iPad coming to Walmart stores next week - rumor



  • Reply 101 of 127
    rp2011rp2011 Posts: 159member
    This thread is hilarious and all kinds of wrong. lol
  • Reply 102 of 127
    coolcatcoolcat Posts: 156member
    Was just at Walmart today (Sunday) and I saw the 64gb Wi-Fi/3g....that's the only one I saw.
  • Reply 103 of 127
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by gerald apple View Post

    Apple just ruined their prestige name by letting Walmart carry the i pads. A big marketing mistake on their part. Is Jobs that destitute for money by letting this mediocre company carry his products? Pretty sad on his part.Only Apple Resellers should carry Apple items.

    How about you just deal with it? Having iPods and Touches at Walmart didn't ruin Apple's image. Why would iPads suddenly change that? The people that said your belief back about iPods at Walmart turned out to be wrong, so by precedence, you probably will be too.

    Pretty much all big box retailers are pretty sad in one way or another, but that's the best way to get good distribution. Radio Shack, Best Buy and Target have their problems too, but they do manage to move product. For multiple reasons, independent Apple resellers don't have much of a presence anymore, and Apple Retail isn't a a total solution either, there are entire states and major countries without an Apple Retail location.
  • Reply 104 of 127
    Originally Posted by coolcat View Post

    Was just at Walmart today (Sunday) and I saw the 64gb Wi-Fi/3g....that's the only one I saw.

    Today should be the first day they went on sale. Maybe there is limited stock.
  • Reply 105 of 127
    I make really good money to afford to shop anywhere and I like shopping at Walmart so suck it. Why do I shop there? Better choices and better value. I seriously prefer their selection over local grocery store. Why pay more if I don't have to. For those that say walmart makes crap is full of crap themselves...that is soooo biased and over opinioned. Get over it people shop there and wherever. It does not degrade anything besides the two walmarts I shop at are in upscale neighborhoods so they look really nice inside nothing about them says cheap. I'm sorry yours may look bad or cheap to you but that is not the case everywhere.
  • Reply 106 of 127
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    How about you just deal with it? Having iPods and Touches at Walmart didn't ruin Apple's image. Why would iPads suddenly change that? The people that said your belief back about iPods at Walmart turned out to be wrong, so by precedence, you probably will be too.

    Pretty much all big box retailers are pretty sad in one way or another, but that's the best way to get good distribution. For multiple reasons, independent Apple resellers don't have much of a presence anymore, and Apple Retail isn't all there yet either, there are entire states and major countries without an Apple Retail location.

    The difference is that there is no likelihood for confusion with the iPod and Touch. Everybody knows that these devices are intended to work in tandem with a computer and that they are not computer substitutes. The iPad, on the other hand, might be misinterpreted as being a computer alternative.

    You shop at Walmart because of the price, generally, but then again staff expertise is not something likely to be of a calibre to match what you would get from let's say an Apple retailer, be it an Apple Store or a retailer specializing in Apple products.

    It comes down to a trade-off, i.e. better distribution at the expense of selling the product through outlets staffed with people who can provide decent advice. I suppose that if you're going to offer the product through a Best Buy, it's not much of an upgrade on selling it via Walmart.

    In either case you have to hope consumers will know what they're getting themselves into. I suspect that Apple is counting on people figuring the process of using the iPad is the same as the Touch and since the Touch has been around for a while, that means an easy transition to the new product.
  • Reply 107 of 127
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    The difference is that there is no likelihood for confusion with the iPod and Touch. Everybody knows that these devices are intended to work in tandem with a computer and that they are not computer substitutes. The iPad, on the other hand, might be misinterpreted as being a computer alternative.

    You shop at Walmart because of the price, generally, but then again staff expertise is not something likely to be of a calibre to match what you would get from let's say an Apple retailer, be it an Apple Store or a retailer specializing in Apple products.

    I see. But still, I wonder if it really is any worse than selling in Best Buy, which tends to suffer from many of the same maladies. They supposedly have trained Apple specialists in BB stores, but I have little confidence in most of the people that do show up in that role.

    Heck, we get a lot of iPad fans here that do present iPad as a computer alternative. The truth is more complicated, and it sounds like iOS 4.2 will blur the line a little more.
  • Reply 108 of 127
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Grow up, grow a beard or something.

    I thought his post was fabulously funny, and spot on. (Yeah, another fanboy).

    Oh Yes, Everyone agrees!!!! Every company in the world is "crap" except Apple!! Yes, that was a fabulous POST!!!! Obvious a real Intelligent person posted that!!!

    Just out of curiosity, are you going to try out for the Jr. High Football team next year when you are old enough?
  • Reply 109 of 127
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I see. But still, I wonder if it really is any worse than selling in Best Buy, which tends to suffer from many of the same maladies. They supposedly have trained Apple specialists in BB stores, but I have little confidence in most of the people that do show up in that role.

    Heck, we get a lot of iPad fans here that do present iPad as a computer alternative. The truth is more complicated, and it sounds like iOS 4.2 will blur the line a little more.

    As the iPad gains functionality, in time it can evolve into a computer alternative but there is going to be a dangerous period, i.e. right now, when it will not, nor should it be expected to. Sadly, when it comes to technology, many people are simply not willing to take a few minutes to figure out the basics. There are still people, quite a few actually, that think HD TV means a flat-panel, big screen, regardless of what manner of signal is fed into it. People are simply ill-informed because they think it takes a lot of effort to figure out the basics. This is absolutely not the case but what are you going to do? It is what it is.

    I will say that by not allowing the iPad to run a full-on variant of Mac OSX, at least Apple has tried to drive home the fact that it is a distinct device, more closely aligned with the iPhone/Touch than any Mac laptop or desktop.
  • Reply 110 of 127
    Originally Posted by Bibbler View Post

    Oh Yes, Everyone agrees!!!! Every company in the world is "crap" except Apple!! Yes, that was a fabulous POST!!!! Obvious a real Intelligent person posted that!!!

    Just out of curiosity, are you going to try out for the Jr. High Football team next year when you are old enough?

    I don't have the physique to be in football. Otherwise I might have.
  • Reply 111 of 127
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    This is a concern, and one which I share. But speaking for myself (not you, anantksundaram) is this also elitist thinking, to be worried about them? I.e., how are the presumed ignorati at Walmart going to know how to get the iPad hooked up and running?

    Everybody do a survey at their local Target/Walmart and see who's buying them. And who's selling them.

    'Ignorati' are not merely a Walmart phenomenon.

    The issue here is the quality of the sales-people. (It's likely the same issue with Target or Best Buy).
  • Reply 112 of 127
    I don't really foresee anyone getting confused over Apple's brand image or that of their products. When their prices start to dip, then you can start arguing this until you're blue in the face, but as long as they remain where they are,

    The fact that the iPod and now the iPhone has become so ubiquitous makes Apple a mass-market CE like it or not, just like another user said. With that in mind, it would be to Apple's advantage to give their product as much exposure as possible - what better way to do that than through WallyWorld??
  • Reply 113 of 127
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Bibbler View Post

    Oh Yes, Everyone agrees!!!! Every company in the world is "crap" except Apple!! Yes, that was a fabulous POST!!!! Obvious a real Intelligent person posted that!!!

    Just out of curiosity, are you going to try out for the Jr. High Football team next year when you are old enough?

    Someday you may have an argument rather than an ad hominen attack.

    Well, probably not. But, try.
  • Reply 114 of 127
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,778member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    What do you think I was using?

    I was clarifying as many know I am an ex Brit. I wasn't intending to infer you weren't.
  • Reply 115 of 127
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Are the Philippines Walmarts not very nice?

    On a more serious level, I left the UK over 20 years ago and I had thought I had left behind class snobbery but I see it is alive and well here in the good old USA too. \

    Except in the US it's called "being hip" rather than about "being classy"

    Yeah, I think theoretically Apple shouldn't sell Apple gear anywhere outside of Apple Stores.

    BTW WHERE IS THE iPAD FOR ALL THE OTHER, oh, 70 COUNTRIES where it hasn't launched yet?

    I'm sad Wallmart gets it first before Phillipines, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea or whatever.
  • Reply 116 of 127
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Somebody tell me what's wrong with this picture of the iPad rollout:

    -Apple began taking pre-orders for the iPad from U.S. customers on March 12, 2010.

    -The Wi-Fi version of the iPad went on sale in the United States on April 3, 2010.

    -The Wi-Fi + 3G version was released on April 30.

    -The iPad was launched in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom on May 28.

    -Apple released the iPad in Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand and Singapore on 23 July 2010.

    -On September 17, 2010 the iPad officially launched in China.

    Let's see.

    March 12 pre-orders, April 3 wifi, April 30th wifi+3g shipping in USA. Australia and Europe May 28. Okay, so essentially 2 months to launch outside the US. Then another 2 months later, only four small European countries, three small Asia Pacific countries. Then yet another agonising 2 months later, only China.

    At this pace of the rollout the international launch of iPad seems to be slowing down!

    Something is going on. Something, magical, in the background. iPad 2 has been ramping up for global launches?!!!

    Can anybody make sense of what is happening? I've been observing for a while, in 2nd half of calendar 2010 I am modelling 3 million iPads per month sold.

    But Apple being so quiet on the International front (remember non-US revenue can roughly be half of all revenue) means something is brewing.
  • Reply 117 of 127
    applappl Posts: 348member
    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    People are simply ill-informed because they think it takes a lot of effort to figure out the basics. This is absolutely not the case but what are you going to do?

    Sell them Apple products. The best computer for them.
  • Reply 118 of 127
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Somebody tell me what's wrong with this picture of the iPad rollout:

    -Apple began taking pre-orders for the iPad from U.S. customers on March 12, 2010.

    -The Wi-Fi version of the iPad went on sale in the United States on April 3, 2010.

    -The Wi-Fi + 3G version was released on April 30.

    -The iPad was launched in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom on May 28.

    -Apple released the iPad in Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand and Singapore on 23 July 2010.

    -On September 17, 2010 the iPad officially launched in China.

    Let's see.

    March 12 pre-orders, April 3 wifi, April 30th wifi+3g shipping in USA. Australia and Europe May 28. Okay, so essentially 2 months to launch outside the US. Then another 2 months later, only four small European countries, three small Asia Pacific countries. Then yet another agonising 2 months later, only China.

    At this pace of the rollout the international launch of iPad seems to be slowing down!

    Something is going on. Something, magical, in the background. iPad 2 has been ramping up for global launches?!!!

    Can anybody make sense of what is happening? I've been observing for a while, in 2nd half of calendar 2010 I am modelling 3 million iPads per month sold.

    But Apple being so quiet on the International front (remember non-US revenue can roughly be half of all revenue) means something is brewing.

    I don't understand what it is that has you thinking anything is amiss. Apple wants to ensure that it can meet demand in the markets that it has launched in. It is methodically managing the rollout to avoid problems.

    As for iPad 2 coming sooner than later, what manufacturer with a runaway hit on its hands is going to be in a rush to revamp said product. If Apple is selling far more of these devices than it expected, ride this thing for a while and make boatloads of money.

    Let the competition plan out a response to the current iPad while Apple works on what's next. Keep in mind that most competitors have yet to come to market with their tablets. So let iPad Version 1 be the target through the balance of this calendar year. Once iPad Version 2 hits the streets, likely early next year. competitors will have gotten so far along in developing their tablets that it will be too late to react to the new version through the first half of 2011.This way, Apple remains one step ahead, much as it has been with its iPod line. If Apple were to rush out iPad Version 2, the advantage would go to the competition in that their first attempts would take into consideration what Apple will be selling for the rest of this year and the first half of 2011. Now all the competition can do is react to what Apple willing be selling through the rest of 2010, only their products will come to market next year when it will be iPad Version 2 on sale, not the first-gen model.

    I just don't see a new version of the iPad this holiday season. It's not like 2011 is far away. We're talking a few months.

    By the way, so far, whatever I've predicted is going to happen, Apple has done the opposite.
  • Reply 119 of 127
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Are the Philippines Walmarts not very nice?

    On a more serious level, I left the UK over 20 years ago and I had thought I had left behind class snobbery but I see it is alive and well here in the good old USA too. \

    I am not a snob but if you know anything about marketing this is not a good strategy for apple. Stick to your resellers not use Target or walmart to carry your products. Apple supposedly is a high end name in the computer industry and by downgrading it to walmart where you can buy fruits and cheap electronics the name apple loses it's prestige a lot and people eventually will lose their admiration for this company.Is Jobs that hard up for profits? Walmart is not in the Philippines .Another thing the people at walmart are underpaid what they do I know this for a fact.
  • Reply 120 of 127
    The local Walmart at APG, MD already has the iPads. I was surprised to see them there already...
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