WSJ: Apple to build Verizon-compatible CDMA iPhone by year end

in iPhone edited January 2014
Apple plans to begin mass production of a new Verizon-compatible iPhone by the end of 2010, allowing the largest carrier in the U.S. to launch the handset by early next year, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The paper reported on Wednesday that people briefed by Apple said the handset would have the same design as the current iPhone 4. But inside, the device is said to contain a CDMA chipset that would be compatible with Verizon's network.

The report claimed that the new CDMA iPhone will feature a chip from Qualcomm. It was said the device will launch in the first quarter of 2011.

Qualcomm's alleged involvement would confirm a report from late September which indicated the chipmaker was partnering with Apple for a CDMA iPhone. The current GSM iPhone uses UMTS/HSPA+ technology which is not compatible with Verizon.

Sources also indicated to the paper that Apple is also working on a fifth-generation iPhone that will contain a "different form factor from those that are currently available." No other information, including a potential release date, was given.

The report comes just as one analyst revealed that sources within Apple's overseas suppliers indicated the Cupertino, Calif., company plans to launch new phones with both larger and smaller screen sizes as soon as early 2011. It was suggested that Apple is looking to expand the iPhone line to offer different caliber products, much like it has done with the iPod brand.

Rumors of a Verizon iPhone have existed since the handset was first announced. In the U.S., it remains exclusive to carrier AT&T.

Those rumors largely died down in 2010 until March, when the Journal reported that Apple was working on a Verizon-compatible iPhone. Since then, numerous reports have pointed toward a January 2011 launch for the device.

It has even been said that the CDMA iPhone has been in testing at Apple for months, and in August the device, reportedly code-named N92, was said to be just two steps away from production status.


  • Reply 1 of 70
    Oh good now that we have seen the tenth Android vs iOS thread this month we needed to add the tenth Verizon gets the iPhone article.
  • Reply 2 of 70
    Man, the weirdest thing keeps happening! My iPhone insists on only displaying old repeat stories today. Oh, nevermind. It's just appleinsider.

    Why oh why must the same story keep getting jumbled up and reposted?
  • Reply 3 of 70
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Oh good now that we have seen the tenth Android vs iOS thread this month we needed to add the tenth Verizon gets the iPhone article.

    And it is only the 6th!
  • Reply 4 of 70
    mgl323mgl323 Posts: 247member
    Originally Posted by iancass79 View Post

    Man, the weirdest thing keeps happening! My iPhone insists on only displaying old repeat stories today. Oh, nevermind. It's just appleinsider.

    Why oh why must the same story keep getting jumbled up and reposted?

    Oh look, it?s this rumor again.. If this is true, then that means Verizon caved in to the demands of Apple. Which I call bullsh*t because both companies are control freaks.
  • Reply 5 of 70
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 3,989member
    Maybe it's like the chatter the intelligence agencies monitor in keeping tabs on terrorists. The greater the frequency and volume of these stories, the more likely it's gonna happen?
  • Reply 6 of 70
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    When the WSJ is reporting that people were "told by Apple" it would be hard for AI not to run the story. You don't have to read it though.

    Would have been nice to have something a little more concrete...
  • Reply 7 of 70
    Originally Posted by mgl323 View Post

    Oh look, it’s this rumor again.. If this is true, then that means Verizon caved in to the demands of Apple. Which I call bullsh*t because both companies are control freaks.

    You've made a good point here: back in 2007, Apple approached Verizon to offer the iPhone. When Verizon understood Apple would control the user experience itself, Verizon said no. When Google approached Verizon to offer Android-think open-well, Verizon salivated. Verizon wants to control the user experience. So, if and when CDMA iPhones appear, we shouldn't think Verizon. There are a half dozen very decent carriers throughout the world willing to let Apple control the user experience. There are dozens of big and small carriers all over the world who've agreed to the situation, and are doing well for it. Verizon will end up being the exclusive non-iPhone-carrier in the USA next year. But they will have Android.
  • Reply 8 of 70
    wurm5150wurm5150 Posts: 763member
    Look it's going to happen. Deal with it!

    Sigh.. My head hurts.. Rumor overload..
  • Reply 9 of 70
    Dear WSJ

    the Verizon iPhone will be released on Feburuary 29 2011.

    Can I please have my consultancy fee now?
  • Reply 10 of 70
    mgl323mgl323 Posts: 247member
    Originally Posted by tomlawler View Post

    When Verizon understood Apple would control the user experience itself, Verizon said no. When Google approached Verizon to offer Android-think open-well, Verizon salivated.

    This made me laughed hard
  • Reply 11 of 70
    Wow. I was just saying this today on the thread about the multiple size iPhones. Steve Jobs IS listening to me. As I always suspected.

    Hey Steve, cut the iOS crap and stick with a real Mac. Get rid of the iPad. And while your at it, how about a product between the iMac and the Mac Pro Tower.

    Yeah, who's opinion counts here? MINE!
  • Reply 12 of 70
    "Sources also indicated to the paper that Apple is also working on a fifth-generation iPhone that will contain a "different form factor from those that are currently available."

    The smaller iphone "nano" will have in interface similar to the ipod nano. Not the full app store experience. Then they don't have to worry about app resolution issues and the full iphone is still an upsell.

    Just my 2¢
  • Reply 13 of 70
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    insult removed
  • Reply 14 of 70
    Does it come in white?
  • Reply 15 of 70
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    insult removed - Mr. H

    We'll see in January. Oh you fanboys had all your reasons why it could not be done.

    There's no money in it, no one wants it, and my personal favorite: No simultaneous voice and data.

    Yeah, that's a great reason for someone who can't get ATT reception to NOT buy a Verizon phone.

    Idiot am i? We shall see sir.
  • Reply 16 of 70
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,545member
    I'm surprised that AI keeps reporting the same rumour from different sources. It's boring, seriously. The article mentions new iPhones next year..... That'll be the iPhone 5 expect it around June doesn't take a rocket scientist to work that one out.
  • Reply 17 of 70
    Originally Posted by alphajack7 View Post

    Does it come in white?

    Blacks only my friend.
  • Reply 18 of 70
    mgl323mgl323 Posts: 247member
    Originally Posted by alphajack7 View Post

    Does it come in white?

    Only if you do this.
  • Reply 19 of 70
    When (if) the iPhone comes to Verizon, don't count on your GPS to work properly without shelling out monthly for the VZNav app.

    (GPS still doesn't work like advertised on my Palm Pre, even with tweaks! But it works great for Sprint!)
  • Reply 20 of 70
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post


    But inside, the device is said to contain a CDMA chipset that would be compatible with Verizon's network.

    The report claimed that the new CDMA iPhone will feature a chip from Qualcomm. It was said the device will launch in the first quarter of 2011.

    and also 1st quarter 2007, 1st quarter 2008, 3rd quarter 2008, 4th quarter 2008, 1st quarter 2009, etc.

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