NPD: Early iPad adopters more satisfied, active than recent buyers



  • Reply 41 of 115
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post

    Printer, definitely

    Game pad, certainly

    MIDI controller

    Control surfaces

    High-end audio devices ( for recording)

    Mass-storage devices.

    Lest you claim that these devices wouldn't work without appropriate software, I would pointing that no one will write the software until the port exists.

    BTW, I'd be perfectly happy with a dongle or cable solution, though having the port built in would encourage hardware and software developers.

    I don't want a USB port on the device (actually, I have one in the form of the camera connection kit), but I do have some of these use cases. Given the iPad's mobility, however, plugging it in isn't ideal. Who wants to use it with a cord attached? Instead:

    Printer -- over Wi-Fi.

    Game pad -- would rather touch it

    MIDI controller -- would rather use Bluetooth or Wi-fi, but audio people are latency sensitive so okay, this is a good USB use

    Control surfaces -- ??? Not sure what this means? I just touch the thing.

    High-end audio devices -- AirPlay over BT/Wi-fi.

    Mass-storage -- Wi-fi.
  • Reply 42 of 115
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    Go away, troll.

    Those were all valid complaints from a guy whop sounds like he owns one. Jackass.
  • Reply 43 of 115
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by mitchelljd View Post

    honestly, it is neat, but has alot of improvement to make

    1- needs USB input and output

    2- needs SD card slot

    3- needs camera like iphone on both sides.

    4- needs full FLASH compatibility, i am time and time again frustrated with the inability for many websites to be functional on it.

    5- better system memory size, lots of websites with pics crash under the load of memory.

    6- needs more cellular provider option, why just ATT in usa? let others service it.

    This is a nifty gizmo, but clearly has tons of room for improvement

    1 & 2- already exist - kind of.

    3- Yes and I am sure rev2 will have that

    4- wont happen - at least not for a while.

    5- rev2 will at least double the memory, is my bet

    6- yawn... not thatI disagree but it must be the most discussed subject here
  • Reply 44 of 115
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by 801 View Post

    I think it will draw the battery down. Remember that USB supplies the power to the item it is attached to, in many instances. I am certain that the batteries are designed for a certain output, so they may ( yes, that waffle word) have to be larger to handle the potential power draw.

    Have you ever heard of a netbook? They run off small batteries for long periods and have USB ports.
  • Reply 45 of 115
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    So?a bunch of iPad owners are Luddites? Weird.

    What are you talking about?
  • Reply 46 of 115
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    So?a bunch of iPad owners are Luddites? Weird.

    Wanting to use USB makes a person a Luddite? WOW! lay off the drugs, you are WAY out of touch with reality.
  • Reply 47 of 115
    cimcim Posts: 197member
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    What are you talking about?

    Some people want to stick to USB even though there are better solutions available. AirPrint and AirPlay, for example, will make USB unnecessary on the iPad.
  • Reply 48 of 115
    cimcim Posts: 197member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    Those were all valid complaints from a guy whop sounds like he owns one. Jackass.

    Sure he does. And he just happens to make a whine list identical to iPad hating trolls purely by coincidence…
  • Reply 49 of 115
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by jbro1999 View Post

    The way it looks. I don't want that on the side. You add that then someone will want more and more. Less is more.

  • Reply 50 of 115
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    Despite all the press on cloud computing, businesses are not all eager to turn over their confidential data to the cloud. Did you happen to notice the FBI's request to Congress this week? They want a backdoor password to encrypted cloud data. Once the door exists, hackers will surely try to open it.

    Businesses can develop their own internal iPad/iPhone apps that can securely access their own data on their own servers. Having a physical HDD is not much secure either. If someone want your data they could get it.

    We are talking about having a USB on a portable device because people want to carry around external HDD!! are you serious?! Many are complaining that the iPad is heavy already. There are alternative and they work much better than HDD.
  • Reply 51 of 115
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    Some people want to stick to USB even though there are better solutions available. AirPrint and AirPlay, for example, will make USB unnecessary on the iPad.

    Yes because wherever I go with my iPad, I will find everyone else supporting AirPrint and AirPlay and the non existant AirFile. Yeah right. If you never leave your own house or office maybe, but if you actually go out and about with your mobile tablet you may find a reason to interface with non-apple products. Just maybe.

    I can't wait to see your opinion change when the next iPad has USB and Steve spends 45 minutes on stage displaying a sample of the new things a few developers have done with USB.
  • Reply 52 of 115
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post

    Printer, definitely

    Game pad, certainly

    MIDI controller

    Control surfaces

    High-end audio devices ( for recording)

    Mass-storage devices.

    Lest you claim that these devices wouldn't work without appropriate software, I would pointing that no one will write the software until the port exists.

    BTW, I'd be perfectly happy with a dongle or cable solution, though having the port built in would encourage hardware and software developers.

    A lot of those can be accomplished by going through the dock connector cable. USB is supported by the dock connector. The port needed for a gamepad or a midi controller is right there...

    USB printing would require Apple's support, so a USB port wouldn't help you get those anyway (it could also be done through the dock connector if apple wanted).

    PS: A dongle already exists, so you should be perfectly happy with the limited software support it has.
  • Reply 53 of 115
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Businesses can develop their own internal iPad/iPhone apps that can securely access their own data on their own servers. Having a physical HDD is not much secure either. If someone want your data they could get it.

    We are talking about having a USB on a portable device because people want to carry around external HDD!! are you serious?! Many are complaining that the iPad is heavy already. There are alternative and they work much better.

    I go to a client, client has lots of data he wants me to have. Stuff he does not want to email or store in "the cloud". I pull out netbook/tablet, he pulls out external drive with data. I plug in and transfer data to my device, then unplug. I go back to office, copy data from modile device to my server. This happens ALL THE TIME in many fields. No matter how cutting edge you are, you often have to deal with the rest of the world, so the "better" alternatives are neither better nor even an option.
  • Reply 54 of 115
    Originally Posted by From The article

    "Early adopters, like iPad owners, follow a traditional pattern of consumer behavior; they purchase products because they want them, not because they need them," Baker said. "However, as Apple increases iPad distribution and consumer interest peaks, the profile of an iPad owner is much more likely to mirror the overall tech population. When that does happen other tech products with similar usage profiles as the iPad, such as notebooks, netbooks, and e-readers will come under increased pressure from the iPad."

    Emphasis mine!

    I wonder how much of the converse is true:

    Early adopters, like iPad owners, follow a traditional pattern of consumer behavior; they purchase products because they need them, not because they want them,

    It could be that "later adapters" have less compelling needs and, therefore, take longer to justify their purchase.

    It is difficult to tell with a device priced at $499 -- for some, this will inexpensive enough to be an impulsive purchase.

    I bought 2 on announce day -- here are some of the things that led to the purchase:

    -- I am an iOS developer and want to write apps for it

    -- I have 3 grandkids who lug around 12-18 lb backpacks of school books - 'Nuff said!

    -- I considered it a revolutionary new product category and wanted to support the concept

    -- I am an AAPL shareholder

    -- my 14-year-old granddaughter was about to enter High School and we wanted her to decide between the iPad and a laptop

    -- I saw a potential for on-the-spot film clip editing at the grandkids soccer games

    -- like someone said: "Steve had me at scroll".

  • Reply 55 of 115
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    My biggest issue is Safari. Say I start a post, write a few lines and I decide to double check something I'm about to say, so I open another Safari window and look it up. I switch back to my post and Safari reloads the page and the post window is cleared of any entered text.

    Safari also doesn't work well with at least vbb and maybe several other common forum programs, you can't scroll within the posting window, it's easy to type past the given window and not be able to see what I'm typing.

    So if I want to say anything, I ditch the iPad and pull out my notebook.
  • Reply 56 of 115
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    My biggest issue is Safari. Say I start a post, write a few lines and I decide to double check something I'm about to say, so I open another Safari window and look it up. I switch back to my post and Safari reloads the page and the post window is cleared of any entered text.

    This is still a problem even the 4.2 beta doesn't solve it. However, sometimes when I go back to Safari the page doesn't reload!


    Safari also doesn't work well with at least vbb and maybe several other common forum programs, you can't scroll within the posting window, it's easy to type past the given window and not be able to see what I'm typing.

    There is a trick. Scroll inside the window with two fingers instead of one
  • Reply 57 of 115
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    I go to a client, client has lots of data he wants me to have. Stuff he does not want to email or store in "the cloud". I pull out netbook/tablet, he pulls out external drive with data. I plug in and transfer data to my device, then unplug. I go back to office, copy data from modile device to my server. This happens ALL THE TIME in many fields. No matter how cutting edge you are, you often have to deal with the rest of the world, so the "better" alternatives are neither better nor even an option.

    The iPad is not all purpose device. It is designed to not replace anything and Apple made it clear. They didn't put a USB port on the iPad and when you went to the meeting the USB port disappeared. I have an iPad and MBP and each does some things better than the other. Sure, in some situations the iPad will not replace a laptop. A portable device for reading books, browsing the internet, watching movies, playing games.. etc is not the best choice when you go to meetings expecting to transfer large amount of data. It is that simple. Having a USB port on the iPad won't make the device better but it will make people think that can do more but they can't.

    If you can't engage in a civilized discussion maybe you should not reply to other posters.
  • Reply 58 of 115
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Emphasis mine!

    I wonder how much of the converse is true:

    Early adopters, like iPad owners, follow a traditional pattern of consumer behavior; they purchase products because they need them, not because they want them,

    It could be that "later adapters" have less compelling needs and, therefore, take longer to justify their purchase.

    It is difficult to tell with a device priced at $499 -- for some, this will inexpensive enough to be an impulsive purchase.

    I bought 2 on announce day -- here are some of the things that led to the purchase:

    -- I am an iOS developer and want to write apps for it

    -- I have 3 grandkids who lug around 12-18 lb backpacks of school books - 'Nuff said!

    -- I considered it a revolutionary new product category and wanted to support the concept

    -- I am an AAPL shareholder

    -- my 14-year-old granddaughter was about to enter High School and we wanted her to decide between the iPad and a laptop

    -- I saw a potential for on-the-spot film clip editing at the grandkids soccer games

    -- like someone said: "Steve had me at scroll".


    I don't think thats the case. Early adapters tend to be people that need to have the latest no matter what it has to offer, its not based on needs its based on being the first on your block to have it. That goes for anything not just talking about Apple products.

    They also tend to be the very loyal customers that buy whatever the new product is that company puts out.

    A good example was the iPhone 4 launch. At the Mall of GA people stood in line for 13 hours to get the iPhone 4. When I walked by many of them were using their iPhone 3GS and their iPad so certainly there was no great need for them to be standing in line for the iPhone 4. There isn't a product on earth that I NEED to have the first day its released nor would stand in line for 13 hours to get.
  • Reply 59 of 115
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    Some people want to stick to USB even though there are better solutions available. AirPrint and AirPlay, for example, will make USB unnecessary on the iPad.

    Which hardly makes them Luddites. If they insisted on floppy drives, then sure.
  • Reply 60 of 115
    2 cents2 cents Posts: 307member
    Originally Posted by zindako View Post

    I use my iPad everyday.

    Me, a lot! And I am finding more and more time for it.

    USB? Not missing it. Printing? Would be nice if it's done right and by that I mean accessing any printer on my network. Multitasking? It's ok, but I don't really need it as long as pandora, Skype, etc, work in the background, I don't need that double-tapping stuff. I use it on the iPhone but if it went away, it would not bother me. I got my iPad in August so I don't consider myself a true early adopter. My biggest problem is finding time to explore new apps. All apps should come in a lite or at least a crippled demo version to try outl. I think it would increase sales in the long run.
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