NPD: Early iPad adopters more satisfied, active than recent buyers



  • Reply 81 of 115
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Imagine what percentage of eventual buyers of Microsoft tablets, or HP tablets will be "satisfied"... it could get ugly.
  • Reply 82 of 115
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    So, all you anti-USB Steve worshipers, please explain to the 51% who want it,


    It will sadly limit our arguments. Geeeezzz.......
  • Reply 83 of 115
    postulantpostulant Posts: 1,272member
    It is really genius what Apple has done with the new AppleTv, iPad, and AirPlay.

    You would be wrong to think that you're tied to the iTunes store with the new AppleTV.

    The AppleTV doesn't have a native internet browser, but your iPad, iPod, and iPhone does. Say, for example, that you're using one of your iOS devices as a remote for your newly purchased AppleTv, you now have the ability to navigate to any site of your choice that plays iOS device compatible video content and have it play directly on your AppleTV. I've tested a few sites, and AirPlay is looking rather awesome. Here are just a few:






    ESPN Sports




    Anyhow, my iPad just got that much better. Love it!!
  • Reply 84 of 115
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    I find it odd that all this talk of USB never seems to be specific, and I’d think it should be for those that have truly thought this through.

    For starters, the iPad does support USB. How else do all iDevices connect to ‘PC’s if not through a USB-A interface at the opposite end of the included cable.

    Secondly, i don’t think a single mentioned which USB port interface they want when they grabbed their pitchforks and lit their torches. USB-A? Kind of big for the iPad don’t you think? USB-B? Even taller than USB-B. Mini-USB-A? Mini-USB-B? MIcro-USB-AB? Micro-USB-B? If you pick wrong you’ll need an adapter for your cable, which gets really annoying because these cables look so similar and these weak designs (or perhaps manufacturing) can ruin a connector if you try to force it. I’ve seen it way too many times.

    And which of these USB ports offer locking? Which of these USB ports have a pin design as robust as Apple’s 30-pin Dock Connector that could potentially allow for the unused FireWire pins be converted for optical for LightPeak?

    What happens when a customer plugs in their 2.5” portal USB HDD and they can’t access it with their iPad and get pissed at Apple because to them if you offer a USB port on a “computer’ it means you can plug in external HDDs to access data? Makes sense to me that should work on any computer and that iPad certainly seems like a computer to me.

    Finally, there are how many hundreds of millions of iDevices with the ability to use the same cables and 3rd-party accessories and spanning many, many years. How many other vendors have that sort of ecosystem for their device. Hell, try finding a basic cellphone charger for your car at a truck stop. There have got to be dozens if not hundreds of different versions, yet the iPhone and all other iDevices, save for the Shuffle, use the same connector.
  • Reply 85 of 115
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I find it odd that all this talk of USB never seems to be specific, and I?d think it should be for those that have truly thought this through......

    What happens when a customer plugs in their 2.5? portal USB HDD and they can?t access it with their iPad and get pissed at Apple because to them if you offer a USB port on a ?computer? it means you can plug in external HDDs to access data? Makes sense to me that should work on any computer and that iPad certainly seems like a computer to me.

    Damn Soli... you always beat me to it... so once again: +1 - and comments.

    I think the very reason why Apple decided not to put in a USB port was due to the confusion... and then the major complaints, both online and at the Apple Stores, when a customer plugged in something that wasn't supported.

    As Soli said, a huge number of USB connector types exist now... and let's not forget about many needing a "powered USB port", their own power source, or even a Y-cable (many older and cheap 2.5" drives). That would mean 2 USB ports.

    If at all, I would hope that Apple hurries up with the LightPeak integration on all their products and pushes it forward, just like they did with... you guessed it... USB. Apple used it first, then everyone else followed. So now they're (hopefully) killing it for a far better technology and solution... considering Firewire went practically nowhere.

    BTW: what is so hard about Dropbox or emailing data?

    And re: printing - what about drivers? Or is Apple going to make a universal driver with basic print functionality? Not sure how that's going to play out for those trying to print to Windows network printers.

    Also, I can't remember the last time that I was at a client where I needed to print something "personally" that I couldn't email and ask the secretary to do it for me/us. I can't imagine carrying a USB cable and fiddling with the client's printer to do it myself
  • Reply 86 of 115
    Well obviously the early adopters were the ones who really wanted the device and thus were more satisfied with it than the ones who just kinda wanted it and waited a while before getting it.
  • Reply 87 of 115
    Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post

    Printer, definitely

    Game pad, certainly

    MIDI controller

    Control surfaces

    High-end audio devices ( for recording)

    Mass-storage devices.

    Lest you claim that these devices wouldn't work without appropriate software, I would pointing that no one will write the software until the port exists.

    BTW, I'd be perfectly happy with a dongle or cable solution, though having the port built in would encourage hardware and software developers.

    Some company already makes a guitar connector for iPhone/iPad and has an app that looks nice. It plus in to the pin slot already on the device. Hopefully someone will make a microphone plug...

    That said, I heard one from a developer that Apple demands a pretty penny for the Made For iPad stamp and that even for a blue tooth device to be compatible it requires some kind of special added chip or whatever that allows it to connect to iDevices. It was his explanation as to why a certain device (Kestrel weather meter) won't connect to the iPhone. He emphasized with: where's the plethora of iPhone-compatible devices we were led to believe were coming?
  • Reply 88 of 115
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    Originally Posted by mitchelljd View Post

    honestly, it is neat, but has alot of improvement to make

    1- needs USB input and output

    2- needs SD card slot

    3- needs camera like iphone on both sides.

    4- needs full FLASH compatibility, i am time and time again frustrated with the inability for many websites to be functional on it.

    5- better system memory size, lots of websites with pics crash under the load of memory.

    6- needs more cellular provider option, why just ATT in usa? let others service it.

    This is a nifty gizmo, but clearly has tons of room for improvement

    More main memory (256MB is not much) and a front facing camera make sense, everything else is

    Those two are the only things I wish my iPad had. More RAM (512MB or even 1GB) will allow Safari to keep more pages in cache instead of reloading them often, and a front facing camera for Skype or FaceTime.

    Also more storage with iPad 2 wont be bad, 128GB is gonna be nice
  • Reply 89 of 115
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    The USB thing is so stupid. What do people expect they'd to be able to plug into it if there was a USB port? Mouse? Printer? Scanner? Gamepad? Even if it had a USB port, 99% of the things you'd try to plug into it wouldn't work or make any sense.

    I agree with you if you needed all these extras use a pc or a laptop.Not an i pad
  • Reply 90 of 115
    tardistardis Posts: 94member
    Originally Posted by MJ1970 View Post

    I'm curious about this. It lends some credence to the rumors that Apple is considering adding a USB port to iPad 2. But I wonder, with regard to the complaining users, what do they want to do with that USB port?

    I don't understand this. What does "the lack of USB ports" mean about a device that is sold with a USB cable? The iPad requires that you plug it into a computer USB port to use it and to re-charge its batteries.
  • Reply 91 of 115
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post

    Printer, definitely

    Game pad, certainly

    MIDI controller

    Control surfaces

    High-end audio devices ( for recording)

    Mass-storage devices.

    Lest you claim that these devices wouldn't work without appropriate software, I would pointing that no one will write the software until the port exists.

    BTW, I'd be perfectly happy with a dongle or cable solution, though having the port built in would encourage hardware and software developers.

    This wins my Darwin award for 2010. "game pad" - The device IS a game pad.

    Control Surfaces - This IS a control surface

    Midi Controller - What on earth for? This is so niche as to be pointless, if anyone was bothered they could write an app and utilise the camera connection kit.

    High-End audio devices (for recording) - recording what, with 128 megs of ram and at most 64 gig hard drive. besides, the camera connection kit covers that niche market.

    Mass Storage Devices. You mean like the computer that you can sync the device to? This is a portable device with a finite hard drive, you're not seriously suggesting leaving it attached to some external hard drive for use?!

    There is the cable/dongle solution you're after, it's called the camera connection kit and it was announced on the day the iPad was launched.

    I'm assuming you've never used an iPad, or have and somehow missed the point.

    And as wireless printing is just around the corner, point one is now moot.
  • Reply 92 of 115
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by mitchelljd View Post

    honestly, it is neat, but has alot of improvement to make

    1- needs USB input and output

    2- needs SD card slot

    3- needs camera like iphone on both sides.

    4- needs full FLASH compatibility, i am time and time again frustrated with the inability for many websites to be functional on it.

    5- better system memory size, lots of websites with pics crash under the load of memory.

    6- needs more cellular provider option, why just ATT in usa? let others service it.

    This is a nifty gizmo, but clearly has tons of room for improvement

    Your points one and two are your personal desires, not "needs" - buy the camera connection kit. Sorted.

    You want to use the iPad as a camera?! (point 3) don't be ridiculous. This is in no way ergonomically designed to act as a camera, you'd look ridiculous taking pictures with this thing. I still don't get the front facing camera request, I don't want to video chat with someone as they look up my nose/at the ceiling.

    Your point 4 - flash is not compatible with mobile devices. Flash 10.1 sort of runs on my android, but it's flakey at best, completely fails to render at worst and all flash sites are unusable as there is no differentiation between a click and a mouse over. Until flash works on mobile devices, how can there be a need to support it? Apart from flash adverts what exactly are you missing? If your favourite video site doesn't deliver it's video professionally (with browser detection and appropriate delivery) then stop visiting it - they'll soon get the message when their site stats plummet. I used to hear these same arguments for developing sites only for internet explorer 5 - it's what everyone does. That held back web development for years - now flash is doing the same. It was never intended for video delivery, and does a pretty awful job of doing so when there have always been (normally better) options available.

    5 - I've yet to have a site or pic(?!) crash on me. If a web site can't render with 100 +megs of ram, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with the site.

    6 - Can't help you there, there are a LOT of choices over here in Europe, but as this device is rarely going to be out of a wi-fi zone (home use, hotels etc) the 3G option is a rarely used option for many.
  • Reply 93 of 115
    I'm a high school art and photo teacher and I bought the iPad the before the start of school year. I had also bought a 15 inch MBP and 17 inch iMac retiring an old G4 tower. I use the iPad every day showing examples of artwork, videos on art, referring to articles and the like. With 3G I can log into the web based grading and attendance site Infinite Campus that our school uses as we do not have WiFi. Since Infinite Campus requires Java for some functions I have had to rely on Cloud Browse to enter grades.

    My only complaint is that the iPad should have been eligible for Apple's educator discount. The iPad is absolutely perfect for use in school while the brand new MBP stays home gathering dust. If ever a device qualified for such a discount it would be for the iPad. I've demonstrated how effective the iPad is to countless teachers, students and some administrators. In a nearby school district 500 iPads were purchased for student and teacher use. Apple's presence in schools need be iPads and iMacs while the hundreds of iPods and iPhones are what need be left home as they continue to be the most perfect distraction to learning I encounter everyday - in class!
  • Reply 94 of 115
    At launch the number of apps was far lower than today's.

    I'd wager that when iOS4.x hits the iPad, the satisfaction thingie goes up considerably.
  • Reply 95 of 115
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    Some people want to stick to USB even though there are better solutions available. AirPrint and AirPlay, for example, will make USB unnecessary on the iPad.

    This is just plain ignorant, USB has nothing to do with AirPrint nor AirPlay nor will either of them replace USB.

    It just amazes me that people can't grasp that USB supports many things than printers and memory sticks. The world is large and varied as is USB.
  • Reply 96 of 115
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,024member
    and use my ipad multiple times every day.. quite happy with it...what I'd like to see:

    - Printing (coming)

    - ARD App for screen control of computers

    - Search on a web page

    - .ics support for Calendar app

    I don't care about Flash or USB support - many sites have already converted to some form of alternative-to-Flash (except porn I suppose), or have dedicated apps... I never miss connecting something via USB either...
  • Reply 97 of 115
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I can?t believe this still isnt? resolved. If you don?t recall, that is the primary reason I returned it.

    One of the reasons I've resisted buying an iPad is directly related to the amount of RAM installed. Basically I can't ever seee the platform running Safari well. Not in the way I expect to use the machine. It is ptetty clear that by the time the OS and background apps load there is little RAM available for a app like Safari.


    And here is a very detail article on the odd page limit cache size for the iPad, and only the iPad which apparently is the cause for all these issues.


    Or use a 3rd-party browser which is what I?ll be doing.

    It will be interesting to see what 4.2 brings to iPad with respect to usability. I just don't expect massive improvements because I believe hardware is the issue.
  • Reply 98 of 115
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by mikemikeb View Post

    For example: There's a local sub shop that still, over forty years after it opened, doesn't accept credit cards (cash only). Say it wants to start taking plastic at some point. I've been thinking of how to implement that with iPads as replacement cash registers. (The iPads would allow the shop to write a custom, private app to show cashiers any online orders coming in, if they wish to implement such a system.)

    As far as I know, you'd need the following equipment at each register (there are two):

    1. iPad

    2. Dock with built-in keyboard

    3. Receipt printer

    4. Manual money tray

    5. Countertop credit card device with user-visible capacitive display, to show purchases made and a place for signatures

    6. NFC-based iPhone payment device (optional; may be built into credit card device)

    AirPrint could connect the receipt printer, but not the credit card machine. That would require a USB port.

    (No, I don't work for the shop.)

    The iPad could be a wonderful product for many dedicated uses, if it simply offered up USB ports. The built in high quality touch screen is a huge advantage, with iOS offering significant advantages.

    Personally I've contemplated a number of ideas from a screen for a microscope to an interface for an interferrometer. Another place where it would be handy is in industry with a USB to RS232 bridge. Here a terminal emulator would allow access to many industrial devices, with iPad being perfect for that on the go environment. Then we have todays USB equiped instruments for data logging, power measurement and other activities where intermittant connections would be very useful. Another idea is a Touch based telescope, where the video and the control happens over USB.
  • Reply 99 of 115
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Is this not a RAM issue at least in part?

    One of the reasons I've resisted buying an iPad is directly related to the amount of RAM installed. Basically I can't ever seee the platform running Safari well. Not in the way I expect to use the machine. It is ptetty clear that by the time the OS and background apps load there is little RAM available for a app like Safari. .

    Perhaps in part, as the display has a lot more pixels than the 3GS (both have 256MB RAM) thereby needing more RAM for the GPU. However, this wasn?t an issue with the original iPhone with 128MB RAM and the 25.6KB is only for HTML, not for CSS or JS caching, which is odd. Also, this is not an issue with other mobile browsers on the iPad that use the Webkit framework.

    I would have thought this a bug, but since it?s not resolved in 4.2b2 I do have to consider there are other reasons like HW, though I honestly can?t figure out why.
  • Reply 100 of 115
    guinnessguinness Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    What amazes me is that everyone is talking about cloud computing and some people still want external HDD for portable devices. I have two external HDD and several flash drives that I haven't used for years now. I have work files stored in my MobileMe iDisk and DB just incase. I can access them from everywhere. But I guess some people just like moving backward.

    The problem with that scenario, is that you have to connected online, always. Your information is only as accessible as your internet connection. If you never leave a city or well-connected area, that's not a problem, but if you have to, then it's useless.

    With a USB device, you just plug it in, and as long as you have some sort of power source, you can transfer files, and you don't have to deal with the extra step of logging into/or paying for an additional service.

    I'd rather see a built-in SD slot, that's would cover 99% of any potential needs, and no a $29 add-on dongle just doesn't cut it. A built-in USB port would be a giant catch all though.
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