Apple's gains make it second-largest stock in the world



  • Reply 61 of 73
    Originally Posted by SwissMac2 View Post

    I so wish I'd bought some Apple stock when the price dipped below $90 at the beginning of 2009... it's interesting how the stock price has made Apple almost the most valuable company in the world, but Bill Gates is still ten times richer than Steve Jobs. How'd he manage that when he makes such crappy software?

    You may still jump on the train. Appl stocks are still far underrated. and the US$ will hopefully find it's turnaround. As for Bill Gates, (isn't he retired) apart from being shareholder, he got actually paid by the company, unlike Steve Jobs, unless you count 1$ as payment.
  • Reply 62 of 73
    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    Makes me feel very fuzzy when I hear an innovation based company valued on the same scale of economic importance as an Oil Company. I hope we move away from oil and let those oil companies die as soon as possible.

    I, Hydrogen, simple mortal, hereby testify in the front of Heaven that this is the true, complete and unaltered record of the prophecy that the Orbe of time transmitted to my iPad on the Patmos island (Sorry, no, I was unable to trace back the IP address of the sender ...). May Heaven grant me to live long enough to see the fulfilment of this prophecy !!!!

    Autumn 2010 : Apple announces quarterly results which show a 50 Billion Dollar revenue / 20 Billion Dollar profits trajectory. The analysts revise their expectations ..

    Spring 2011 : after the iPad and the iPhone are introduced in China, a specific Verizon CDMA model is introduced for the US. The competitors announce models "soon to come", but fail to materialize ... Analysts revise their expectations again..

    The analysts start to realize that instead of the iPad (now sold at more than three million per month) cannibalizing the Macs, each product or service of the Apple ecosystem strengthens each other, and that Apple is eating up every year a percentage of the huge PC market share. They revise their expectations accordingly ..

    Autumn 2012 : Apple reinvents the watch: iWatch (human skin surface currents being used to transmit information to earphones. At that time, rumors already circulated that Apple was secretly working on a way to convey the audio information directly to the brain. Other rumors from sources (which insisted to remain unidentified) also speculated that Apple was working on the most secret project of its history (code name Wozniak), aiming at implementing a neuronal version of the iOS into the human brain (the only minor remaining technical difficulty being to implement into the human brain a 5.1 encoded audio information into the human brain).

    Summer 2011 : Steve Jobs announces that a few billion Dollars out of Apple's cash will be used to launch Apple's largest private satellite constellation (this representing a tiny proportion of Apple's total cash). TV broadscasters feel uncomfortable ..

    Spring 2012 : Apple reinvents the TV : iTV (British shareholders of ITV, the managers of which had previously expressed irritation about the use of this acronym, enthusiastically accept Apple's generous offer). The TV broadcasting industry understand that its destiny is sealed, and consists in being cut into tiny bits...

    Summer 2013 : Apple reinvents the credit card : Steve announces that the iPhone now fully possesses credit card capabilities (with of course sophisticated authentication capabilities, and added value services for budget management, etc ...), and announces the creation of the Apple iBank. Although Banking companies publicly minimize the announcement, they infact are terrorized, as they know that Apple's gigantic cash makes this situation very dangerous for them.

    Spring 2014 : the Apple profits have now jumped to the incredible amount of 40 Billion Dollars a year, turning Apple shares into the largest stock among any companies in the world (beyond Exxon Mobil or Petrochina). Analysts again revise their expectations ..

    Summer 2014 : Apple chief financial Officer (R Oppenheimer) manages to convince Steve that the only way to reduce Apple's enormous cash (on which the US government is starting to look at in a somewhat threatening way) would be to distribute a dividend to the shareholders. The Apple share skyrockets again ..

    Spring 2015 : Apple acquires Intel. The analysts ...

    Apple competitors feel increasingly worried, and find no way to navigate safely through the mine fields of Apple patents (the Lawyers department of Apple has grown up to ten thousand of people, becoming the first department of the company). Sadly for them, they have no hope to expect from the antitrust authorities, since Apple, not being he dominant player in any of its markets, due to its vertical integration model, is out of reach.

    Following IBM's historical example, PC suppliers quit one by one the PC market, into which they have no hope to make any decent profit (especially since the competition on prices has become even tougher, as the Windows market share shrinks ..).

    Microsoft is in trouble.. (Especially since Steve's pitbull buddy Larry Ellison has successfully sued Google and Microsoft companies about Java (plus various other things), has aggressively and successfully promoted Open Office against Microsoft Office, and engaged a strategic partnership with Apple very dangerous for Microsoft in the professional business market.

    Steve Ballmer is fired. Apple uses the old Microsoft video of the "iPhone4 funerals" (pathetic episode, inconcievable for such a large company) to celebrate the news. Dell runs out of business (and distributes the money to its shareholders (who immediately buy Apple shares with it).

    Spring 2015 : Steve announces that from now on, the Apple enormous cash + the revenues driven from immaterial content (advertising, music, films, newspapers ..) enable the company to distribute its electronic consumer products for free

    Autumn 2016 : in a keynote which will forever remain in the anthology, Steve Jobs reveal that Apple reinvents the car : iCar (yes, it is a mobile device, too ?). the automotive industry is terrorized ...

    Summer 2019 : the «*water party*» candidate to the US Presidency (tea party follow up, even more aggressive republican sect (yes, it is possible ...)) announces Apple's dismantling in case he/she is elected. Steve Jobs is successfully (without any campaign, as the other candidates withdraw for him) designated as Democrat candidate to the election.

    2020 : Apple reinvents the Presidency of the United States :Steve Jobs is elected president of the United States (reachhing majority of votes in all states, including Texas), but insists for its salary to be one dollar / year only (first iPresident of the United States).

    At that time, Steve's popularity is so great that most American people convert to Zen Buddhism, and are no longer interested in profit making. The National Riffle Association (NRA) turns itself into the National reconciliation Association, and now promotes non-violence. Apple Stores throughout the world (even China agrees) are converted with little modifications into Zen Buddhist temples (the Logo stays, the tables and Apple products are removed, the Genius bar employees are trained to become spiritual advisors).

    2030 : Apple reinvents the religion : after a carreer as a business man & a politician, Steve Jobs reaches the final (and probably the most successful) accomplishment of his life in being a religious leader. Flying throughout the world with his Gulfstream, he preaches successfully Zen Buddhism through "spiritual keynotes" in a climate of religious fervor which cannot even be described, and manages to convert very unlikely disciples (such as Arnold Schwarzenegger & Larry Ellison (who decides to give his entire fortune to charity funds, and to spend the rest of his life in the street of San Francisco as a beggar)).

    2031 : after a second unsuccessful liver transplantation, Steve Jobs dies. Like Prometheus (who, according to ancient Greek Mythology, was condemned to have his liver perpetullay destroyed and then regenerated, for having stolen the fire from the Olympus, and having given it to the human), Steve Jobs, after having given the Mac to the human, therefore had similar destiny.
  • Reply 63 of 73
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post


  • Reply 64 of 73
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    To those of us who were defending Apple during the "beleaguered 90's", this article seems utterly mind-boggling.

    Totally, i was just gonna say -- Somebody find me the wealthy, limitless company that the idiot press is currently calling "beleaguered" -- I really need to make a few million bucks. Somebody please find me a beleaguered company that will soon be worth $300B. I'd really like to hear about it, so I can buy some stock... thanks. xoxo
  • Reply 65 of 73
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by ranReloaded View Post


  • Reply 66 of 73
    Originally Posted by Rabbit_Coach View Post

    You may still jump on the train. Appl stocks are still far underrated.

    File under "other people's money."
  • Reply 67 of 73
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I don't know how Google got on that list. They don't even have a phone number or any kind of customer support. Although they do send me checks every month.

    Google customer service is shockingly bad in the UK. I speak from experience. It took ages to find a telephone number for them and when I called the receptionist told me that they don't accept calls, even from potential customers. If you have a general question you can forget it. You have to leave a message and someone calls you back eventually. When they did call back a week later the salesman was very arrogant and didn't seem at all interested in my requirements. He recommended I sign up for £3-5k worth of ads per month without any questions about what we did or what we could afford. Needless to say I told them to shove it.
  • Reply 68 of 73
    take that BIATCHES!!!!!
  • Reply 69 of 73
    Originally Posted by davebarnes View Post

    It can't last as "Apple is closed" and we all know that "open" wins¡

    Just wait until the Windows Phone 7 arrives.

    And, the CrackPad.

    And, the HP Slate.

    And, netbooks will destroy overpriced MacBooks.



    Netbooks are a miserable failure. They arent selling. The ipad is much more capable than ANY netbook in existence!

    You just cant admit that Apple has a quality product that people want to buy. Why dont you go ahead and crawl back under the rock youve been living in for the past several years.
  • Reply 70 of 73
    Originally Posted by BUSHMAN4 View Post

    APPLE destined to be #1


    (This prophecy follows the first one (my first message on this forum, see before)

    I, Hydrogen, came again to the Patmos Island, where I had an appointment with the angels to listen to the second prophecy (Fortunately, they were on time).

    I saw the First angel. He seemed friendly, with his iPad in his hands (unknown model, probably a future one), but said to me ?leave me alone, I am watching the Apple stock exchange figures ! come and see my other colleagues !?

    I therefore came to see the Second angel, who said to me «*Hydrogen, what you will learn here will put you into trouble, but this is your prophet?s job, you have no choice , just do it*!?

    The Third angel said to me «*Apple Engineers are working like mad, the first prophecy may come into reality sooner than expected*»

    The Fourth angel said to me «*Hydrogen, if you want to know what the future will be, just watch the 726 Episodes of the 30 Seasons of Star Trek?s five Series since the beginning (Star Trek, Star Trek Next Generation, Star Trek*: Voyager, Star Trek*: Enterprise, Deep Space Nine). If you are attentive enough, you will know what all future Apple products will be (Combadge, iPad, holosuite, etc ?). Things will happen exactly as described. However, do not try to match countries on the Earth with Star Trek?s characters (People from the Federation, Romulians, Cardassians, Bajorans, Ferengis, Vulcans, Klingons, etc ?)*: all assumptions you may make will prove to be false !

    Be also informed that we added Rule N°286 to the Ferengis «*Rules of acquisition*». This new rule states ?if you want to make money, just buy Apple Shares?. Be nevertheless aware that this rule applies to Ferengis only. If you are not sure to be one, do whatever you please, it?s your money after all !?

    He also said «*be careful with the guy who «*conducts his business with a pointed stick*» (as Frank Zappa describes him), I think you know who I am talking about?

    The Fifth angel said ?Hydrogen, I know you are interested in relativity, quantum theory, and all that stuff. I can tell you that there are at this moment at least two smart guys who are close to the ultimate explanation. Just read the entire works of Alain Connes and Thanu Padmanabhan, and you will know everything (Well ? if you are smart enough to understand, of course. Just know that (roughly speaking) the Universe you are in is nothing more than a gigantic hologram, ruled by the more fundamental law of the Universe, the entropy law, which states (to make it simple), that everything can just evolve to more disorder (yes, I know, it sounds stupid, but this is very serious). Apple will submit patents on that in the future (At this very moment, I briefly wondered whether the guy in front of me was by any chance the one with a pointed stick, because, believe me, what he was asking from me what not a piece of cake. But I recovered ?).

    Then, I came to see Frank Zappa (no , I am not saying Frank has been promoted to an Angel, I am just saying that he happened to be there, for some reason, that?s all. So, why not talk to him ? ). He said to me ?I can see that my music is more popular in Europe (Germany (where the Zappanale takes place), and France , in particular), than in my own country. This is ironic, considering what I said about France ? Please ask my widow to let my statue to be removed from Baltimore, accept my music to be distributed on the iTune Store, and stop suing the niece people who play my music at the Zappanale.?

    The Sixth angel said ?Hydrogen, you shall not get any new prophecy from us. May be we already said too much to you. Try to make good usage of it !

    The Seventh angel said to me ?Hydrogen, from now on, you shall be persecuted, and banished from various forums, as you will announce these revelations. May your faith comfort you, be courageous ! Keep an eye open ! (he unfortunately did not say which one)?

    That?s all, folks. There will not be any new prophecy. I will now meditate on this, and think about the past, present, and future events (which will undoubtedly keep me busy). I hope I will not be banished from the forums (I will try to keep a low profile), so that I can continue enjoying your debates.
  • Reply 71 of 73
    Originally Posted by Hydrogen View Post

    (This prophecy follows the first one (my first message on this forum, see before)

    The Fourth angel said to me «*Hydrogen, if you want to know what the future will be, just watch the 726 Episodes of the 30 Seasons of Star Trek?s five Series since the beginning (Star Trek, Star Trek Next Generation, Star Trek*: Voyager, Star Trek*: Enterprise, Deep Space Nine). If you are attentive enough, you will know what all future Apple products will be (Combadge, iPad, holosuite, etc ?). Things will happen exactly as described. However, do not try to match countries on the Earth with Star Trek?s characters (People from the Federation, Romulians, Cardassians, Bajorans, Ferengis, Vulcans, Klingons, etc ?)*: all assumptions you may make will prove to be false !


    Excellent post Hydrogen, thanks. About iPads in Star Trek, they appear frequently in many episodes, but in small format, held vertically, and the screen does not cover the full surface.

    However, in Deep Space 9 / Season 7 / First episode ("image in the sand"), you can see a much more interesting version ... (unfortunately this Season is now hard to find ...)
  • Reply 72 of 73
    Originally Posted by jayparmer View Post

    And yet, AAPL still can't break out of the pack. What is it with this wavering around $250? With all this great sales and profitability data why in the world isn't it stretching toward $300? Baffling. Are there that many sheep in Wall Street?

    I take it you haven't even looked at the stock market for the past six months. Heck, look at the top right of this webpage.

    $316 a share. Come on, man.
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