you just come off as a post whore.
  • Reply 39 of 130
    moochmooch Posts: 113member
    now if only they could make enough iPhones that I could actually get one...
  • Reply 40 of 130
    Originally Posted by iGuessSo View Post

    Hmmm it doesn't quite make sense to me.

    If Apple was making one million a month but selling two million, wouldn't there be a 30 day delay after one month, a 60 day delay after two months, etc.?

    It wouldn't be possible to stay consistently 7 days behind if they always sold more than they made.

    They said production was increased to help meet strong demand. Demand can be higher than sales as some people wont buy something that isn't in stock (my mom hasn't ordered an iPhone 4 yet because of this). Also, i don't think they went from 1 million to 2 million overnight, but rather ramped production up. The article says they want to be at 3 million per month next month, which either says 2 million per month hasn't met demand yet or says that demand is growing at a rapid pace.

    One thing is for sure, the iPad is the fastest selling computer apple ever made.
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