iPhone drops to 23.8% smartphone market share, Android jumps to 17%



  • Reply 301 of 360
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Googles customers love Android, manufacturers and networks can load it with crapware to their hearts content and nickel and dime end naive end users egged on by a tech press minority who have been conned into promoting the "openess" of it all.

    "Yeah Grandma, to get rid of vcast all you have to do is root it and install a custom ROM"

    Or just not touch it? Or better yet, just uninstall it. VZ Nav is on my device, but it's never once kicked in when I put my device into navigation mode.
  • Reply 302 of 360
    Originally Posted by AsianBob View Post

    ... It like the iPhone is a huge battleship and Android is made up of a mass of fighters. And when Android starts chipping away at the iPhone battleship's armor, you complain that it was unfair because you don't have a single target to attack. We all know how that turned out in the Pacific during WWII.

    A pleasant fantasy, except that all those Android "fighters" are also fighting each other.
  • Reply 303 of 360
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    A pleasant fantasy, except that all those Android "fighters" are also fighting each other.

    Not as much of a fantasy as reality. As much as you want to keep calling it fantasy, Android keeps chipping away at Apple day after day, month after month. I've been looking at the trends since Android smartphones became relevant and it continues to grow steadily while the iPhone continues to drop steadily.

    While it could very well be temporary, as some have said. But as the trend is today, it doesn't seem to be that way.

    And yes, they might be fighting each other, but they're still attacking the Apple mothership in the end.
  • Reply 304 of 360
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    So when did it become a sin to only totally control the most profitable portion of a product space? Too many folks keep trying to make a Microsoft comparison, but that was a complete market aberration, with a class of business productivity device nobody had ever dreamed of previously. And iPods were only so wildly successful because the only competition was undertaken by idiots. Anyone else could have put together a reasonable ecosystem and split the market, but when a couple tried to do that on the cheap, the consumes penalized them into oblivion because the result absolutely sucked.

    The smartphone market won't devolve into a single manufacturer owning the entire space any more than non-smart cellphones. Apples stated goal entering the fray in 2007 was to gain a 1% total share of the cell market, and if they did that it was wild success. Well they have and it is a wild success. That isn't going away.

    Where all this goes in the future isn't bout the phones, it's about the iPads. That's another game changing space which is just starting to redefine what a computer has to be. Not as big a change as the emergence of personal computers, but maybe as big as Model Ts. Given the long term success of Linux in the consumer space, I don't have any strong belief that Google will change that story into one of Microsoft level dominance. Really Android will help Mac OS X in the long run because it will do far more damage to Microsofts choke-hold on the PC industry, just as I think it has ensured a zero chance of WinPhone 7 from taking a dominant market share.

    So if the above is even close to correct, Apple stays a couple years ahead of the pack in mobile computing usability and desire factor, constantly feeding a 30%+ market share that generates 75%+ of the product space profits. Gee who wants to complain about not owning the entire space, because if you look at it from a profits perspective they do and will for a long time.
  • Reply 305 of 360
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Stuck with an inferior phone.

    By having more features, capabilities, CPU power and customizability to name a few?

    Inferiority depends on the viewpoint of the viewer.

    Regs, Jarkko
  • Reply 306 of 360
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    Rule #36 ....

    there will always be more fugged up crap than what you just saw?
  • Reply 307 of 360
    Originally Posted by OllieWallieWhiskers View Post

    I disagree. Even if the OS were better, it wouldn't matter cuz the hardware is junk.

    I had to borrow a friends android phone while camping. My iPhone had no signal, and his had a weak one. I tried to make a call, and the phone reboot itself. This happened 2 more times before I moved around thinking it was a signal issue. It finally worked.

    If the phone can't make the call due to a weak signal, why would it reboot???

    On a separate occasion, we were out looking for a place to eat. I asked him to look up a place on google and after trying a few times, he had to reboot it. He said its finicky and he has to reboot it sometimes because it gets slow".

    Why would anyone put up with this garbage? They just don't know any better.

    Sure andorid is much better than the crap phones used to have... but iOS is in much higher class.

    The Evo is far from junk plus it's fast, has a lot of ram, gps, and some of the apps are really good. Factor in that Google Apps vs Googke promapps, you can have a synch experience like .mac, for free!!!
  • Reply 308 of 360
    Having worked in IT and seeing people leave Server Windows 98 for google pro apps for enterprise, is happening.

    Sure, maybe mom and pops info likes and dislikes might be for sale, which is not so bad really, especially if you are getting info from companies you never heard from might be a good thing. But I can assure you, with Pro Apps and cloud based server, thus us nit going to happen.


    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    So what you are saying is that if Apple were really greedy ... and wanted a bigger market share ... it would...do what exactly?

    Give its OS away like Google?

    Great business strategy!


    Originally Posted by joindup View Post

    Market Share is only one factor in success. Mind Share is another. Here in Australia, where the iPhone has always been available on the 4 main carriers - Telstra, Optus, 3 and Vodafone - the iPhone 4 continues to be sold out and new buyers are being asked to wait 3 to 5 weeks for their units. All the carrier stores carry Android phones as well, and, anecdotally, staff tell me that they are selling quite well, but that is a lot different from 'a 5 week wait'.

    Mind Share becomes important because I suspect only 50% of people who walk into a store wanting a Smartphone are even aware of 'AntennaGate'. You can guarantee 100% will have heard of the 'iPhone'. This is SO important, because most new customers start from the position of wanting an iPhone, and possibly switch to an Android when the store says, "it's a 5 week wait for an iPhone4 or you can have a Samsung Galaxy S right now." Staff will be reluctant to let you leave the store empty handed - and we are a bunch of instant-gratification shoppers these days.

    As a "mini-iPhone" strategy, the iPod Touch seems to be working out pretty well.

    Google is more open - with your privacy.

    Sold to the highest bigger so they can try and flog you stuff.

    Perhaps raw sales figures are keenly sought out by Android admiring tech press, because they seek validation. Yes, the average man in the street has worked out Apple make superior products overall, but hey, if the Android sales figures are up, Android must be cool - right?

    A previous comment nailed it. As App Developers, we develop for 4 platforms - iOS, Android, Windows Phone and webOS, but when it comes to pricing a warranty for a client for an Android App, we have to consider - Dell Android? HTC Android? Samsung Android? 2.1? 2.2? Screen resolution? etc. etc.

    We recommend 8 Apps to our clients so that they can interface with our development process on their iPads. 8 business class Apps we are confident we can recommend to our clients for revenue critical activities. Only half of these Apps are available on Android. Doesn't really matter who has the most apps. But the "biggest app store" figure is important for.....Mind Share. Just ask your Marketing Manager. It is, however, genuinely hard to get a scientific measure of the quality of the platforms and app stores, but I think it is fairly clear to see which users are attracted to which features of the various platforms.

    So Apple's strategy of Mind Share, not just Market Share, is sensible and plays to their strengths. The iPod Touch and iPad operate as precision marketing on behalf of iPhone/iOS. And the fact that iOS is PURPOSE DESIGNED to be used across MULTI-TOUCH DEVICES and not just Smartphones, really is the deal maker. Witness the number of Apps that now get iPhones and iPads to inter-operate. (And soon AppleTV?).....

    As a company that designs and build custom iOS-specific Chips, Batteries, Screens, Hardware and Software, Apple does create supply problems for itself. But not being able to build products fast enough to satisfy demand is a problem I'd like to have.

    Post-Christmas, with iOS, Android and Win Phone offerings available, hopefully the consumer will win, with competitive pricing and hopefully developers like us will win as we can take advantage of competition driven innovation.

    So let's see the figures for July - September (post iPhone4 launch). Let's compare single carrier iPhone markets (USA) with multi-carrier iPhone markets (UK and Australia) and let's see the figures post holiday period when stocks of all iOS devices are ready for the buying season.

  • Reply 309 of 360
    300 posts in and we're still talking civilly about which phone is better? When do we get to the personal attacks and posting of pictures of a roomful of Macs?
  • Reply 310 of 360
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    Danger #36, strangely enough, from the best seller .... The Top 100 Dangers of Narcolepsy) ..... falling asleep in the soup! ....

    That explains the warning labels on my hot and sour soup: "Consuming while sleepy or narcoleptic may be hazardous."
  • Reply 311 of 360
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Control where you buy your apps, what services you access, etc., etc., etc. You know, like the good old days, when they made money off all that.

    Yet, the only thing that has happened so far is that Verizon has removed Google Search from their Galaxy S (which can easily be bypassed and will be addressed in an updated) and that AT&T has locked out the ability to load apps from sources other than the Market, which is no different than the iPhone.

    Neither of these I consider total control. I believe all the carriers have their own section of the Market where they can distribute their wares. Take into consideration that when Google Nav came out, Verizon did nothing to stand in its way.

    If the carriers were to take advantage of Android and lock it down hard and force you to use their services like you propose, then why haven't they done it already? They could have easily done it right from the beginning, yet it's coming on 1 year since the original Droid was released and I have yet to see any indication that Verizon's going to take away my free Google Nav or force me to use their app market.

    Originally Posted by OllieWallieWhiskers View Post

    I disagree. Even if the OS were better, it wouldn't matter cuz the hardware is junk.

    I had to borrow a friends android phone while camping. My iPhone had no signal, and his had a weak one. I tried to make a call, and the phone reboot itself. This happened 2 more times before I moved around thinking it was a signal issue. It finally worked.

    If the phone can't make the call due to a weak signal, why would it reboot???

    On a separate occasion, we were out looking for a place to eat. I asked him to look up a place on google and after trying a few times, he had to reboot it. He said its finicky and he has to reboot it sometimes because it gets slow".

    Why would anyone put up with this garbage? They just don't know any better.

    Sure andorid is much better than the crap phones used to have... but iOS is in much higher class.

    Which Android phone did your friend have? Because your post as-is makes me edge towards one of two options:

    1. Your friend has an older Android phone like the G1 or Droid Eris, which would explain the performance issues, as their hardware isn't all the best considering what's out there now.

    2. Your friend loaded a custom ROM onto his phone incorrectly or the ROM wasn't fully developed. I have a custom ROM loaded and it will lock and reboot once in a blue moon. But that's what happens when you choose to load up a ROM that has no QA other than the developer him/herself and the users to report bugs.
  • Reply 312 of 360
    Originally Posted by Narcogen View Post

    So during the three month period that includes two months of presumably depressed 3GS sales, due to anticipation of the iPhone 4, but only one month of iPhone 4 sales, Apple's share dropped only 1.3%?

    There's no doubt Android is and will continue to be a major player. There's no doubt that current king of the hill, RIM, is sliding and it's an open question how far that slide will go. There's no doubt that Microsoft is on the outside of this party looking in, and it's unclear whether 7 will change that much.

    Doesn't it also seem likely that a full quarter of iPhone 4 availability might reverse some, if not all, of that 1.3% drop?

    Shouldn't Android, with its free licensing and greater openness, clearly be in the lead?

    Shouldn't Microsoft, with the installed base of Windows to draw on and compatibility with desktop apps and services like Exchange, be dominating?

    Isn't it still sort of remarkable that, with no experience in radio or cellular devices, Apple has reached the position is has in a few short years?

    Android offers a great deal that is near parity with Apple's offering, but none of the others even come close. Isn't that also remarkable-- more remarkable than a 1.3% drop in marketshare during a period that included a major product launch by Apple in the last third of the period? Is there any possible justification for leaving that salient fact out of the commentary for those figures?

    Question. Shouldn't android be in lead cause it's free licensing.

    Answer: No. You cannot go from 0 to the lead. Also iOS licensing is free to apple. What's your point?.

    Question. Shouldn't microsoft be dominating.

    Answer. No. Apple is dominating in ipods and iphone, yet it's not dominating in desktops. Shouldn't people want apple desktops if they all have iphones and ipods?. See how silly that question is?

    Question. Isn't is surprising that apple has dominated market in few years with no experience.

    Answer: isn't it surprising that Google is major player and will dominate the market with no prior experience in phone software?.

    Your questions are redundant. Prior experience has no determination on market domination. Apple started to make Operating systems before Microsoft did and look who dominates that market. I can start a company tomorrow and dominate the market. All i need to do is hire people who know how to make phones and come up with an innovative idea.
  • Reply 313 of 360
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Every Android customer using Google services is a product which can be sold to other companies.

    I don't like being treated as a product (without my permission). That's why I am systematically cutting back on use of Google services.


    Wait till apple introduce their iAd, then you will really be pissed. Guess what, every company data mines their customers. You think the ads on your iphone will be random ads?. Which advertiser in the digital age will advertise on a platform that does not allow them to target their audience?.. Just remember to recycle your iphone when you get rid of it in anger.
  • Reply 314 of 360
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I hope we get more stories of the ascendance of Android's market share that seals Apple's fate. Also, Carol Bartz sounding off more often about why/how Apple is doomed.

    AAPL up $6.35 today. Love it.

    (If you see a variant of this post in another thread, it's on purpose).

    Stories of apple demise is just as stupid as stories of apple destroying Android. Apple has a legion of fans that are not going anywhere and google android is not going anywhere. Both fanboys and apple haters make themselves look foolish when they issue dumb statements.
  • Reply 315 of 360
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    Question. Shouldn't android be in lead cause it's free licensing.

    Answer: No. You cannot go from 0 to the lead.

    I can start a company tomorrow and dominate the market. All i need to do is hire people who know how to make phones and come up with an innovative idea.

    I just love it when I see someone who knows when to argue with himself, in the same post, no less ........ I wonder who'll win? ...
  • Reply 316 of 360
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    I just love it when I see someone who knows when to argue with himself, in the same post, no less ........ I wonder who'll win? ...

    I didn't say dominate immediately. Are you an idiot or just pretending?.

    I can start a company tomorrow and dominate the market. Any reasonable person would assume that if i was truly innovative, that it would take time but that it can eventually happen.

    Should i have said

    I can start a company tomorrow and dominate in 2 years?.. or i can start a company tomorrow and dominate in 5 years?

    Are you one of those people who needs everything spelled out to them?


    Ok, i see the confusion. I should have said

    "You cannot go from 0 to the lead immediately. You have to gradually get there". I assumed everyone understood 0 to lead to mean, you cannot immediately grab the lead. Even apple was not immediately in the lead, even though it was obvious their phone was innovative (everybody and their grandmother is now releasing touchscreen phones and phones that does pinch and zoom.. all thanks to apple innovation). Actually, apple is not even in the lead right now. The original questions were still silly.. anyone can turn those questions on its head and ask apple the same questions.. how come apple is not in the lead if their phone is the best? (and i know every fanboy thinks apple phone is the best).. the answer to that is obviously, apple has to grow their market share, it's not instantaneous.
  • Reply 317 of 360
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    I didn't say dominate immediately. Are you an idiot or just pretending?.

    I can start a company tomorrow and dominate the market. Any reasonable person would assume that if i was truly innovative, that it would take time but that it can eventually happen.

    Should i have said

    I can start a company tomorrow and dominate in 2 years?.. or i can start a company tomorrow and dominate in 5 years?

    Are you one of those people who needs everything spelled out to them?


    Ok, i see the confusion. I should have said

    "You cannot go from 0 to the lead immediately. You have to gradually get there".

    Apology ? accepted. ...
  • Reply 318 of 360
    With a growing number of unhappy iPhone users, due to iOS 4 issues not being addressed by Apple (especially for 3GS users), many are giving up and jumping ship. It's no surprise numbers are down for Apple. They stopped being the company that got their reputation for high quality products and service. Perhaps the new found fortune and popularity has compromised their legendary integrity, that it's now all about the almighty dollar, and less about it's consumers' satisfaction.

    As a long time Apple supporter, it's sad to see them go in the direction of Microsoft. Advice; they should check their own forum sight to get an idea of what is going on. They said they have no idea about the 3GS issues with iOS 4? Well, there's at least one thread (about 100 pages and counting) that says it all.

    Apparently for 3GS users having issues, iOS 4.1 is a bust. But, in fairness, 3G users are happier now with 4.1.
  • Reply 319 of 360
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    Wait till apple introduce their iAd, then you will really be pissed. Guess what, every company data mines their customers. You think the ads on your iphone will be random ads?. Which advertiser in the digital age will advertise on a platform that does not allow them to target their audience?.. Just remember to recycle your iphone when you get rid of it in anger.

    1) I can choose to buy or download only those apps that do not have ads.

    2) Apple has stated that the data they mine. will be provided on a macro level to advertisers, no individual or personal data will be included.

    3) Apple has a clean history and track record.

    4) I believe that Apple will do what they say.

    5) I am an iOS developer and understand how iAds work.

    6) I plan to use iAds in several of my free apps.

    7) I have a 32-year relationship with Apple in most capacities except as an employee. I trust Apple more than Google, the State of California, My Bank, etc. not to sell my personal data.

  • Reply 320 of 360
    Originally Posted by eric72 View Post

    With a growing number of unhappy iPhone users, due to iOS 4 issues not being addressed by Apple (especially for 3GS users), many are giving up and jumping ship. It's no surprise numbers are down for Apple. They stopped being the company that got their reputation for high quality products and service. Perhaps the new found fortune and popularity has compromised their legendary integrity, that it's now all about the almighty dollar, and less about it's consumers' satisfaction.

    As a long time Apple supporter, it's sad to see them go in the direction of Microsoft. Advice; they should check their own forum sight to get an idea of what is going on. They said they have no idea about the 3GS issues with iOS 4? Well, there's at least one thread (about 100 pages and counting) that says it all.

    Apparently for 3GS users having issues, iOS 4.1 is a bust. But, in fairness, 3G users are happier now with 4.1.

    What 3 GS issues? I have every model of iPhone, and have the latest applicable version of iOS (including the 4.2 beta) installed on all.

    There was a problem on the 3G running slow, but that was fixed.

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